Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Using Astrology for Profiling Criminal Energy

Astrology serves as a very potent tool for identifying the sort of personal energy that has significant predisposition towards criminal behaviour

There are consistently found indicators that raise red flags enabling greater focus to be placed on those with high risk indicators.
Not only does this type of profiling consider the energy on the person's birth date but also factors in the energy which is currently in effect when the offending occurs.
By pattern-matching it can be seen whether the activating energies at the time of the criminal event are relevant to a particular person -and in this way people of lower probability can be eliminated or given lesser priority as suspects.

Because abuse of power is a major issue for our times it is critical that we understand power and how to manage it -whether that be the disempowerment we inflict on others or the disempowerment we suffer.
Using a system of knowledge developed over millennia astrology serves as a language for interpreting energy and it has the potential to transcend the insights of psychological or psychoanalytical methods and is extra powerful in the hands of psychologically trained astrologers.

Posted May 2023

Jemma Mitchell sentenced to Life Imprisonment for the murder of Malaysian woman “Deborah” Mee Kuen Chong 

Offence:  June 11 2021 London.

Arrest: July 6 2021

Sentenced:  October 28 2022.

Mitchell -definitely very academically accomplished - was qualified in human sciences including human anatomy and dissection.

She later qualified in Osteopathy.

Meeting the victim Deborah at the church they both attended as “devout Christians” Mitchell entered into a therapeutic role with Deborah [described as sweet childlike and prone to paranoid schizophrenia ] 

Mitchell took on a spiritual healer role .

Mitchell managed to receive an offer of 200,000 pounds sterling as a gift from Deborah  - having expressed that the money was needed to renovate the London home occupied by Mitchell and her mother.

Deborah then withdrew the offer.

This it seems evoked the the murder motive. 

Evidence was found that Mitchell had also forged a will to claim 95% of Deborah’s estate for herself and 5% for her mother.

The date of birth for Jemma Mitchell points to factors that have magnified the potential for pathological criminal behaviour

Born 22 July 1984 

The standout planetary complex involves 3 factors all connected at 29 degrees

Sun 29 Cancer

Neptune 29 Sagittarius

Pluto 29 Libra.

The sextile [60 degree] separation of Neptune and Pluto is an enduring pattern which many people have without becoming psychopaths. 

What increases potentials is a third factor –here the Sun – which aggravates the energy mix – especially if the Sun is 90 degrees square to one of the outer planets.

Here Sun is square Pluto.

Likely a family pattern of unhealthy manipulative controlling behaviour along with ideas feeding into those behaviours that are divorced from reality – the Neptune in Sagittarius qualities.

No surprise that Scorpio is also in the mix: Mars and Saturn – making it likely that dealing with death is in some or other context is commonplace especially if the other outlet – sexual expression – is not a healthy part of life. Some will combine the two -  sex and death – intensely.

The stress said to accrue for Mitchell around money and driving her to commit a crime described as born of greed looks to have come from Moon in Taurus undermined by Saturn in opposition in Scorpio – or involving the Mars-Saturn midpoint around 14 Scorpio opposite the Taurus Moon which would indicate a very strong drive to meet a primal need at all costs.

Saturn in addition is square Venus in Leo. 

The ability to perform as a nice loving person is a mask covering cold-hearted options including manipulation jealousy revenge and this crime of murder typifies the need to win when control is lost in a situation.

Uranus also plays a role – that rule breaking quality can also be seen to feature in violent criminals and at times of sudden violent behaviour.

Mitchell’s Uranus in Sagittarius is closely linked to Saturn Venus and is in the same mind-related sign as Neptune. All this adds a willful entitlement into the psychological appraisal of interpersonal dynamics.

This is not a full analysis due to no birth-time and more can be said re her overall traits but the factors outlined  point to a personality that has high capacity to exhibit mentally unwell narcissistic manipulative and ultimately annihilating/homicidal behaviour. 

Overall the patterns identified as imprinted on the day of birth for Jemma Mitchell amount to a high risk personality experienced both internally and expressed externally

Unusually 3 eclipses preceded her birth:

The May lunar eclipse 24 Scorpio squared her 26 Leo Mercury – 

The May solar eclipse 9 Gemini opposed her Uranus and connects to her Saturn and Venus

The June lunar eclipse 23 Sagittarius trined her 26 Leo Mercury

And natal Mercury is trined to natal Neptune 29 Sagittarius –  as first noted Neptune is part of a damaged and damaging Neptune-Pluto-Sun psychological disposition.

This case is very worth including in astrological criminal profiling as females are not known to feature highly in murder cases comparative to males and though we can see how Scorpio energy has many potentials for dangerous expression there are homicidal cases where the Scorpio drive is revenge and or greed-based rather than an overt crime of sexual violence plus homicide.

Crimes committed by male versus female brains can show distinctly different motivations but greed is a shared drive irrespective of gender.

The factor of "the eyes" was mentioned by a neighbour of Mitchell in Australia - which leads us into the next brief profile: Charles Manson

Natural born killer Charles Manson has an incredible collection of factors which led to him orchestrating mass murder, using "disciples" to carry out his deranged prophecies.
He was convicted of multiple counts of murder.
Manson has four factors in Scorpio including Sun Mercury Venus and Jupiter. This gave him an exaggerated focus on death and sex. The Moon and Saturn in Aquarius gave him the emotional deficiency and antisocial perspective to pursue a path of chaos and carnage. Violence was always on the agenda with Uranus in Aries in conflict with Pluto in Cancer. Fundamentally he had no love of family and connection and this allowed hatred and destruction to unfold using women to carry out his mass homicides. The killings occurred on August 8-9 1969 - just 3 weeks after the  Moon landing and one week before Woodstock - 2 other historic American experiences that managed to capture the most idealistic of the prevailing energy of the summer of '69. For Manson the killing spree was a time when his worst homicidal fantasies would be unleashed.
From birth his male energy was underdeveloped due to Saturn squaring the Sun and Neptune exact conjunct Mars.
Drugs fantasy delusion and psychosis were the extreme refuge for him having Neptune and Mars both channeling the forces of Uranus and Pluto. These outer planets can bring enlightenment when occupying a being disposed to goodness. In Manson the most potent planetary forces in our galaxy could only create major dysfunction death and tragedy.
Click to enlarge Manson's birth chart.

Update August 2019:Having just watched the doco Manson the Lost Tapes it is clear how directly Manson instructed his young killers in the arts of slaughter - especially the use of Bowie knives - and criminal entry. He was basically a career criminal who presented himself as a Messiah while hatching plans for Satanic revenge against whoever had wronged or intimidated him. Only 5ft 2" in height and easily bullied he started on this mindset of payback from a very young age.
The murders carried out this young puppets (the four main players ranged from around 20-24 years old in August '69) were extremely brutal. Van Houten Atkins Krenwinkel and Watson we're all convicted for their roles with arguably the latter two being the most brutal. The typical aggressive homicidal and unfeeling indicators show up in all 4: strong energies of Pluto Mars Saturn. If not already inherently demonic they all easily became so under the influence of Manson's mezmerizing charismatic personality. But Manson was an extreme survivalist using control and manipulation to achieve the revenge his narcissistic personality demanded. His protegees wore gang style sleeveless jackets with back patches reading Satan's Maiden Death Valley. The truth was clearly written.

Over a period of years this site has featured several posts relating to criminal profiling - with the first one attracting considerable ongoing interest in the past 5 years.
The posts are collated in this one for easy reference.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...