Thursday, 30 January 2014

Cruel, Nasty & Criminal Energy - astro-profiling

It seems humanity is continually in a struggle
 between good and evil

Astrological profiling is a very revealing methodology for identifying energies which are more likely to express as cruel, nasty, manipulative, abusive, domineering and to cascade into violent criminal offending of the grossest kind.

People with hi-risk profiles of this kind may walk a fine line, avoiding judicial consequences on multiple occasions for their criminal conduct due to lack of evidence or testimony -intimidation being a well-used device to ward off accountability. 
Others can contain their behaviour for the large part on account of their highly developed fantasy life -which may forestall the actual acting out of violent criminal acts. These people are walking time-bombs though, like fuel waiting for ignition. Their capacity to contain their violent drives has limits and when that point is breached, mayhem can readily follow, in the territory of murder, torture, rape.
What upsets the volatile people in this category the most is perceived loss of power -since their grip on inner power is negligible they live their lives dominating others and maintaining control to the point of obsession over as much of their life and interactions, as they can.
This behaviour does not represent strength. It represents weakness and that rawness when exposed is what catapults the psyche into meltdown & responses more associated with rampaging primates than with a human raised in society.

The Astrological Factors:

Dates related to the birth of people who end up showing extreme violent, cruel and nasty energy show repeated themes when the astrological energies are identified.
Read several examples in the extra references appended*
Mental violence is often seen as worse than physical but very similar underlying traits are encountered.

Here is a very interesting date related to a Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in November 1967
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Nov 2 1967

The chart is clickable so you can view in another window
The energies surrounding this event are particularly disturbing and would particularly affect anyone born anywhere in the world on that day -the closer the birth to 6am UK time or the equivalent time in New Zealand 6pm -  as two examples - the stronger the pattern, though the general propensities identified still apply - even more intensely than usual with this being a total eclipse event

Astrological Notes
Factors of interest:
The SUN, MOON and MERCURY are all tightly conjoined in SCORPIO
PLUTO,VENUS & URANUS tightly conjoined in VIRGO with CHIRON in opposition
Saturn in ARIES is in a tight right angle to MARS in Capricorn
The Lunar Nodes are in the ARIES-LIBRA polarity

SCORPIO is THE zodiac signpost re issues of power/power abuse. 
It is the life path of these people to understand power and use it in a manner that does not use/abuse others.
Significant Scorpio energy is repeatedly encountered in people involved in sex offending, and ruthless power-seeking, where other chart factors support this outcome

PLUTO is THE planetary force which channels the potentials of Scorpio so we look to the role Pluto plays.
Here it is in coalition with Venus [relating] and Uranus [unusual] in VIRGO as well as this trio opposing Chiron [woundedness] in PISCES
On this day this combination has a signature of intense deep-seated woundedness regarding an early relationship connection of extreme contrasts, from intense to distant. This reduces the ability to have sensitivity towards others.
The resulting early confusion [Pisces] leading later to extreme over-analysis [Virgo] and a highly critical position in interacting with others.
NEPTUNE links to all the four planets in this grouping. 
Being in Scorpio the capacity for sexual and or control fantasies is enhanced, feeding off detailed acts of control,revenge,domination. In addition fantasies revolve around sexual practices which express the unusual/unconventional [Uranus] - everything on the spectrum from homosexual, underage  & group sex to fetishistic acts with or without another person

MARS is the expression of the yang assertive drive more comfortably expressed by males.
Here Mars is conflicted by a repressive SATURN in ARIES. Usually this signifies a domineering father figure. A cruel and aggressive streak is generated by this pattern but operating from weakness, cowardice.

Both PLUTO in association with VENUS and SATURN linked to MARS are commonly found hallmarks in those who abuse others and express acts of cruelty

THE LUNAR NODES indicate what major development is important during this lifetime.
Here they are in ARIES-LIBRA - the self and the other. This means the development of a healthy self identity is required along with the capacity to operate in partnership with others. Struggles will arise in this territory if related planets are conflicted -and it is clear that conflicted energy is affecting both VENUS and MARS in this chart.

Those people born November 2 1967 who are most impacted by the patterns outlined represent a grouping of individuals with significant relating dyfunctionality.
The issues arising from early developmental emotional wounding combined with a revenge and control disposition make such persons prone to ongoing relationship conflicts.
A ruthless streak combined with detachment combine to undermine the capacity for empathy.
A significant pressure valve is utilised in the form of fantasy or devious revenge or control methods, as well as generally sustained on a mental level in the form of written or spoken attacks and criticisms.
There is the hallmark of cowardice indicated and commonly noted in those of a bullying disposition who target those seen as easy prey.
Obsession is a trait linked to Scorpio-Pluto energies and this example reinforces the destructive potential of this quality when linked to the manner of interacting with others.
If the capacity were there to act out physically the violence experienced on a mental level, people in this grouping would be known for direct involvement in related crime. Instead they are more likely to instigate others to act for them.

To illustrate further, the Scottish killer Robert Mone committed atrocities in the time frame of the November 1967 eclipse period shown in the chart above
On 1 November 1967, armed with a shotgun, Mone entered a girls' needlework class at St John's School. He subjected the 14- and 15-year-old pupils and their pregnant teacher, Nanette Hanson, to a 1½-hour ordeal, before shooting Hanson dead, raping one girl, and sexually assaulting another.
No birthdate can be located for Mone but this example shows how the potent potentials of the eclipse resonated so strongly with a person who already had the capacity for extreme violence. His father and sister were also both convicted of violent crimes.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...