Updates from relevant news events have been inserted.
In 2014 a grand domino effect can be identified as one strong pattern of activating energy trips the next in a long sequence with August looking likely to hog a lot of the drama.
On the level of human life and society we continue in 2014 to undergo massive pressure to change, to redress our imbalances affecting social existence, economies, political management, financial infrastructure.
The natural world is synchronistically expressing its deficits and excesses. The process proceeds with more turbulence on offer.2013 was noted as a tough year by many and the natural expectation is that fate, destiny karma has something of a regular alternating flow, that good and easy naturally follows tough.
Hang in there folks because the rough ride is far from over
My post dated October 2013 also forecast significant environmental extremes for 2014
How it looks from Space 2014
Part One
This month-by-month summary of some standout space events identified through astro-analysis covers the period January-August 2014 inclusive in terms of effects experienced on Earth in diverse locations.
AUGUST is really the month to watch - but before then, several periods show extreme signatures
Note that quoted dates are a guide to a period of effect that builds some 3 days prior & can remain in an active phase for 3 days after.
In addition the exact mathematical position of the New, Full or eclipse event can be retriggered by subsequent occupation of that position by a different planet
eg April 15 2014 total lunar eclipse at 25 Libra will be retriggered on July 16-17 2014 by Mars 25 Libra -with related effects.
Extreme weather particularly in the northern Hemisphere at the beginning of the month shows what effects a Supermoon in closer than normal proximity to Earth can do to natural forces on the planet
Days surrounding end of month - 30th - New Moon have strong activation signatures associated with severe to extreme weather events; earth crustal strain = seismic, volcanic risks enhanced.
This energy extends into early February
[New Moon position = Galactic Centre activation at semisquare angle; Jupiter opposite Pluto.]
See End of January effects as February begins
Watch & note any strong weather developments on 8th-9th as they have a later relevance
Last week of February merging into March is another period to observe strong-severe indicators
[New Moon; Venus-Mars-lunar nodes in synergy ;Jupiter square Uranus]
March 1 New Moon period opens the month with energy begun end of February being sustained.
Influences remain strong till Full Moon and energised beyond this period
In the news March 4-5:
Christchurch NZ suffers extreme flooding event after gale force battering
March 16 Full Moon: significant extreme weather indicators extend through month
[New Moon, Full Moon Galactic Centre activation; Jupiter square Uranus]
In the News March 14:
On March 15 2014 New Zealand anticipates being subjected to the extreme forces of tropical cyclone Lusi.
Earlier in the week:3 fatalities in Pacific island Vanuatu from cyclone affecting large numbers in the western south Pacific region
Earlier in the week:3 fatalities in Pacific island Vanuatu from cyclone affecting large numbers in the western south Pacific region
March 30 New Moon Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto all in synergy with extreme tensions - Sun joins Moon & Uranus with this trio at 90 degree angle to Pluto and to Jupiter - which are in opposition. A recipe for imbalanced natural forces causing mayhem
[news update March 31 - quake energy elevated in the US and New Zealand
The influences from late March flow over into early April with the Sun-Uranus, Jupiter-Pluto pairings maintaining their rampage
[Sun is conjunct Uranus with both at right angles to the Jupiter-Pluto opposition]
The warning of "unbalanced natural forces causing mayhem" resumes strong effects through this month
[update 1. April 1 Chile experiences M8.2 quake and tsunami at 18.46 local time offshore from Iquique. An extreme seismic event is consistent with the forecasted mega-forces prevailing
update 2 April 3 Panama experiences M6 quake
![]() |
Thousands left homeless]
April 15 -the first eclipse of 2014 is a full moon total lunar associated with Uranus-Mercury, Jupiter-Pluto pairings sustaining the potent unbalanced atmospheric and stress forces swirling around Earth.
Strong effects including extreme weather and seismic events are regularly noted around full moons, eclipses - especially when other planetary alignments link mathematically to the sun-moon pairing.
Mainstream science only looks at separate details & fails to see the solar system as constantly integrated, inseparable with feedback between all elements ongoing
In the days building to the eclipse: [when events often occur]
April 12: Queensland, Australia spared full effects of category 5 Cyclone Ita but wind & rainfall were strong
April 13 Solomon Islands, Papua region & Iquique,Chile very seismically active as seen in this list of recent high magnitude quakes
update: April 17-18 -New Zealand feels the strong force of ex-Tropical Cyclone Ita coming from the North, bringing gale force winds and driving rain causing flash flooding- North Is report South Island report
update April 20
The number of high magnitude quakes [M6+] in the past week is worth noting
Extreme Easter storms in New Zealand -Canterbury West Coast
Piers Corbyn of Weather Action points out the synchronicity [and relevance] of the M7.3 solar flare on April 18. with subsequent geomagnetic effects on April 20 [known to have significant weather effects]
From April 21 & over several days now Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto form a Cardinal Cross = all four planets linked in connected signs -and at one point joined by the Moon - all tightly bound in the 13-14 degree range. Political,economic & social crises are potentials along with the disturbances in natural forces
Pluto-Uranus reach their 5th exact 90 degree square [since 2012] and are associated with major upheaval & transformational even revolutionary changes.
News updates
April 21 ethnic massacre in South Sudan
April 22 Violent protests in Rio
April 25 solar X flare [X 1.3] - (strong flare events on the sun have an impact on the earth environment)
April 27: severe storm events & extreme rainfall reported in diverse locations [ US tornado storm in Arkansas & southern-central US; storm in northern Bangldesh; extreme rainfall southern New Zealand
May 2014
Flow on effects especially from Pluto-Uranus are likely to be evident in May
June 2014
Mars further stirs up the Pluto-Uranus effects and Jupiter is exact square on the lunar nodal axis in the last week of June: expect extreme events
[update June 24: high intensity seismic activity commences]
July and August promise to raise the intensity stakes even higher both environmentally & in human affairs
July 2014
Extreme forces under tension prevail throughout July and into August.
This influence is strong around the July 12 Full Moon & extends days later to a Sun-Jupiter alignment mixed with Mars and the lunar nodes
In the last week of July: Neptune links to the lunar nodes aggravating the issue of water balance/imbalance = too much vs too little
[Saturn-Uranus; Full Moon; Sun-Jupiter-Mars-Nodes; Neptune-Nodes
update July 23
July has become the horror month of 2014 with the mass deaths associated with the downing of flight MH17 and with Israel's assault on Gaza -read extra analysis & extended account here
update July 29
Sussex, Essex, London all affected by freak weather with torrential rain, flash flooding. More than half the average total rain for England in July fell in an hour in some areas, the Met Office said. Reported 28 July by BBC
Supermoon August 2014
August is a life-changing month for many in 2014 and for a significant number that means literally death -transcending physical existence for the metaphysical.
The prevailing combination of energies are a significant death indicator - likely on mass scales; high drama, death by fire, in military contexts and at the hands of violent individuals - or at the very least major transformations affecting particular people and places.
[Due to individual differences identified in personal profiles -always there are some primarily & directly affected; others have secondary or tertiary effects. It is all about degrees of separation.
As an example: the person who is violently assaulted has the primary effect; the person who assists them in their injured state gets the secondary effect; the person who watches or reads the news coverage gets the tertiary effect.]
Sun in Leo is a heart energy and connects to children, creativity, love. Difficult and life threatening energies are affecting those matters.
A spike in coronary health crises is likely.
Broken hearts due to love gone cold.
Grief from death of a loved one.
Children are extra vulnerable.
Artists facing creative blocks.
Arson and destruction by fire and other forms of aggressively destructive conduct.
Uncontrolled ego and narcissism underlie much of the extreme and survivalist behaviour generated under this Supermoon's effects.
Possession and control via annihilation.
[with scores of children already killed in Gaza during July under the military attacks from Israel, it is very concerning that this location could continue to "earth" the destructive force of the Supermoon pattern which will begin to be activated by pre-triggers from early August -well in advance of the exactitude on August 10]
There are also many extreme weather indicators associated with this Supermoon so relevant environmental hazards in your location need to be anticipated.
Where is the individual in all this?
Each of us is affected by the significant period of social, economic,political,environmental disruption we are experiencing 2012-2016 -it is simply a matter of degrees of intensity across different people in different places.
The process is about rebalancing energies and each of us is pressured in some way to address this question: where in my life do I need to make changes in order to live my life more harmoniously with others and with the natural world?

The folowing factors underlie the analysis given in the above section for general readers.
Sun,Mercury, Earth & Moon form a tight alignment on August 10-11 with Saturn at a right angle to this collection plus Mars forms a right angle to Jupiter
[ Degree positions at exact Full Moon = Sun-Moon 18 Leo-Aquarius; Mercury 20 Leo; Saturn 17 Scorpio; Earth 18 Aquarius; Mars 8 Scorpio; Jupiter 5 Leo.
The fixed signs [Leo-Aqaurius-Scorpio] being very dominant give a strong survivalist theme and prevalent extremism
The Neptune issues of water imbalance continue into August & feature in the Full Moon pattern of August 10
This is no ordinary Full Moon
- it is the closest Moon to earth in 2014 and so has stronger potentials
- This Full Moon is a severely aggravated one
- Saturn sits square on to the Sun, Moon, Earth and Mercury
[Saturn Scorpio vs Sun-Mercury in Leo; Moon, Earth in Aquarius]
- Add to this potency Mars squared off with Jupiter in another Leo-Scorpio combustion
Bu there is far more complexity & intensity here than a general readership can digest.
Keen observers will note:
- the Uranus-node midpoint activating the horizontal axis
- Multiple GC - Galactic Centre [27 SAG] - activations including Sun-Moon-Mercury midpoints to Mars; Venus & Jupiter midpoints to the MC; Jupiter-Saturn midpoint; Uranus-Neptune midpoint; Neptune Node midpoint.
- The more the channels to the Galactic Centre are activated the more extreme events, including weather, arise]
Part Two (Sept-Oct-Nov-Dec 2014)
October stands out for two reasons:the eclipses of the sun and moon
Falling after 3 successive Supermoons, the eclipses add further turbulence and geophysical strain into the earth terrestrial and atmospheric environment
The October 23 partial solar eclipse with sun, moon, Venus conjunct in Scorpio highlights the transformational and death signatures of that sign.
Issues of power, power abuse, disempowerment are strongly implicated in Scorpionic themes
What adds a strong environmental punch to this eclipse is the exact positioning of Mars on the Galactic Centre 27 Sagittarius. This degree position is highly sensitive to power planets starting from Mars & all further ones in outer orbit.
The Moon at 12 Scorpio on Oct 24 will intensify Mars' unleashing of galactic level forces - which on earth manifest as intense storm effects and further terrestrial strain adding to the flow-on effects of the October 8 total lunar eclipse - [which has already by October 14 activated significant seismic disturbances in New Zealand, South America]
Due to the 2 eclipses, expect signs of atmospheric/weather turbulence & geophysical strain to be persistent through much of October in vulnerable earth zones
Sydney storm and a massive North Atlantic storm are in news on Oct 15
A surprise blizzard with fatal effects in the Nepali Himalayas reported on Oct 16
Mexico, Hawaii, Bermuda and UK all faced severe storm effects.
Hurricane Gonzalo figured prominently up to October 21
Noting the combining effects of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn adversely angled to Uranus in mid November producing much heat, volatility, pressure and structural strain affecting environmental, terrrestrial and biological systems.
Weaknesses, fractures and undermining effects will in some cases be readily overt, but in others, silent and secretive -so in the context of seismic shifts may become evident with the application of further terrestrial strain with the waxing New Moon of November, from the 19th: the Mars-Pluto combination is adversely angled to the Sun-Moon. The added complication is Mars-Pluto at 90 degrees offset to the lunar nodes which is likely to be profound in effects as a result of the contacts made in the period from Nov 19-Nov till the end of the month.
The Mars-Pluto-Nodes situation has Cardinal group energy and therefore is defined by the issue of BALANCE /IMBALANCE.
This issue underlies extreme weather events and is very relevant in human personal, interpersonal and collective affairs.
Personal relationship dynamics, use/abuse of power in all contexts; political extremism, ruthless ambition
Mars also adversely contacts Neptune which indicates water-related structural effects.
Mars-Neptune elevates trickery, deceit, fraud, illusion, magic, dirty tricks
All combined, the second half of November 2014 has much intensity in human affairs as well as the environmental issues noted.
Effects can be initiated under a particular energetic influence and remain silent or latent until a secondary influence triggers the manifestation - so dates of exact planetary interactions do not automatically show the event described. It depends what prior building conditions were in effect.
Other updates or edits will be made to extend this analysis where necessary
Image credit: A dying star, called the Helix nebula surrounded by the tracks of asteroids: image captured by NASA's WISE
Further Reading
2010-2016 Water issues
The Apocalyptic Era
Extreme Weather
Inequality and the Misuse of Power