The New Moon in Aries on April 10
and the Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on April 25
sum up the strong sex & war themes for April 2013
Lunar events begin their field of influence days before exactitude
& have potentials to be triggered in the lunar month ahead
Aries New Moon keywords:
aggression, bad temper, impatience, impulsiveness, love of danger, speed, excitement, selfish, immature, militaristic urges, weapons, hardware, tools, knives, guns, fire, arson.
This is high testosterone, high adrenalin energy needing a safe outlet - or risky ones will be impatiently selected. Sexual conquests will be on the minds of many. Frustrated drives create anger. Warlike inclinations, aggression, or at the very least military posturing are likely in global flashpoints
Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars all aligned in a tight Aries combo plus Uranus in the same territory.
Venus and Mars conjoined in any sign is hormonally charged but in Aries it is similar to Scorpio -very intent -but without Scorpio's dominance agenda
Venus and Mars conjoined in any sign is hormonally charged but in Aries it is similar to Scorpio -very intent -but without Scorpio's dominance agenda
If April 9,10 or 11 is your birthday you are likely to feel very boosted, fuelled & driven -but avoid excessive risk.
Those born on/around July & Dec 15 [any year] may be most stressed by this shot of adrenal hormone & either act out accordingly or be on the receiving end.
How can you use Aries energy positively?
Brave, fearless and pioneering risk takers, across all fields of experience, also have an important place in human evolution - but those who miscalculate are at risk of attack & injury.
Those born on/around July & Dec 15 [any year] may be most stressed by this shot of adrenal hormone & either act out accordingly or be on the receiving end.
How can you use Aries energy positively?
Brave, fearless and pioneering risk takers, across all fields of experience, also have an important place in human evolution - but those who miscalculate are at risk of attack & injury.
The picture is further complicated by the exact [150 degree angle] Saturn-Uranus alignment on April 13.
These two forces are fundamentally incompatible;
Saturn: control, authority, discipline, restraint, conservatism, a slow, measured response, status quo
Uranus: rebellion, anti-authoritarian drives, suden urges and changes, instability
A familial archetype would be a grandad trying to caution a teenager -and with the current Saturn-Uranus standoff between Aries-Scorpio energies - that might be a warning about birth control/ sexual activities.
But energy dynamics are not one-dimensional so the impulse could initiate from either source or be synchronous.
On the global stage, an angry, aggressive, immature [Aries] rebellious force [Uranus] could act against a perceived powerful established parental overlord -with potential fatal consequences [Saturn in Scorpio]
The already developing irritations between The US & North Korea come to mind, though not exclusively resonant with this energy, in the whole global context.
The already developing irritations between The US & North Korea come to mind, though not exclusively resonant with this energy, in the whole global context.
Observers already have noted April 15 as a possible time for North Korea to make at least a show of force [birthday of prior leader Kim-Il Sung]
update April 15: The Saturn-Uranus pattern was locked in on the 13th but its period of effect is much longer. This alignment of Saturn Uranus is strongly implicated as adding further to aggressive potentials outlined, in respect of the bombing events in Boston -see further below.
update April 12
A strong solar flare M6.5 occurred at 07.16 UT on April 11. This event produced a coronal mass ejection [CME] which will have a disturbing effect on earth's geomagnetic field - particularly from late on April 13 -peaking around 23:00 hrs and into the 14th [universal time]. This produces a geomagnetic storm event with subsequent effects on biological, environmental and electronic systems [ search Sun Flares Earth Storms on this site for background info]
In coinciding with the Saturn-Uranus event and the Aries New Moon period of effect, this adds a more dangerous potential to conditions already outlined. Impulsive, anarchic and hive mind responses are triggered in susceptible people in periods of disturbed geomagnetic energy
update : April 15 2013 Two near simultaneous explosions reported at finish line of Boston Marathon. Injuries and fatalities reported on this Patriots Day event
The explosions occurred at about 2:45 p.m., more than two hours after the first of the race's nearly 27,000 runners had crossed the finish line, CNN Producer Matt Frucci reported.
This development is in keeping with all recent predictions posted here due to the energy of the recent New Moon, the tensions of the Saturn-Uranus standoff, the connection between strong solar flare activity and bombings, and the indicators of the last Full Moon [ posted under March 2013] where it was forecast:
Angry, aggressive & militaristic drives are exaggerated in this phase.
Refer to Boston Bombs astro-analysis on Astroblognz
update April 26 2013
Though Sun and Mars are still close, they are now in Taurus - but still close enough to be having enduring combustible effects - NZ news reports include methamphetamine drug lab explosion; electric power line explosion - plus UK pavement explosion Pimlico London; domestic gas explosion North Toledo; bomb explodes Karachi, Pakistan
update April 15: The Saturn-Uranus pattern was locked in on the 13th but its period of effect is much longer. This alignment of Saturn Uranus is strongly implicated as adding further to aggressive potentials outlined, in respect of the bombing events in Boston -see further below.
updated : In geophysical terms:
Uranus stressing Saturn is sudden change in earth's crustal integrity.
Uranus in fiery Aries has a connection to movements in the hot molten core of earth.
Saturn is the crust and solid layers surrounding the core. Saturn in Scorpio is transformational change. The result = earthquakes and a definite uptick - many over M5.5 in mid-April includes events up to M7.8 in Iran and so far the most fatalities in China - -the enhanced quake period could extend over 6 mnths ahead. USGS records of just the M6+ events within a week:
plus a strong shake in Mexico April 22 makes the recent period very interesting in terms of the bigger picture of widespread crustal movement [ evidence of Uranus-Saturn process]
In environmental terms:
Uranus in Aries is warm wind. Saturn in Scorpio is transformed land - which is likely to dry out and add to drought issues in vulnerable areas - particularly as the pattern ranges over the next 6 months -being exact again in early October 2013 [Saturn 10.27 Scorpio, Uranus 10.27 Aries on October 5]
update April 12
A strong solar flare M6.5 occurred at 07.16 UT on April 11. This event produced a coronal mass ejection [CME] which will have a disturbing effect on earth's geomagnetic field - particularly from late on April 13 -peaking around 23:00 hrs and into the 14th [universal time]. This produces a geomagnetic storm event with subsequent effects on biological, environmental and electronic systems [ search Sun Flares Earth Storms on this site for background info]
![]() |
screenshot from solarham shows green dot earth in the CME plasma cloud at 21:00 UT |
update : April 15 2013 Two near simultaneous explosions reported at finish line of Boston Marathon. Injuries and fatalities reported on this Patriots Day event
The explosions occurred at about 2:45 p.m., more than two hours after the first of the race's nearly 27,000 runners had crossed the finish line, CNN Producer Matt Frucci reported.
This development is in keeping with all recent predictions posted here due to the energy of the recent New Moon, the tensions of the Saturn-Uranus standoff, the connection between strong solar flare activity and bombings, and the indicators of the last Full Moon [ posted under March 2013] where it was forecast:
Angry, aggressive & militaristic drives are exaggerated in this phase.
Refer to Boston Bombs astro-analysis on Astroblognz
update April 26 2013
Though Sun and Mars are still close, they are now in Taurus - but still close enough to be having enduring combustible effects - NZ news reports include methamphetamine drug lab explosion; electric power line explosion - plus UK pavement explosion Pimlico London; domestic gas explosion North Toledo; bomb explodes Karachi, Pakistan
Note: Lunar events have a period of influence from days prior to exactitude, through the lunar month ahead until the next new of full moon -event potential identified are capable of being triggered multiple times in the lunar month period of effect
update April 21 2013 & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse notes
The astrology of sex and war has definitely been reflected in global news - from explosions & war-like scenes in Boston & West, Texas, to actual military encounters in Syria, a swarm of suicide bombings in Iraq, the darker side of male sexual aggression also in the news with the rape of a 5 year old in India, the brutal rape of a researcher in PNG
Mars has left Aries and entered Taurus, as has the Sun - which reduces some but not all of the fiery fuel & combustibility associated with Mars in a prominent alignment.
This situation will extend into the eclipse pattern, where sun, moon, venus, mars and saturn are all connected and Uranus moves on to reconnect potently with Pluto
Essentially a Taurus-Scorpio eclipse but with the bedrock relationship of Uranus to Aquarius and Pluto to Scorpio this energy pattern will resonate strongly with all four of the fixed signs -the fore-mentioned 3 plus Leo.
So fixed-sign themes are on the agenda from the building days prior to exact eclipse on April 25th - for a 6 month time frame.
Money, consumerism, the agricultural & horticultural sectors, the food supply, what we eat, institutional finances, death, use of power, power abuse, violence, sex, sexuality, sexual issues rape, transformational changes, the arts, electronics and inventions, children, dramatic situations, protest, people power...
these are a sprinkling of the enormous bank of keywords of relevance to fixed signs. Astrology is a language - but one like no other. It is simultaneously ancient and futuristic in it's capacity for being a wholistic, multi-referential system. It's relevance will be increasingly be reinforced by further scientific discoveries related to the wholistic, quantum nature of reality - consistent with the perpetual teachings of Buddhist philosophy.
The sort of mind required to comprehend astrology, Buddhist concepts and quantum reality is one capable of whole brain processing - the wholistic mind.
The involvement of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in the mix adds stress factors to the keyword interpretations making it more likely that difficult and destructive experiences related to those categories are prominent -eg deaths related to food consumption -particularly throat constriction i.e. choking and violence/death involving strangulation; death by hanging; problems related to greed. Issues around power, control, possessiveness, jealousy
Difficulties and lessons arise in order to change and grow [a slow process with stubborn fixed signs] The fundamental Taurus security issues that relate to possession, ownership, possessiveness, jealousy, greed are based on erroneous thinking: that anything external makes a scrap of difference - because it is internal, or more accurately energetic power [Scorpio] which is the only effective state of balance, based on a state of mind that knows its inherent and natural relationship and connectedness to all things. But even Scorpios abuse their energetic power if they are yet to see the bigger picture [ accessed via Sagittarian consciousness]
So with people operating at all different levels of awareness - individual experiences with the Taurus-Scorpio issues will range from the most basic food, sex and money issues/problems right through to those seeking self discipline in food, consumption, hedonism in general including sex. There will be millions occupying both camps but few seeking the ultimate goal of energy mastery via mind training.
Accordingly, as is the state of humanity most news in the effective period will cover difficulties people experience at the fundamental levels of energy misuse.
We are in a period of evolutionary shift due to the Uranus-Pluto combination, but not predominantly in the nature of physical evolution as in the past. 2012 marked the beginning of an evolutionary shift in consciousness which will be the hallmark of the coming Aquarian Age where the emphasis is primarily on the mind and the non-material - and digital, data, electronic versus the body and objects so fixated upon under the influence of prior earth-focussed cycles -which held reign from 1802 up until 1981 [aside from a materialistic anomaly in the present period influencing the period May 2000 till late Dec 2020]. This transition phase will see the new focus growing away from the old. By 2020 humanity faces another extensive period of emphasis away from things and concerned with ideas, concepts, information, relating.
update April 21 2013 & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse notes
The astrology of sex and war has definitely been reflected in global news - from explosions & war-like scenes in Boston & West, Texas, to actual military encounters in Syria, a swarm of suicide bombings in Iraq, the darker side of male sexual aggression also in the news with the rape of a 5 year old in India, the brutal rape of a researcher in PNG
Mars has left Aries and entered Taurus, as has the Sun - which reduces some but not all of the fiery fuel & combustibility associated with Mars in a prominent alignment.
This situation will extend into the eclipse pattern, where sun, moon, venus, mars and saturn are all connected and Uranus moves on to reconnect potently with Pluto
Essentially a Taurus-Scorpio eclipse but with the bedrock relationship of Uranus to Aquarius and Pluto to Scorpio this energy pattern will resonate strongly with all four of the fixed signs -the fore-mentioned 3 plus Leo.
So fixed-sign themes are on the agenda from the building days prior to exact eclipse on April 25th - for a 6 month time frame.
Money, consumerism, the agricultural & horticultural sectors, the food supply, what we eat, institutional finances, death, use of power, power abuse, violence, sex, sexuality, sexual issues rape, transformational changes, the arts, electronics and inventions, children, dramatic situations, protest, people power...
these are a sprinkling of the enormous bank of keywords of relevance to fixed signs. Astrology is a language - but one like no other. It is simultaneously ancient and futuristic in it's capacity for being a wholistic, multi-referential system. It's relevance will be increasingly be reinforced by further scientific discoveries related to the wholistic, quantum nature of reality - consistent with the perpetual teachings of Buddhist philosophy.
The sort of mind required to comprehend astrology, Buddhist concepts and quantum reality is one capable of whole brain processing - the wholistic mind.
The involvement of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in the mix adds stress factors to the keyword interpretations making it more likely that difficult and destructive experiences related to those categories are prominent -eg deaths related to food consumption -particularly throat constriction i.e. choking and violence/death involving strangulation; death by hanging; problems related to greed. Issues around power, control, possessiveness, jealousy
Difficulties and lessons arise in order to change and grow [a slow process with stubborn fixed signs] The fundamental Taurus security issues that relate to possession, ownership, possessiveness, jealousy, greed are based on erroneous thinking: that anything external makes a scrap of difference - because it is internal, or more accurately energetic power [Scorpio] which is the only effective state of balance, based on a state of mind that knows its inherent and natural relationship and connectedness to all things. But even Scorpios abuse their energetic power if they are yet to see the bigger picture [ accessed via Sagittarian consciousness]
So with people operating at all different levels of awareness - individual experiences with the Taurus-Scorpio issues will range from the most basic food, sex and money issues/problems right through to those seeking self discipline in food, consumption, hedonism in general including sex. There will be millions occupying both camps but few seeking the ultimate goal of energy mastery via mind training.
Accordingly, as is the state of humanity most news in the effective period will cover difficulties people experience at the fundamental levels of energy misuse.
We are in a period of evolutionary shift due to the Uranus-Pluto combination, but not predominantly in the nature of physical evolution as in the past. 2012 marked the beginning of an evolutionary shift in consciousness which will be the hallmark of the coming Aquarian Age where the emphasis is primarily on the mind and the non-material - and digital, data, electronic versus the body and objects so fixated upon under the influence of prior earth-focussed cycles -which held reign from 1802 up until 1981 [aside from a materialistic anomaly in the present period influencing the period May 2000 till late Dec 2020]. This transition phase will see the new focus growing away from the old. By 2020 humanity faces another extensive period of emphasis away from things and concerned with ideas, concepts, information, relating.
update April 26 2013
To reinforce the intensity of Aries energy during April 2013 -the declinations graph provided by Moontracks shows how Sun, Venus, Mars all occupied at times the same celestial latitude [parallel declination] in relationship to earth plus Mercury was in the mirror position [south, contra-parallel, April 6] - making the emphasis on Aries even stronger -no wonder all manner of combustible and aggressive events have been noted across the globe.
At the end of April Sun and Mars remain in close parallel, maintaining the Aries theme, despite both being in Taurus
The holographic nature of the solar system means themes can be identified using diverse methods - simple or complex and whether that is in individual or event analysis. - visit Moontracks
To reinforce the intensity of Aries energy during April 2013 -the declinations graph provided by Moontracks shows how Sun, Venus, Mars all occupied at times the same celestial latitude [parallel declination] in relationship to earth plus Mercury was in the mirror position [south, contra-parallel, April 6] - making the emphasis on Aries even stronger -no wonder all manner of combustible and aggressive events have been noted across the globe.
At the end of April Sun and Mars remain in close parallel, maintaining the Aries theme, despite both being in Taurus
The holographic nature of the solar system means themes can be identified using diverse methods - simple or complex and whether that is in individual or event analysis. - visit Moontracks
update May 3 2013
In keeping with the significant Aries energy prevailing in April, the UN has noted April 2013 as the most violent in almost 5 years, in Iraq - report
In keeping with the significant Aries energy prevailing in April, the UN has noted April 2013 as the most violent in almost 5 years, in Iraq - report