Monday, 2 July 2018

Lessons in Relating -Dissolving Fixed Patterns July 2018 eclipse

Humanity's biggest challenge lies in the territory of relating: all of the Cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn have this as their core essence and these signs being structural markers of the four seasons show how intrinsic in nature this balancing of forces is, of necessity
the four seasons corresponding to the 4 Cardinal signs

July 2018 at mid-month New Moon features firstly a potent cardinal sign solar eclipse with Sun Moon in Cancer directly opposite Pluto in Capricorn.
Saturn in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries lock in a strongly overriding theme of relating through the 6 month period of effect.

As typical with eclipses pre-triggers reveal the theme in advance

"significant events cast their shadow before them" 

US 2018: children separated from immigrant parents

In America the nation [echoed by the observing world] arose in mass protest over the hardline Trump policy of separating and placing children in cages & in internment camps as highly punitive method of dealing with illegal immigration.

The Cancer-Capricorn themes stand out immediately - families, parents, housing - as people outside of the US southern border seek to relocate for better opportunities to raise their families. The hardline energy arises under Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Chiron in Aries shows how wounded people feel by being treated inhumanely.

So with this theme highly profiled in America -and being played out wherever in the world that people are desperate to exit their dire circumstances for the promised land -it looks set to continue to be clear that major changes in how relating energy is used, how we treat other humans [as well as any other species] is high on the agenda.

Bearing in mind that energy is a highly mutable phenomenon and when multiple energies synergise the product of those combined forces can express anywhere along the spectrum of very positive to very negative - depending upon the response of the person or group or environment that the energy is affecting - under that same array of forces some of those affected will rise and progress toward greater goodness while others will regress, decline and become more debased.

The relating factors reflect the cardinal sign prominence at this eclipse - but the key changes required involve the mutable sign dissolving energy [courtesy of Neptune & linked in factors] to overcome fixed patterns [Taurus, Scorpio Leo and Aquarius feature significantly and are being urged to be expressed differently due to Uranus, Jupiter, the lunar nodes]

This summarising interpretation of prominent forces 
being expressed at this eclipse applies to all of us.

When considering potentials of an event such as an eclipse [eclipses have collective significance] the most alarming aspects are importantly raised as an advisory against being pulled back further into degraded patterns of behaviour. At the same time as that risk occurs great opportunity arises to resist worsening the collective problem - in this context it is how we treat other people - this critical juncture is a point at which each of us can say I am no longer part of the problem I am part of the solution. 

July 2018 at the mid-month eclipse the balancing force in play in an effort to moderate the hardline approach of Trump comes courtesy of Neptune and the relevant contributions from Jupiter Uranus and Mercury 
These 4 factors occupy 13-17 degrees  -either directly [JUP MERC, NEP] or by semisquare - Uranus - and Chiron can be seen to tag along with a 17 degree semisquare -showing that the woundedness people feel in mirroring the separation trauma [SAT squ CHI] drives a passionate belief [Jupiter in Scorpio] in empathy, compassion, humanitarianism [Neptune in Pisces] 

The stress, confusion and insecurity generated [Uranus in Taurus semisquare Neptune] by witnessing or experiencing such a primal loss as the tearing apart of families, of parents from children [Pluto in Capricorn = the state as an abusive parent, acting as a destructive force, an overreach of power [Pluto-Saturn = Jupiter midpoint] ...the collective pain is a transformational opportunity. 
That is the level of consciousness needed to counter the destruction unleashed. People need to find their goodness through this type of calamity. The energy forces of Jupiter and Neptune are working to offset the disempowerment and terror.
Fundamentally this eclipse meaning is about relating in every context -from the Self to the Other to the familial , local  and global: valuing the self in a self nurturing way, valuing others as fellow humans, demonstrating true parenting and valuing that role as a provider and nurturer, showing collective leadership in mentoring fellow citizens towards emotionally healthier communities.

Families and homes are so intertwined -both in life and in astrology [Moon and Cancer] that this energy of force promoted in the eclipse period also places homes housing and shelter under threat [update: July 4 Israel plans to demolish a Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank. A land confiscation notice was left by military, bulldozers brought onsite in preparation ]
[update July 7 -allegations of historic sexual abuse in New Zealand involving pedophilia and a pedophile network show the push back against the excesses and control mechanisms of patriarchal power [Capricorn and Pluto energies]

All these levels need to be effectively functionally in place for the four cardinal energies to provide the structure in human life as they do in the cycle of the seasons. We are not distinct from nature. We are nature.

Having said that...the disturbed energies amongst the human collective are fed back into the natural environment, perpetrating sustained turbulence in the energy currents.
The level of effect of human consciousness has far more of a role to play than pollution does - though that behaviour reveals the impact of collective disturbances of mind.
Our current state of shared thought consciousness is unbalancing natural forces and resulting in extreme environmental events. The worse we become so too will the consequences escalate and this eclipse of July 2018 continues to indicate the effects of excess water and the consequences upon the land, structures, dwellings and shelter with consequences for people and lifestyles.
Whether extreme water prevails or hazardous fire dominates a local landscape is related to localised resonance with the elements in play.

[updates July 6 - the high northern hemisphere temperatures with associated fatalities correspond to the destructive power of Jupiter in Scorpio mass deaths theme. Canada stands out with 33 heatwave-induced deaths in Quebec.  Other locations on other northern land masses declaring record high temps. In this context Jupiter increases Neptune energy & is very weakening to the point of life-threatening. Mars [heat/fire] attached to the lunar lodes is a general indicator of the combustibility potential - and human anger in a rising tide as the month of July unfolds 
[update July 6 -Tourist boat sinks July 5 evening off Phuket Thailand - another big water event with mass fatalities ]

[update July 8 The New York times headline for July 7 is 
Japan Reels From Heavy Rains; Dozens Killed and Millions Evacuated -this being an expected outcome of prevailing forces particularly Jupiter in Scorpio joining with Neptune in Pisces - mass deaths from extreme water is a worst case scenario of this combination in whatever global locations have the relevant energies in place for this outcome ]

The meaning is clear in human affairs that have human as well as environmental consequences: the fundamentals have to be restored. 
further additions and updates from July 2 onwards

The Thai cave rescue story is highly relevant to the eclipse themes. The story has evolved to the extent that a dedicated post has been created including content shown below with further analysis & updates:

Detailed timeline of the cave entrapment & rescue phase

The boys entered the cave system with their coach on Saturday  23 June after football practice.
A rescue operations base has been set up in the system's third chamber which is 1.7kms inside.
It is believed that none of the boys can swim.


Children in foil blankets
US-Mexico immigration crisis and Thai cave rescue both involve children and confinement in the June to July period.
Saturn is the main signifier of confinement and restriction
Leo is the energy of children and Aquarius is group energy.
During June 2018 Saturn was aligned with the lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius, locking in place the challenges seen to unfold for both groups -including the long slow progress in resolving their plight -aggravated by the involvement of Saturn energy but worsened by Mars [action] being retrograde in Aquarius - late June to late August.
Fast resolutions are increasingly looking unlikely in both situations


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...