Every year for 3 weeks in November,
Pluto is the boss

2015 sees Pluto with a Capricorn flavour -both Plutonians and Capricornians are control freaks at their worst -most comfortable when dominating or managing the behaviour of others, to their standards.
Pluto though is a very extreme version when taking domination to the maximum - torture, homicide, violation.
Ideally Pluto in Capricorn enables Scorpio types and Pluto responders to learn self management as well as the supportive guidance of others and a policy of benevolent support.
In societal terms Capricorn reflects the energy of governments and the banking system.
Both of these institutions have undergone intense transformational experiences in places across the globe during the Pluto in Capricorn period since 2008, assisted by the role of Uranus in overturning systems, many societies have shifted towards austerity measures [whilst the elite enjoy ever more stratospheric benefits, perks and salaries]
We have only just witnessed the start of real austerity in this century. Much more radical change is on offer -and detailed extensively on this blog, accessible via keyword search.
Scorpio is the zodiac sign that carries Pluto's deep and often dark themes - power -its use and misuse, all matters concerning death and transformational events, the minefield surrounding sex and reproduction.
update Nov 11-12 -Reported globally: NZ Prime Minister in widespread condemnation for using the issue of rape as a political tool.
update Nov 11-12 -Reported globally: NZ Prime Minister in widespread condemnation for using the issue of rape as a political tool.
At the highest level, Scorpios and those influenced strongly by Pluto are capable of a major evolutionary journey in one lifetime, regularly developing their inner strength and extending their insights.
Scorpios operating at their peak have immense healing ability, being capable of harnessing transformational energy for the benefit of others.
The metaphysical or energy realm existing beyond the physical is the level of perception that advanced Scorpios can tap into and utilise. In the simplest of terms, many have obvious psychic or pre-cognitive abilities.
Scorpios operating at their peak have immense healing ability, being capable of harnessing transformational energy for the benefit of others.
The metaphysical or energy realm existing beyond the physical is the level of perception that advanced Scorpios can tap into and utilise. In the simplest of terms, many have obvious psychic or pre-cognitive abilities.
Those Scorpios who linger in their attachment to power over others, manipulation, domination and cruelty are the ones to avoid.
Having power over the lives of others is a responsibility few manage with humility so it comes as no surprise that when Scorpio energy is expressed extremely negatively lives are snuffed out, bodies are violated, people are tortured, enslaved, subjected to extreme mind control. Possessiveness and jealousy are classic Scorpio traits.
In November 2015
the Scorpio Sun-Moon conjunction [New Moon] connects with the position of Uranus, which brings sudden violent or sudden accident forces with likely fatal consequences to those closely resonating with that prevailing pattern [indicated in a personal birth chart].
This represents a riskier than usual period from November 8-14 as Pluto also brings to the fore thoughts of domination and control, along with thoughts of a wounding or damaging nature.
Pluto's close, but not exact angle to Uranus [Pluto in Capricorn-Uranus in Aries square at 4 degrees separation] evokes extreme destructive, violent and revolutionary forces
In total, not a pleasant combination.
Update Nov 14
Terror in Paris. Dozens slain in multiple coordinated attacks on Friday Nov 13 beginning around 9.45pm -CNN report
The atrocities committed have many of the hallmarks of a Plutonic rampage.
Also read extended post Slaughter in Paris November 2015
Venus and Mars activating the lunar nodes imply karmic male-female interactions which set the scene for some nasty outcomes.
Be careful who you interact with in the stated period.
In addition collective events of a serious nature involving masses of people are within the range of possibilities
update November 21 2015
It comes as no surprise that a significant milestone has been reached in the West's response to Jihadism following the attacks in Parisian public places on November 13. French President Hollande promptly declared France to be at war with Islamic fundamentalists
This is part one of the November 2015 report.
In November 2015
the Scorpio Sun-Moon conjunction [New Moon] connects with the position of Uranus, which brings sudden violent or sudden accident forces with likely fatal consequences to those closely resonating with that prevailing pattern [indicated in a personal birth chart].
This represents a riskier than usual period from November 8-14 as Pluto also brings to the fore thoughts of domination and control, along with thoughts of a wounding or damaging nature.
Pluto's close, but not exact angle to Uranus [Pluto in Capricorn-Uranus in Aries square at 4 degrees separation] evokes extreme destructive, violent and revolutionary forces
In total, not a pleasant combination.
Update Nov 14
Terror in Paris. Dozens slain in multiple coordinated attacks on Friday Nov 13 beginning around 9.45pm -CNN report
The atrocities committed have many of the hallmarks of a Plutonic rampage.
Also read extended post Slaughter in Paris November 2015
Venus and Mars activating the lunar nodes imply karmic male-female interactions which set the scene for some nasty outcomes.
Be careful who you interact with in the stated period.
In addition collective events of a serious nature involving masses of people are within the range of possibilities
update November 21 2015
It comes as no surprise that a significant milestone has been reached in the West's response to Jihadism following the attacks in Parisian public places on November 13. French President Hollande promptly declared France to be at war with Islamic fundamentalists
This is part one of the November 2015 report.
PART TWO for November 2015 separately posted
An indepth look at the global consequences of Saturn and Neptune 2015-2016
Further related reading:
Posts on the astrological indicators of: Brutal Austerity, Power, Predators and Narcissists, Sex Offender Profiling, Nasty Criminal Energy