Thursday, 12 November 2015

November 2015 - the problems arising: astro analysis

A major planetary pattern with significant global implications builds through November 2015 and recurs significantly in 2016. [June-Oct]
November sees Saturn's energy at odds with that of Neptune.
When any planets are offset at 90 degrees a stressful incompatibility is generated in their energy fields. 

This is Part 2 of the November 2015 analysis

For Part 1 which covers the energies in effect for the Paris attacks on November 13 go to Pluto on the Rampage

November 2015: Saturn is in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces when this square angle stress occurs.
Effectively from November 25-November 30 in particular forces will be locked into patterns that both manifest outcomes within that time frame but also set in motion patterns that were born in that time frame. 
Related effects are listed later in this post

A consideration of a range of related keywords gives some definition to the range of outcomes that will be recorded across diverse locations and contexts.
In all prevailing influences, people and locations do not equally experience the same intensity of impacts.
In order to strongly experience a related effect, the signature resonance of each place and person must match or have near correspondence to the type of pattern that is generated by planetary wave emissions.
Those lesser affected will simply read about, or view/listen to related news reports.

At the time of writing [November 12 2015] the two planets Saturn and Neptune are less than two degrees off their exact square angle - 7 degrees 2 minutes which occurs on 26/27 November [timezone dependent
This proximity of the two planets is enough to generate effects.

When Mercury also reaches 7 Sagittarius on November 25 conjoining Saturn and when the Sun reaches 7 Sagittarius on the 29-30th November, conjoining with Saturn -  in both of these periods the forces will be at right angles to Neptune so the Saturn-Neptune effects are amplified in the period 25-30 November and even into early December 2015. 

Here are some manifestations of the Saturn-Neptune-Sagittarius-Pisces energies involved.
Note that mostly challenging, difficult conditions arise with these combinations.

  • Clash of beliefs - expect strongly opposed beliefs, repressive philosophies and rejection of religious or spiritual  perspectives
  • Drought - Saturn restricting Neptune's water = declining soil moisture
  • Damaging deluge or flooding - Saturn brings damaging effects after water initiates breakdown
  • Restricted growth - Sagittarian expansion limited by Saturn's restrictive effect on water
  • Maritime disasters - Saturn causes malfunction, restrictions, problems for vessels and people when travel by water is involved
  • Insomnia - Neptune and Pisces are related to sleep. Saturn causes inhibited/restricted sleep
  • Oil slump - Neptune's relationships include water, oil, chemicals, drugs, medicines, alcohol. Oil is heading downward and likely to be depressed on international markets whenever Saturn in Sagittarius is conflict with Neptune in Pisces.
  • Economic downturn - e.g. a restricted growth cycle has once again resumed in China, with global implications.
  • Reality versus Dreaming contrasts clearly the mindset of Saturn versus Neptune. Unrealistic schemes for business growth will fail.
  • Legal problems due to alcohol/drug abuse or excess
  • Liver problems from drug/alcohol abuse or excess
  • Over-extension problems eg risk taking, excess physical effort due to poor judgement, confusion, being unrealistic
  • Arthritic pelvic conditions due to toxic overload, dietary-induced inflammation.
  • Paint, gas, chemical and oil related problems also includes biological problems from related toxicity, any negative outcomes from the use of such substances. Problems with painters, paint quality.

A positive outcome for Pisces/Neptune dominant people:
Saturn is the reality factor offset against Neptune's illusions, delusions, fantasies, escapism.

This can being Pisces/Neptunians down to earth in a beneficial way, bringing back structure, goals, plans, ambitions, managed growth, career focus -as a counterpoint to the dissolute, aimless, drifting, unfocussed existence that is likely to have preceded this new opportunity for balance.

A good time for sports people [Sagittarius] to abandon drugs and alcohol [Pisces] and make a commitment to attain mastership in their field [Saturn]

Looking forward to the bigger picture in 2016 because only some of the Saturn-Neptune issues will arise in late Nov 2015, or they will begin and not be resolved or completed until late 2016:

  • the year sees repeated Saturn-Neptune combined effects
  • June 2016 expect to see many themes arise during this month especially in the first week as detailed below-  
  • [when 12-13 degrees also involves the Gemini Sun and 14 Virgo brings Jupiter into the picture meaning al1 4 mutable signs activated - Pisces opposite Virgo, Gemini opposite Sagittarius and form the mutable cross at the June 5 Gemini New Moon -energies flowing into July, August and September.

  • The involvement of the Moon's lunar nodal axis becomes highly relevant from mid-June 2016 [when Jupiter in Virgo merges with the Virgo-Pisces axis in the 15-16 degree range while Saturn and Neptune occupy  12 degrees.]

  • The 9 Virgo solar eclipse New Moon at the start of September occurs opposite Neptune in Pisces with these factors all at odds with Saturn in Sagittarius. 
  • Soon after, Sun, lunar nodes, Mars, Saturn and Neptune will collectively amplify mutable sign energies relating to water -extremes of drought in places, extremes of deluge or flood in others with mass effects. Growth and production from the soil environment to the factory production line are equally affected.
  • Economic effects are inevitable including rising unemployment, declining company values, national GDP impacted negatively.
  • If you think these indicators hold the potential for global recession you could be correct.
  • September 2016 as well as November 2016 are 2 months to watch in these respects both environmental/climate related and economically.


Update Nov 14
With the mass attacks in Paris late on Friday Nov 13 the Saturn-Neptune energy brings another expression to the fore:
It is likely that public sentiment will strongly converge around a Saturnian or negative/severe/restrictive response to migrants/refugees in addition to the perceived threat from radicals driven by religious fundamentalism
Saturn in Sagittarius translates as fear/rejection, dislike of foreigners. 
This energy will be at odds with the compassion or sympathy/humanitarian response typical of Neptune in Pisces.

This is Part 2 of the November 2015 analysis.

Part 1 on Pluto in November 2015

Saturn is detailed in depth on this site* and many references to Saturn in Sagittarius as well as Neptune and mutable energies .
To look at the combined effects means finding what sort of synergies are possible with Saturn and Neptune. This process looks at the keyword combinations that express the inherent Saturnian and Neptunian qualities as well as the relevance of their current passages through Sagittarius and Pisces.

Further Reading
*Saturn -your best guide 
Neptune in Pisces
Sleepy, Druggy Neptune


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...