Saturday, 28 November 2015

Saturn Square Neptune - forces opposed 2015-2016

Saturn in conflict with Neptune in the period 2015-2016 produces an array of adverse energies, with often significantly difficult or challenging processes or outcomes. 


  • Jihadist mission to crush Western infidels 
  • Western alliance against global terrorism
  • Rejection of other faiths
  • Fundamentalist beliefs spread widely
  • Environmental devastation from El Nino climate or weather extremes
  • Economic decline

Many of the major Saturn in Sagittarius vs Neptune in Pisces issues are identified here:
  • Clash of beliefs - expect strongly opposed beliefs, repressive philosophies and rejection of religious or spiritual  perspectives
  • Drought - Saturn restricting Neptune's water = declining soil moisture
  • Damaging deluge or flooding - Saturn brings damaging effects after water initiates breakdown
  • Restricted growth - Sagittarian expansion limited by Saturn's restrictive effect on water
  • Maritime disasters - Saturn causes malfunction, restrictions, problems for vessels and people when travel by water or recreation in water is involved
  • Insomnia - Neptune and Pisces are related to sleep. Saturn causes inhibited/restricted sleep
  • Oil slump - Neptune's relationships include water, oil, chemicals, drugs, medicines, alcohol. Oil is heading downward and likely to be depressed on international markets whenever Saturn in Sagittarius is in conflict with Neptune in Pisces.
  • Economic downturn - e.g. a restricted growth cycle has once again resumed in China, with global implications.
  • Reality versus Dreaming contrasts clearly the mindset of Saturn versus Neptune. Unrealistic schemes for business growth will fail.
  • Legal problems due to alcohol/drug abuse or excess
  • Liver problems from drug/alcohol abuse or excess
  • Over-extension problems eg risk taking, excess physical effort due to poor judgement, confusion, being unrealistic
  • Arthritic pelvic conditions due to toxic overload, dietary-induced inflammation.
  • Paint, gas, chemical and oil related problems also includes biological problems from related toxicity, any negative outcomes from the use of such substances. Problems with painters, paint quality.

A positive outcome for Pisces/Neptune dominant people:
Saturn is the reality factor offset against Neptune's illusions, delusions, fantasies, escapism.

This can bring Pisces/Neptunians down to earth in a beneficial way, bringing back structure, goals, plans, ambitions, managed growth, career focus -as a counterpoint to the dissolute, aimless, drifting, unfocussed existence that is likely to have preceded this new opportunity for balance.

A good time for sports people [Sagittarius] to abandon drugs and alcohol [Pisces] and make a commitment to attain mastership in their field [Saturn]

Saturn and Neptune operate in two vastly different harmonic frequencies and various negative outcomes are anticipated when these fields
 cross paths.

The period from mid November 2015-October 2016 will show many of the outcomes that are consistent with the incompatibility
 of these two energies.
Positive achievements will only arise due to considerable effort 
and self management.
Overall, most people will encounter a significant restraint or restriction in their lives - or observe such effects spreading globally in the nearly year long period of effect.

With Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, in close range of a 90 degree angle to each other in the period 2015-2016, the mutable zodiac signs Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo are most affected.
Saturn remains in Sagittarius 2015-2016-2017 - until December 20 2017
Neptune remains in Pisces 2011-2026

This summary of Saturn-Neptune covers the essence of the November 2015 post -which can be accessed for fuller context in that time frame.
update Dec 3 2015
The start of December 2015 saw examples of where on planet earth the signature themes were being grounded: record flooding in one state in India -reflecting the destructive forces of Saturn-Neptune in combination
read content: Heaviest rains in more than a century.
In Wales, UK heavy downpours, floods at start of Dec 2015:

This type of environmental event is occurring in the timeframe of a massive global outpouring of protests regarding the failure of governments to address extreme weather -which many believe are proof of "climate change" or "global warming". 
The UN global climate conference in Paris COP21 starting Nov 30 2015 was the catalyst for the global activism.
The human lifespan is very brief compared to the historical record which reflects clearly that planet earth has already seen countless cycles of climate and temperature extremes long before human impact.
There is no harm in being more sensitive to environmental imbalances which are likely to be aggravated by human activity and to aim for significantly reduced impacts, but the environmental atrocities born of corporate greed and centuries of trashing our planet cannot be reversed in a short time frame.
Planetary cycles are traceable indicators of past activity.
Saturn in Sagittarius in combination with Neptune in Pisces strongly reflects the desire of many to curb [Saturn] excessive [Sagittarius] gas emissions [Neptune/Pisces] & so this theme will also remain in force noticeably in the period until October 2016 in particular.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...