Monday, 16 November 2015

Slaughter in Paris November 2015 -written in the stars

Latest: March 18 2016
Fugitive Salah Abdeslam arrested in Belgium...scroll to end
Hundreds wounded, dozens slain in multiple coordinated terrorist strikes in the heart of Paris, where Friday evening activities saw many meet an untimely death, or survive with awful wounds, physical and psychological
What was written in the stars
 for November 13 2015?

The brutal events commenced at 9.20pm local time, extending across diverse locations until 9.53pm

A New Moon in Scorpio was in effect, having reached exact conjunction on November 11. The beginning moonlight began to emerge on the 12th. 
Scorpio is the zodiac sign that carries Pluto's deep and often dark themes - power -its use and misuse, all matters concerning death and transformational events, the minefield surrounding sex and reproduction.
...when Scorpio energy is expressed extremely negatively lives are snuffed out, bodies are violated, people are tortured, enslaved, subjected to extreme mind control. 
In November 2015
the Scorpio Sun-Moon conjunction [New Moon] connects with the position of Uranus, which brings sudden violent or sudden accident forces with likely fatal consequences to those closely resonating with that prevailing pattern [indicated in a personal birth chart].
This represents a riskier than usual period from November 8-14 as Pluto also brings to the fore thoughts of domination and control, along with thoughts of a wounding or damaging nature. 
In total, not a pleasant combination.

Venus and Mars activating the lunar nodes imply karmic male-female interactions which set the scene for some nasty outcomes. 
Be careful who you interact with in the stated period.
In addition collective events of a serious nature involving masses of people are within the range of possibilities

And so a forecast was made of extremely risky outcomes during the effective period of the November New Moon - [from 3 days before exact and extending till the December New Moon]
Where such energy is earthed can be the focus of specific astro-locality studies, but our small blue marble is capable of having multiple earthing points for strongly charged incoming patterns.
Tragically for France, it was Paris that once again [after Charlie Hebdo -January 7 2015] became a global ignition point regarding a clash of culture, ideology, belief that presents an extreme standoff between Western nations and Islamic fundamental jihadists
A representative time of 9.30 pm is indicative of the energy patterns in Paris.
At 9.30pm on November 13, 2 days after New Moon it is now Mercury inclose conjunction to the Sun emphasising Scorpio states of mind  -including death, destruction, revenge, control, cruelty, annihilation

Uranus in Aries  [sudden/unexpected explosive aggression][ position17 Aries activating Sun-Mercury at 19-21 Scorpio] as well as Aries energy is at the apex of the chart - all amplifying the destructive Scorpio potentials.
Another chart factor at 17 degrees - Chiron in Pisces - faith, truth, idealism & illusion all shattered by the shocking violence
Jupiter almost 19 Virgo & almost exact opposite Chiron both served to exaggerate extreme beliefs and to intensify states of mind such as shock, bewilderment, confusion
Aries is a critical trigger energy on this day and at this time because the last lunar eclipse of 2015 [September 28] was at 4.40 Aries - a sensitive degree position awaiting activation by any relevant trigger in the 6 month effective eclipse time frame.

At 9.30pm the Midheaven of the chart [MC] was 2.41 Aries.
By 9.38 pm with multiple attacks underway the midheaven point of 4.40 Aries was exactly triggered the war-like aggression promised by the September Aries eclipse.
Why this was so pronounced and extreme is evidenced by energies clustered in the lower left quadrant: 
the north lunar node almost in exact conjunction to the ambassador of Aries energy, Mars, then Mars in close conjunction to Venus, both equally astride the central vertical chart axis at virtually 3 degrees Aries-Libra - a combination sending a domino-effect of turning-point energy to masses of people -these factors analysed in the November forecast as:
collective events of a serious nature involving masses of people
north lunar node, Mars, Venus at IC axis point
Scorpio's emissary, the rampaging Pluto is not obviously connected to this horrific combined scenario at first glance - but midpoint positions are regularly revealing of what cannot immediately be seen.
The grid below presents all chart factors compared -so that the position at which the combined energy of any pairing is activated is obvious and therefore whether it is significant activation point.
On November 13 2015
Pluto has a midpoint with Jupiter at 16 Scorpio
Pluto has a midpoint with Mars at 22 Scorpio.
Giving a combined Jupiter-Mars-Pluto midpoint of 19 Scorpio.
The meaning of Jupiter-Mars-Pluto is extreme brutal force and/or violence
19 degrees activates, reinforces and amplifies all other factors already noted in the range 17-21 degrees.
midpoint positions of any paired factors at 9.30pm Nov 13

positions at 9.38pm Nov 13 Paris
This amount of intensity identified as converging is what is regularly observed in the energy patterns of major events - multiple factors within a very narrow range of degree positions, operating in synergy, with a domino-effect or chain reaction of forces combining.

Detailed timeline from 9.20pm on November 13
via Wall St Journal
update 20 November 2015
Jihadist attack in Mali mall also reflects the month-long themes in effect outlined in the Pluto/Scorpio astro-analysis report posted for November 2015

March 18 2016
Fugitive Salah Abdeslam arrested in Belgium
Abdeslam is the key suspect in the Paris attacks of November 2015. One of Europe's most wanted men, the suspect, aged 26, has been on the run since last November, eventually captured in his known neighbourhood of Molenbeek in Brussels.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...