Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Astrological Patterns related to Enhanced Knowing

On Enhanced Knowing

Enhanced knowing is the transcended state free of the lower vibrational frequency of the everyday mind. 

The historic record shows certain individuals stand out in their ability to function with insightful accurate awareness - often they are called “psychic” but such people are everywhere and mostly living somewhat everyday lives

Mystic Baba Vanga born 1911

To some degree that may be correct that we can all be psychic but it is also clear that psychic attunement involves varying degrees of width or depth from person to person.

A whistlestop tour of some standout examples -some very famous others not so - but what they share are some key astrological factors -and one may be a key pattern

People commonly regarded as psychic-used here as an umbrella term which can reflect multiple sensing abilities - have been gathered from different eras to raise the issue of what might show up in a birth chart -typically there being not just one pattern.

Swann born 1933

The focus in this post is on outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto -with the 3 outer - Uranus Neptune Pluto being most significant - and often accompanied by a supportive Jupiter or Saturn factor. 

The list begins with psychoanalyst Carl Jung - not a designated psychic but deeply insightful and very attuned to other dimensions.

Important qualities of the patterns include very small orbs: 

aspects being very tight

tight midpoints

Some extra signifiers worth keeping in mind are added after the data*

Year of birth and Name of psychic given to reflect era of life as well

as different outer planetary collective patterns

Edgar Cayce born 1877

Data here is provided by astro.com astrodatabank 


Data provided has varying grades of authenticity -potentially impacting mostly Moon & layout but the focus here being outer planets is far less impacted

1875 - 26 July Carl Jung

Pluto quincunx Jupiter

Jung is included due to his interest in the esoteric

Jung born 1875

1877 - 18 March Edgar Cayce*

Pluto square Uranus  

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn

Neptune-Uranus =Sun

1887 -13 January Gurdjieff - 

Pluto quincunx Jupiter

Pluto square Uranus

Uranus trine Jupiter

1904 - 16 January Dorothy Eady

Pluto square Jupiter

Pluto opposite Uranus

Jupiter square Venus-Uranus

Dorothy Eady [Vanilla Magazine]

1911 - 3 October Baba Vanga*

Pluto sequisquare Jupiter

Uranus opposite Neptune

Baba Vanga
read her story

1933 - 14 September Ingo Swann*

Pluto-Jupiter =SNode

Uranus square Pluto


Saturn quincunx Neptune


1973 - 19 June Lisa Wiliams*

Pluto-Moon/Jupiter = Neptune

Uranus-Neptune =Moon/Jupiter

1996 - 13 January Tyler Henry*

Pluto sextile Jupiter


                                                       Clip of Tyler



Pluto in aspect to Jupiter occurs in all cases in this collection of examples.

A combination long associated with wealth which may be a derivative of strong instincts and deep insight as well as accumulative traits! -this is a very potent energy mix and is enhanced in keeping with the signs inhabited. 

Both planets are capable of intensity and extremes so when synergised can enable profound deep or widespread access to what is hidden or unknown

Who else has a tight Pluto-Jupiter ? [square]   Albert Einstein

Uranus-Neptune connections are found in most of the examples whether by angle or involved together in a midpoint pattern

Pluto-Uranus synergy features in the earliest examples [ and is due to return in 2025 ]

Interesting coincidence that 3 examples had very similar January birthdates?

*Additional factors enhancing attunement

Edgar Casey born under Mar 15 eclipse

Lisa Williams born between June eclipses

Baba Vanga    born with Uranus and Pluto stationing

Lisa Williams born with Uranus and Pluto stationing

Edgar Casey Saturn in Pisces linked to Jupiter-Pluto

Tyler Henry   Saturn in Pisces sextile Capricorn Sun

Gurdjieff       Saturn in Pisces sextile Neptune

Ingo Swann  Saturn quincunx Neptune

Outer planets in mutable signs are a noted theme most likely pertaining to mystical visionary clairvoyant skills. Such skills can also be applied in arts as well as in science

The mix of Uranus & Neptune has relevance to electromagnetic field energy and therefore various wave frequencies -visible and invisible.

Outer planets when found in fixed signs reflect the psychic powers related to Uranus and Pluto -telepathic mind reading sudden intuition deep insight -this territory merging standard physics with quantum.

A synergy of Uranus-Neptune-Pluto may represent a quantum-relevant combination especially when mutable or fixed signs are involved

On the basis of what has been highlighted -even if a tiny sample - it is worthwhile looking at the present [2023 and approaching] factors which will apply to many new incarnations and pointing to newborns equipped at birth with deeper or clearer knowing -as well as activating such potentials in the profile of people who are at various life stages. 

Rather than suggesting that humanity will soon become heavily populated with people who identify as psychics - it is more a case that people with a skillset that enables clear attunement will be more prevalent across a range of roles and sectors.

Transits to Note

It is not a matter of a single transit but it is about identifying a period of change where a sequence of storylines create a coherent narrative where high potential exists for a beneficial developmental shift for human consciousness - enabling a much closer alignment with the higher spiritual values of the inherent consciousness of the unseen universal realm

Neptune completes its reign in Pisces in January 2026

Saturn in Pisces -March 2023-February 2026

Saturn in Pisces synergy with Neptune in Pisces being the midpoints in effect 2022-2025

Pluto trine Jupiter  June 2024

Mutable Saturn square Jupiter on repeat 2024-2025

2025-2026 are standout years regarding powerful energy shifts

North node enters Pisces January 2025

Neptune on North Node February 2025

Saturn in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus April 2025

Uranus near exact trine Pluto while both sextile Neptune - URA-PLU=NEP August -a preview of July 2026

Special Mention: July 2026 

Four planets cluster near 4.5 degrees & involve all modalities -Cardinal Fixed Mutable in the following patterns where NEP is Cardinal Aries JUP & PLU are Fixed Leo Aquarius and URA is mutable Gemini

Uranus sextile Neptune & trine Pluto  

Jupiter trine Neptune & opposite Pluto then sextile Uranus 


Neptune sextile Pluto

The 3 outers are then in close range of each other extending into early 2028

In the context of this post dealing with psychic attunement it is clear that the mutable and fixed sign outer planets Uranus and Pluto soon to closely align have significance while connected and being in Gemini-Aquarius - not only for newborns and developing minds -but as activators for humanity as a whole -with certain people able to receive the strongest imprints related to new paradigms and a shift in consciousness .

Insights and developments relating to perceptions as well as new concepts and technological breakthroughs are high level potentials when two idea-concept signs are merged so powerfully

For those outside of the technological domains different applications for the mentally downloaded insights are available

Progressive solutions to global issues impacting humanity are on offer

Many will experience enhanced reading of others and of situations - an ability based on accessing the right wave frequency.

Mutable signs and water signs aid in accessing the future - which often involves a sensory clue - a vision or visual symbol mostly or a sound - possibly reflecting Neptune’s primary role in holding the whole universal field of consciousness in connection and available to those who can tune into an access point.

The Uranus-Pluto pattern in itself clearly involves an evolutionary period for humanity being seeded . Some indicators may be rapid while others taking at least a generation to really bed-in.

Transits like this don’t happen randomly and without necessity.

Humanity urgently needs an upgrade in consciousness.

Everything divine gracious beautiful and brilliant that humans have to offer each other and this planet comes through us from the greater cosmic field of consciousness. 

As stated the patterns here are meaningfully associated with people who display psychic abilities but that application of talent can be found in brilliant achievers who apply same or similar talents to their work in arts and science:

Renaissance artist  Leonardo da Vinci had Pluto sextile Saturn and Pluto semisquare Neptune -with highly relevant Leo & Libra involved. 

Historically significant astronomer Galileo Galilei had Pluto in Pisces sesquisquare Jupiter in Cancer -which was in close conjunction with Saturn.

Our aberrant species is necessarily lined up for enhanced knowing: Buddhism is very clear about the level of ignorance we display. 

Christianity compares the Light with the Darkness. 

We can no longer avoid our caretaker role towards each other and our home.

Many more of us need to know about right action and be in the Light


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...