On November 15 2017
a painting was sold by auction
at Christie's New York
Saviour of the World
was estimated to have been
In the contemporary era the painting entered the art scene in 2005 in New Orleans -purchased by art dealer buddies taking a punt for under $US1200 in an estate sale.
The painting was in an unrestored condition -dark gloomy as depicted in the auction catalogue -but not offensive enough to deter the buyers
da Vinci's Sun-Mercury midpoint is 21 Aries and angled to the Nodes Venus and Saturn at the 2005 sale
It is well demonstrated in astrology
that a person's birth chart
never ceases to respond to transits in the cosmos
On November 15 2017 after much ado within the international art scene as detailed at length the painting bought in 2005 and restored considerably starting in 2005 by expert conservator Dianne Modestini and covered in detail on her dedicated site - the painting was presented for auction at Christie's New York and sold for a staggering $40 million plus fees.
With immense international interest and finance behind such an event it would be expected that this date would also produce resonant factors.
The constructed chart for sale by auction of Lot9B Salvator Mundi - at Christie's event convened at 7.30pm - looks at 8.05pm local time New York - as a calculated time for Lot9B to close at $40 million -based on timed footage.
Chiron in Pisces is most elevated on the midheaven
Pluto in Capricorn - corporate and state power sits at the horizonal [worldly axis]
Multiple factors firing in the range 24º-27º sequence - Sun Chiron Uranus Saturn Moon - and the vertical axis
Sun near 24 Scorpio - DV Venus 24 Taurus
Chiron 24 Pisces - DV Venus 24 Taurus
Uranus 25 Aries - DV Venus 24 Taurus
Mars 15 Libra - DV Saturn 14 Libra
Pluto-Neptune 14 Aquarius - DV Mars 15 Aquarius
Moon had reached 24º Libra 4 hours before the close of auction -also activating da Vinci's Venus
The multiple Venus activations give considerable credibility to the involvement of da Vinci himself in this 500 year old artwork and its fate.
His Neptune/Pisces traits also show in auction chart Neptune in Pisces trine to Jupiter as well as Chiron in Pisces prominence and the midheaven in Pisces - spiritual factors which clearly also relate to the artwork itself
![]() |
extra connections can be found in the grid for the auction |
Revisiting the notes re the 2005 sale:
The sale arose under the 8 April Solar Eclipse - a Sun-Moon conjunction 19 Aries
da Vinci's own Sun-Mercury midpoint is 21 Aries and angled to the Nodes Venus and Saturn at the 2005 sale
2017 sale Moon-Mars was 20'46 Libra
Mars-Uranus 20'23 Cancer
An interesting motif in the globe of the world shows a pattern that appears to have cosmic and spiritual significance. The colours permeating the globe suggest both the terrestrial and heavenly planes. with da Vinci's love of geometry the 3 dots may evoke the constellation Triangulum -well known in antiquity -and the holy Trinity
Deepak Chopra says Leonardo was "an accelerated expression of the natural evolution of consciousness".
- Spiritual Insights into the Genius of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi in 2017 had a mind-blowing impact on the international art world. Is the artist's hand revealed in the painting's fate?
Astro-analysis says Yes.
The multiple versions of the Salvator Mundi the debate over authenticity - is it real? the periods the work has spent lost or hidden or in retreat from the world all manifest aspects of the Neptunian qualities of da Vinci
Even if da Vinci's highly productive life was not conducive to long periods of contemplation -until his latter years in France - the aura of his most famous works speaks of the manner in which he used portraiture especially as a conduit for revealing the divine essence.
And not forgetting that as a spiritual icon the Salvator Mundi reverberates the iconography of Christ with renewed fervour in another millennium - an immense value for humanity.
An astrological perspective suggests connections are clearly reaching across time -that construct we conceive of as linear -but in the absolute reality in a layering in the present.
Further Reading
Provenance -via Christie's
Conservator Dianne Modestini - the restoration account