Tuesday, 30 November 2010

YOUR NAME is a giveaway

You probably don't know it but the name you announce to everyone tells them a lot about you before you say or do anything else. The spanner in the works is that most people don't know this secret language and so they miss out on important personality clues that may be useful in assessing an employee, a partner, housemate or first date.

Firstly look at this number grid -each letter of the English alphabet is given an equivalent number  -this means the letter and the number have in common a particular resonance or vibration. There are far more complex ways to analyse names and words, but start with these 2 simple steps:
Check out your own name and firstly look for the first letter of your first name. Then look for any letters that repeat a lot in your first or last name - for example William Riley contains 3 "i"s and 3 "l"s -refer to the number to the left of the letter you wish to analyse The letter "i" is a 9, the letter "l" is a 3.
Here is what each number can tell you:
1. Assertive, confident, independent.       Lots of 1's : may be selfish, aggressive
2. co-operative, partner oriented, not a leader.     Lots of 2's: can be too dependent
3. Mentally active, clever     Lots of 3's  talkative, lives in the mind
4. Seeks power, authority    Lots of 4's - a worrier, negative, abuses power
5. Emotional, sensitive         Lots of 5's - too affected
6. Home and family type        Lots of 6's - self denial
7. Spiritual, wise                  Lots of 7's escapist, isolated
8. Executive, top dog           Lots of 8's very driven to succeed in business
9. Humanitarian                   Lots of 9's  martyrdom

Names which feature particular letters repeated have added emphasis on that number meaning -this is especially strong if the first and last name both start with the same letter -eg.  Marilyn Monroe and in cases such as Hillary Barry - which not only has double L and double R, but also repeats of A and Y and another R.  ( Names with doubles - where a letter occurs twice as a pair eg pp, ll, tt, bb, dd, ff, gg etc get that added boost from the vibe of the relevant number -but often you come across a first and last name with a double letter as in Barry Hillary -this person you could analyse as an assertive confident leader ( H, A) who has strongly humanitarian urges but needs to watch out for the tendency to be a martyr (R, I); likely to enjoy partnership despite independent urges ( B, A); intelligent and articulate ( L)  & with spiritual/philosophical awareness (Y)

Also note that all letters across the top row CLU FOX IR  give mental strength and activity
All letters across the middle row:  BKT ENW HQZ  operate more on the emotional/ feeling plane
All letters across the bottom row AJS DMV GPY  have strength in practical and material matters
so if it's a matter of first impressions and out of a group you have just met - if you want to have a good chat and probably a laugh head for the person called Lucy or Luke or any name with C L or  U prominent. If you want to meet a helpful co-operative person look for lots of B, K T, I R; a sensitive, family type: F O X W E N  ( Wendy can be too sensitive!)
This is just a taster -but my prior blog on the name DAVID goes into greater depth. (see link below)
There is heaps of info on names and numerology on the net -and lots of differences in interpretation/meaning - so just experiment and see what works - could be a laugh or could really pay off for you: forewarned is fore-armed

April 1 2012
Adam Alter of New York university Stern School of Business looks at how fluency of names -their easy pronouncability and simplicity -  vs the reverse -  affects their impact  podcast via Radio NZ 

Joel Rosenthal, professor emeritus at the State University of New York at Stony Brook talks with Amelia Nurse about historical developments of names and surnames. Common developments such as 'son of' [Richardson] plus occupational as in Fletcher, Cooper as well as regional names as well as the shift away from patriarchal dominance in naming children.
podcast via Radio NZ  

Aucklanders will be interested to know that our Mayor's numbers are as follows:
 Len  - 13/4   Brown = 27/9  add 4+9 = 13 = 4 
Brown gives Len a humanitarian side but the repeated 4's bring him lots of worries in his demanding role where difficulties are on the daily menu. Gains are made by lots of hard work but defeats are also common
As for PM John Key
John is a 2 but contains strong letters 1 and 8
Key starts with a 2 and totals 14 = 5 giving a total of 2+5 = 7 = the philosophical side we frequently see, shrugging off problems. The emphasis on 2 is shown in the hi profile of his wife as part of his team. 
David Shearer
The name is full of 4's and totals 22 -the higher vibration of 4  - showing a high level of accountability and public responsibility is demanded -otherwise a severe fall from grace. Davids love being in positions of power and have to avoid abusing it. 
Shearer totals 38 = 11 = another hi vibrational (aka Master number) and leads with a one as well as another one, an 8, two 5's and two 9's - this is a great name combining strengths and sensitivity. When added the total is 33/6 which has a warm cosy homely feel about it and this is the low key side we have seen so far -  but it is the two power names which will enable him to gradually grow into his job, taking time with the enormous responsibilities entailed. It is his destiny to have significant roles and the current role as leader of NZ's Labour Party offers him another chance to be of great value.

Further reading:
DAVID  an in depth analysis

Monday, 29 November 2010

DAVID... what it means to be called

  • All words and sounds have a vibration and the ancient study of numerology assigns a number energy to each letter. DAVID has a number total of 22 - called a master number -indicating the capacity for high achievement and significant karmic responsibility to humanity - so many Davids become well known -David Beckham, David Bowie  - but there is the potential for fame or infamy  - several high profile murderers or accused in New Zealand are called David.

  • David Seymour
  • The Donald uses David as an alias
[scroll to end]

David Turpin imprisoned his children

David Bain denied killing his whole family; he was first convicted, then later acquitted in a second trial.  ( trial evidence included a rape fantasy Bain wrote about). Another, David Tamihere denies killing two Swedish tourists. He served a lengthy time in prison. 
Where does this problematic energy come from? The energy of the letters D and V which feature at the beginning, middle and end of  D A V I D
These letters all have a number 4 vibration which connects to the energy of the planet Saturn.
Saturn both gives high achievement potential but also difficulties, struggles. The letters D and V (along with M) all bring a tendency to worry. 
DAVID as a name contains a triple whammy here with D-V-D.

The song Psycho Killer was written by David Byrne

David Birnie was an Australian serial killer
David Berkowitz, David Maust  David J Carpenter, David Leonard Wood, David Ray Parker, David Bullock, David Allen Lucas are American serial killers

David Fincher has directed several serial killer genre movies - Zodiac, 7, Mindhunter
David Tua is a NZ boxer who aspired to but struggled to make the big time
David Chapman shot John Lennon

Ultimately David is a vibration that seeks power or authority so many with this name seek the power of political life -David Cameron, David Cunliffe, David Carter, David Lange, ministers, prime ministers, senators are found with this name but the potential for infamy is also there - as seen when you google "david scandal" - and sex comes up as the vice in question when linked to Beckham, Letterman, Arquette, Copperfield (magician), Smail (golfer) and many, many more.

So if it is power craved, but power denied, frustrated, the inclination of the DAVID vibration is to turn to seeking power over others - whether in general controlling behaviours or at worst through sex or violence: rape, torture, murder and serial killing then enter the picture.

Artists or creators called David may channel these urges through their creative imagination - films, painting etc.-eg David Jacobson writer/director of a film about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer

So not all David's kill or become infamous, and not all killers are called David - the potentials can be either suppressed or expressed.
More factors can come into play that provide checks & balances. Urges can be restrained, sublimated, projected onto others or simply visited in terms of fantasy, but there is an intriguing association with this name and the striving for power, by any means, literally or by proxy.

Writer Jim Marrs says in the ancient world of Mesopotamia  the name David = Davidum was a title not a personal name.
The Davidum was the equivalent of a Caesar or Emperor.

Next time you meet a David, keep this in mind....

extra notes:
David Turpin arrested with wife Louise January 2018 on multiple counts of child neglect and abuse - this case clearly reveals the dark potential of a David seeking power over the defenceless

Update March 2018
CBS interview reveals Donald Trump used alias "David Dennison" in dealing with porn star Stormy Daniels

This name is intriguing due to the esoteric content not only of David but also of Dennison.
The mirror of Dennis is sinned
Dennison mirrored is No sinned.
Was Trump trying to convince himself he was doing no wrong?
A New Jersey man with the true name of David Dennison has been getting a lot of attention
Problem is it's a really common name
via Google Images: David Dennison

April 2018

NZ power-seeking politician David Seymour is regularly in the media. He belongs to a political party of one called ACT and is still breathing having been given resuscitation by the previous governing party. In real terms he is powerless now that an opposing coalition is in government. But this is no impediment when it comes to bold claims and attacks on alternate viewpoints
This recent hyperbolic tweet is indicative of a man dominating his own private universe:

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Pike River Coal Mine Astrology

Update May 2019:
After years of lobbying to achieve a re-entry and retrieval operation at the mine a planned first attempt was scheduled for May 3. It was determined that this could not proceed due to unusual high oxygen levels.
Looking at energy patterns  at the start of May it is clear  that the way ahead is still not clear. The 2 control planets & 2 very relevant to the mine environment - Saturn & Pluto both entered retrograde loops at the end of April. This phase works against external activity - making direct action problematic impossible or very slow. The timing is just not right. Interesting to see Jupiter is currently 23 degrees in Sagittarius which resonates back to 19 November 2010 Jupiter 23 Pisces. But this is not the only opportunity in 2019. Jupiter is also in retrograde (since early April) but by the end of October early November 2019 a window opens. Jupiter Saturn and Pluto will all be in direct progress and Jupiter reaches 23 degrees on Oct 31. Nov 1st has Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius & a Venus Mercury conjunction in Scorpio.  The signs align far better for a powerful resolution for the families.

The first indicative energy picture for The Pike Mine tragedy arose with the first recorded explosive event at 3.4pm on 19 November 2010.
Every chart indicates 2 major axes of energy: energy across the horizon & energy on the vertical plane. When planets converge along those axes their potency is highly magnified. This chart has Jupiter & Uranus close enough to synergise & with Uranus in close activating contact with the left horizontal rising energy. These 2 alone are capable of creating a sudden major gas event - especially being in the sign Pisces. But ignition is always needed: the rising energy is Aries - the zodiac expression of fire planet Mars at its most potent position 0 Aries . This was the ignition energy and with all 4 axis points at 0 degrees in the cardinal zodiac signs - which is the inherent point when all 4 seasons in nature begin every year - this means the energy at that time on that day was horrendously powerful due to the accumulation of multiple factors. Further confirmation comes from Mars being in a prominent high position and from the chilling combination of Pluto in exact conjunction with the karmic axis of the chart - north & south lunar nodal points. Pluto & the north Node are in tight conjunction to the most prominent position in the chart the midheaven - a place of major public attention. Where nodes talk of collective or group destiny with widespread implications or effects. Pluto speaks of death & transformation. Pluto classicly is the god of the underworld - the domain of the dead  All these factors in Capricorn describe the cold harsh rocky environment.
That a colossal fatal event in a mine was the outcome comes as no surprise.
Secondly some major mirroring is clear in the chart for 2.37 pm local time NZ ( GMT/UT +13 hrs) on Wednesday 24 Nov 2010 when a second & clearly unsurvivable explosion occurred to finally define the status of the 29 trapped miners
Clearly, Mars is exact on the midheaven with an exact square to the ascendant and Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces surround the ascendant. The Moon has just entered the family sign Cancer and will conjunct the Moon's south Node this evening, thus opposing the north Node & Pluto. The combination of Mars being the ignition and Pisces being the gas, Uranus, pumped up by Jupiter was able to exert one further knockout punch. Gas poisoning, primarily carbon monoxide is believed to be the primary cause of death.
Pluto in Capricorn describes the underground mine. Combined with the North Node in Capricorn, it speaks too of group karma

Pike River Astrology of Event #1

For the estimated time of 3.30pm on 19 November 2010.   See blog post below "Pike River Astrology: Destinies"

Pike River Astrology: Destinies

How often do we hear of people who missed a date with death by running late, changing their mind - or due to acting on a deep sense of dread. Conversely the determination to meet that terminal appointment is also clear: the pieces all slot into place as smoothly as the tumblers in a lock.

For others death is a sudden, unanticipated event and for many one that is resisted. Having a life philosophy that embraces death as part of the ongoing cycle of incarnations enables us to have far greater acceptance of the rightness and perfect timing of everything.

For most people that is far beyond their capacity. Traditional Christianity talks of heaven or hell options as if they are the enduring afterlife we can either look forward to or dread. In comparison, Eastern religions have a sense of a continuum - in Buddhism it is the mind-stream that endures beyond the physical incarnation, capable of reliving in another body.

The astrological significance

Death is the keyword that relates strongly to the energy of Scorpio., so not surprisingly in November death and other transformational issues arise. In addition, sex is called "the little death" due to the loss of self or singularity, as well as deep changes that can occur during or as a result of, sexual union.

Power - empowerment and disempowerment -  is an issue often thrashed out during Scorpionic times, so abuse, abusers, rapists & predators are examples of the negative use of Scorpio energies. In contrast, those who undergo massive transformations within one lifetime are tapping into the power of Scorpio's planetary force - Pluto. Having a makeover is an example, as is changing from a criminal to a humanitarian.

Ultimately Scorpio is about recognition of the non-physical, or metaphysical planes of existence. We live on a planet (Earth) which has a strongly physical,material emphasis. This makes it hard for people to believe in or even explore the unseen realm of energies, including the psychic or clairvoyant, vibrational and resonant energies - how things feel energetically - as opposed to feeling using the sense of touch.

The physical plane is the territory of Scorpio's opposing connected sign, Taurus.
Through Taurus we learn grounding through the 5 senses. Through Scorpio we can explore the "6th" sense and more.

The Pike River coal mine explosion occurred on Weds 19 Nov 2010 with an estimated time of 3.30pm.
This date was in the buildup period to a Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon.
The issues related to these 2 signs become very significant in this event - the physical life, death, transformation, attachment, security and ultimately one's capacity to connect to life beyond death.

Every year we revisit these issues in November but in the year of this event, complications impacting on this full moon concern the effects of the planet Saturn.
This planet is known to correspond energetically to the nature of rocks and geology.
It also is known to indicate delays, impediments, struggle, loss and tragedy -ultimately a bad omen when other factors indicate this.
This full moon had a stressful aspect to Saturn in terms of exact geometric alignment.

In addition, the planet Pluto - as already noted, channels the energy of Scorpio - is in a powerful position during November 2010, being aligned exactly with the North Node of the Moon. Both Pluto and the Node remain this month in the sign Capricorn - which is the channel for the effects of Saturn - so a powerful double-whammy of Pluto-Saturn provides the depth of the event.

The explosion occurred with the Moon in Aries - the fire sign related to heat, fire.
At 3.30 pm the sign Pisces was also prominent ( rising or ascendant sign) with the planet Uranus - indicating a sudden event - also in Pisces, in exact conjunction to the ascendant point. Pisces, through its planetary channel Neptune, relates not only to water - but also to gas. This combination of factors easily portrays a sudden gas explosion and with Saturn and Pluto involved ( Pluto relates to the Underworld) the location of a coal mine completes the scenario perfectly.

Since the event, the amount of "bad luck" and difficulty - delays, impediments, breakdowns, slowness - causing immense frustration & suffering, has been an intense, over-riding theme.
These are all common keywords for the influence of Saturn in this scenario. But all things are under constant change, so a resolution must eventually arise.
In the wished for outcome, the mine will be accessed and the men to some degree recovered.
By 3.30 today Weds 24 Nov, five complete days will have passed since the event. Since Monday, news, web chatter have been prominent with the moon in Gemini. By 3pm today the Moon will be in Cancer - the sign of families. This family factor looms large in an event like this: there are 29 miners in the mine - all connected to someone. The Cancer/family energy will intensify: this sign is paired with Capricorn and has strong resonance with that energy. When the Moon progresses through the sign of Cancer on the evening of Weds 24, it makes exact oppositional contact with the Pluto-Node combination in Capricorn.

To me this marks the point of climax in this drama. The Node speaks of collective destiny, Pluto of death and transformation in a Capricornian place -a mine, underground.
The Sun has left Scorpio and entered Sagittarius. People's faith, beliefs, or spirituality will be fundamental to their capacity to work through this intense process.

Update Nov 17 2013
In 3 years there has been remarkably little progress and defeat at every turn for the families of the Pike men
The degree of negative energy associated with this mine has been somewhat unmoveable
Processes are underway in November 2013 to create conditions for entry into the mine
This is another glacially slow procedure, with a timeframe of months involved.
The NZ government has declined to offer compensation to families in view of the Pike River mine company being financially incapable of meeting the court adjudged reparations to families.

NZ Herald extract:
The Pike River coal mine should have been shut down well before the devastating explosion which killed 29 men three years ago, says the author of a new book on the tragedy.
Department of Labour inspectors could have forced the mine to close solely because it had no alternative escape route if the access tunnel was blocked, said Rebecca Macfie, author of Tragedy at Pike River Mine: How and why 29 men died.
The author asserts that the company repeatedly cut corners and government inspectors failed to take action.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...