Friday 30 December 2011

2012 - 2015 Zodiac Forecast - who is most affected?

2012-2015 Forecast 
- looks like very rough & tough for many. We are about to face a tough four years when an energy pattern not seen since the 1930's will bring dramatic changes to the lives of many around the world.
This forecast was published on Dec 30 2011

  • Uranus and Pluto are set to turn the world upside down both literally and figuratively during a phase of readjustment which affects people and places.
  • We know so much has to change in order for a better world to develop. Many imbalances have to be rectified so that the extremes of too much and too little cease to devastate the planet and people's lives.
  •  Already we have started to experience the foreshadowing of what is to come due to early interactions between these two planetary energies setting the scene for the tide of change to come more emphatically - political unrest, economic austerity and conditions of social adversity. 
  • The Occupy movement has made a start in publicising the need for equity and fair practices, but despite this, corruption related to money is rampant
  1. All energy patterns occur within an electromagnetic matrix that exists throughout the universe.
  2.  For any prevailing energy pattern to affect someone -whether actively by triggering a behaviour or passively by attracting a behaviour - the person will have a resonant or matching vibrational pattern aligned to the vibrational frequency of the planetary energy.
  3. Astrology is simply a language for this patterning, using the symbolism of the planets and the descriptive terms identifying the type of energy created when planetary bodies form geometric relationships, called angles -such as square (90degrees) or opposition (180degrees)
  4.  Like people, places also have a resonant energy pattern and thus some people and some places seem especially targeted by a particular planetary pattern.  When you are born - place, time, season, generation - are all highly significant in unfolding your destiny or karma. 

Though it is hard to simplify such information, it is possible to highlight particular groups of people who will be most challenged by the changes to come during 2012-2015.

Firstly I have looked at particular birth dates (Sun position) and secondly birthdates of the 8th harmonic group ( 45 degree multiples).
Both of these categories have been identified in relationship to the positions of Uranus square Pluto during 2012-2015. 
The zodiac degrees from 7 to 15 are involved which affects those born on the dates
Feb 14-19
March 27-April 5
May 14-21
June 28 to July 7
Aug 16-23
Sept 30 to Oct 8
Nov 16-22
Dec 29-Jan 6

There will be affects for people across these date ranges, but when Uranus and Pluto are exact at 90 degrees separation, the effects are pronounced.

This data covers the year, the key months and which birthdates (born any year) are very strongly affected


June & Sept :
Feb 12-13, March 27-28,  May 12-13 , June 28-29,  Aug 14-15, 
Sept 30-Oct 1, Nov 14-15, Dec 29-30                                       


May & October-November: 
Feb 14-15-16, March 30, May 14-15-16 , June 30, July 1,  Aug 16-17-18, 
Sept 2-3,  Nov 16-17-18, Dec 1-2,  


Jan 4 , Feb 17-18, April 3,  Oct 6,  May 17-18, July 3, Aug 19-20-21, Nov 19-20-21


Jan 6, Feb 19, April 5, May 20-21,  July 7, Aug 22-23,  Oct 8, Nov 22

Some flexibility is needed re the dates which means that effects can occur on or around the dates specified because highly specific info can only be provided when individual birth time-date-place data is provided.

For the same reason this data cannot cover all the birthdates of people affected - having the Moon or other planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars etc in one of the target degrees will result in obvious effects. 
(You need a personal astrological birth chart analysis to  know this.) 

The keys signs of the Uranus-Pluto pattern are Aries and Capricorn but Libra and Cancer are intrinsically implicated being the rest of the cardinal sign group.  Bodily stresses for this whole Cardinal sign group include head injury or injury from weapons; issues with blood, fever, bones, knees, teeth, kidneys and stomach.

The 8th harmonic group is fixed signs Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio -with body weaknesses being heart, circulation, throat, thyroid, neck, sex organs, reproductive/fertility issues.

So internal stresses -bodily - are equally possible effects -  as are outward stresses for an individual -eg those involving their environment, locality, nation and the world at large.

New Structures is the necessity of this planetary pattern. 
To create something new can mean the old must be destroyed, replaced, deconstructed, remodelled, transformed, possibly annihilated. 
Radical changes are likely to be commonplace in order to break with the past, tradition, old habits and practices. Resistance to change will also be evident and people in the 8th harmonic group -the Fixed zodiac signs are most likely to passionately avoid going with the flow willingly.  
For this reason they are most likely to experience enforced changed coming from more powerful forces -eg weather, nature, political policies, social unrest. 
To prepare for change which may be imminent for you, take time to reflect on what is really not working in your life and personal state of being. 
Start there and you will contribute to the collective shift instead of ending up in the highly stressed resistant group. 
Better to go willingly

Monday 26 December 2011

2012 - much more than 2011

NOAA satellite image of an atmospheric river on Dec 29 2011
      The mammoth moisture laden cloud crosses western US into the north Pacific

At the end of 2011 many will expect forecasts from all quarters for 2012, especially in view of the culture that has created a 2012 phenomenon supposedly based on Mayan beliefs.

My perspective is that 2012 will see more of the same -but much more- of the themes that have already emerged in 2011
This means much more radical political upheaval transformation & change with more intense civil unrest
This means more economic adversity and financial restraint is required before rebalancing is achieved
This means more extreme weather.
These are general themes that many but not all will experience. It seems probable that most of us and many locations have the karma or destiny to be exposed to and affected by this major era of global transformation. 
Make no mistake. The earth and humanity are set for major corrections and if you can anticipate the themes unfolding you can construct a lifestyle that is more compliant with the flow of change.
If you resist the necessary makeovers -for example by choosing to live in a location vulnerable to earth changes seismic/volcanic/from water or extreme weather you are placing yourself in a high risk situation. ( Though relocating may not spare you from this experience if it is appropriate for you to experience and learn from it)
If you continue to accumulate debt like there is no tomorrow, your pack of cards will blow down.
If you continue to support right wing politics you will see major social unrest and overthrow of regimes which oppress their people.

A war of idealogies is strengthening as those who have had control in an unbalanced world where poverty and oppression are widespread, are being challenged and overthrown. There will, however, be intense resistance by those forces which prefer the status quo. This is an era where people's opinions will be polarized -the oppressors will move more to the right wing extreme and the socially liberal will become more energized to take up more radical responses.

Refer to these prior postings for fuller commentary on these issues
Massive Transformations Ahead
The Next Financial Meltdown (2012) is not a movie
It's All About Cycles
The Galactic Centre - 2012
2012 as a global revolution

Thursday 22 December 2011

Astro analysis - Peter Jackson Hobbit director

Horror, murder, ghosts, a super-sized gorilla and Tolkien have been the themes and psychological territory favoured by Peter Jackson in his movie directing career. He remains in production of Tolkien's The Hobbit at the time of writing in 2011.

As an astrologer it seems evident that darkness, destruction and deathly motifs will populate Peter Jackson's birth chart -along of course with other redeeming factors -otherwise he'd be unlikely to have reached such a pinnacle of movie-making success.

The first indicator - his Sun sign is Scorpio which relates to all of life's often taboo territory and transformational phases such as the energy exchange of sexual encounters and the transition that is death. Scorpio energy is fascinated by power and dominance. There is enormous capacity to be a healing force an an equal capacity for destruction and cruelty.
  • Add to this his Mars is in Scorpio -for a male this gives a sense of masculinity or male power through any of the above issues.
  • His Neptune in Scorpio blends escapism and fantasy with sex as well as a capacity to respond to the spiritual dimension of sex.
  • Pluto links to Neptune ( which echoes the Neptune-Scorpio mix), Mercury ( which brings Scorpionic and even obsessive thoughts to mind) and Saturn which can delight in brutality due to the need for dominance and control.
  • His Leo and Libran planets bring in a softer, warmer balance to Peter's personality.

It could be said that Peter Jackson has lived out his murderous, destructive and shadow personality quite blatantly through his movie directing style and selections. 
Perhaps in another life he could have been or will be the darkness.

In his version of The Hobbit, Jackson will inevitably bring a much heavier tone to the authentic lightness and comic touches of Tolkien

Peter Jackson Wiki

Popular posts Around Xmas 2011

These topics were getting the most hits on my blog, on Dec 21 as we approach Xmas 2011
The first post is about a foreign owned container ship stuck on a reef in New Zealand waters, since Oct 3, spilling oil, losing cargo and threatening to break up. Salvage is slow.
The dust bowl horror is rearing its head again in America causing considerable difficulty.
Forecasts tend to be popular but being such a complex task, can only provide some indications of themes that you will observe in some people and some places across the globe. Sometimes it is your turn to undergo change, sometimes you cruise along. Mainstream science, like governments, will never reveal everything to the masses. Alternative sources of information are increasingly more vital - especially when extreme weather or earth changing events are anticipated. The role of planetary forces impacting life on earth is examined in all of these posts -whether that be solar or lunar cycles or the role of more distant planets. In our rapidly changing world people are looking for ways of comprehending the uncertainty and dramatic events unfolding globally. Certainly it can be of help to understand cycles, because they are the bottom line when it comes to all existence. They are nature's inherent program - not a neat sequential linear timeline as our minds are conditioned to believe in. You may find other posts of interest to you in understanding some of the why, how and when of life

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher -astro analysis

Meryl Streep a Cancerian born June 22 1949 has entranced the world with her Iron Lady movie portrayal of formidable British Prime Minister Margaret [Maggie] Thatcher, a Libran born October 13 1925
Baroness Margaret Thatcher died following a stroke
 on April 8 2013, aged 87

They have some interesting astrological similarities and contrasts
see 2016 addendum re Theresa May
Rust in Peace -grafitti seen after Thatcher's death announced April 2013
Meryl born at zero degrees Cancer has the sign of womanhood/motherhood to the fore in her personal makeup and Maggie was, for good or ill, the Mother of the Nation - her Moon at the top of the chart emphasises a parental role but not a publicly warm and sensitive one as  suggested by the Leo Moon with Neptune. Pluto connects tightly to Maggie Thatcher's moon emphasising her ruthless streak.
Both women have a lot of cardinal sign planets - Cancer-Aries-Libra-Capricorn    -Meryl 3 plus 2 nodes; Maggie - 5
So both have the mother-amazon-lady-high achiever archetypes all blended in their persona from the 4 signs
Even the term Iron Lady typifies the energies of Mars-Aries and Venus-Libra

Thatcher birth chart from databank
and the chart aspects below
click to enlarge :

Meryl Streep birthchart from

Meryl with Mercury and Mars conjunct in Gemini has an active and clever mind, well suited to languages and various forms of speaking.
Margaret has Mercury conjunct the Sun in Libra -an air (of the mind) sign like Gemini -but the Libran influence gave her a cultured diction - as well as a Ladylike appearance.
Both women are mentally tough.

Both have multiple planetary aspects to their Sun and so possess strong personalities with many complex dimensions.
The emphasis for Maggie drew her towards public life and an elevated position of power (Jupiter in Capricorn exact opposite Pluto in Cancer - both square the Sun)
For Meryl -  Pluto semisquare, Saturn sextile, Uranus exact conjunct the sun provides a mixed bag of driving forces with Pluto in Leo providing the creative drive for her acting career.

Both have strong Capricorn/Saturn resonance even having names stating with M = number 4 = Saturn
Margaret was born on the 13th = 4, and Meryl on the 22nd which is a Master Number with the higher vibration of 4 = high level of responsibility on a large scale.
Where Margaret Thatcher gets the large scale level of responsibility from the strong trio of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter joining forces at average 14 degrees.
The significance of this grouping is reinforced by Saturn so prominently placed- [ far left horizon point - AC] Psychologically this is the position showing the process of being born: Saturn indicates a probable life-death struggle, emotionally difficult, hard work for both mother & baby Margaret. But the phoenix arises via the ascendant sign Scorpio's link to Pluto -the other heavy hitter in the trio - showing triumph over extreme adversity was in her blood. The involvement of Cancer via Pluto and Capricorn via Jupiter shows the profound effect Thatcher had on both the private, domestic [Cancer] and public policy and governing conditions [Capricorn] in Great Britain - as well as like-minded parliamentary democracies abroad. An extremely powerful survival instinct had been imprinted at birth in Margaret Thatcher, all packaged in the demeanour dress and manner of a refined British Lady. 
Her politics were forged in the ethic of survivalism, in particular survival of the fittest.

This is just a brief appraisal, not including full chart analysis.

July 2016 addendum

British Conservative MP Theresa May has topped the first ballot to take the leadership of the Conservative Party

Strikingly she shares many Thatcher flavours: a Libran Sun with Saturn in Scorpio, a strong Mars-Jupiter contact, a strong Saturn-Pluto contact - but even though Thatcher had no retrograde planets - allowing full outer expression versus internalised, May has Saturn and Pluto linked to the lunar nodal axis in a signature of immense political potency -at risk of excessive dominance, power abuse of the "running roughshod" variety. Being, so far, described as a "tough cookie" will be regarded as gently complimentary when her full arsenal is revealed.
She has the capacity to operate in a deeply covert manner -with excellent planning and plotting skills aboard. [Mars-Neptune, Pluto-Mercury, ]

May has the capacity to out-Thatcher Thatcher and her stocks will rise in 2017 as transiting Uranus boosts her Pluto power and Saturn climbs to 29 Sagittarius by mid December 2017, providing a hi-octane level of political clout.

July 14 2016  brutal News headlines

update July 11 2016
Theresa May confirmed as winner of Conservative Party leadership contest & due to become PM on July 13.
Reuters photo spread from the Thatcher archives

Newsweek Cover:


further reading
BBC report on death of Thatcher
Meryl comments on Thatcher's death
Meryl Streep
Margaret Thatcher
Daily Mail article

Friday 16 December 2011

Pole Shift - the NASA vs other views

NASA has published an article on the issue of earth's pole shift cycle but in this video, Thomas Bryant Jnr picks this apart with more intriguing questions than NASA is prepared to propose regarding magnetic anomalies.

The long-standing poleshift website linking in earth changes has a wealth of commentary as well.

Each of us will by now be forming an opinion as to whether we believe there is a lot more going on with the state of our planet than the governing bodies around the globe are prepared to disclose. The global changes due to human-induced warming seems at this point a very superficial explanation.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

December 2011 lunar eclipse astro analysis

The tilt factors enable Dec 2011 to have a total eclipse.
Original post begins:
December 2011: There is an imminent eclipse in the wings - total lunar visible in the southern hemisphere coinciding with the moon at maximum north declination in respect of the earth. These factors can trigger turbulence. Exactitude is Dec 10 2011 (Universal Time) though the building phase & aftermath phase makes for a period of Dec 7-13 to watch. Also take note of the December  solstice  when the Sun is at zero degrees of the cardinal sign Capricorn and therefore one of the traditional four seasonal markers. This year the Moon is perigee  (closest orb for the month) on Dec 22. Solstice is also on Dec 22. Moon is maximum south on Dec 23 and the New Moon is on the 24th (25th NZ). So this is a whole bunch of factors all compressing into a brief time frame.

One source I follow is suggesting there will be enough strain generated to have significant impact on the tectonic state of the planet with significant seismic consequences. Watch and see if the sun gets more active (flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, coronal holes)(update Xmas Day solar flare M4.0 emits CME to earth) and human behaviour in general is perturbed by the highly charged atmosphere. Wild/extreme weather is also aggravated by these strong solar-lunar forces.

For New Zealand the Moon starts to enter the Earth's penumbral shadow just after 12.30am NZDT on the morning of December 11 and the umbral shadow just after 1.45am. Totality lasts from 3.06 to 3.57 with the deepest eclipse at 3.32 am NZDT. At that time the Moon will be 21° above the horizon in Auckland, 18° at Wellington, 17° at Christchurch and 15.5° at Dunedin and Invercargill. The Moon sets within a few minutes of 6am NZDT (17 hr UT) throughout New Zealand. Royal Astronomical Society of NZ

The eclipse signs are Sagittarius and Gemini
Polar opposite signs always share themes, but these themes have distinct differences in intensity and focus.
For example  Gemini is the typical energy of trivia and bits of information. Texting, emails, letters, books, written and phone messages, telecommunications are all commonly associated with this sign.
Sagittarius utilises similar channels to Gemini -but for more advanced/sophisticated or meaningful purposes -so instead of simply reading for pleasure (Gemini), Sagittarian reading is about study, learning.
Gemini the messenger loves collecting and passing on tidbits of information, trivia, but Sagittarius is focussed on knowledge, beliefs, wisdom, morals, ethics, ideas of significance, philosophy.

Both signs love activity and travel - due to the need for mental stimulation and due to physical restlessness.
Gemini is more localised/regional trips by car plus leisure walking and cycling, plus transport in general.
Sagittarius is more about international broadening of the mind via travel and intensive sport/exercise.
Both signs like adventure, just in varying degrees of scale.

Issues related to information, message systems, beliefs, ethics are more likely to arise globally in the 6 month eclipse period.  This time frame will see more people inclined to Gemini-Sagittarius activities as outlined above.

In terms of more subtle stuff,  this eclipse has energies attached related to spiritual/emotional healing being on offer for many.

As usual,  there are people (and places) more particularly affected - including (but not exclusively - as your personal birthchart can show relevant connections)  those born on/around Dec 10, March 8, June 8, Sept 10 - any year.

Brace yourself though, whatever your circumstances: globally much more social disruption and political upheaval is on the cards

Updates added:
addendum 1
Just noticed that on Xmas weekend 24-25th Mars will trigger the eclipse potentials strongly (Mars in Virgo square the 18 degree sun-moon of the Dec 10 eclipse)

A square (90 degrees) provides a stress energy resulting in friction, restlessness, probably critical arguments during discussions. Looks like those family gatherings could get a little heated if you are unable to discharge the excess energy through a bit of exercise!
Of course all the transport networks -local & international (Gemini-Sagittarius) will be extra busy - Mars provides lots of extra energy to that activity but being at right angles don't expect things to flow that well -snarl-ups and bad temper likely in this context too.
Gemini-related Mercury is in retrograde phase and not truly in full direct phase until New Year's Day 2012 which means interference with transport and telecommunications networks, miscommunications, confused or lost messages and all related situations where flow of information can be interfered with.

addendum 2
Through news items - examples of vulnerable/susceptible people experiencing this Gemini-Sag  eclipse energy in an intense way:
deaths in NZ as foreign nationals lost in a river crossing on a tramp/hike in S. Island.
In Auckland - abseiling acrobat falls from building during practice -with miraculous minor injury
clash of beliefs
the Eurozone discussions
traffic/transport issues - accidents, congestion

addendum 3
Looking towards Xmas there are significant warnings to consider:
December 22 solstice Uranus is exact square the Sun and Pluto sits on the Mars-Saturn midpoint in the leadup into the Xmas Day New Moon in Capricorn. This new moon pattern will include the effects of these two powerful planetary groupings.

Uranus brings turbulent and sudden effects. It is in the fire sign Aries and the sun in the earth sign Capricorn relateds to the structure and crust of the earth.  Earthquake activity is a heightened risk (updates: see Dec 22 & Dec 23 reports re quakes scroll down; Christchurch, NZ has had sustained significant quake activity since Dec 23, into 2012) as well as fire, use of weapons.
Older people are vulnerable with the Capricorn influence.
(update: of 11 deceased in the Jan 7 ballooning tragedy, 9 were aged 49-71)
The classic interpretation of the Mars-Saturn-Pluto combo is  "destruction" "fury" "rage".
Particular people who are stressed by this combo will be capable of very dangerous outbursts of a violent, homocidal nature. (updates: Dec. 22:  In New Zealand a 5 year old girl was violently attacked by a man at a camping ground - full story  ; scroll to Jan 7 re exploding air balloon)

The potential for mass death is also there. (updates: Dec 26 numerous instances of fatal bombings including in Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Baghdad and significantly coordinated attacks by a Muslim sect at Christmas across Nigeria have killed large numbers of people; Jan 7: 11 die in balloon crash)
Natural events - extreme weather and destructive seismic/volcanic events can also be associated with this type of signature.
Where and who depends on specific individual analysis -but be assured the energy will have expression and will make the global news.
Dec 9 2011 a storm with winds exceeding 240kms/hr has been battering Scotland with dramatic news reports.

The warning is: take seriously any threatening person or force in your environment especially in the time frame Dec 21-23. The Moon is in Scorpio ( the most destructive/cruel emotional sign) from 11pm Dec 20 (NZ time) until 1am on Dec 23 - which will aggravate the other factors making particular people very susceptible to acting from a place of rage.
The New Moon has a lunar month period of influence -Dec 24 2011-Jan 23 2012 and the complexities of this pattern are evidenced in the amount of hard news emerging daily, in NZ alone, fitting the descriptions outlined earlier

addendum 5
Piers Corbyn (UK) and Alex Sosnowski(USA) both predicting "worse to come" scenarios for weather heading towards Christmas 2011 in their countries

Alex Sosnowski comments on USA situation "a possibility of multiple dynamic storms in progress at the same time"
Piers Corbyn wrote Dec 9 Another storm-blizzardy deep low is coming into view crossing UK
(update Jan 6 -Piers Corbyn analysis of recent UK weather)

addendum 6
The first big quake in the eclipse time frame: M6.5 Mexico

Various reports of violent assaults around NZ Dec 10-11 example
4 stabbed at Sydney party four or five men had turned up armed with machetes and knives.
A fight between the intruders and partygoers resulted in four guests being stabbed.

addendum 7
Sorry no eclipse pics from my location In New Zealand (too cloudy) but here's a link to a good eclipse gallery for this event - PHOTOS
Astrologer Richard Nolle who is a lot more indepth than I am (sorry, Gemini Rising!) says what we’ve got is another month of extraordinary times. Note particularly his comments on Mars  -already noted by me as a aggravating element in December - but he points to a run-on into 2012

addendum 8
Severe weather warning for east coast, state of New South Wales, Australia, Dec 12.
Alternative forecaster Ken Ring says:
Full moon, perigee, nodal crossing and lunar equinox all affect weather. When these factors bunch up more turbulent weather can be the result. -full article on eclipses

addendum 9
Dec 12 BIG FREEZE predicted for coming weeks in Scotland
Tourist mis-adventure in NZ while bird-spotting
Dec 13 London,UK commuter chaos reported
Cases of brutal violence in the news in New Zealand
UK Met Service confirms significant storm due Dec 15-16 coincides with alternative forecaster Piers Corbyn forecast - FULL REPORT
In New Zealand several regional severe weather warnings with wind & rain of significance.
addendum 10 -  Dec 2011
A lot of news coming through in NZ - as well as globally - that has a Mars theme - heat, fire, weapons, burning, anger, aggression.  (Mars strongly activated at the Dec New Moon plus Mars in Virgo was at right angles to the Gemini-Sag eclipse, but not close enough to be strongly effective in my opinion. However, the other interaction Mars is having is with the lunar nodes in Gemini-Sag which it has been in range of exactitude by 90 degree square since Dec 10 and extending till at least Dec 16. People vulnerable to 14 degrees of mutable signs, including those born on or around Dec 7, March 4, Jun 4, Sept 6 any year are most likely - plus those whose birth chart reveals a planet at 14 Sag/ Gemini/Pisces/ Virgo. With the Mars factor added to the vulnerable eclipse birth dates mentioned in paragraph 3 - people born within the whole time frame of those dates eg Dec 7-10 inclusive, can expect strong activations - either actively or passively, acting or being acted upon by someone/thing with Mars energy.
Update Jan 11 2012: An omitted explanation:
Mars in tight square to the Sagittarius-Gemini lunar nodes at the eclipse on Dec 10 has had a very strong effect on Sagittarian-Gemini activities in New Zealand during the December-January vacation period. Mars love of speed and risk-taking has resulted in an unusually high number of road fatalities and crashes as well as an exceptional number of deaths or dangerous outcomes in the category of misadventure., all of which is consistent with the stress from Mars energy affecting those categories of activities -  transport, outdoors adventure -even bizarrely this accident:

Mass shooting in Belgium  and racist violence in Florence, Italy  both events involving guns, one involving grenades
Seismic activity has been noticeable with now 4 events M6.0+ since Dec 11
Dec 14 the highest of the 4, M7.3 Papua New Guinea, on land.

Dec 14 another death by misadventure -( involving a transportation device) -NY woman dies caught in lift shaft
addendum 11
Weather is abyssmal across much of New Zealand due to a blocking high pressure area buckling the jet stream (Met service Daniel Corbett)
Metvuw graphics show the original koru shaped centre of the "engine room" of the low pressure zone causing the intense rain, flooding , landslips across central NZ very strongly as less intensely elsewhere
                                           click to enlarge this graphic. Metvuw website

Dec 17-18 Mass deaths in Philippines due to flash flooding plus the capsize off Java, of a boat containing asylum seekers continues a theme of deaths/misadventure involving water . The water theme enters into the eclipse picture via the mutable sign dominance of the eclipse -Gemini-Sagittarius + Mars in Virgo implicates the missing sign of water = Pisces. - but add to this the growing energy of the connection between Saturn 27 Libra and Neptune 28 Aquarius  - which implicates difficulty around water. This combination is activated by the Moon at 12-13 degrees of Mutable & Cardinal signs = Virgo & Libra  during Dec 17 & 19  - plus Monday 19 Dec sees a group activating the 27-28 degree points.  Expect the dangerous water theme to be strong Monday 19 & beyond into January 2012 -since the cardinal sign Capricorn Sun & Mercury and Moon positions will trigger both Saturn (problems) and Neptune (water)
Oil rig capsizes in Russia's far eastern Okhotsk sea with 67 on board in subzero conditions
European storm Joachim brings hurricane winds

Dec 22 lunar perigee & solstice In NZ (13 hrs ahead of universal Time UT) we are having a quake swarm in vulnerable Christchurch -up to M3.4 and a M5.7 seaflor event in the zone at the tip of the volcanic Kermadec Trench north-east of NZ. The Kermadec area has been quite grumbly lately as tectonic stress builds at the plate boundary due to eastward drift.
Brutal violence as expected, in the news:

Dec 23
Wild weather USA
As anticipated, the seismic stress has found a significant outlet
Today Dec 23 in  Christchurch New Zealand suffers significant earthquakes:
Graphics from GNS, USGS & Quakelive

The first quake was initially rated M5.9 and was a seafloor event in Pegasus Bay off North New Brighton. The second shock rated M5.9 was on the eastern coast at South New Brighton
Update Dec 26 2011 re Christchurch: please visit the popular ongoing post on Christchurch Shakes Again and Again for extended data, graphics on the significant new sequence targetting Pegasus Bay seafloor with resulting eastern suburbs damage as significant aftershocks continue.
Update Dec 27
Carnage in Nigeria, in Syria and a family murder suicide in Texas all reflect the brutal energy identified in addendum 3 above.
This brutal energy has a lengthy period of activation and will be aggravated during the run up from Xmas to New Year -with both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, in particular, aggravating violent tendencies in those most targeted by this pattern. The Moon is in Aries on those days adding fuel to the pattern
Update Dec 29
...and wild weather continues plus a fatal explosion -this one in Myanmar (Burma).
Reports from Montana, Scotland, New York

and the tail of declining tropical cyclone Fina disturbs weather across NZ
Extreme weather discussion on UK alternative forecaster Piers Corbyn's recent (Dec 2011) forecast page.
Explanation on my Tamzin Kay FB page:
update example re above warning:

Update Dec 30 

Jan 2 2012
Jan 6 2012
News over the Xmas-New Year period in NZ continues to be full of reports of death by accident or misadventure - a lot of cases in maritime environments ( water & adventure themes relate to the mutable eclipse sign energies Gemini & Sagittarius -plus Saturn's trine to Neptune). Many cases involving transport - car crashes - being Mars and Uranus in Aries related. One freak accident (Uranus) with a man speared - and disembowelled - in the abdomen by an anchor. A 63 yr old woman jumped with her suitcase off the Cook Strait ferry. Several boating accidents with death.
Also rogue waves have been reported in NZ (Foveaux Strait boating tragedy) and elsewhere:
Oakura New Plymouth NZ  -swamped dinghy - dumps 2 men
Rogue wave struck a tanker ship, killed crewman off Plymouth UK
Ireland: Met Éireann last week recorded the highest ever wave seen in Irish waters as a 67 foot monster was registered by the M4 weather buoy on Tuesday afternoon, the Irish Times reports.
Located 10 miles west of Rossan Point, Co. Donegal, the buoy clocked the huge wave just after 2 pm, the weather service said on its website, with another wave earlier in the day also topping 65 feet. Both smashed the previous record of approximately 52 feet, with a Met Éireann spokesperson calling it “a significant jump in magnitude.” “If you get a long stream of strong winds from the same direction, you get waves building up…"
Thailand, Xmas Day   A 10-to-13 feet high wave inundated a shore on the Gulf of Thailand, causing floods of one metre deep and damaging houses in a village in Chumphon province, according to Provincial Governor Pinich Charoenpanich.
These wave examples may be consistent with disturbed, unbalanced and very intense weather patterns noted globally - with stuck pressure zones and strong winds noted in many locations. 
Piers Corbyn discusses the solar influences impacting upon earth's jet streams & storms
"what drives the Jet stream? The answer is solar events and sun-earth magnetic connectivity"   -report

Jan 7 2012
Mass death by misadventure -Wairarapa New Zealand - 11 die many in flames (Mars/Aries) as a hot air balloon (Uranus in Aries) returning to land hits power lines (Uranus). Again the prominent themes of the December Moons have an extreme expression in NZ - full report

Updates April 2 2012 Bearing in mind that eclipse events have a minimum 6 months period of influence -from the prior build up of exactitude to at least the following event e.g. from one lunar eclipse to the next - triggered events contunie to be reported that correspond to the themes of this Dec 2011 lunar eclipse affecting all four mutable signs and their corresponding issues as explained earlier. Maritime dramas continue to feature, including more cruise ship problems - for a roundup see The Shipping News post

Refer to new posts on 2012 -who is most affected and 2012 much more than 2011 as well as a specific 2012 info resource just posted Jan 2012.

Monday 5 December 2011

The Wave-Machine of Mach

For your enjoyment and enlightenment... 
universal harmonics in action

A simple harmonic motion diagram can illustrate the interactions of planetary bodies:
 Imagine the circles are the orbital paths of 3 planets. The harmonic pattern is created and spreads throughout the universe, but this is one of countless harmonic patterns underlying reality

Pendulum Waves
Leon H Maurer theory of cosmogenesis

Saturday 3 December 2011


Feb 6 2013
M8 seafloor quake at the plate boundary angle between Solomon Islands and Vanuatu sets off a barrage of big aftershocks
Latitude 10-11S and longitude 165-66 affected
 (Santa Cruz Islands region.)
Damaging tsunami effects in the focal region but no reports so far of extended tsunami effects.
Google Earth shows initial events, of which there were 27 (M4.9-M6.6) in the first 6 hours 

Feb 7 2013
The aftershock sequence has resumed strongly in the Solomons seafloor region  - after the triple -zero 3hr period of quiet so now the sequence of number of events per hour there is:
Feb 6 sequence = 2,0,7,5,8,4,6,3,1,5,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,3     (started from 01.12 hrs (UT)
Feb 7 sequence = 3,1,5,1,0,0,0,1,2,1,1,0,1,2,1,1,0,1,1,2,3,2,0,0
Feb 8 sequence = 2,0,1,0,3,2,0,2,3,3,0,4,2,2,2,5,0,1,2,1,1,0,1,2
Nearby: Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia have all had quakes over M4 in the 3 days since the Solomons seismic unrest, making this section of the Pacific Ring of Fire the current global hot spot
Data: USGS

Feb 11 2013
Over 150 aftershocks of M4+ and up to M7.1 have occurred in the Solomons region since Feb 6

Jan 11 2012
Including here, due to potential regional impact, events in Indonesia, specifically today a M7.3 quake off Banda Aceh Sumatra, which was a strike slip, horizontal event and therefore less capable of tsunami generation. A very useful geological paper as a  PDF resource exists, with hi-res graphics appended, for those interested in a study following the devastating 2004 Boxing Day quake &  tsunami in the same zone. Sample graphic.                           click to enlarge all graphics

Jan 6 2012
               GNS map showing M5 quake Jan 6 2012 in an area having frequent
 strong seafloor quakes in past 6 months
Also M5 Pegasus Bay off Chch Jan 6 2012
Jan 3 2012
Ongoing quake unrest offshore from Christchurch New Zealand increases the reputation of this south Pacific zone. Westwards movement of the Pacific plate and uplift of the Australian plate could be showing a stress point in the Christchurch zone of NZ.
NOAA graphic shows the continental shelf NZ sits on
CLICK TO ENLARGE all graphics

LINZ graphic detail of rises, ridges, plateaux, trenches and basins


UK university researchers have been paying a lot of attention to the Tonga Trench, said to be the most seismically active zone on the planet -and the second deepest ocean zone, which like in the more northern and deeper -in fact earth's deepest - the Mariana Trench at around 12N of the equator features a chain of undersea volcanoes which are on a path westwards, subducting under the adjacent tectonic plate and both regions are showing the descent of the volcanic mounds into the trench below. Fascinating stuff, but also rather scary, in that this amount of activity and the research being applied, indicates that the global scientific community is very aware of the fragile era of tectonic upheaval facing many areas of the globe. Long overdue readjustments are on the cards -and the influence of planetary stress factors  - especially at the moment the cycle phase of Pluto and Uranus - in the larger scheme of things indicates that in our lifetime there is cause for concern.

Japan of course has had its wake-up call in 2011 - as has New Zealand since September 2010 and with the seismic factors considered both countries remain in the at risk category for further destructive events. Of course the South Pacific island nations including Samoa, Fiji and Tonga are living in very vulnerable region.

Larger view with some Red Dot volcanoes maked

New Zealand is clearly at the mercy of the westwards subduction, with the Tonga Trench extending down to the Kermadec Trench and then to NZ's North Island East Cape

                                                TE ARA graphic of the plate boundary
                     The fault map shown with Geonet NZ graphic of most recent quakes prior to Dec 13 2011

Clearly the plate boundary is very active

The South Island of NZ is positioned on top of the Pacific plate boundary with the Australian plate and this convergence created the Southern Alps. Of NZ's four main cities, only 2 - Auckland the northern economic hub and Dunedin, in the much quieter deep south, are distanced from the boundary itself.

New Zealand authorities are showing a sudden significant response to earthquake hazards, some 10 months after the destructive Christchurch quake in February 2011.  A string of public buildings have been closed in recent weeks across the country due to being designated as earthquake prone. Many are heritage or tend to be older unreinforced masonry constructions.

It could be assumed from this increased sense of public protection, that the authorities in New Zealand have ben very clearly advised of ongoing hazards being anticipated from the seismic vulnerability of New Zealand.

BBC report on the Tonga Trench research in 2011

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