Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher -astro analysis

Meryl Streep a Cancerian born June 22 1949 has entranced the world with her Iron Lady movie portrayal of formidable British Prime Minister Margaret [Maggie] Thatcher, a Libran born October 13 1925
Baroness Margaret Thatcher died following a stroke
 on April 8 2013, aged 87

They have some interesting astrological similarities and contrasts
see 2016 addendum re Theresa May
Rust in Peace -grafitti seen after Thatcher's death announced April 2013
Meryl born at zero degrees Cancer has the sign of womanhood/motherhood to the fore in her personal makeup and Maggie was, for good or ill, the Mother of the Nation - her Moon at the top of the chart emphasises a parental role but not a publicly warm and sensitive one as  suggested by the Leo Moon with Neptune. Pluto connects tightly to Maggie Thatcher's moon emphasising her ruthless streak.
Both women have a lot of cardinal sign planets - Cancer-Aries-Libra-Capricorn    -Meryl 3 plus 2 nodes; Maggie - 5
So both have the mother-amazon-lady-high achiever archetypes all blended in their persona from the 4 signs
Even the term Iron Lady typifies the energies of Mars-Aries and Venus-Libra

Thatcher birth chart from databank
and the chart aspects below
click to enlarge :

Meryl Streep birthchart from

Meryl with Mercury and Mars conjunct in Gemini has an active and clever mind, well suited to languages and various forms of speaking.
Margaret has Mercury conjunct the Sun in Libra -an air (of the mind) sign like Gemini -but the Libran influence gave her a cultured diction - as well as a Ladylike appearance.
Both women are mentally tough.

Both have multiple planetary aspects to their Sun and so possess strong personalities with many complex dimensions.
The emphasis for Maggie drew her towards public life and an elevated position of power (Jupiter in Capricorn exact opposite Pluto in Cancer - both square the Sun)
For Meryl -  Pluto semisquare, Saturn sextile, Uranus exact conjunct the sun provides a mixed bag of driving forces with Pluto in Leo providing the creative drive for her acting career.

Both have strong Capricorn/Saturn resonance even having names stating with M = number 4 = Saturn
Margaret was born on the 13th = 4, and Meryl on the 22nd which is a Master Number with the higher vibration of 4 = high level of responsibility on a large scale.
Where Margaret Thatcher gets the large scale level of responsibility from the strong trio of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter joining forces at average 14 degrees.
The significance of this grouping is reinforced by Saturn so prominently placed- [ far left horizon point - AC] Psychologically this is the position showing the process of being born: Saturn indicates a probable life-death struggle, emotionally difficult, hard work for both mother & baby Margaret. But the phoenix arises via the ascendant sign Scorpio's link to Pluto -the other heavy hitter in the trio - showing triumph over extreme adversity was in her blood. The involvement of Cancer via Pluto and Capricorn via Jupiter shows the profound effect Thatcher had on both the private, domestic [Cancer] and public policy and governing conditions [Capricorn] in Great Britain - as well as like-minded parliamentary democracies abroad. An extremely powerful survival instinct had been imprinted at birth in Margaret Thatcher, all packaged in the demeanour dress and manner of a refined British Lady. 
Her politics were forged in the ethic of survivalism, in particular survival of the fittest.

This is just a brief appraisal, not including full chart analysis.

July 2016 addendum

British Conservative MP Theresa May has topped the first ballot to take the leadership of the Conservative Party

Strikingly she shares many Thatcher flavours: a Libran Sun with Saturn in Scorpio, a strong Mars-Jupiter contact, a strong Saturn-Pluto contact - but even though Thatcher had no retrograde planets - allowing full outer expression versus internalised, May has Saturn and Pluto linked to the lunar nodal axis in a signature of immense political potency -at risk of excessive dominance, power abuse of the "running roughshod" variety. Being, so far, described as a "tough cookie" will be regarded as gently complimentary when her full arsenal is revealed.
She has the capacity to operate in a deeply covert manner -with excellent planning and plotting skills aboard. [Mars-Neptune, Pluto-Mercury, ]

May has the capacity to out-Thatcher Thatcher and her stocks will rise in 2017 as transiting Uranus boosts her Pluto power and Saturn climbs to 29 Sagittarius by mid December 2017, providing a hi-octane level of political clout.

July 14 2016  brutal News headlines

update July 11 2016
Theresa May confirmed as winner of Conservative Party leadership contest & due to become PM on July 13.
Reuters photo spread from the Thatcher archives

Newsweek Cover:


further reading
BBC report on death of Thatcher
Meryl comments on Thatcher's death
Meryl Streep
Margaret Thatcher
Daily Mail article


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...