Friday, 25 February 2011

Christchurch Quake and Pike River Mine -two tragedies linked

Why the 22 Feb 2011 quake in Christchurch, New Zealand has more in common with the Pike River coal mine tragedy, than the Sept 4 2010 quake in Darfield, Canterbury – all three being NZ environmental events.

On 19 November 2010 near Greymouth, South Island New Zealand  (longitude 171E12, latitude 42S28) the Pike River mine exploded. It is believed the initial blast was “unsurvivable”, killing 29 men working inside the site. Delays and difficulties plagued the initial rescue phase due to high gas readings followed by the outbreak of fire Pike River Mine

The mine was beset from 2007 by early delays in production, machine failures, unmet targets, financial deficits. Collectively a picture emerges of the hallmarks of saturnian influence hanging over this site/business. Certainly the whole process and outcome of the November tragedy had Saturn engraved from start to end.

So what links did Saturn show on November 19
Saturn was semi-square Sun, sesqui-quadrate Neptune-Chiron conjunction

Pluto exact on North Node and the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction on the ascendant also played major roles – big events show a collusion of influences.

Now jump almost 3 months to the day, to February 22 2011, Christchurch (172E38, 43S32) not hugely distanced by coordinates from Greymouth, and a major earthquake at 12.51 pm has laid waste to structures and people en masse across the city and surrounding south-east region.
Saturn at 16 Libra 36 has moved a few degrees from the Pike River position ( 13 Libra 26) as have the remaining outer planets, but the inner positions are obviously further away.
So what is Saturn linking to now? A five-member stellium( Neptune, Mars, Mercury, Chiron,Sun) from Neptune in Aquarius to the Sun in Pisces, with a midpoint of 0Pisces46. A hidden, so-called minor aspect, the sesquiquadrate. The exact angle to Saturn is 1Pisces36 and that point is shared by the Sun-Mercury midpoint & close to Sun-Chiron at 1Pisces56.

So noting here that Saturn interacts with Sun,Neptune,Chiron in both events by “minor aspect”

How was Saturn evident as the earthquake tragedies unfolded: many people were trapped, their circumstances deemed “unsurviveable”, rescue and recovery have been a slow, painstaking process, on account of collapsed structures. The smoking fire of the CTV building also recalls the Pike river Mine fire. Three days after the 2011 quake, of the over 100 missing, the majority appear to be the dead remaining entombed in the CTV and Pyne Gould Corporation buildings

As expected, other signatures surround this event: Pluto, ruler of 7th is in the 8th, in exact square to Jupiter, ruler of the 8th
The considerable impact on relationships is identified here, adding to the capacity for loss heralded by Saturn being in the relationship sign Libra. There is much more that can be said of this chart, but the eerie link between Pike River in November 2010 and February 22 2011 in Christchurch is demonstrable.

Is there more to come?
In 2011, there are considerable environmental challenges facing our world, too much to address here, but in pursuing this particular focus, which happens to involve events in the South Island, New Zealand, the next time Saturn reaches semi-square and sesquiquadrate angles is worth noting and observing:  the Full Moon in mid May 2011, 26 Taurus-Scorpio links exactly to Saturn at 11 Libra. Jupiter at 26 Aries will act as an amplifier, by quincunx and semisextile to the solar-lunar force. Whether this is enough to manifest an event of similar signifiers, we will watch and learn.



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...