Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Jerks, Knee Jerks & Ken Ring

Its 2011 in New Zealand but a sector of the population has gone all medieval on Ken Ring, the man who uses planetary observations, primarily the sun and moon, to see their impact on weather and natural events Here's his homepage showing some of his work. Ring looks at lunations -full, new and eclipses, plus the perigee ( closest orbit to earth) positions of the moon, along with declinations -positions north or south of the equator in the moon's monthly orbit. In terms of the sun, extra factors like solar flares are considered, on account of the electromagnetic pulses directed towards earth. This is what is revealed of his methodology.

None of this is weird and none of it is "unscientific" or "pseudo-science". The mistake many uneducated earth dwellers make is to hold onto the illusion that planet earth is a special case, unlike the countless other planets in the solar system, in that Earth is not exposed to space-weather.  Any search of this term will bring up numerous dedicated websites including Spaceweather -where a current entry says:
A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the early hours of March 1st. The impact sparked a geomagnetic storm that was, at first, minor, but the storm has been intensifying throughout the day. 
or SOHO  which provides lots of graphics..and A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on March 3rd or 4th.
Events from the sun have recorded and scientifically accepted influences on earth.
Space weather is established science, but where things start to divert is use of the data. Mainstream scientists use computer modelling, based on probabilities. No scope there for the unprecedented. Anything that belongs to the long cycle of events exceeds the data range. This is where the other side emerges: the intuitive observers, the pattern seekers & finders who carry the baton from aeons ago, prehistory in fact, when there was ample time in which to look, see and form opinions. We know whole observatories were fashioned, the remnants remaining as testimony to the value of planet watching, connecting the skies with the earth.

So for some time Ken Ring has been using astronomical data to connect the dots in this way. Is he likely to be 100% accurate? No, but neither does contemporary geophysical science have a failsafe method of pinpointing where and when the earth will shake. So why does Ken Ring attract vilification? It has been the same ever since Christianity sought to have the final answer: only God has the super power to bring about cataclysm in response to evil - any one else must be burnt at the stake as a heretic. So this flawed Christian ethic is still alive and fuming in 2011 New Zealand in response to Ken Ring. Wild Boy Bomber Bradbury even felt the need to put the boot in. His politics appear to be left but his brain may lack a corpus collosum: there is no wholistic analysis going on. This disjunct is not unusual: Waiheke News Blog replied to Bradbury's post on Ken Ring being avalanched by John Campbell on TV3

I'm shocked at your shallow and deeply conservative response to this issue. your analysis of Ring's theory is desperately lacking in proper detail. Anyone who judges Ring without proper research of his methodology is coming from a place of ignorance and fear. If Ring is able to galvanize people to act on sensible preparation, how is that different from EQNZ adverts. Just because he has the balls to give dates doesn't make him evil. It makes many, like you & John Campbell, incredibly freaked out, and in knee jerk reaction, aggressive
Not surprisingly the science fraternity has posted further "evidence" of Ring's short-comings. 
The Atavism page on the Sciblogs site provides some academic analysis but assumes Ring is only using lunations and perigees.
Piers Corbyn is the UK equivalent of Ken Ring, similarly controversial, but also highly successful. His method sounds very similar to Ring's, so they are both making a go at translating space weather into earth weather and events. 
My opinion is that they are both with-holding further aspects of their method, which would be even more controversial: my position is that the outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto play a very significant role in synergizing with the solar-lunar influences. even the minor, inner players from Mercury to Mars can come on board to add weight around the time of significant earth activity. Why? Because a wholistic template takes in the larger picture, not just a couple of elements, though the holographic view means that any single element contains the whole picture, if your analysis is detailed enough to detect it. Both men must have noticed the patterns in the other stuff going on.
So in NZ, March 2011 we have had jerks ( John Campbell berating Ken Ring, without giving him the chance to speak), knee-jerks - the people who vilify Ring for having an opinion, and those who analyse perhaps a portion of his method. The man himself will continue to speak out and many are happy about this option..
I have tried to pursue the holy grail of earthquake prediction for sometime and am in the process of developing theories based on factors that not only include solar-lunar influence, but also the outer planets and a myriad of keys in the combination lock that have to tumble into place to determine when and where. It's definitely not an overnight job, so only dribs and drabs will leak out here....
The weekend of March 5-6 when Uranus conjuncts the Moon both squaring the Moon's nodes all in aspect to  0 degree point looks powerful to me for environmental/weather upheaval.
This energy is likely to linger and in fact strengthen in the buildup to the perigee Full Moon overnight Sunday morning 20 March NZDT, because of the massing of energy from 28 mutable to 0 cardinal. Why is this degree range interesting?:  late mutable to early cardinal degrees crop up continually in the timing extreme weather events over the past century and it seems relevant to the Galactic Centre being at 27 SAG.  Where? is always the question but Ring and John Thomas Bryant Jnr, astrotometry on You Tube have their views on this, based also on a holographic notion of mirroring.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...