Monday, 14 March 2011

Japan nuclear events: past to present energetic links

2022 update: scroll to end re Chernobyl energetic profile

Japan Map courtesy google maps

The big shudders affecting Japan have involved the unprecedented trio in conjunction: seismic, tsunami and nuclear.

Japan has a history of devastation involving all three, but the meeting of all three in time is the spectre hanging over Japan in March 2011.

History repeats and astrologers are well versed in locating the prior cycles that return and revisit places in time.

The nuclear risks under present time emergency management immediately provoke a revisiting of Japan's last nuclear crisis, imposed that time politically, by America, during World War 2.

The energetic links between the events of 1945 and 2011 in respect of the nuclear aspects and humanitarian crises are fascinating.
The preceding eclipse in 1945 was a total solar in July. At 16CAN57 this provides a signpost to Pluto - Pluto was discovered on 18 Feb 1930 at 17CAN40. Transit Saturn reached 17CAN40 on August 1st (GMT) 1945. Moon got to 17CAN40 less than an hour before the Hiroshima bombing on August 6. Saturn & Moon were conjoined at 18 Cancer when the bombing began.
Note: some knowledge of astrological methods and symbols is required to follow this post

Hiroshima 08.16am August 6 1945

Nagasaki 11.02 am August 9 1945

Firstly some excerpts of historical detail via WIKIPEDIA 

The Hiroshima bomb, a bomb called "Little Boy," was made with uranium-235, a rare isotope of uranium extracted in giant factories in Tennessee

The Nagasaki bomb, "Fat Man," was an implosion device made primarily of plutonium-239 -
90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima
60,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki
Here are some quickly compiled observations I want to publish
So the uranium and plutonium aspects have to be noted with their obvious links to Uranus and Pluto
NOTE the  visual clue of the tightly compressed bowl pattern of the planets in both events of 1945
I always look to the prior eclipse events to see the connections re the timing of an activation.
July 9 saw a Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) at 16CANCER57 
section of Hiroshima chart
Uranus exact on MC 16 GEM and ASC 17 VIRG, Saturn in exact conjunct to Moon in Cancer all resonate with the prior TSE. This speaks of the mayhem and devastation to homes and families.
The Uranus-Neptune midpoint falls exactly on Pluto
Hiroshima chart section: URA-NEP=PLU

 Uranus and Chiron also have a midpoint (9LEO) very close to Pluto (9LEO56)
Jupiter at 26VIR is exact square the Galactic Centre (26SAG06 in 1945), the signature of a mega scale event.
Other planets on this date had midpoints in very close aspect ( no higher than one degree orb) to the 26 degree Galactic Centre on the Hiroshima date:  

The plutonic bomb
Pluto is the mid-point of Uranus-Neptune as in Hiroshima the signature repeating the humanitarian crisis due to powerful transformational forces

Nagasaki: section of chart
The Sun-Uranus midpoint is 16 CAN ( = trigger point of prior TSE)Pluto and the Node meet on the MC
Uranus and Mercury also have their midpoint on the MC
13 CANCER is a powerful energy point:
PLU-URA m/p = SUN-Mar m/p = SAT-VEN m/p=SAT-NOD m/p = NEP-ASC m/p = CHI-ASC m/p
 = URA-MAR m/p = all linked to 13 CAN
And 13 CAN is semisquare 28 LEO = Moon 
Moon =  ruler of MC, SAT, NOD
Strong emphasis on the sign of CANCER ( interesting too that the disease cancer is a consequence of radiation)

Links to the Galactic Centre (27SAG) shown by these aspecting midpoints:



The chart pattern is a bowl again, though not as tight.
The humanitarian crisis shown by Uranus in exact semisextile to Neptune
The Moon-Node midpoint is exact on the URA-NEP midpoint
The Moon-Neptune midpoint is semisextile the above points.
URANUS has just entered ARIES - with heat, fire and explosion being looming threats with the connections to Pluto, Sun, Mars reinforcing the unstable nuclear situation.
Remember that Jupiter is already in Aries = excess heat/big fire events.
Meanwhile Saturn in Libra will try to hold a balance - until Jupiter in Aries reaches exact opposition on March 29. The question is which force will win out -balance and control vs excess liberation.
This date (on/around) may be critical -especially as Pluto exactly squares the Sun on 29th, Mars is square the Galactic Centre and the nodes are exact on/opposing the Galactic Centre

2011 links back to 1945
ASC 16 LEO is the same as the SUN at Nagasaki
ASC 16 LEO aspects the ASC & MC of Hiroshima
Saturn is 15 cardinal in 2011 and 18 cardinal in 1945
Pluto at 8 CAP is exact on the CAN-CAP nodes of HIRO-NAGA
Node is on the Moon of NAGA
Neptune is opposite the NAGA Moon
Uranus is on the Jupiter Chiron midpoint

Japan March 11 2011 at 2.46 pm

Japan 2011 events chart section
The Galactic Centre in 2011 is 27 SAG
The following pairs of midpoint energies link to 27 SAG 
ASC-MC midpoint is 27 GEM
MARS-JUP m/p is 26 PIS27
PLU-ASC m/p is 26LIB52
SUN-MERC m/p is 26PIS33
SAT-PLU m/p is 26SCO27
SAT-MC m/p is 26CAN58

This information is provided with little analysis simply as a way of getting some ideas out there regarding links and connections demonstrated by astrology, shown in 3 examples from two time periods. There is currently not time for a full analysis, given the urgency of the Japan crisis. The subtext here is how linked these times and places appear to be energetically. 

Japan 1945
-courtesy wikimedia commons

2022 updated detail re CHERNOBYL

This content is best understood in the context of prior content re other nuclear event signatures identified in standout planetary factors.
The 2022 update in the context of a contemporary nuclear threat in a military context relates to the energetic imprint of Chernobyl which is located in Ukraine and the enduring potency of such an event even far back in recent history.
Energy loves similarity in terms of the process of attraction or manifestation and astrology repeatedly identifies patterns that match based on locational positioning [planetary location or degree position as well as planet to planet relationships or connections]
This work identifies that current planetary positions have the potential to activate similar energy as experienced in Chernobyl in 1986 - not specifically an event of the same description as the 1986 event - but consistent with a nuclear profile and within the geography of Ukraine

Timing for the explosive events at Chernobyl Reactor 4 is provided by the World Nuclear Organisation as 1.24 am noted onsite by an engineer recording "severe shocks"
Notable is Uranus [quake tremor shock] exact on the ASC in SAG, a Pluto-Sun opposition in TAU-SCO [ Pluto retrograde and therefore closest in alignment with Earth] following a total lunar eclipse 4 Scorpio two days prior.
[October 25 Solar eclipse 2 Scorpio]
Jupiter, ruler of SAG is exactly semisquare the north Node. The signifiers of sudden, broad range and powerfully transformational collective events all feature here The lunar eclipse on 24 April 1986 at 4 Scorpio was a signpost to transit Pluto at 6 Scorpio in the event chart.
Uranus sits at the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune - the grief generated by such a life changing event

Extra detail is gleaned from the midpoint grid - breaking down into cardinal fixed mutable enables faster identification of synchronistic activation.
It is useful to examine in the context of 2022 the fixed midpoints in the Chernobyl chart in range of transiting Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius [singly or together in range of 11-25 degrees in fixed signs in 2022]

In chronological order a strong sequence of Chernobyl activations exist from October 2022 through 2023 and beyond: significant midpoints are in range of Uranus right until the end of Taurus in 2026 

Looking at the last months of 2022 into early 2023 and ordering these by degree with their activating planet noted in red [ orb of 1 degree ] 

After April 2023 Uranus proceeds through the Chernobyl fixed midpoints from 18.5 to 23'04 retrograde late August 2023

Moon-Node 12'12
Venus-MC 12'50
Mars-Jupiter 13'45
Venus-Node 14'26        URA Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Sun-Moon 14'54           URA Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Moon-Pluto 15'13         URA Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Mercury-Uranus 16'29  URA Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar
Sun-Venus 17              URA Nov-Dec & Mar
Mercury-Asc 17'17      URA Nov & Mar-Apr
Venus-Pluto 17'26       URA Oct & Mar-Apr
Saturn-MC 17'41         SAT + URA Oct & URA Mar-Apr
Saturn-Node 19'17      URA Oct   SAT Nov
Chiron-MC 19'21        URA Oct   SAT Nov

Chiron-Node 20'57     SAT Dec

Sun-Saturn 21'58        SAT Dec
Saturn-Pluto 22'17      SAT Dec

Mercury-Nep 23'20     SAT Dec

The following Chernobyl midpoints had already been activated by Saturn in May-June-July-August 2022 and all 4 have a connection to the May 2022 total lunar eclipse degree 25'18 Scorpio
Sun-Chiron 23'38   SAT Jan 2023
Pluto-Chiron 23'57 SAT Jan 2023
Uranus-MC 24'23    SAT Jan 2023
Asc-MC 24'54         SAT Jan 2023

As stated Uranus has the potential to activate Chernobyl midpoints from the middle degrees of fixed signs around 15 right up to 30 degrees Taurus in the years 2023 until May 2026.

When potentials arise there is no guarantee of manifestation. 
The energy is in the collective field and while in consciousness may or may not be manifested by action.


2011 updates:
Here is also a link to some extra details posted on Planetwaves 2007 re the Chernobyl nuclear event in April 1986

Refer to Piers Corbyn to hear his views on environmental threats

Also view this Japan nuclear graphic on Twitpic from Waiheke News


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...