Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Christchurch Quake Warnings extended by GNS Science

Scroll down for updates

Prior blog entries this year, on Christchurch, like this one and Recent Quake Data, give some background of my concern over the future of Christchurch as a safe, viable place to live. These concerns involve not only the geophysical state of the local region and city, but also the disturbed people energy, which spreads and reproduces.

A regular tracking of the daily aftershocks through the Christchurch Quake Map (2640 aftershocks plus the initial event on Feb 22, (7068 from Sept 4 2010 to May 31) shows how regularly the area is pummeled, from central Christchurch, west to the Greendale fault which occurred last September, and east to the harbour hills as well as the seafloor.

Challenging social issues will continue to hit the headlines despite the highly commendable efforts of many who wish to rebuild their lives and communities. Their lives will never be the same as pre-quake and their strong attachment to their beloved neighbourhoods may test them to the extreme.

Today, NZ Herald reports that the government science agency GNS has now taken a rare, proactive stance, in forewarning of the likelihood of a high intensity quake in the region, in the coming 12 month period. The probability percentage has been raised significantly from an earlier forecast, only a month ago.
Furthermore the risk zone is delineated as region-wide, from Rangiora in the North to Lincoln in the South, west to Sheffield, east to Banks Peninsula.    full report (Update: the original text has been edited on the Herald website and information deleted re upgraded forecasting, that was visible this morning. This is highly questionable and raises the question of who ordered the removal and why.)

For a government science office to release this type of probability forecasting, there would be clear grounds to assume a seismically significant event is on the horizon.

This report places the people of Canterbury region and the Christchurch City rebuild in virtual suspension.

Where to now?

The citizens must be fully informed.

Update pm May 31

Contact hazards modeller Dr Matthew Gerstenberger at the Crown research institute to see if he can confirm the very recent reformulated predictions updated just in the past month. Being a government employee however, he may now be subjected to a gagging order. (oops even he is back-tracking now since the story burst: "We don't really have any specific way to narrow that down to Christchurch, but as a kind of guide based on some basic information, that's roughly a quarter of that probability." -via TVNZ website.   Ehhh??
After all, it was only Councillor Sue Wells blog that gave the media a release on this. It is seeming now like she let a rather large cat out of the bag.
Meanwhile Mayor Bob Parker is in damage control mode, somehow translating the science into a new probability %, a probability based on a probability and the estimated unlikelihood of history repeating...He is on shaky ground here.
GNS say Scientists are still investigating why this has been a particularly rich sequence compared with the forecasts on the Geonet website, but neither GNS not Geonet appear to have published a press release on their sites re the information released by Sue Wells.

The Christchurch Press of today  has some interesting feedback on this story.

3News featured the story on TV3 May 31st, but Recovery Minister Brownlee undermined the science saying "It's just a prediction." likening it to the Rapture date prediction by Harold Camping. Ehhh???

Update June 1
Sue Wells on Afternoons with Uncle Jim says she received vitriolic feedback for writing of the seismic forecast. The reaction she got is akin to some of the flak directed at alternative forecaster Ken Ring. The negative response shows a lot of people are too afraid to think ahead. The rest of us are too afraid not to.

Public have the right to know says local MP Brendon Burns in the Press today . The Christchurch Press has a feature section covering quake matters and it is well worth referring to ( access via prior link)

Update June 2
The Press reports a storm has erupted over this issue, resulting in a press conference to be called on Friday June 3, allowing further clarification by geoscientists.

Update June 3
The Herald reports more unknown faults located.
The Press prints what they wish to release of this story.
View the GNS maps particularly the cluster of seafloor active faults & newly discovered Pegasus Bay active fault, opposite Kaiapoi

Aftershock frequency in Canterbury has dropped dramatically in the past week - down to only 2 on days in past week.
Update June 4
South of Rolleston, in a rural setting, a M4.1 this morning, 7kms deep, 11.07 a.m.
Update June 6
South of Rolleston, in a rural setting, a M5.5 this morning, 15kms deep, 9.09a.m.
refer to GEONET data
The Christchurch Quakemap data by 7.04 pm shows the region surrounding Rolleston, south-west of Christchurch, has been hammered by 12 of the 15 quakes so far today. Today's activity contrasts with recent subsidence, with the past week featuring since May 31 the following daily totals of aftershocks in the local region: 4,2,2,2,3,3
The final total was 24 shocks on June 6, most around Rolleston, 10 events M3.0 and higher. see Quakemap
Update June 7
Today's aftershocks (total 10 by 8.21 pm) mainly around Rolleston, all small, shallow events.
The Daily Energy Release graph is also worth a look

Update June 8
In the Press, a geoscientist basically fails to assure anyone : Dr Kelvin Berryman says we're always going to do ballpark figures and that  scientists are failing to communicate scientific data to the public.
Is there a geoscientist who will stand up and say:
The situation in Canterbury-Christchurch is unusual, unexpected and therefore highly unpredictable. On that basis people must clearly choose whether to stay or go, as a significant risk cannot be dismissed as unlikely. Neither the government, local or national, nor the support services can protect you from any future event and given the financial burden related to recent quake events, the likelihood of continued financial bailouts, in response to a further major natural disaster, is conversely of low probability.

An overseas report (audio) re early quake prediction concerning infra-red emissions and electron concentrations in the atmosphere and ionosphere, possibly triggered by radon gas emissions from the earth.

Update June 11
The region surrounding the Greendale fault in west Canterbury (site of the Sept 4 quake) is being hammered by small shallow aftershocks. Nearby Rolleston came into the picture with a M4 on May 9, so  this has resumed being an active area for the past month, peaking on June 6 M5.5.

Since ground level changes post-quakes have meant a sinking of up to one metre in some areas, Christchurch is warned about sea level rise by global warming scientist James Hansen. His views are disputed by a New Zealand scientist. Meanwhile Kiwi grandad Nigel Williams (formerly of Christchurch) is concerned about melting sea ice making NZ coastal communities uninhabitable. He provides google sourced maps to show even an 80 metre inundation is significant all over NZ. This is a longer time frame scenario in all cases but if Christchurch is geologically moving to a sinking pattern, aggravated by quakes, heavy rainfall events will continue to increase flood risks. In addition, the Pegasus Bay faults noted in the June 3 update could feasibly be the site of an offshore quake, producing a tsunami wave. Rangiora and Kaiapoi would be in the central gathering point of a water force from the bay.

Update June 12
A data diary of Chch aftershocks compiled by TVNZ
Christchurch Airport is the main one affected in NZ by volcanic ash from Chile

Update June 13
Significant quake events of today in Christchurch are outlined in a new post with detailed info.

Update June 15 
New probability figure released: according to the Christchurch Press report of this morning:
New calculations by GNS Science yesterday show that from today until June 15 next year there is now a 30 per cent chance of a quake of between magnitude 6.0 and 6.9 striking the Canterbury aftershock zone.

Banks Peninsula is being hammered, up to M5.0, continuing an apparent eastwards trend towards the seafloor, the northern coastal hills feature strongly in the data to 8.30a.m. today. Banks Peninsula is an interesting volcanic zone, the most prominent in the South Island. There is a fractured history of Maori-Paheka discord prior to the Treaty in 1840.

Update Sept 6
Having reached the anniversary of the Sept 4 2010 M7.1 quake, a lot of analysis has gone on.
This summary is useful, with a geoscientist's future predictions
Notable quake activity (M4+) resumed after a lull in early August and some GNS predictions are being exceeded in the current 4 week survey 

Monday, 30 May 2011

2011 June 1st eclipse -notes on

The partial solar eclipse on June 1 2011 affects most strongly those born on or around:
June 1, Sept 4, Dec 3, March 2, as well as Jan 16, April 16, July 19, Oct 19, any year.

(note June 1st is the northern hemisphere date: check your local correspondence of 9.04pm Universal Time. In NZ this converts to 9.04 am on Tues June 2)

View the eclipse chart for Auckland NZ here

On or around means primarily the actual day and a day either side, due to calendar fluctuations and the fact that energy doesn't stop on a fine line: it has a range of influence.

(If you are fortunate enough to have had a birth chart prepared for you, this eclipse will also strongly target those with Gemini rising, especially around 11 degrees, as well as those with Virgo, Sag, or Pisces around from 9-13 degrees rising)

This is a Gemini eclipse - with effects related to information, communication, ideas, thinking, mental activity in general as well as short journeys, especially on foot, by bicycle or in a vehicle in the local or regional environment. The hands are the part of the body that outwardly express the theme of movement or activity.

This eclipse is contacted by Saturn but not in a position of conflict, though of course Saturn can be challenging under any conditions.

Mercury, through which the sun and moon's sign position of Gemini is expressed in this eclipse, is in Taurus, the sign of physical and material things, including the natural environment. Jupiter in Aries is the only close contact to Mercury.

Each place on the planet has its own eclipse chart, so the effects are modified and different emphases apply depending on location, but the overall impression from this combination is that:
serious/anxiety-laden discussions ( Saturn trine eclipse in Gemini) will occur regarding finances, budgeting, balancing the books (Saturn in Libra) in relationship to possessions and material security (Mercury in Taurus). Extreme selfishness (Jupiter in Aries) could be an issue in these discussions creating relationship strain (Saturn in Libra)

So, since there is an eclipse involved, the effects are magnified and global, but individual people and places vary in terms of their resonance with these effects. In simple terms, people born in the time frames noted initially are most influenced.
In terms of humanity, collectively we are confronted with our relationship to money and material possessions; how to get things back in balance; how to be fair, cooperative and unselfish - though of course some will react oppositely and choose personal freedom instead of responsibilities.
This is the first of an unusual triple set of mid-year eclipses within 30 days (June 1-July 1), so effects are more likely to be evident over the 6 month duration until the end of year pair occurs.

Update 31 May
More thoughts coming to mind re other permutations possible in the mixing of the energies involved:
Saturn can link or separate people when in Libra ( depending on how each person connects to the current position of Saturn) - so conversations around relationship commitment or splitting up - make it or break it stuff. Property matters enter into the discussions, but Saturn is capable of delaying, impeding discussions re assets/finances.

All of this makes sense in the current national and global fiscal climate. The bottom line for people is their household budget and any further strains will break the camel's back for those already on the edge. This typically leads to marriage and partnership strife. Anyone who has been sitting on the need to voice their concerns will find this time period is right to do so.

Update June 6
A full year 2011 eclipse summary, in depth from Richard Nolle

Monday, 16 May 2011

Scorpio Full Moon May 2011 -best to take care

In UT, Universal Time (UK/GMT) the Full Moon for May is on the 17th at 11.10 am,  (NZ 11.10pm)

Scorpio is one of the most extreme energies and often on the negative side of the balance sheet because few people get to evolve quickly the sort of transformational qualities that Scorpio offers those with this sign strongly in their chart -Sun, Moon or rising sign in particular - or if you have Pluto closely implicated with any of these as well as Venus or Mars.

Scorpios who undergo radical transformations, death/rebirth type changes such as sinner to saint, athlete to tetraplegic symbolise the sort of major life changing shifts that scorpionic or plutonic energies can bring about. No coincidence that a plutonium bomb featured in the Nagasaki devastation in 1945.

Scorpio is intrinsically linked to its opposing force Taurus because both concern physics or the physical - but Taurus is about the manifest, 5-sensory physical of our everyday existence - all our possessions, money, environment and how we perceive them - whereas Scorpio is about the meta(beyond) physical - the stuff of the extra sensory world, the 6th sense if you like, psychic attunement, the planes beyond physical existence, non-physical reality. In basic scientific terms the difference between classical mechanics  of the old world and the quantum mechanics of the new world - which began a century ago, and is still unfolding.  Typically with Taurean energy, which is stubborn and has fixed ideas, and since we inhabit a planet named Earth, where money and resources are the basis upon which people seek to empower themselves, few people voluntarily adopt the pathway through Scorpio which seeks to transcend a materialistic world view in favour of insight, inner empowerment and conscious transformation towards pure energy, which is the underlying nature of everything.

So when a Full Moon in Scorpio occurs the Sun is in Taurus exactly counterpositioned to the Moon in Scorpio. The two urges are operating at full strength, bringing their different  instincts or imperatives to the fore in the consciousness of people. This month their position at close to 26 degrees  means anyone born any year around May 17 will be right in the spotlight, but we all to varying degrees get a dose.

Looking at the decanates of Taurus & Scorpio ( each sign of 30 degrees, divided into 3 groups of 10, has a modifying influence, so 26 Taurus has a Capricorn & Saturn influence, 26 Scorpio has a Cancer & Moon influence.

This makes the materialism of the Taurean urge more cautious, security conscious, frugal and possessive and the lunar connection to Scorpio more nurturing, and connected to women, mothers, home & family

Next before attempt to sum all this up, have a look at two other planets joining this month's full moon - Jupiter and Saturn.

When examining the bigger picture of a full or new moon or eclipses, you need to see other influences in the neighbourhood that modify, enhance or alter basic outcomes or potentials.

Jupiter at 26 Aries is in direct relationship to both the sun and moon. Jupiter means big, exaggerated, expanded, abundant. Aries relates to the head of the body, to moods of anger, impatience, an inflamed liver, big fires, cuts, wounds, weapons, war and military activity. There are pluses like Big Confidence, due to a surge of adrenalin - but that same adrenalin can get you in trouble - it precedes assaults, murders, suicides. This involvement of Jupiter with a full moon in Scorpio is not harmonious, it is the opposite, and for some, death will be the outcome.

Saturn at 11 Libra is also directly connected by a 45 degree separation to the 26 degree moon in scorpio  ( as well as by 135 degrees to the sun). These powerful angles are important.
Saturn in a difficult connection to the moon is not a good omen for nurturing, women, mothers, home & family - and a classic example right now (May 2011) is the flooding of the Mississippi, resulting in the loss of homes and devastating affects on families. For many this will be a transformational event (Scorpio) related to property and possessions (Taurus).
Women caught up in relationship breakups need to take personal care re spousal anger.

With, Jupiter in Aries & Saturn in Libra adversely positioned re a Scorpio Moon & Taurus Sun - nasty relationship breakups involving home, family, possessions and money is the personal level of interpretation.
On a universal level it relates to redefining who we are as individuals versus our relationship responsibilities; how much value we place on the physical and material versus just being and evolving.  Basically, balance is a major keyword in all of this, in an era when so much imbalance prevails.

NOTE: the period of influence for these effects is particularly from a few days before exactitude, to the period until the next full moon. Triggers will occur during this time frame, to emphasis the effects.
This is a quick, snapshot not a full analysis, hopefully food for thought.

Update 1.25pm
Aggressive heists involving big loot (Jupiter in Aries-Saturn in Libra, Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon) are also a facet of this planetary picture mosaic, an example kindly offered up by the jewellery store robbers, this morning in Dargaville NZ

Update May 17  12.56 pm NZ time
This news article re tragic deaths related to relationship issues, just in from Australia, is another clear example of the sort of outcomes of this Full Moon
and 3.30pm
Sydney home invasion - woman and car attacked

These 2 examples from Australia show how different places vary in their capacity to be affected - just like people do. It would take an exceptional event to affect a large part of the planet or population -but that has occurred in prehistory - too far ago to know what influences can be analysed ( way beyond just a full moon or eclipse event). In recent history the world wars would come the closest to global impact, otherwise, without a hugely complex pattern, the effects are seen to be more localised in particular people and places - each place has a signature energy comprised of the collective energy of the people who live there mixed with the embedded historical energy of the place. So an influence affects particular street addresses, particular neighbourhoods, cities, nations, or unpopulated locations depending on whether the energy resonating from that location corresponds to the prevailing planetary energy -for good or bad. The same variation exists for people. So even in large disastrous events there are miraculously protected people and places -one house untouched, one person saved etc.

Updates May 18

Bearing in mind that Scorpio has a strong connection to sex ( in the sex act people are said to "die" as individuals and become "one" energetically, transcending the physical.) Interestingly the big global stories so far are sex scandals for men in high office (Saturn). The media releases re IMF chief Strauss-Kahn and Arnie Schwarzenegger have typified this aspect of the full moon. Arnie's marriage has suffered a split due to the disclosure of a prior affair and whilst Strauss-Kahn's wife is standing by her man in public, this isn't the sort of news any wife wants to hear.

A massacre in Guatemala shows the violent potential

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Hone Harawira: ambitions thwarted?

                              This 2009 video provides some background ( Maori language with English subtitles)

         Latest: scroll to end of post for 2014 updates

Hone Harawira likes the cut and thrust of political life and as the son of a long-standing political activist, he has a suitable genealogy. According to the omens indicated on his birthday let's see what confirms this.
A little bit of digging has unearthed the supplied birth-date, though not birth time, for Hone Harawira, firebrand NZ Maori politician.

Firstly, being a Capricorn he is well placed to climb. The mountain goat symbolises the hardy, nuggety stamina that serves people well in political life. The view from the top is preferred over that from the valley floor.

Hone is a youthful looking 56 years of age in 2011, with a birth date of January 6 1955. Lacking an exact time of birth only a partial analysis is possible, but the main interest at present is his political future, so that will be considered as well.

His political or at least executive/management destiny is confirmed with the north node also in Capricorn -so in one way or another this is what he is meant to be doing -leading, guiding, managing - but to do it well the requirements are a mature sense of being an elder, a kaumatua, a guiding paternal hand. Hone has the potential to do his best work in his last decades of life. (Late developer)

He is aided by the depth coming from Saturn in Scorpio = capable of transforming himself from irresponsible to responsible, but the Scorpio energy at its worst is lethal, destructive, vicious.

Mental energy is strong and abundant with the likelihood of a Gemini moon at birth and Jupiter in close opposition to Mercury. 
Add in an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus and there is the signature of an unconventional thinker, sudden changes of mind, a dislike of restraint, restriction, conformity and protocol -though of course these are exactly the keywords of Capricorn -so this swinging disposition between these extremes is Hone's hallmark -already well proven. 
It is in effect the internal struggle between the rebellious youth archetype and the wise old man, generated by early conflict with the father figure.

Further contradictions are apparent in his Venus being in passionate Scorpio but Mars in Pisces. There's a lot of feeling there, Venus showing his relating style and Mars his sense of manhood - but in Pisces which is a very soft place for a man's Mars to be ( strongest is a fire sign like Aries), so in effect perhaps he and we are lucky he does not have any more firepower on board ( Pluto in fiery Leo links to four of the planets mentioned). 
Mars in Pisces shows a need to steer clear of drink, drugs, addictions, as well as subterfuge or deceit - these being the psychological crutches for a wounded male psyche. His best option is to cultivate a strong spiritual motivation as a way to bring forth his compassionate and humanitarian side into the political sphere. 
This is more powerful than acting from anger or rebellion.

So fast forward now to the just announced by-election date, June 25 2011, which will be Hone's testing ground for his newly formed  Mana ( authority, control, influence, prestige, power = all keywords describing Hone's potentials) political Party

What indicators stand out to give a clue either way regarding the outcome for him? ( since full data on him is missing)

Firstly no mistake, 2011 is a big year ( a turning point) for Hone Harawira in terms of his destiny.
Pluto is sending him a big power surge regarding his political transformation. 
( Pluto conjunct north node in Capricorn). 
But that doesn't automatically translate as ambitions met: it can also result in ambitions changed. 
Transformation is the energy of death-rebirth - the mythical phoenix from the ashes. Hone has now burnt his bridges, very appropriately, as he enters the tunnel of rebirth. The big question is whether he will remain "unborn" or "reborn" in 2011. 
He has an inner achilles heel that is a sabotaging element, undermining his quest for power and this is the critical internal weakness he has to overcome in order to fulfil his political ambitions and be "the man of mana". 
2011 is his chance to bury that paternal ghost, but the resolution opportunity is not till Sept-Oct. 
The potential is clearly there to seek high office but ultimate political power may not be within Hone Harawira's grasp. 
Wanting and getting are not automatically the same thing.

Looking at both June 25 - by-election and November 26 2011, the General Election in respect of the partial data, it seems there is more energy against than for his success at this time. 
Wait and see if he has a card up his sleeve (Mars in Pisces theme) that will rejig the odds.

Frustrated ambitions are on the cards, even looking ahead to the 2014 election framework, [but see update May 2014] so rather than succumb to bitterness and anger, working in a more humble way at a local level would be a healing pathway for Hone.

Birth data from 2005 Maori Party candidate profile. No birth-time available for complete analysis.

Update  May 15 2011

John Minto may stand as a Mana Party candidate in November 2011. Save your $$$ John, the forces are against you. ( Saturn exact quincunx Sun at election time, based on a birth date of 16 May 1953, no birth time known)

Also refer to prior posts in February ( predicting a slim Labour led win) and April ( the forces against Key, indicating a loss) Rodney Hide's departure was also predicted in April along with a big boost for Brash, likely to pay off at the polls

Update May 18 2011

...and yet another John wants to be in - long-term politician John Banks wants Epsom for ACT, because even though he disagrees with their fiscal management he still wants to support National to win in November 2011. So what does a glimpse through a keyhole offer in terms of Bank's chances for election as an MP. Based on a birthdate of December 2, 1946, and lacking birth time data, the picture is incomplete but some assessments still possible.  Naturally ambitious, on account of his desperate upbringing, his energies are activated in many respects around election time, with contradictory indications. He'll be fired  up and feeling very positive and optimistic, but find the going tough -at almost age 65, (at least he can opt for the pension come December) Banks is an old warhorse who wants to relive old glories. There are positive and negative indicators. Though, with a lack of complete data to go on, it is not overwhelmingly clear which will win out:  intuition suggests the forces against him will prevail.

Update June 26

Hone Harawira won the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, 2011, against closest rival Kelvin Davis by 5611 to 4644, about a 6.3% differential, at the close of vote counting, not including Specials. This result, though a win, was not a decisive mandate, considering  Harawira won by around a 32% margin in the 2008 General Election result. Effectively the forces against Harawira have grown markedly, though not enough to unseat him. The next test will come on November 26 when the challenge against him will be stronger. It all depends which of two significant forces wins out: the one capable of transforming him into a true leader or the other which will crush him on account of his fractious relationships.

update May 27 2014 Hone Harawira announces an alliance with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party

The 2014 NZ General Election has already been rescheduled for a much earlier date than usual -Sept 20 is the voting day this year.
The prevailing energy is much more significant for Harawira in September 2014 giving him more promising influences surrounding his political aspirations.
Energy though is malleable into many alternate forms so the actual use he makes of what is on offer depends on his capacity to make the best of it.
If he has reached the required level of psychological preparation to embrace a fully adult leadership role, then 2014 offers him the opportunity to operate from a reborn sense of empowerment and inner strength.
Two major planetary influences [Uranus and Saturn] are prepared to back him if he can back himself

"The relationship is the most important thing"
Hone Harawira May 27 re Internet-Mana

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Bin Laden - his traits as seen in birth chart planets

Find the enlarged chart view here

This is based on a birth time quoted as 10.58 am on the Astrotheme site in Jeddah/Jiddah, Saudi Arabia
No guarantee can be given re the accuracy of this data.

Here are some brief observations to provide a more nuanced look at this widely known -and feared person, who has been depicted in a rather one-dimensional manner by the world press. Astrologers can, when given accurate birth data, present the bigger picture, the contradictions and complexities that show no one is totally good, no one totally evil.

Bin Laden is a Pisces, with Mercury and Venus in Pisces. Not the face of terrorism, but the face of faith. It is only when we dig deeper, do the defining aspects of Bin Laden's life and death reveal themselves.

The Pisces group is the most elevated = 10th house of the chart - where a person comes into public view. 
Next look at Neptune, the carrier of the Pisces themes. It's in Scorpio in the 6th house along with the North Node, also in Scorpio. Through the drives of Scorpio -transformative and often destructive and annihilating, Bin Laden's fate unfolded. 
His love of communicating comes through the Gemini ascendant, use of modern technologies through Uranus in the 3rd house and use of video is the domain of Pisces. That bin Laden chose to change his appearance is totally consistent with the dominance of mutable signs  - all four are prominent through Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the Ascendant -and not as some say a vanity.

The fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo are the other prominent group - working in contrast to his mutable, changeable and fundamentally soft personality traits. Fixed signs bring stubborness, unchanging and determined often fanatical, obsessive pursuit of goals/people. This capacity for endurance gave Bin Laden the sort of stamina that your basic Pisces lacks. This strong streak to his personality comes through his Mars (male sense of self) energy empowered by a dominating Pluto in Leo and a purification drive via Jupiter in Virgo . (Mars at 25 Taurus trine Jupiter 28 Virgo; Mars square Pluto 29 Leo.)

These factors, plus Saturn the force of cold-heartedness ( squaring Venus and Mercury) was drawn upon by him to supress the normal empathy and humanitarian sensitivity that Pisces are famous for. We know little of the private bin Laden: perhaps his family received some nurturing through his Cancer Moon trine Neptune.

Pluto sits at the IC point in the 4th house: this may be the marker of "death at home". It occurred when a lot of Aries energy was transiting. On May 1 2011 he was shot in the head = Aries/Mars indicator and as stated Pluto is in stress to bin Laden's natal Mars. Pluto transiting his 8th house gives a timing hint: at 7 degrees Capricorn it exactly aspects his 7 degree ascendant.

There will be heaps more, like midpoints to look at..but for now, I rest my case.

Update May 16
Reports coming through about the cache of materials uplifted by US SEALS give added indications of Bin Laden's Gemini traits, this being the important rising sign ( and the sign of the Twins -links to Twin Towers) Bin Laden's personal diary was located and he is said to have written copious amounts of emails, despatched on a thumb drive for a courier to email at an internet cafe  - one of the true hallmarks of Gemini is writing/reading/communicating in any format

Here is a guide to signs/symbols referred to in this 

Monday, 2 May 2011

War energy is strong now

This month May 2011 with the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden at the hands of US military forces, the observation arises regarding the amount of aggressive energy to the forefront this month.
The month started with 6 factors in Aries and Mars in exact conjunction to Jupiter in Aries being prominent in that mix.

Now with the global release of the death being confirmed the opportunity for big release of the anger & aggression of Mars is to be expected.

America's chart was highlighted by the 13 Capricorn partial solar eclipse on January 4 ( America's sun at 13 Cancer)
The next eclipse event on June 1, at 11 Gemini  has a 26 degree cardinal activation. This month, May, that point in Aries will be activated several times.

In Universal Time (UT) the following dates and activators seem to be the most important
May 1st - Moon
May 6 -  Mars
May 9 - Moon
May 13 - Mercury, Venus
May 15 - Moon
May 17 - Death Moon (Full Moon Scorpio), Jupiter, Saturn
May 18 - Jupiter
May 20 - January eclipse and Pluto activated

Pluto is also activated on the 13th  raising the possibility that some retaliatory strikes will be enacted against the US within the next 3 weeks

Update May 4
Rushed the last post and it was incomplete. Have added in the Full Moon. This factor added with the tidal force % running high from 12th-19th (90-94%), further adds to the most pressure existing for people/places in the 12th-20th time frame.
If you scroll down Richard Nolle's May Report you will see he is also targetting extra geophysical activity within this time frame

Update May 7
Al Qaeda issues revenge threat upon death of bin Laden and US continues military action in n/w Pakistan.
"On Friday, [May 6] the U.S. carried out its first drone missile strike in Pakistan since Bin Laden's death, killing 13 suspected militants in North Waziristan." - full article

Thoughts on the Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding of William and Catherine provided a global spectacle as well as the gift of joy to millions worldwide. The uplifting experience provided by the joining of two people in harmony and commitment will forever seal their union with a stamp of goodwill, sent to them by those who watched in person or from afar, the wedding unfold. As weddings go, it appeared to be remarkably free of glitches, testimony to the immense and meticulous planning necessitated.

An analysis of the astrological indicators in play, at the time of the vows is available here with some interesting observations made by Cerena Childress.

The birth chart of Prince William and data are available here
No online posting seems available for Kate Middleton's birth time, so her birth data of January 9 1982, in Reading, Berkshire, UK are referenced by those offering synastry opinions. This extensive compatibility report appears to be a standard computer generated analysis based on point by point comparisons. This is a weakness, because there is no summary synthesis, pulling together the contradictory statements. However, for an overview, it is worth referencing. As expected, the range of possibilities mean that in some respects their union is very positive, in other aspects there are strains and tensions that need to be worked on and resolved if they are to last. Clearly with their earlier tiffs and on-off status they do know discord, but they also know how to reconnect. It's definitely an exciting, compelling mix between these two, with stresses and strains thrown in.

The hardest challenge for Kate, now as Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is that Williams Saturn-Pluto mix with a midpoint close to 19Libra30 is at odds with her 19Capricorn Sun. The best outcome here is that through William, the relationship (Libra) will transform Kate's personal ambitions, sense of authority and leadership (Capricorn) The hardest part will be if she feels repressed and controlled, stifled and managed by the demands of the Royal Marriage (Saturn-Pluto in Libra).
Catherine's strong Cancer-Capricorn-Libra mix of energies along with Sagittarius mean Family, Public Role, Relationships and Travel/Adventure are likely to figure predominantly in this lifetime, whether she is Royal or not.

William's emphasis in Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius provide a very close compatibility in energetic drives with those of his wife.
Being born in the same year, 1982, they share several generational and age-mate themes.

From early 2012 until early 2014, both will simultaneously face the challenge of Pluto square Mars as William and Catherine have Mars at, respectively, 9 and 10 degrees Libra. With Pluto in Capricorn corresponding to a powerful transformation in the systems of authority and tradition, will this signify their appointment as Heads of State, thereby taking precedence over their personal relationship or will it reflect a significant uptick in responsibilities, on account of their ageing family? After all, both William (in 2011) and Catherine (in 2012) face their Saturn return in the sign of Libra, showing the weight of responsibility that their union entails.

Note that William's mother Diana was also, like him,  a Cancer Sun, with Venus in Taurus, and Sagittarius ascendant, so mother and son have significant similarities

Update, same day
With the death of Osama Bin Laden now centre-stage, just 2 days after the Royal Wedding, the question arises: were they warned off by the US, to avoid the Middle East - hence honeymoon (Jordan) cancelled?


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...