Monday, 2 May 2011

War energy is strong now

This month May 2011 with the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden at the hands of US military forces, the observation arises regarding the amount of aggressive energy to the forefront this month.
The month started with 6 factors in Aries and Mars in exact conjunction to Jupiter in Aries being prominent in that mix.

Now with the global release of the death being confirmed the opportunity for big release of the anger & aggression of Mars is to be expected.

America's chart was highlighted by the 13 Capricorn partial solar eclipse on January 4 ( America's sun at 13 Cancer)
The next eclipse event on June 1, at 11 Gemini  has a 26 degree cardinal activation. This month, May, that point in Aries will be activated several times.

In Universal Time (UT) the following dates and activators seem to be the most important
May 1st - Moon
May 6 -  Mars
May 9 - Moon
May 13 - Mercury, Venus
May 15 - Moon
May 17 - Death Moon (Full Moon Scorpio), Jupiter, Saturn
May 18 - Jupiter
May 20 - January eclipse and Pluto activated

Pluto is also activated on the 13th  raising the possibility that some retaliatory strikes will be enacted against the US within the next 3 weeks

Update May 4
Rushed the last post and it was incomplete. Have added in the Full Moon. This factor added with the tidal force % running high from 12th-19th (90-94%), further adds to the most pressure existing for people/places in the 12th-20th time frame.
If you scroll down Richard Nolle's May Report you will see he is also targetting extra geophysical activity within this time frame

Update May 7
Al Qaeda issues revenge threat upon death of bin Laden and US continues military action in n/w Pakistan.
"On Friday, [May 6] the U.S. carried out its first drone missile strike in Pakistan since Bin Laden's death, killing 13 suspected militants in North Waziristan." - full article


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...