Sunday, 15 May 2011

Hone Harawira: ambitions thwarted?

                              This 2009 video provides some background ( Maori language with English subtitles)

         Latest: scroll to end of post for 2014 updates

Hone Harawira likes the cut and thrust of political life and as the son of a long-standing political activist, he has a suitable genealogy. According to the omens indicated on his birthday let's see what confirms this.
A little bit of digging has unearthed the supplied birth-date, though not birth time, for Hone Harawira, firebrand NZ Maori politician.

Firstly, being a Capricorn he is well placed to climb. The mountain goat symbolises the hardy, nuggety stamina that serves people well in political life. The view from the top is preferred over that from the valley floor.

Hone is a youthful looking 56 years of age in 2011, with a birth date of January 6 1955. Lacking an exact time of birth only a partial analysis is possible, but the main interest at present is his political future, so that will be considered as well.

His political or at least executive/management destiny is confirmed with the north node also in Capricorn -so in one way or another this is what he is meant to be doing -leading, guiding, managing - but to do it well the requirements are a mature sense of being an elder, a kaumatua, a guiding paternal hand. Hone has the potential to do his best work in his last decades of life. (Late developer)

He is aided by the depth coming from Saturn in Scorpio = capable of transforming himself from irresponsible to responsible, but the Scorpio energy at its worst is lethal, destructive, vicious.

Mental energy is strong and abundant with the likelihood of a Gemini moon at birth and Jupiter in close opposition to Mercury. 
Add in an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus and there is the signature of an unconventional thinker, sudden changes of mind, a dislike of restraint, restriction, conformity and protocol -though of course these are exactly the keywords of Capricorn -so this swinging disposition between these extremes is Hone's hallmark -already well proven. 
It is in effect the internal struggle between the rebellious youth archetype and the wise old man, generated by early conflict with the father figure.

Further contradictions are apparent in his Venus being in passionate Scorpio but Mars in Pisces. There's a lot of feeling there, Venus showing his relating style and Mars his sense of manhood - but in Pisces which is a very soft place for a man's Mars to be ( strongest is a fire sign like Aries), so in effect perhaps he and we are lucky he does not have any more firepower on board ( Pluto in fiery Leo links to four of the planets mentioned). 
Mars in Pisces shows a need to steer clear of drink, drugs, addictions, as well as subterfuge or deceit - these being the psychological crutches for a wounded male psyche. His best option is to cultivate a strong spiritual motivation as a way to bring forth his compassionate and humanitarian side into the political sphere. 
This is more powerful than acting from anger or rebellion.

So fast forward now to the just announced by-election date, June 25 2011, which will be Hone's testing ground for his newly formed  Mana ( authority, control, influence, prestige, power = all keywords describing Hone's potentials) political Party

What indicators stand out to give a clue either way regarding the outcome for him? ( since full data on him is missing)

Firstly no mistake, 2011 is a big year ( a turning point) for Hone Harawira in terms of his destiny.
Pluto is sending him a big power surge regarding his political transformation. 
( Pluto conjunct north node in Capricorn). 
But that doesn't automatically translate as ambitions met: it can also result in ambitions changed. 
Transformation is the energy of death-rebirth - the mythical phoenix from the ashes. Hone has now burnt his bridges, very appropriately, as he enters the tunnel of rebirth. The big question is whether he will remain "unborn" or "reborn" in 2011. 
He has an inner achilles heel that is a sabotaging element, undermining his quest for power and this is the critical internal weakness he has to overcome in order to fulfil his political ambitions and be "the man of mana". 
2011 is his chance to bury that paternal ghost, but the resolution opportunity is not till Sept-Oct. 
The potential is clearly there to seek high office but ultimate political power may not be within Hone Harawira's grasp. 
Wanting and getting are not automatically the same thing.

Looking at both June 25 - by-election and November 26 2011, the General Election in respect of the partial data, it seems there is more energy against than for his success at this time. 
Wait and see if he has a card up his sleeve (Mars in Pisces theme) that will rejig the odds.

Frustrated ambitions are on the cards, even looking ahead to the 2014 election framework, [but see update May 2014] so rather than succumb to bitterness and anger, working in a more humble way at a local level would be a healing pathway for Hone.

Birth data from 2005 Maori Party candidate profile. No birth-time available for complete analysis.

Update  May 15 2011

John Minto may stand as a Mana Party candidate in November 2011. Save your $$$ John, the forces are against you. ( Saturn exact quincunx Sun at election time, based on a birth date of 16 May 1953, no birth time known)

Also refer to prior posts in February ( predicting a slim Labour led win) and April ( the forces against Key, indicating a loss) Rodney Hide's departure was also predicted in April along with a big boost for Brash, likely to pay off at the polls

Update May 18 2011

...and yet another John wants to be in - long-term politician John Banks wants Epsom for ACT, because even though he disagrees with their fiscal management he still wants to support National to win in November 2011. So what does a glimpse through a keyhole offer in terms of Bank's chances for election as an MP. Based on a birthdate of December 2, 1946, and lacking birth time data, the picture is incomplete but some assessments still possible.  Naturally ambitious, on account of his desperate upbringing, his energies are activated in many respects around election time, with contradictory indications. He'll be fired  up and feeling very positive and optimistic, but find the going tough -at almost age 65, (at least he can opt for the pension come December) Banks is an old warhorse who wants to relive old glories. There are positive and negative indicators. Though, with a lack of complete data to go on, it is not overwhelmingly clear which will win out:  intuition suggests the forces against him will prevail.

Update June 26

Hone Harawira won the Te Tai Tokerau by-election, 2011, against closest rival Kelvin Davis by 5611 to 4644, about a 6.3% differential, at the close of vote counting, not including Specials. This result, though a win, was not a decisive mandate, considering  Harawira won by around a 32% margin in the 2008 General Election result. Effectively the forces against Harawira have grown markedly, though not enough to unseat him. The next test will come on November 26 when the challenge against him will be stronger. It all depends which of two significant forces wins out: the one capable of transforming him into a true leader or the other which will crush him on account of his fractious relationships.

update May 27 2014 Hone Harawira announces an alliance with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party

The 2014 NZ General Election has already been rescheduled for a much earlier date than usual -Sept 20 is the voting day this year.
The prevailing energy is much more significant for Harawira in September 2014 giving him more promising influences surrounding his political aspirations.
Energy though is malleable into many alternate forms so the actual use he makes of what is on offer depends on his capacity to make the best of it.
If he has reached the required level of psychological preparation to embrace a fully adult leadership role, then 2014 offers him the opportunity to operate from a reborn sense of empowerment and inner strength.
Two major planetary influences [Uranus and Saturn] are prepared to back him if he can back himself

"The relationship is the most important thing"
Hone Harawira May 27 re Internet-Mana


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