Sunday, 19 February 2012

February 2012 New Moon in Pisces: Realities. Responsibilities.

New Moon effects can build from around three days before exactitude
 and may be triggered within the lunar month ahead.
Certain people/places/events are more accentuated than others due to individual resonance with the prevailing pattern. Personal birth chart analysis is needed to see if this month's effects are impacting you personally in a significant way in addition to universal themes in operation. 
 This New Moon (21st in UK or may be 22 Feb in your location) in Pisces is accentuated by Neptune also now in early Pisces,  Uranus in early Aries, as well as Saturn's connection to Neptune.

Pisces is our potential for humanitarian, compassionate and universal spiritual connectedness. When those channels are blocked or poorly formed, illumination is masked by degradation: the suffocated human spirit manifests through all manner of escapist, fantasy-ridden and addictive activities, ranging from drugs and alcohol to gaming and pornography addictions and living a low-life opportunistic existence where fraud, deceit and crimes of dishonesty prevail.

Our challenge is to extract ourselves from the siren calls of the lower realms of Neptune/Pisces and to listen to the purity of the spiritual dimensions of life found through the natural world as well as our own human potential for goodness.

Humanity en masse is a far way off being balanced towards the good in each of us, but a start is to be made during the longer term Neptune in Pisces passage, which extends until 2025. This month's new Moon is a flicker, a little step forward but there are conflicts and complications to resolve.

Uranus in Aries will raise issues of - what about me? The part of us that wants the collective to improve, can also be afraid of personal losses or sacrifices, of being overlooked, or being victim enough to feel a little cheated by the suggestion of looking after others. So there is a conflict there, perhaps a rebellion, a need to be a bit selfish that may arise when faced with a pressure or opportunity to help others or show some extra kindness. Even just a flicker of resentment.  Aries is a child-like stage in the psychological unfoldment of the soul, whereas Pisces is the last stage in the cycle before rebirth.  This type of conflict can be seen in elderly with long unmet needs who still carry child-like hurts and anger.
Saturn in Libra  brings the added dimension of a nurturing, parental and guiding voice to the issues of compassion and kindness. The Saturn energy is capable of generating in people, a mature response, as you would observe in a well developed, unconflicted adult. It seems we have few role models in this respect, in western society where parents can behave as immaturely as their children. Nevertheless there do exist well-balanced adults, raised with the right ingredients by caring and mature parents.  This mature parental and guiding archetype is bringing an important aspect to the humanitarian drive of Neptune(especially January-February 2012) in respect of how to relate in that sort of way to people on a collective, compassionate, humanitarian level. This many lead some to be very philanthropic or charitable - to set up trusts, donate funds etc to assist people in need. For others it could be a mentoring or support role that is taken up with a clear sense of trying to help, to be a responsible citizen, to see what you as an individual might be able to do to contribute to the betterment of our world, even by a small effort. My personal example is providing this free online service and guidance, to enable people to make more sense of our rapidly changing existence, to see how astrology provides a template for analysing patterns of energy and to understand the larger collective evolutionary forces that unfold in our world.

Those who are not ready for the ultimate opportunities offered by this New Moon are likely to deal at the very least with issues regarding the needs of the self vs needs of others and/or addressing more reality factors vs fantasy or illusions regarding a partner - starting to see who that person actually is, rather than a false impression that has served up till now; starting to see the real nature of a relationship instead of being in denial.
So realities and responsibilities figure prominently in respect of others, whether that is one-to-one in your private life or on the larger collective level.
Here is the chart for Christchurch New Zealand since this New Moon coincides with the anniversary of the M6.3 destructive quake which happened in 2011 at 12.51pm  -one in over 10,000 in the region since the September 4 2010 sequence unfolded in west Canterbury.
Large scale commemoration services have been scheduled.
A more detailed look, using this chart, is very relevant.
click to enlarge
With the New Moon encased at literally at the midpoint of Neptune & Chiron, this brings a deluge of sentiment, compassion and empathy to the fore in the context of personal, local, national and global circumstances. For Christchurch it is about the suffering of those who have lost people, lost communities and lost lifestyles and who may find some spiritual peace through collective, public ceremonies. As religious and spiritual perspectives are always brought to the fore in times of this kind of crisis, this will be a time for those connected to Christchurch to ponder their beliefs. for some this may make them question mainstream teachings about the work of god, for others it may strengthen their need for that form of communion. The hand of nature has a powerful role to play as well in altering people's perception of reality, their relationship to life and their overall state of mind.
Pluto in strong connection to Venus-Uranus  indicates the powerfully changed relationships affecting many already in Christchurch as well as indicated globally in this lunar month.
Saturn in Libra strongly placed on the horizontal axis reinforces in Christchurch the significance of the comments made earlier. In addition this placement brings forth the reality factor of the loss of a loved one. Their death was real and now that truth or fact is confronted.

This lunar month does indicate both the spiritual dimensions and the grief associated with loss. With Pisces-Neptune emphasised there is potential for a significant tragic event involving water especially in a maritime context.
[updates March 15 - Report of a boat carrying 9 family occupants capsizing in Foveaux Strait Soth Island, NZ, around midnight Weds March 14. To date one survivor found and one deceased. This tragedy rated as major in the NZ context - report
 The widespread flooding disaster continues in NSW Australia - now sustained over several weeks
[ updates Feb 22: the big freeze thawing along the Danube is causing destructive flooding and damage to boats moored along the river - UN issues warning report ]
The mighty Danube
A weather change to wet conditions around New Moon in New Zealand
Water in the News:
Auckland Library sprinkler system fault caused a flood with rare books at risk of damage - news Feb 24 2012
Maritime News - Ports of Auckland workers strike for 3 weeks from Feb 24.
Also, US concerned re labour conditions in fisheries in NZ waters - report 
Sea Shepheard tweets re Japanese killing of dolphins at sea off Taiji Feb 24 2012
Hector's Dolphins die in illegal set net NZ - reported Feb 23 2012
Oil News - Greenpeace protestors including Lucy Lawless, Warrior Queen boarded a Shell Oil Rig over plans to drill for oil in the Arctic
Drug News: sleeping pills are reported as placing people in a greater risk of early death

p.s. an added dimension for those who want more..
this lunar month is an excellent time to activate the potentials of the rest of the mutable signs who share the same group as Pisces -
Virgo ( daily diet/nutrition, general work & health issues)
Gemini ( reading, writing, messaging, short journeys, local travel)
Sagittarius ( self development via sport/recreation/exercise/exploration/travel or study)

More comments may be added as thoughts arise

Further Reading:
Neptune in Pisces
Press Quake Anniversary Special

Monday, 13 February 2012

The 2012 phase of renewal: society, politics, environment

During the six year period 2011-2016 we will experience perhaps the greatest period of global social, political, economic and  environmental transformation known on our planet.

2012 marks a significant phase in this unfoldment which extends over several years.
 It is the sheer depth and breadth of change awaiting us that makes this era unprecedented.
Long-term tectonic-type readjustment  (which is also replicated geophysically via plate movement & seismicity) of social, cultural and political practices is assisted by technological networking on a scale never before possible in a phase of revolutionary momentum.
Now global awareness is set to increase exponentially regarding our planetary relationship within the larger systemic network - habitually dominated by our mega-star, the sun, but also home to a gargantuan cosmic environment.
For the purpose of this explanation, two factors operating in the geo-effective space environment set the scene for massive transformations in the given 6 year period of their tight alignment.

In the cosmic web earth sits amongst, magnetic field lines distribute resonances across vast distances of space. The energetic forces generated by Pluto and Uranus are known to have profound, long lasting and transformational effects.

Their current dynamic phase involving a tension-generating 90 degree alignment indicates that the creation of global change will be full of challenges, discord, upheaval, resistance versus repression - as two world views, the old versus the new -  stand off against each other, in a replication of evolution seen countless times before on the face of the earth as well as within it.
The greatest emphasis, for those with personal birth chart data, ranges in the band from 4 to 18 degrees and is expressed through the energetic profiles of four signs:
                                       ARIES LIBRA, CANCER, CAPRICORN
These are called the Cardinal group and significantly, they correspond astronomically to the four seasonal markers at the solstice and equinox points in March, July, September and December - created for us on earth by the relative position of the earth in orbit around the Sun. A simplified view, not to scale, illustrates this.
click to enlarge
In addition the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn shown on globes and in atlas maps indicate the band astride the earth's equator where the sun moon and planets have their astronomical passages in respect of our planet. Put simply, this points to the importance of this group of four signs in the structure of earth's relationship to the rest of the cosmos.
NASA and other scientists are already anticipating a long term cooling effect on earth due to an exceptional solar minimum unfolding in coming years, so the profound issues are not limited to human society.
A summary of the wide-ranging shifts we face signifiantly in this 6 year period would have to include the following, based on the signatures of the four cardinal indicators:
The fundamentals of human society and how it is structured and administered, from all levels of government, to business and the bedrock level of the family unit.
Personal and business relationships - the nature of marriage, parnerships
The role of the individual in the context of the whole
Parenting issues
Matters relating to homes, housing and habitats
Work-life balance
Personal careers, public life versus private life
Ambition versus nurturing
The economy, financial manmagement, budgeting, personal and public spending
Environmental issues ranging from resources & pollution to seismicity, volcanism, weather & climate
The state of change affecting our larger home, planet earth

June 2012 sees the first exact point of connection between Pluto at 8.24 degrees Capricorn and Uranus at 8.24 degrees Aries, but the winds of change are already in progress.
Those born on or closely around March 28, June 29, Sept 30, Dec 30, any year have this pattern applying extreme pressure since at least the start of 2012 ( in terms of their birth sun position.) Individual analysis will show any other planets under the gamma-rays of this duo.
(It barely needs to be stated that the Arab Spring, events in Syria and Greece represent just the starting point of this long-term Pluto-Uranus process)

A new start is neded for humanity which is intrinsically connected to evolutionary change affecting our planet. Significantly historic times are not just what you study in school. Some of us get to live through them and this era ranks very highly in terms of living on a planet in change in a dynamic universe.

Update May 14 2012
With the May 12-13 weekend marking a resurgence in global Occupy protests about system failure (you probably heard very little via mainstream media) be assured that this point in time is very powerful in terms of setting the future agenda for change ...that will topple leaders and their corrupt regimes across the world during the next 4 years in particular.
The balance of power has been distorted for way to long and is undergoing a clear correction. Read more on my continually updated blog, starting with:

as well as:
Further reading:
Massive Transformations Ahead - related post from July 2011
Cooling report
NASA prediction from 2006 re solar cycles

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Moon : Lunar Cycles important in 2012

Lunar cycles carry energy forward so it is important to understand the bigger picture in terms of ongoing influences.
Regarding 2012 we first need to look to the eclipse pair that usher in 2012. These occurred in November- December 2011. Eclipses have to potential to be triggered as they build  -can be three or more days beforehand - then during a period of 6 months ahead - until the next solar or lunar eclipse. Multiiple triggers can occur when other planets reach or form an angle to the degree at which the eclipse occurred

November 2011 solar eclipse 2.37 Sagittarius - this one occurred right before the New Zealand General Election and I was too focussed there to do a general analysis. The only notable issue I observed was the Jupiter connection to the eclipse and Saturn's position impacting the eclipse-Mercury midpoint.  With Sagittarius-Taurus-Libra being the three sign energies involved the message is:
The curbing of excesses; freedoms (Jupiter/SAG) and material indulgences (Jupiter in Taurus) we have become accustomed to are confronted with the need for fiscal restraint, financial responsibility and accountability and also relationship/marital/business responsibilities (Saturn in Libra)
No surprises there for the period Nov 25 2011-May 20 2012

December 2011 lunar eclipse 18.11 Sagittarius-Gemini 
Take the link to view the full analysis of this influence -  Dec 10-2011-June 4 2012  - which is more complex
Bearing in mind the combined effects of the two eclipses operating until mid-year 2012, the next task is to look at the add-ons provided each month by the new and full moons.  These events can repeat some eclipse themes as well as adding more to the picture - so to have a thorough perspective the longer view of all lunar events is important.
The monthly events are usually featured in this blog, if time permits.

Monday, 6 February 2012

2012 Extreme Cold Europe - return of cycles?

Since I totally believe in cycles as the fundamental reality pertaining to all matter, astrology is the perfect medium for tracing back past connections to the present -and of course for extending projections into the future.
The extreme cold impacting Europe is big news at the start of February 2012, with the BBC weather reporter explaining some unprecedented bitter cold spread across several northern European nations as well as the UK - with -16 to -25 C recorded since the cold set in at the start of 2012, over 300 people have died.
The lagoon in Venice, Italy is said to be freezing over and reportedly not seen similarly since February 1929.
The Tonbridge Weather org which collates historical weather events also has one entry for 1929 and it is February
Intense cold 11th to 17th February. Lowest maxima for Tonbridge. Frost continued into March, much skating.

Kent experiences the coldest February. Until that morning, there was more than 120 hours of continuous frost and the mercury fell to 9F (-13 ÂșC). it was so cold that the sea at Whitstable froze solid. Schools were closed and people were advised to stay indoors. (Source: Bob Ogley)

[One of the most SEVERE WINTERS of the 20th century (up to 1939/40). During the January & February months in Hampshire, 150 hours of continuous FROST.]
Tonbridge records

Being given a date and month for reference allows a comparison between planetary positions then and now.

1929 - Feb 9 The New Moon (Sun + Moon both @ 20 Aquarius in tight stress to Uranus 5 Aries
           Mercury is in Aquarius          
           Neptune is at zero degrees Virgo
           Jupiter is at 4 degrees Taurus
           Mars is at 22 Gemini
2012   February 6 The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius
           Mars is at 22 Virgo ( exact 90 degree angle to 1929 position)
           Neptune is at 0 degrees Pisces ( exact 180 degree opposition point to 1929 position)
           Uranus is at 2 Aries
            Jupiter is at 3 Taurus
Full Moon is on Feb 7 at 18 Aquarius-Leo
I am not an astrological specialist in weather indicators, but a body of researchers exist including Weather Sage. Accordingly I have not formulated a theory of the most likely scenario, planetary-wise which indicates extreme cold but there are some prime suspects.
Neptune is the planet of water in all forms, but Saturn is the ice-maker.
In Feb 2012 Saturn is very closely linked to Neptune, around half a degree of separation (by trine).
In mid Feb 1929 Saturn's position was <2 degrees off an exact trine to Neptune.
What is very interesting is that in the development phase of this widespread freeze (January 2012), Saturn was less than a degree off exact trine to Neptune throughout that month. In 1929 the degree of exactitude was wider between Saturn-Neptune.

So perhaps too many connections for the statistically minded to deem coincidence

What is not clear from this very early appraisal, is how many of those recurrent factors are needed to create a big (extensive) freeze. BIG is a word associated with Jupiter - and that planet repeats in the two eras.
In Feb 1929, Jupiter links closely to Uranus ( unusual conditions) 
In Feb 2012 Jupiter is approaching an exact middle point between Neptune and Pluto ( Pluto being in Capricorn is the bearer of Saturn's force & not surpisingly is implicated in the excessive fatalities from cold)
Neptune at 0 has midpoints of 4Taurus/Scorpio in relationship to Pluto at 8 Capricorn.
In Feb 2012 Jupiter reaches 4 Taurus on the 11th, so the intensity of this freeze - environmentally and in human cost may be accentuated in days surrounding this point. Plus Saturn stays closely aligned with Neptune - so likely to sustain the big freeze - until a retreat picks up in March 2012 - retrograding away until October just as northern zones are in the early stage of  autumn / fall.  Stock up on fuel well in advance.
[updates Feb 22 Two effects showing two aspects of the Saturn-Neptune potentials:  a sudden thaw, affecting the Serbian Danube, involving a massive increase in temperature from -20C to +10C has provided difficulties on the river. Where Saturn solidifies water (Neptune), the thawing (reliquefying) causes further problems = Saturn damage, destruction eg boats (Neptune) crushed and sunk (Saturn). In the German zone of the Danube, ice is still blocking (Saturn) the river (Neptune)     -report  
The UN releases a report re destructive floods from the thaw - report   ]
By October, in 2012, other factors have moved on, but new ones are on the agenda ( Mars in Scorpio exact on the lunar north node while Pluto remains exactly at odds with Uranus both have ominous destructive signatures.
 2012 has been clearly signalled as a powerfully transformational year amongst others in this decade -see Massive Transformations link in references section)

In the Southern Hemisphere at the corresponding time but opposite season, at the 2011- 2012 phase, New Zealand has experienced a sluggish and much cooler summer which started late ( all keywords that indicate the role of Saturn. Snowfall was even recorded in Otago in January summertime - TV3 report.
Australia has had a late summer start too:
“A wintry weather pattern has dropped temperatures up to ten degrees below average across south-eastern Australia, bringing cool relief for South Australia and Victoria. Sadly for Sydney the cool temperatures are just another reminder of the ongoing summer fizzer,” says Tom Saunders, Senior Meteorologist at The Weather Channel." -article
In addition, severe flooding in Australia in February 2012 with expectation of floods to remain for weeks - report.
In St George, Queensland the situation in early Feb 2012 is looking more severe than previous floods  - report
The same pattern of energy involving  Neptune (water)-Jupiter(big= excessive)-Pluto (destructive, transformational) and Saturn(disaster, crisis) is affecting Australia with these big players operating in response to local summer season meteorological conditions -which are far less likely to bring snow and far more likely to bring precipitation
Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist does alternative long range weather forecasting - he mentions the current (Feb 2012)Queensland floods -linking to La Nina & lunar cycles -plus in keeping with my view for Feb (though using different methods) confirms more severe winter freeze is coming  -  see refs for his discussion page

Feb 7 2012 Update re longer term view:
Effectively November 2015-October 2016 is an alert period re issues related to water -  water resources and lack of water; generally problems/crises re water in any form (moisture, rain, snow, ice) -but local conditions vary across the globe and there are seasonal factors to add in.
The winter of 2015-2016 in the northern hemisphere coincides with Saturn exactly squared off against Neptune in Nov-Dec 2015.  This aggravating and crisis-inducing Saturn energy has implications for all weather phenomena involving water. In a winter scenario Saturn's capacity to freeze water is noted. Compare the equatorial zone & southern hemisphere summer where the likelihood of problems relating to water. With Jupiter in Virgo - polarity opposite to Pisces - there is a double message of excess for some, too little for others, drought & deluge in the time frame Nov 2015-Feb 2016. An aggravation in March 2016 arises when Saturn squares off exactly with Jupiter - two opposing principles at right angled positions, an earth planet vs a fire planet in the mutable signs of fire and earth which looks a lot like drought.
July-August-September 2016 have an extended locked in phase involving Saturn-Neptune, but the writing will be on the wall way before then to prepare for the summer or winter of challenges.
With complex keywords involved, it is important to add in that Neptune's association with oil and gas make it likely that either or both these two resources will come under restriction, be the source of critical situations ( currently Iran threatening such an action re oil)
Update Feb 11 2012
BBC report on the continuing freeze

Piers Corbyn 1 - general forecasts
Europe freeze excellent photo gallery
Massive Transformations Ahead
Weather Sage

Saturday, 4 February 2012

NEPTUNE in PISCES charts & analysis

Since Feb 3 2012, Neptune is now fully progressing through its own sign Pisces, for the next 13 years . This energy shift has the potential to progress humanity into a more healthy and connected state, 
but not without trials and challenges. 
We are likely to see the worst of Pisces/Neptune before the pendulum brings forth the best expressions of this energy, 
that people can aspire to. 
Essentially, the Neptunian state of awareness is very consistent with the findings of quantum physicists who talk of existence as an undifferentiated whole in language that sits meaningfully alongside the Buddhist conception of reality. 
The fundamental interconnectedness of all things is what humanity at large has forgotten and for millennia we have lived in a state of illusion. From this comes all the woes we now face - wars,  oppression, greed and the trashing of the natural world, are all related signs of this dis-ease. 
The duality of Neptunian energy represented by the Piscean fish symbolism. Mutable energy has a greater capacity to switch from unrefined to purified expression
2013 updates at end of page

Neptune entered Pisces briefly in 2011, with the second entrance almost a year later. Charts for two locations show both entry points, or ingresses.
                                     Please click to enlarge all graphics for gallery view
UK ingress chart for Neptune's entry into Pisces April 4 2011

  Neptune then retrograded into Aquarius during August 2011-Feb 2012

This chart is significant for the spiritual imperative of Neptune in Pisces arising in concert with the Saturn Libra to Sun-Jupiter in Aries opposition. Pressures relating to fiscal restraint along with  relationship dynamics under duress are indicated. 
Public and private necessities to get your house in order. 
Chiron in close proximity to Neptune indicates the wounded soul of humanity, disposed more to the escapist, addictive, corrupt and devious underbelly of Neptune than its higher octave of kindness, compassion and goodness. 
Forgetting we are connected means we abuse each other.

The collection of 6 planets in Aries is a dominant theme, emphasising violence male/yang force aggression and militarism and the pursuit of selfish goals, which are to some extent moderated by Saturn's urge towards restraint, mediation, balance and peace-making, but the balance here is somewhat overwhelmingly reckless, accentuated by Mars tightly linked to Uranus.
Not a great opening scenario for Neptune to work in a healing way.

                                                Here is the Auckland, New Zealand 2011 ingress on April 5 2011

Next looking at 2012, for the second and complete ingress: note that the dominant themes are universal.  
Two locational charts are provided as examples and comparisons.
                                                                                  The UK ingress for Feb 3 2012
The Auckland ingress Feb 4 2012

                                                             The midpoint grid for the Auckland 2012 ingress

Neptune and Chiron remain linked - prominently in Auckland, New Zealand, on the birth point, the AC ascendant, raising the question of what sort of Neptunian woes/Neptunian healing we will see in this city over the course of the Neptunian period till April 2025
With the sextile to Jupiter in Taurus is it dreams of riches? Fantasies about living the life of the fabulously wealthy? But Saturn sits across the way from Jupiter, and extends a restraining arm to Neptune as well as linking mathematically to the Sun - and so some will respond to that parental guiding [inner or external] voice and resist the excesses that Jupiter and Neptune together do so well. Over-spending, over-eating, hoarding, excess accumulating, will resonate for some people -but those urges are coming from the wounded Chiron part of the psyche. 
They are symptoms of a state of distress, a gaping hole that can only be addressed by  - you  guessed it - the Neptunian medicine. 
[update March 2012: Auckland's grandiose and big spending Long Term Plan is under attack for pinching off ratepayers to pay for developments the city cannot afford - a classic example of the above combo]
Aquarian experiences in recent years [Neptune in Aquarius] have brought people together collectively largely via technology of social media. 
It may be remote, anonymous and faceless, but it the Aquarian group consciousness, friendliness instinct and networking drive have knitted together a type of matrix onto which the overlays of Neptunian sensitivity can be grafted during the 13 years ahead. 

Neptune in Pisces offers the capacity for a sense of universal oneness, a sense that we are all in this together. Out of this can ultimately arise empathy and compassion on a scale possibly not seen before. 
For this big ask to occur, something Big is likely to spread a global sense of union. How else is a currently rather rotten humanity, beset by comparatively antithetical imperatives, to be transformed so powerfully. 
It seems a galvanizing event or events will be the catalyst.

Neptune in Pisces will place greater emphasis on:
water, all things maritime, chemicals, drugs, addictions, the seedy realms, oil, gas, images, non-physical dimensions, spiritual and religious, transcendance, sacrifice, immersion, escapism, fantasy, dreams, movies & movie-making, fraud, fakes, scams, delusion, confusion, denial, magic, oneness, compassion
(far more extensive keywords can be sourced -this is a selection only)
In addition Neptune in Pisces has an influence over the whole range of mutable sign primary issues: Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius as well as Pisces

Virgo work and health subject to effects of Neptune = more inclination to work for humanitarian causes, work voluntarily; some fall prey to dishonest work practices; health subject to weaknesses of Neptune = addiction, hyper-sensitivity symptoms; daily diet under scrutiny
Gemini -more messaging and conversation about Neptune matters
Sagittarius - Neptune issues have a greater impact upon people's beliefs, philosophy of life - this is likely to see a widespread religious and spiritual revival, with the likelihood of a clear polarity between the perspectives of fundamentalism and compassionate world views such as Buddhism

Other elements in the ingress charts:

Venus, Mars and the Moon in a tight pattern suggest strong mating urges driven by a mothering instinct. A noticeable baby boom is a potential outcome triggered in the period of influence 2012-2025.
Chiron is on the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint - this has the potential to enable charismatic leaders to inspire the oppressed to organize to bring about systemic transformations.
The negative shadow of this is that those feeling oppressed or disengaged [Chiron]will seek to gain unbridled power [Jupiter-Pluto]. This leaves open the return of abusive people and brutal regimes.

Belief systems are a fundamental driving force in this era but there will also be suppressive & repressive forces, channeled through Saturn, which oppose freedom of information. Clearly the internet and social media may be targets on the receiving end of these reactionary impulses.
[update April 2 2012: UK Government plans increased email and social network surveillance  and recent news from US re employers wanting more Facebook access re their staff or applicants' accounts]

This brief appraisal will be extended as more thoughts come to mind

Occasional updates reflecting the Neptunian themes:

Feb 10 2012
Already news items  that relate to Neptune
Maori claim water rights in New Zealand (Feb 8)
Drugs, oil and gas news  (Feb 10)
                                                           (New Zealand)    

Update Feb 12 2012
Religious holidays discussion sought by Muslims in New Zealand
Death of Whitney houston reported with strong Neptune in Pisces elements  (water, bath, drowned drugs)
TV doco by Ingrid Visser finds Orca significantly poisoned by chemical runoff. Three Neptune in Pisces elements

Update March 5 2012
A crisis related to extensive flooding in NSW Australia represents the 'water. water everywhere" potential of Neptune in Pisces when strongly activated - news report
Also recent news re another Costa cruise ship in distress near the Seychelles; unethical practices re drug trials carried out in undeveloped countries ; a report on the finding that users of sleeping pills face risk of premature death.
March 30 2012 Azamara Quest Cruise ship fire in southern Philippines waters (Friday night 8.19pm presumed local time)
April 1 2012 Severe flooding in Fiji over several days
October 2012 Superstorm Sandy in America - aftermath
                       Banned drugs widespread in Australian sport
What is the astrological connection between drugs, nutritional supplements & sport -take a look at this sketch showing the quartet of mutable signs Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius.
Two polar opposite pairs set at right angles form the Mutable Cross:

All signs have multiple connected keywords attached which explain their range of expressions, but for the purposes of the drugs-in-sport issue it is clear how the mutable group of signs has clear involvement: 
Pisces is drugs, chemicals in general as well as dishonest practices. 
The polarity sign Virgo concerns the optimum functioning of the digestive system and so relates to the goal of perfection via maximum nutrition. 
Sagittarius and Gemini both relate to the physical use of the body - Gemini on the everyday level of transporting the body from one place to another -by walking or cycling. 
Sagittarius is the professional or dedicated level of exercise or sport- involving focussed programs and competition aimed at maximum development & attainment of the human body. This illusion or dream (Pisces) of superhuman (Sagittarius) perfection (Virgo) is the problem. The goal is unnatural and a fantasy.  
The irony is that this is a problem of Mind or consciousness, an error in thinking - and we return to the roles played by all 4 mutable signs here: pisces is self delusion as well as trying to fool others, Virgo is the mental attachment to the goal of perfection and involves extreme detailed analysis of the ideal nutritional or drug cocktails. Gemini is the everyday functioning level of the mind and how communication take place with others. Sagittarius is the beliefs or philosophy held. 
Errors in thinking, analysis and beliefs along with the urge to engage in dishonest practices are clearly evident in the drugs-in-sport problem. 
The irony is there are alternative ways of using all the energies in this group. With greater enlightenment, sports professionals in large numbers will recognise that mind training (Sagittarius) and meditation (Pisces) have far more powerful results in sports attainment than from physical training. Enough studies have already confirmed this. This is the way of the future.
References:   google "mind training versus physical training"    e.g. this article
August 2013
New Zealand has just seen Dynamo Magician Impossible TV series. Magic and illusion are a big component of Neptunian energy - so a revival in this form of entertainment is very likely - though with Dynamo his skills go way beyond the norm of 3 dimensional reality -read analysis
For an intro to astro-analysis read my guide

update Nov 2015
Neptune in Pisces challenged by Saturn in Sagittarius 2015-2015.
What does this mean in relationship to events of late 2015?
In the context of the November 13 terror attacks in Paris, so soon after the October 31 bombing of a Russian plane in Egypt - both events attributed to ISIS jihadists -in addition to the issue of the  human flood of displaced people entering the Eurozone, which reached crisis point in September 2015 the energy of Saturn arises strongly in response to the Neptunian situation:

The human flood is a situation that is Neptunian, people moving like a flood of water, a river or stream entering modern era Europe which has had open borders under the Schengen Agreement since 1985.
With the energy of Saturn being strengthened starting from November 2015 and extending till October 2016 many things will change in respect of Neptunian situations. [Saturn in Sagittarius at exact 90 degree square to Neptune in Pisces]

Saturn carries the energy of authorities, controls, borders, restrictions, rules, regulations, difficulties
Neptune is the energy of fluid, vague, flowing, uncontrolled things or situations.

Saturn and Neptune are in many ways polar opposites -one likes it loose, one likes it tight, one is rigid the other is tolerant; one is conservative and conscientious, the other is a free spirit disliking routine and so on

The intensification of security threats in late 2015 means that Neptunian situations are set to be tightened up by measures that reflect a Saturn energy reaction.

So when Saturn is square Neptune repeatedly in the period Nov 2015-Oct 2016 a wide array of corresponding things/people which have Pisces/Neptune energy will be subjected to forces of control/discipline/restriction.
Governments will enforce much tighter security.
People who are not mainstream are more likely to feel the conservative side of Saturn which is the demand that everyone -even the ill, elderly, disabled pull their weight under tough conditions - logically being socio-economic pressures which make governments far less tolerant of welfare, far less prone to compassion or empathy. 
The spectre of brutal austerity is evoked by Saturn when threats arise and with Saturn in Sagittarius 2015-2017, Saturn square Neptune Nov. 2015, June-Oct 2016, and Saturn square Jupiter March 2016 -a combination of constraints, cut backs and lack of compassion, restricted freedoms

Refer also to
Brutal Austerity- an in-depth look at past & future austerity periods versus prosperity indicators

Friday, 3 February 2012

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Full Moon February 2012

The February 7 2012 full moon in Aquarius-Leo has Messy Relationship Stuff written all over it.
With Aquarius the sign of friendship and non-romantic bonds and Leo being the falling in love sign this dilemma existing between these two will arise for many.
Is it loving friendship or sexual love? Are we better off being friends? What is love?
If this was merely an opportune time to be philosophical then no tears would be shed, but with Uranus, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune all bringing layers of intensity to the situation, do not expect the period Feb 4-March 7(lunar month period of influence) to be simple, easy or uncomplicated.
Of course exactly the opposite prevails.
Tears, anger and mental/emotional shock are indicated. Issues about secrecy, dishonesty, confusion, selfishness are prominent with sudden changes, estrangement and separation on the cards for those strongly caught up in this pattern of planetary energies. 
For many this will be a Youth versus Age issue - meaning the desire arising to do your own thing (Aquarius) even if it is selfish and irresponsible in the context of your present commitments (partner, children) will be at loggerheads with the duties of a mature lifestyle - so this could be particularly an issue for those in mid-life, looking for that last gasp of escapist, fantasy filled romance. Freedom versus control; rebellion versus responsibility; me or us?
In the Aquarian era we presently exist in, the emphasis is more on the importance of friendship and networking over one-to-one romantic love.
This Full Moon will reinforce for many this shift in relating preference.
[Of course your own personal profile determines whether this is your time to face such issues - that is why only certain people are affected by any particular energetic influence. You will already know if your life situation is relevant to this sort of relationship reappraisal & change. Also be aware that your individual profile will mean this month's planetary pattern will activate one or more other important aspects of your daily life - a personalised birth chart analysis based on your time date and place of birth is used in this determination - compared to the overall collective themes identified in this interpretation]

Since astrological energy combinations have numerous potential manifestations it is useful to add that in New Zealand, this Full Moon phase will see a political gathering at Waitangi in recognition of our country's founding Treaty. Waitangi Day is February 6.
The newly elected National government, personified by Leo John Key ( August 9 1961)  is likely to face dissent and protest more intensely than usually seen at this Aquarian-influenced annual event.
John Key has effectively goaded his Maori Party coalition partner over whether Treaty considerations should be implicit in government policies. My sense is a lot of anger (Uranus in Aries) is building in Maoridom over John Key's duplicity (Neptune) and that a heated protest will greet him on February 6 2012. In this context, Aquarius is the group (Maori) and Leo is the Leader (Prime Minister).  Messy Relationship Stuff will indeed be the outcome politically for John Key.
[update Feb 3 - Mana Party predicts explosive protests at Waitangi 

and Police arrest man on pretty weak grounds it seems for threatening to kill John Key via Facebook ]
I will let you know if I become a "security risk" tee-hee.
Return here for extra updated content:
[update Feb 7 Waitangi was marked by heated protest over several days; Prime Minister John Key cut short his visit, failing to address issues as promised. Maori, including the government's coalition partner, the Maori Party, look set to further challenge the government's asset sales agenda.] 
[update Feb 9 A very public (Leo) political spat likened to a "bickering couple" (Saturn stressing Venus) With Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker labelled a clown ( Leo) by government minister Gerry Brownlee. this is indeed a messy relationship that has all the hallmarks of a power struggle involving  the egos of Leo-Aquarius  wanting to be boss and not bossed! This is a great example of  further dimensions to this signature pattern for February-March - it is not only a private emotional relationship effect but also any relationship involving a working, cooperative dynamic ]

Though this analysis focusses primarily on the relationship aspects of this full moon pattern, there remain further potentials fitting the match. The best analogy for this comes from the kitchen: any baker knows that a collection of basic ingredients can be combined to produce a variety of products . The same applies to the combining of planetary energies -they can produce the equivalent of a muffin, a scone, a pikelet, or bread - depending upon the processing of those energies. So when trying to anticipate outcomes of planetary combinations, the question is will we get a muffin, a loaf of bread, a scone or a combination?
Having said that, it is important to add that in this lunar phase the potential for water related tragedy is sustained since the same pattern in recent lunar phases reported on (see references).
Here Sun, Mercury (transport) & Neptune (maritime) in a difficult position with Pluto (tragedy) have a signature of a tragedy involving maritime transport (news Feb 2 Papua New Guinea ferry sinks with severe loss of life anticipated)
In addition Saturn in close connection to Neptune causes issues difficulties [Saturn] regarding water/maritime/oil or gas [Neptune] issues (news Feb 7 Maori seek the right to water resources within the Treaty of Waitangi. Debate ensues over  'who owns water' Feb 8 NZ Navy barge hits rocks, takes on water. While no loss of life (Pluto) is involved -  Saturn, is implicated in the nature of the event - Saturn corresponds to rocks)

In addition whenever a new or full moon is strongly linked to the influences of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, especially if in combination of two or more of these, then earth stresses occur with resultant seismic/volcanic and extreme weather outcomes in places resonating with the pattern.
This Feb 2012 full moon does have a complex array including Neptune, Pluto, Uranus and Saturn in close enough range to cause such physical environmental issues to arise. 

Recent USGS quake data puts the PNG ferry sinking right in the zone of seismic unrest
Ferry sinks 16kms off Finschafen. Quake dots orange & yellow

click to enlarge

GNS/Geonet drum showing M5.7 Feb 3 N/E off Farewell Spit

Update Feb 4 2012
Just prior to the full moon, Neptune fully begins a 13 year stint in Pisces. This long term influence has significant implications for the healing of humanity - read this post
Update Feb 6 2012       A significant M6.9 quake in the Philippines causes fatalities  
The ongoing political crisis in Syria deserves comment here since it is prominent now but has a long phase of unfoldment. Four decades of dictatorship by the Assad family is the root cause of dissent and consistent with global unease about abuse of power, oppression & inequality. This political dimension is reflected globally in trouble spots where social justice is extremely compromised by oppressive regimes.
Update Feb 8 2012 - more significant seismic activity in NZ, in a generally unsettled phase
Feb 7 M5.3 quake New Zealand west of Taumaranui. The central north island volcanic zone resonated with this event & some noise evident 24hrs later around Tarawera
Feb 8 M5.3 quake New Zealand Kermadec Islands region
Feb 8 M4.2 quake New Zealand Christchurch Banks Peninsula hills
Feb 8 M4.3 quake New Zealand Christchurch Banks Peninsula Hills

The astrological template for this extended transformational phase on a global scale involves the stand off between the forces of Pluto versus Uranus which promise to deliver marked upheaval across the world which began in 2011, increases significantly in 2012 and remains prominent until 2016.

A full post on this

Lunar Cycles important in 2012

Testing the electronic buzz around you

Sanyo Transistor radio courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Call me old fashioned, but I still rely on the traditional small portable transistor radio for background sound while working. If something extra interesting is under discussion, I am even happy to carry the radio on a neighborhood stroll while walking the dog. No slim ear-bud connected model for me!
This simple AM-FM radio device is also a useful detector of signals sent by other devices so if  you want to check on your neighbourhood's signal traffic aka electronic pollution, you will find that carrying the radio, while tuned to a broadcast station allows you to pick up signal interruptions from other sources.
I had already known that the radio signal goes wild and squealy when placed anywhere near devices like your phone base station, your laptop, computer screen and hard-drive - indicating how much unseen "stuff" is coming off these electronic items - in fact you will find more if you live in a highly electronic environment. I also know that the radio makes noises when a cellphone signal is picked up somewhere close by - even if not in my own home.
In my local, usually very quiet residential neighbourhood, there is a point where lots of signals are being emitted - possibly from a small telephone junction point or possibly from some wi-fi activity. Whatever is doing it, I would not consider that an energetically healthy place to be living. Insomnia, fatigue and symptoms of generally feeling unwell are in the range of possible responses to excess electronic interference with the body's own electrical system.

Also read this SMH article re mobile devices and 'phantom vibrations", "EM signal handshakes"


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...