Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Moon : Lunar Cycles important in 2012

Lunar cycles carry energy forward so it is important to understand the bigger picture in terms of ongoing influences.
Regarding 2012 we first need to look to the eclipse pair that usher in 2012. These occurred in November- December 2011. Eclipses have to potential to be triggered as they build  -can be three or more days beforehand - then during a period of 6 months ahead - until the next solar or lunar eclipse. Multiiple triggers can occur when other planets reach or form an angle to the degree at which the eclipse occurred

November 2011 solar eclipse 2.37 Sagittarius - this one occurred right before the New Zealand General Election and I was too focussed there to do a general analysis. The only notable issue I observed was the Jupiter connection to the eclipse and Saturn's position impacting the eclipse-Mercury midpoint.  With Sagittarius-Taurus-Libra being the three sign energies involved the message is:
The curbing of excesses; freedoms (Jupiter/SAG) and material indulgences (Jupiter in Taurus) we have become accustomed to are confronted with the need for fiscal restraint, financial responsibility and accountability and also relationship/marital/business responsibilities (Saturn in Libra)
No surprises there for the period Nov 25 2011-May 20 2012

December 2011 lunar eclipse 18.11 Sagittarius-Gemini 
Take the link to view the full analysis of this influence -  Dec 10-2011-June 4 2012  - which is more complex
Bearing in mind the combined effects of the two eclipses operating until mid-year 2012, the next task is to look at the add-ons provided each month by the new and full moons.  These events can repeat some eclipse themes as well as adding more to the picture - so to have a thorough perspective the longer view of all lunar events is important.
The monthly events are usually featured in this blog, if time permits.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...