Monday, 6 February 2012

2012 Extreme Cold Europe - return of cycles?

Since I totally believe in cycles as the fundamental reality pertaining to all matter, astrology is the perfect medium for tracing back past connections to the present -and of course for extending projections into the future.
The extreme cold impacting Europe is big news at the start of February 2012, with the BBC weather reporter explaining some unprecedented bitter cold spread across several northern European nations as well as the UK - with -16 to -25 C recorded since the cold set in at the start of 2012, over 300 people have died.
The lagoon in Venice, Italy is said to be freezing over and reportedly not seen similarly since February 1929.
The Tonbridge Weather org which collates historical weather events also has one entry for 1929 and it is February
Intense cold 11th to 17th February. Lowest maxima for Tonbridge. Frost continued into March, much skating.

Kent experiences the coldest February. Until that morning, there was more than 120 hours of continuous frost and the mercury fell to 9F (-13 ÂșC). it was so cold that the sea at Whitstable froze solid. Schools were closed and people were advised to stay indoors. (Source: Bob Ogley)

[One of the most SEVERE WINTERS of the 20th century (up to 1939/40). During the January & February months in Hampshire, 150 hours of continuous FROST.]
Tonbridge records

Being given a date and month for reference allows a comparison between planetary positions then and now.

1929 - Feb 9 The New Moon (Sun + Moon both @ 20 Aquarius in tight stress to Uranus 5 Aries
           Mercury is in Aquarius          
           Neptune is at zero degrees Virgo
           Jupiter is at 4 degrees Taurus
           Mars is at 22 Gemini
2012   February 6 The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius
           Mars is at 22 Virgo ( exact 90 degree angle to 1929 position)
           Neptune is at 0 degrees Pisces ( exact 180 degree opposition point to 1929 position)
           Uranus is at 2 Aries
            Jupiter is at 3 Taurus
Full Moon is on Feb 7 at 18 Aquarius-Leo
I am not an astrological specialist in weather indicators, but a body of researchers exist including Weather Sage. Accordingly I have not formulated a theory of the most likely scenario, planetary-wise which indicates extreme cold but there are some prime suspects.
Neptune is the planet of water in all forms, but Saturn is the ice-maker.
In Feb 2012 Saturn is very closely linked to Neptune, around half a degree of separation (by trine).
In mid Feb 1929 Saturn's position was <2 degrees off an exact trine to Neptune.
What is very interesting is that in the development phase of this widespread freeze (January 2012), Saturn was less than a degree off exact trine to Neptune throughout that month. In 1929 the degree of exactitude was wider between Saturn-Neptune.

So perhaps too many connections for the statistically minded to deem coincidence

What is not clear from this very early appraisal, is how many of those recurrent factors are needed to create a big (extensive) freeze. BIG is a word associated with Jupiter - and that planet repeats in the two eras.
In Feb 1929, Jupiter links closely to Uranus ( unusual conditions) 
In Feb 2012 Jupiter is approaching an exact middle point between Neptune and Pluto ( Pluto being in Capricorn is the bearer of Saturn's force & not surpisingly is implicated in the excessive fatalities from cold)
Neptune at 0 has midpoints of 4Taurus/Scorpio in relationship to Pluto at 8 Capricorn.
In Feb 2012 Jupiter reaches 4 Taurus on the 11th, so the intensity of this freeze - environmentally and in human cost may be accentuated in days surrounding this point. Plus Saturn stays closely aligned with Neptune - so likely to sustain the big freeze - until a retreat picks up in March 2012 - retrograding away until October just as northern zones are in the early stage of  autumn / fall.  Stock up on fuel well in advance.
[updates Feb 22 Two effects showing two aspects of the Saturn-Neptune potentials:  a sudden thaw, affecting the Serbian Danube, involving a massive increase in temperature from -20C to +10C has provided difficulties on the river. Where Saturn solidifies water (Neptune), the thawing (reliquefying) causes further problems = Saturn damage, destruction eg boats (Neptune) crushed and sunk (Saturn). In the German zone of the Danube, ice is still blocking (Saturn) the river (Neptune)     -report  
The UN releases a report re destructive floods from the thaw - report   ]
By October, in 2012, other factors have moved on, but new ones are on the agenda ( Mars in Scorpio exact on the lunar north node while Pluto remains exactly at odds with Uranus both have ominous destructive signatures.
 2012 has been clearly signalled as a powerfully transformational year amongst others in this decade -see Massive Transformations link in references section)

In the Southern Hemisphere at the corresponding time but opposite season, at the 2011- 2012 phase, New Zealand has experienced a sluggish and much cooler summer which started late ( all keywords that indicate the role of Saturn. Snowfall was even recorded in Otago in January summertime - TV3 report.
Australia has had a late summer start too:
“A wintry weather pattern has dropped temperatures up to ten degrees below average across south-eastern Australia, bringing cool relief for South Australia and Victoria. Sadly for Sydney the cool temperatures are just another reminder of the ongoing summer fizzer,” says Tom Saunders, Senior Meteorologist at The Weather Channel." -article
In addition, severe flooding in Australia in February 2012 with expectation of floods to remain for weeks - report.
In St George, Queensland the situation in early Feb 2012 is looking more severe than previous floods  - report
The same pattern of energy involving  Neptune (water)-Jupiter(big= excessive)-Pluto (destructive, transformational) and Saturn(disaster, crisis) is affecting Australia with these big players operating in response to local summer season meteorological conditions -which are far less likely to bring snow and far more likely to bring precipitation
Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist does alternative long range weather forecasting - he mentions the current (Feb 2012)Queensland floods -linking to La Nina & lunar cycles -plus in keeping with my view for Feb (though using different methods) confirms more severe winter freeze is coming  -  see refs for his discussion page

Feb 7 2012 Update re longer term view:
Effectively November 2015-October 2016 is an alert period re issues related to water -  water resources and lack of water; generally problems/crises re water in any form (moisture, rain, snow, ice) -but local conditions vary across the globe and there are seasonal factors to add in.
The winter of 2015-2016 in the northern hemisphere coincides with Saturn exactly squared off against Neptune in Nov-Dec 2015.  This aggravating and crisis-inducing Saturn energy has implications for all weather phenomena involving water. In a winter scenario Saturn's capacity to freeze water is noted. Compare the equatorial zone & southern hemisphere summer where the likelihood of problems relating to water. With Jupiter in Virgo - polarity opposite to Pisces - there is a double message of excess for some, too little for others, drought & deluge in the time frame Nov 2015-Feb 2016. An aggravation in March 2016 arises when Saturn squares off exactly with Jupiter - two opposing principles at right angled positions, an earth planet vs a fire planet in the mutable signs of fire and earth which looks a lot like drought.
July-August-September 2016 have an extended locked in phase involving Saturn-Neptune, but the writing will be on the wall way before then to prepare for the summer or winter of challenges.
With complex keywords involved, it is important to add in that Neptune's association with oil and gas make it likely that either or both these two resources will come under restriction, be the source of critical situations ( currently Iran threatening such an action re oil)
Update Feb 11 2012
BBC report on the continuing freeze

Piers Corbyn 1 - general forecasts
Europe freeze excellent photo gallery
Massive Transformations Ahead
Weather Sage


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...