Monday, 11 June 2012

June 2012 New Moon, eclipse: astrology report

update June 20: conflicting reports re Egypt's deposed President

NOTE: The energy expressions of a New Moon or Full moon phase can be activated in prior days before exactitude - and anytime during the lunar month ahead. Eclipses ( as on June 4 2012) have potentials at least until the next eclipse cycle.  Strong patterns occurring at the time of a new/full moon can cause extended triggering of potentials as well.  For many reasons, the exact day of a new/full moon may not be the most powerful in terms of activations within the time frame of that lunar month or eclipse period.
Note: updates are typically added to my reports, please return for more commentary.

June 2012 is a very energised month on account of a strong eclipse on the 4th [see full report link below] plus there are strong planetary pairs in dynamic situations, in the latter half of June 2012: Pluto has its exact square with Uranus [ June 24] and  Jupiter will exactly square Neptune [June 25] With these four planets in powerful activation mode within 24hrs of each other - and the Moon's declination on the equator on the 25th - we have a mixture that has significant geo-physical implications. This means stresses and strains on the earth's structure which typicaly result in earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions. This time the alarm level looks much higher than average.
If a significant natural disaster occurs affecting a big population, Jupiter square Neptune could both reflect a Big Water element [flood/tsunami/rainfall] as well as lots of incorrect information, the situation unclear & confused, so many messages telling the wrong story. With the use of megessaging/ Twitter/Facebook, information "goes viral" at lightning speed -which is what is expected when news of a globally significant tragedy is passed around. The problem here is that fast transmission allows for a multitude of Neptunian errors and confusion. Be alert re this potential - as well as the darker misappropriation of information, using it to deliberately spread lies, distortions.

The concerning factor adding to the above is the Gemini New Moon on June 19, in late Gemini - the late mutable signs having a recurrent appearance in highly significant earth-environmental events - including massive quakes, tsunami, and the bombings of Nagasaki-Hiroshima. This New Moon will be energised by Mars in late Virgo during the final week of June, at a time when Pluto-Uranus-Sun-Moon-Venus have various interactions.
Be assured that particular people and places who resonate most with these patterns will have life changing & intense, transformational experiences in the latter half of June 2012

Simultaneously the socio-enomic & political fabric of our lives is subject to these same forces, so news sources will be full of powerfully changing events in these categories.
We are in the heat of the crucible at this time and for some time to come, so chaos and turmoil are a necessary ingredient in this very alchemical process.
Refer to extended report Massive Transformations Ahead to put into context the bigger picture of social-economic-political-environmental change in this era. Present global events & conditions of change are only the start of this extended process.
update June 13 2012

Here's a good summary of historical examples of Uranus and Pluto in dynamic tension
update June 15 2012
The second half of June 2012 is the most concerning in terms of potential global geophysical stressors.

 Moon in maximum north declination on June 18
 New Moon on June 20 at solstice
 the combined planetary picture at 10.30pm June 20
 Saturn-Venus on June 21
 Pluto-Uranus exact over many days
 Jupiter-Neptune exact over many days
 Sun-Moon-Pluto-Uranus on June 27
Pluto-Sun-Uranus on June 30 
Bearing in mind this array of conditions in effect over a two week time frame, a potential hi-risk time may be theorized - this is not an outright prediction because so much complexity challenges anyone seeking to pinpoint events in advance.

Flood issues are strong throughout June 2012 & many reports in the first 2 weeks, across the globe already indicate severe downpours. June 15 report from UK warns of a once in 50 year storm pending, with expected "a month's worth of rain in 24 hours and 70mph winds" -full report
Update June 20 - flooding issues in British Columbia Canada and Assam region northern India, reported
Update June 21 - NZ has had pockets of heavy rainfall but nothing yet like the flooding southeast Minnesota USA - as this picture gallery from June 20 2012 reveals.
Considerable quake activity over M4 also noted globally in the period so far from June 19-29 2012
update June 22 - flash flooding & evacuations in s/e Melbourne
Update June 29 - State of emergency in Colorado due to wildfire devastation -ranked as state's most destructive, with mass evacuations - the exact Pluto-Uranus energy is implicated in this fiery destruction  report

Greece update June 16 2012
As Greece sits on a precipice with global economic implications, reports are received of a nation under duress, where the rule of law is breaking down. Attacks on immigrants are reminiscent of the era of Greek Independence - particularly the 1821 massacres at Navarino & Tripoli where immigrants were slaughtered in large numbers. History - and cycles - repeats. In 1821 Pluto squared Uranus - just as it is doing in 2012 & beyond.

June 2012 eclipse report


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...