Sunday, 3 June 2012

Lunar Eclipse June 4 2012

THE UK LONDON CHART for the June 4 eclipse -click to enlarge

NZ chart - taken at Christchurch

click to enlarge graphics for slideshow view
This June 2012 full moon is another close perigee = Supermoon as defined by Richard Nolle.
The perigee, exact full moon and moon in extreme south declination all occur in close combination - and very soon to be followed by the transit of Venus across the sun on June 5-6. This transit adds to the last eclipse indicators re a shift away from dominant masculine power towards greater prominence of the feminine - less yang more yin. The time to assert far greater female equality is also very relevant.
News update June 5:
Mars versus Venus

[update June 5: With the weekend of celebration re Britain's Queen Elizabeth's 60 year reign - Diamond Jubilee coinciding with the Venus transit it is timely to note that her popularity has perhaps never been higher. This contrasts with the widespread contemporary distaste people have for governments and their style of management. A strong example of the shift in male-female power dynamics]

Michael Erlewine, using his tidal force tables also attributes a 93-94% pull being in force between June 3-6 2012.  These combined factors considered, seismic activity is expected to increase under these conditions.

UK London chart chosen on account of the Queen's Jubilee -shows Jupiter ( optimism, confidence) in Taurus (steadfast, fundamental values)  most elevated - and at a time when the great transformer, Pluto is exact on the, also elevated, Sun, the Royal signifier in this context. Britain's chart set for 1066 shows the prominence of Royalty and tradition (Capricorn) - to this nation. A rebirth of Royal devotion looks likely, since they, as a family represent the supportive and good service aspects of a benign nation far more than the role played by governments -especially amidst austere times.
With Uranus in the mix, set to tighten its strain on the status quo in the UK [ as well as across the globe whereever change is overdue] the question arises whether the Queen will decide to end her reign within the year.

1066 UK chart has a lot of earth emphasis -practical, hard-working, conservative

Christchurch New Zealand selected for the lunar eclipse at 11.11pm June 4 2012 -though this is taken as representative of NZ in general for this event. [seismic activity has been ongoing in this region since the first, unexpected sequence on unknown faults occurred on Sept  4 2010]

A Neptunian tragedy
Neptune-Pisces connects strongly to water -  but also to drugs, alcohol, oil, gas, chemicals, toxicity, sensitivities, allergies. Any or several of these are likely to be implicated in painful events including deaths, in this lunar eclipse time frame [ can be triggered by other elements, days before exactitude & potentially active up to next lunar eclipse in 6mnths] 
For Christchurch, this signature is based on the Neptune-Chiron placement at the AC (ascendant) - all in Pisces and with Pluto joining the energy of Scorpio (MC) via tight sextile to Chiron. The associated  dimension of a powerful spiritual healing for some involved in such an event.
[update : example events in NZ - June 3 news reveals hi profile NZ actress Robyn Malcolm drove her car after a social night out, involving drinking alcohol. A Police checkpoint showed her breath test exceeded the legal alcohol limit for driving - report
[updates June 9 2012: US Gulf states experience unprecedented flooding.
West Wales suffers flash flooding June 9 2012;
 Sydney Australia swamped in heaviest rain for 5 years -June 10-11 2012
Please note too with the next lunation event, New Moon at 29 Gemini on June 19 2012 it is likely that more significant flood & extreme weather events will be in the news. The terminal degrees of mutable signs are unusually prevalent in major earth energy disturbances and this may connect to the Galactic Centre - currently 27 Sagittarius. See my Galactic Centre 2012 posting re the issue of extreme weather & the late mutable sign degrees.
Death, alcohol, driving = Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini collided on June 2 2012
Holiday weekend road toll deaths in NZ reach 7 with alcohol a factor in most cases 

update June 22 2012: Neptunian tragedy: Up to a hundred lost at sea in asylum seeker boat tragedy on June 21, north of Christmas Island - report

Mutable Signs emphasised:
The eclipse itself involves Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius, being a full moon, partial lunar eclipse.  The full cohort of mutable signs featured are:
Sun, Mercury, Venus, south lunar node in Gemini
Moon, north lunar node in Sagittarius
Mars in Virgo
Ascendant, Neptune, Chiron in Pisces

1. With tight contacts between Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars there are relationship and gender tensions over beliefs, ideas, thoughts, comments, opinions, philosophies - a significant male-female divide exposed over when men think versus the female opinion or even just yin versus yang - parenting, work/life balance, home life vs career life, are sure to be newsworthy [ in NZ]  in this lunar month.
In general, universally & globally, a notable theme this month is about conflict, a clash of beliefs, arguments over details; news and media content criticised.
Mature, mediated conversations are the remedy; resolving differences through mediation - this applies as much on a personal level as in business and public domains.  Collectively we need to permit the process of resolution, peace-making, diplomacy to settle our differences - or face perpetual hellish scenarios in a world gone insane.
[update June 11 the eclipse has brought forth in NZ the issue of educational philosophy - perfectly reflecting Gemini-Sagittarius. Much dissent - via the stressor Mars - followed a proposed government policy for schools. People power, via the Pluto-Uranus square - enabled a government backdown 

2. Gemini-Sagittarius both involve movement as in local trips, distant travel, walking, driving, various forms of transport. With Mars in tension - speed, arguments can be the source of travel accidents. Mars is fire energy and so can be associated with transport problems, vehicle combustion.
[updates: June 2 plane fire  June 3 -burning car, oil leak on major Auckland route ]; Pakistan bus crash kills 23 on June 4; plane crash Nigeria June 4

New Zealand had over 800 vehicle crashes, with 7 fatalities in the holiday weekend period June 2-4 - way in excess of the stats for April 2012 Easter long weekend. The road Police are mystified. There was a full moon supermoon in effect on the Easter weekend from April 6-8, but the themes of that event did not suggest a hi profile for transport disasters aggravated by Mars as is event for the June  4 eclipse.
Extra heavy snow fell on central South Island's Canterbury region, with Christchurch experiencing the "heaviest snow in living memory", including snow at sea-level on beaches. The result has been widespread transport disruption on June 6-7, affecting roads and air travel. Water - frozen in the form of ice and snow has been the prime factor, leading also to power outages [ 1700 homes in Canterbury by morning of Jun 7]. Schools & other educators have been closed on June 6 in Canterbury and the bus transport system shut down in Christchurch. Temperatures dropped to -11C in rural west Canterbury at Darfield.
Mountain passes across the region have been closed & many highways closed.
Postal delivery - another Gemini domain -suspended in Chch June 7

In other locations surface flooding from heavy rain (Greymouth, NZ and water has been problematic on Australia's eastern seaboard: wild surf in Sydney from the supertides. In east of Victoria state, Australia, the Gippsland Lakes are posing a flood crisis after huge rainfall ]

With Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries moving tighter and tighter to an exact 90 degree right angle relationship in June, this represents maximum tension between 2 very contrary forces, though both have revolutionary potentials.
The psychological achetypes related to the signs of Capricorn and Aries are being majorly readjusted amongst humanity to correct imbalances [Saturn in Libra holds this card]
Where Capricorn is the elder and mature component of our psyche, Aries is the raw selfish child; Capricorn represents the clan or family component; Aries is the individual. These two often opposing drives towards the needs of self vs the common good have to be better balanced. We have swung way to far into the territory of selfish children.

Saturn's influence is in the mix in order to facilitate this process of change on the level of responsible relating amongst humans in all spheres of social activity  - from domestic to public, national and international contexts. We all need to do better, be better and as an example of this, the most pressing & unavoidable truth is to manage monetary behaviour in a more adult fashion, as indicated by global, national and personal financial pressures necessitating the hand of Saturn in terms of fiscal restraint.

Capricorn represent societal structure, governments and authorities [ in loco parentis] and in many nations, governmental management has had the hallmarks of dysfunctional parenting for way too long.  This generates a failure of the system to do as intended - to provide the right conditions for citizens to live a productive and healthy life. Operating a national economy that ensures good food, meaningful employment, suitable housing, efficient infrastructure and supportive services is the fundamental task of government. This is a struggle now not only in the Third World, but across First World nations - proof that radical restructuring is required. This process, thankfully, has already, though slowly begun - and will continue intensely in the period of coming years.  This is indeed an historic era to be living through but the transition will not be smooth, nor easy.
Expect to see some clear examples of the process of socio-political-economic change repeatedly in the news  - some signs will relate to policies and beliefs, some to rebellion & upheaval, some to end of era indicators, some to significant deaths and falls from grace.

[update June 4: astrophysical & geophysical events of June 3-4 coinciding with the solar lunar phase:
Solar activity with geo-effective potentials increased on June 3 with a 3.3 M flare, adding to the earth-facing high speed wind stream. Solar flux and the sunspot number also rose.
coronal hole CH520 earth-facing on June 4
Astrology is so complex there are many dimensions of analysis possible.
Here is some relevant further reading re the June 2012 events:
Astroblog June 2012 Astrology report- extending analysis to cover the important last half of June
Peter Stockinger Stars & Stones
Richard Nolle Astropro June 2012 report
Astrology of the Venus Transit 
Helen Sewell on UK 2012


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