Wednesday, 26 December 2012

2013 predictions via astro-analysis

2013: expect the revolutionary upheavals globally to continue as the Pluto-Uranus synergy remains fully empowered into 2014 and 2015.

  • Many more who have abused their power & position will fall from grace; more action springs from those oppressed to challenge their restraints.
  •  This is a long process of readjustment and extreme forces are activated.
  •  This intense, collectively life-changing era will be marked by profound experiences for many this year, including powerful life changing self transformations as well as more deaths by violence, in accidents and in fires.
  •  Environmental and extreme weather challenges continue to add to the range of issues to be faced.
  •  Balance in all things is the solution.
  •  The fundamental energetic forces of the elements of our planet ( fire/heat, earth, air/wind, water ) are engaged in a process of much needed readjustments.
  •  The antidote to overwhelming situations will be spiritual for increasing numbers of people.

                                                         Om Mane Peme Hung

For extra reading:
Unusual winds New Zealand 2013
Feng Shui Master Paul Ng gives his take on world geomancy in the Year of the Black Water Snake


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