Of the two suspects in the infamous bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15 2013, one remains alive and communicating with officials on April 21, the other deceased
in a gun battle on April 19.
Extensive background coverage from an astro-analysis
perspective is contained in the Boston Bombings post.
Only partial analysis is possible here due to lack of full birth data -but standout features are clear to see
Tamerlan Tsarnaev born October 21 1986 nationality cited as Russian, born Kalmykia, time unknown
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FBI released marathon site photo of Tsarnaev brothers -Tamerlan on right |
There are several standout features in Tamerlan's birthday planets which bear relevance to the timing and nature of the marathon bombing, as revealed in the data grid below. The moon is excluded as a factor due to unknown birth-time
His essential ingredients for a crime of this nature:
- Parallel urges regarding war and peace - Sun Libra paired with Aries-Libra lunar nodes. With his attraction to boxing & various reports of aggressive behaviour, his Aries disposition was evident.
- Very interested in power, being powerful & in control - 3 factors in Scorpio -Pluto, Venus, Mercury
- Strongly disposed to religiosity - Jupiter in Pisces
- Elevated potential for violence - Pluto exactly at right angles to Mars
- Sun and Mars in alignment in Aries for the first time since April 1981 -militaristic, angry , combustible
- Saturn and Uranus linked in Scorpio-Aries - death and violence
Tamerlan has the sort of potentials ready to be activated under conditions in April 2013
Standout links are:
- The Sun in his birthchart at 27 Libra - triggered byVenus at 27 Aries, Mars at 27 Aries, Sun at 27 Aries, Moon 27 Cancer -beginning April 12 through to April 18 by extremely close and exact contact
- The destiny-indicating lunar nodes at 20 Aries-Libra in his birthchart - triggered by Venus, Mars, Moon, Sun at 20 Aries - commencing April 6 through to April 10. This includes the April 10 New Moon at 20Aries41
Deeper analysis of midpoints throws up:
- the link to Saturn-Uranus which were exact at 9'20 on April 12 Boston time
- Tamerlan's Sun-Mercury, Sun-Venus conjoined at 9'40 and 8'40 Scorpio at his birth
- His Jupiter-Neptune meets at 8'27 Aquarius - power seeking mixed with amplified religiosity were strongly activated by Saturn-Uranus in the days prior to the Boston bombing.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev born July 22 1993
cited as Kyrgyzstan, time & exact location unknown
The birthdate is likely accurate but actual town not known, Tokmok used, plus no actual birth-time so this is just a July 22 layout with no relevance placed on the Moon or the positioning around the wheel.
The following section is a copy of the entry on the Boston bombing event page
The planets on his day of birth revealing a young man of many contradictions, frustrations, conflicting needs, low self esteem, feeling disempowered, wanted to be somebody, given to fantasies of being in control by challenging the system, issues with father/authority figure archetypes and The State, sensitive side over-ridden by a cold and detached frame of mind, deluded thinking, highly impressionable, clear capacity for cruelty. These are his worst-case scenario potentials -capable of being aggravated or accentuated - in effect, triggered by transitory planetary movements
It is clear that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's worst potentials were activated in the days & weeks prior to April 15
The personal qualities highlighted in the above section are explained by:
Sun 29 Cancer -majorly important - nationalistic sense of self - triggered exactly on final shootout day April 19 by Sun-Mars 29 Aries
Saturn 29 Aquarius - an exact angle to the birth Sun, periods of extreme difficulty, feeling lost, alienated, defeated - also activated April 19 by exact Sun-Mars 29 Aries
Uranus & Neptune exact at 20 Capricorn tightly opposite Mercury 19 Cancer. These anarchic, deluded state of mind potentials activated in the 7-10 days prior to April 15
Pluto 23 Scorpio in tight stress to Chiron 22 Leo both offset by Saturn 29 Aquarius - frustration, a wounded heart, disempowerment leading to destructive mindset - activated on 12-13th April.
In addition
The chart analysis of the April 15 bombing highlighted the significance of 10-11 degrees Gemini-Sagittarius in relationship to the positions of Saturn-Pluto and Sun-Mars.
The lunar nodes in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's chart are at 11 Sagittarius-Gemini - the two signs related to sport and recreational exercise. The nodes are the signposts of karma, fate, destiny.
This young man, who at this point, pre-trial, is regarded by Police as one of the Boston bombers, took a fateful karmic detour despite the capacity to redeem himself into a highly responsible citizen in his more mature years. [If he survives his injuries and lives to that point]
The seeds of April 2013 however, go way back:
In June-September 2012 a critical spark was lit in his consciousness regarding a path of deathly destruction. That spark then reignited in mid-late March 2013.
[With a report that Tamerlan Tsarnaev: left New York's JFK airport on January 12, 2012 for Moscow and returned to the United States on July 17, 2012.
This timing is consistent with the perceived change in Dzhokhar [often described as likeable and very sociable [ = Jupiter in Libra], known for smoking dope [Neptune opposite Mercury]
In recent years the Tsarnaev family distintegrated, parents divorced, mother charged with shoplifting, Tamerlan charged with assault on his wife and become more devout, Dzhokhar losing his focus on studies from late 2012.
This was no impulsive act but one based on old pain and a wounded psyche leading to deep-seated anger. Easily capable of presenting as calm [controlled = Saturn] and inoffensive [Cancer, Neptune position] despite the underbelly torment- typical of a passive-aggressive personality. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was himself a pressure cooker, keeping the lid on all kinds of retaliative urges.
His deep-seated issues allowed his very impressionable - and cannabis affected - mind to respond to any lead given by the older and clearly disaffected and dangerous Tamerlan. A nice guy or well adjusted young man would not end up in a situation of this kind.
The avatar on his social network page was a snarling tiger.
Positions -aside from Moon -considered for the birthdate of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
update April 22 2013
Searching for a motive, officials have pointed to religion - report
Tamerlan's Jupiter in Pisces and Dzhokhar's Neptune opposing Mercury gave both of them the capacity for a religious disposition - and in both cases those planetary factors had significant connection to the hallmark of death and destruction - Pluto in Scorpio
Even without exact birth times, a wealth of information is available regarding the template these men were born with and how significantly it connected to the energetic forces prevailing. Definitely one for the astrology record books.
update July19 2013
Boston policeman releases capture photos of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after fury re Rolling Stone glamour cover of the bomber - source
Further reading
Police investigate Tamerlan connection to 2011 triple murder
Tamerlan's past
Boston Bombing -astrology analysis - shows what aggravating planetary factors resonated with the violent potentials of the Tsarnaev brothers in April 2013
Tsarnaev family father a boxer influenced Tamerlan; mother & son together took up more religious practice