Monday, 22 April 2013

Boston Bombing: the Tsarnaev Brothers astro-analysis

Of the two suspects in the infamous bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15 2013, one remains alive and communicating with officials on April 21, the other deceased
 in a gun battle on April 19.
Extensive background coverage from an astro-analysis
 perspective is contained in the Boston Bombings post.

Here the two suspects are examined by analysis of their birthday blueprint for clues as to their potentials for involvement in such heinous activity.  Researchers including astronomer Dr Percy Seymour propose that at birth each of us is electromagnetically imprinted, via our neural network, with the prevailing energetic pattern of the complete solar system. Astrology - which Seymour supports, provides the only the multidimensional, wholistic language for interpreting solar system energy imprints.

Only partial analysis is possible here due to lack of full birth data -but standout features are clear to see

Tamerlan Tsarnaev born October 21 1986 nationality cited as Russian, born Kalmykia, time unknown
FBI released marathon site photo of Tsarnaev brothers -Tamerlan on right

There are several standout features in Tamerlan's birthday planets which bear relevance to the timing and nature of the marathon bombing, as revealed in the data grid below. The moon is excluded as a factor due to unknown birth-time

His essential ingredients for a crime of this nature:

  • Parallel urges regarding war and peace  - Sun Libra paired with Aries-Libra lunar nodes. With his attraction to boxing & various reports of aggressive behaviour, his Aries disposition was evident.
  • Very interested in power, being powerful & in control -  3 factors in Scorpio -Pluto, Venus, Mercury
  • Strongly disposed to religiosity  - Jupiter in Pisces
  • Elevated potential for violence - Pluto exactly at right angles to Mars
In April 2013 we have seen an unusual energy accumulation involving two significant factors - hence the abundance of extreme events in the news: coinciding planetary events -

  • Sun and Mars in alignment in Aries for the first time since April 1981 -militaristic, angry , combustible
  • Saturn and Uranus linked in Scorpio-Aries  - death and violence

Tamerlan has the sort of potentials ready to be activated under conditions in April 2013
Standout links are:

  • The Sun in his birthchart at 27 Libra -  triggered byVenus at 27 Aries, Mars at 27 Aries, Sun at 27 Aries, Moon 27 Cancer -beginning April 12 through to April 18 by extremely close and exact contact
  • The destiny-indicating lunar nodes at 20 Aries-Libra in his birthchart -  triggered by Venus, Mars, Moon, Sun at 20 Aries - commencing April 6 through to April 10. This includes the April 10 New Moon at 20Aries41

Deeper analysis of midpoints throws up:

  •  the link to Saturn-Uranus which were exact at 9'20 on April 12 Boston time
  • Tamerlan's Sun-Mercury, Sun-Venus conjoined at 9'40 and 8'40 Scorpio at his birth
  • His Jupiter-Neptune meets at 8'27 Aquarius  - power seeking mixed with amplified religiosity were strongly activated by Saturn-Uranus in the days prior to the Boston bombing.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev born July 22 1993
cited as Kyrgyzstan, time & exact location unknown
The birthdate is likely accurate but actual town not known, Tokmok used, plus no actual birth-time so this is just a July 22 layout with no relevance placed on the Moon or the positioning around the wheel.
The following section is a copy of the entry on the Boston bombing event page

The planets on his day of birth revealing a young man of many contradictions, frustrations, conflicting needs, low self esteem, feeling disempowered, wanted to be somebody, given to fantasies of being in control by challenging the system, issues with father/authority figure archetypes and The State, sensitive side over-ridden by a cold and detached frame of mind, deluded thinking, highly impressionable, clear capacity for cruelty. These are his worst-case scenario potentials -capable of being aggravated or accentuated - in effect, triggered by transitory planetary movements
It is clear that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's worst potentials were activated in the days & weeks prior to April 15 

The personal qualities highlighted in the above section are explained by: 
Sun 29 Cancer -majorly important - nationalistic sense of self - triggered exactly on final shootout day April 19 by Sun-Mars 29 Aries
Saturn 29 Aquarius - an exact angle to the birth Sun,  periods of extreme difficulty,  feeling lost, alienated, defeated -  also activated April 19 by exact Sun-Mars 29 Aries
Uranus & Neptune exact at 20 Capricorn tightly opposite Mercury 19 Cancer. These anarchicdeluded state of mind potentials  activated in the 7-10 days prior to April 15
Pluto 23 Scorpio in tight stress to Chiron 22 Leo both offset by Saturn 29 Aquarius - frustration, a wounded heart, disempowerment leading to destructive mindset - activated on 12-13th April.
In addition
The chart analysis of the April 15 bombing highlighted the significance of 10-11 degrees Gemini-Sagittarius in relationship to the positions of Saturn-Pluto and Sun-Mars.
The lunar nodes in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's chart are at 11 Sagittarius-Gemini - the two signs related to sport and recreational exercise.  The nodes are the signposts of karma, fate, destiny.
This young man, who at this point, pre-trial, is regarded by Police as one of the Boston bombers, took a fateful karmic detour despite the capacity to redeem himself into a highly responsible citizen in his more mature years.  [If he survives his injuries and lives to that point]
The seeds of April 2013 however, go way back:
 In June-September 2012 a critical spark was lit in his consciousness  regarding a path of deathly destruction. That spark then reignited in mid-late March 2013.
[With a report that Tamerlan Tsarnaev: left New York's JFK airport on January 12, 2012 for Moscow and returned to the United States on July 17, 2012. 
This timing is consistent with the perceived change in Dzhokhar [often described as likeable and very sociable [ = Jupiter in Libra], known for smoking dope [Neptune opposite Mercury]
In recent years the Tsarnaev family distintegrated, parents divorced, mother charged with shoplifting, Tamerlan charged with assault on his wife and become more devout, Dzhokhar losing his focus on studies from late 2012.
This was no impulsive act but one based on old pain and a wounded psyche leading to deep-seated anger. Easily capable of presenting as calm [controlled = Saturn] and inoffensive [Cancer, Neptune position] despite the underbelly torment- typical of a passive-aggressive personality. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was himself a pressure cooker, keeping the lid on all kinds of retaliative urges. 
His deep-seated issues allowed his very impressionable - and cannabis affected - mind to respond to any lead given by the older and clearly disaffected and dangerous Tamerlan. A nice guy or well adjusted young man would not end up in a situation of this kind.
The avatar on his social network page was a snarling tiger.

              Positions -aside from Moon -considered for the birthdate of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

update April 22 2013
Searching for a motive, officials have pointed to religion - report
Tamerlan's Jupiter in Pisces and Dzhokhar's Neptune opposing Mercury gave both of them the capacity for a religious disposition - and in both cases those planetary factors had significant connection to the hallmark of death and destruction -  Pluto in Scorpio
Even without exact birth times, a wealth of information is available regarding the template these men were born with and how significantly it connected to the energetic forces prevailing. Definitely one for the astrology record books.

update July19 2013
Boston policeman releases capture photos of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after fury re Rolling Stone glamour cover of the bomber - source

Further reading
Police investigate Tamerlan connection to 2011 triple murder
Tamerlan's past
Boston Bombing -astrology analysis - shows what aggravating planetary factors resonated with the violent potentials of the Tsarnaev brothers in April 2013
Tsarnaev family father a boxer influenced Tamerlan; mother & son together took up more religious practice

Friday, 19 April 2013

West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion - astro-analysis

A massive explosion after a fire
 at the West Fertilizer Plant in Texas
 - what energy patterns are evident
 from the planetary pattern at the time?
This post is made within days of reports and analysis
 over the Boston bombing.
 Energy-wise, the two events are connected
by a potent planetary lineup.

explosion chart - click to enlarge
chart details

Courtesy of USGS seismic monitoring, exact timing is available for the West explosion -

Explosion at fertilizer factory at West, TX. The magnitude measures only the ground motion, not the air wave, so is substantially less than the true size of the event.

The power of energies present is immediately evident -even with little to no knowledge of analysis, the visual display is typical of hi-intensity events - multiple factors aligned producing a synergistic effect -and shown visually by the lines of connected forces.

As in the Boston bombings, intense energies were in effect, primarily triggered by the unusual tight conjunction of Sun and Mars in Aries.
A search back to the year 1900 reveals that only in 1902 [ March 30], 1934 [April 14] and 1981 [April 2] did Mars and the Sun both reach exact alignment in Aries.
April 17 2013 is the first in this millennium for that same event to occur and it will not occur again until March 20 2028.  This however is just one aspect of the prevailing energies
A combination of Mars and the Sun joins together two of the solar system's symbols of great heat and fire from an esoteric perspective. When they reach such intense proximity the result is combustion.
Effects are likely well before exactitude, during the energy building phase and potentially in the waning phase as well.

Historic records show various explosive & fire events in March 1902 and April 1934

Beaver County gas explosion March 1902
His Majesty's Theatre fire March 23 1902
April 6 1934 gelignite explosion Melbourne

In the chart above, Sun and Mars on the right horizon are within minutes of exact conjunction.
Sitting on the horizontal axis at the time of the event, raises the profile of this energy combo considerably - that energy axis is also minutes from reaching 28 degrees and so is in a one degree of separation from the hi-intensity pair. These factors all link to the Moon [often a timing trigger] -though not tightly - but they are tightly linked to the other main axis of the chart -the vertical marker at 0 degrees. As shown by the red triangle pattern this sends a circuit of multiplied energy around the system.

The Moon also happens to be in the sun's sign -Leo - adding another heat, high drama factor into the mix - especially with the Moon at the highest point = equivalent to the sun at noon = full power.
The Moon feeds into the Uranus in fiery Aries energy - which itself links to the death and destruction position of Saturn in Scorpio -prominent in the birth house -the first.
Both Saturn and Uranus are tied into a nasty connection with Pluto  -which will resume intensity in around six months - so care and caution advised re similar events of this kind since they in combination have considerable nuclear type destructive force
Without having to detail further factors, these aspects, in themself paint a clear enough picture of massive destruction - the charts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan when nuclear bombs were dropped feature Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Mars all in tight connection. 

It is not surprising then that these potent forces will have outlets of expression in resonant locations         [ people, places and inherent energetic forces create the collective resonance]
Energy finds its match, its equivalent and is earthed as in a lightning strike.
Globally, other than in war zones [Mars-Aries] the USA has been the major outlet for this energy mix.

further reading

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Marriage Equality in New Zealand - astro-analysis

The New Zealand parliament voted by conscience vote on April 18 2013 to become the 13th nation worldwide to introduce the legalisation of same sex partnerships
 as marriage.
This historic occasion warrants an astrological birth chart
voting results were called at 9:39 pm NZ time in Wellington
The first look at this chart gives rise to a rendition of:

When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age
Of Aquarius, the age of Aquarius
Aquarius, Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius, Aquarius

                                                    Age of Aquarius 1960's song by the 5th Dimension

And bang on! The Moon is in the 7th house in the marriage equality chart -but the rest of the lyrics are more optimistic & also fanciful than actual reality in the global context in 2013. Jupiter aligning with Mars has no relevance - more a lyricist relative ease versus writing about the prime Aquarian planet: Uranus. So far we have not reached that era of peace guided by planets or vice versa and ditto for love steering the stars - but we are in the transition period between the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius - when the worst fragments of Piscean degeneration are still to be resolved [ addiction, escapism, delusion & deceit] and the best of Pisces [knowing the spiritual connectedness of everything; compassion; unconditional love] is yet to merge into the growing Aquarian impulses [ friendship, community, equality, social justice, human rights]

Many of the Aquarian keywords are evident in this issue of marriage equality and all things that are not mainstream, that are unusual, inventive, alternative, progressive and fair relate to the energy of Aquarius. Expect more to come - but not without an intense backlash as the Old Order seeks to maintain control.
                    The chart explained in symbols, positions and angular relationships

The chart has not only the Moon in the sector related to marriage and partnership, but also in the nurturing sign Cancer
Three planets: Sun, Venus, Mars in the zone reflecting the heart chakra -this as many said in the House, is about Love
With Capricorn as the Ascendant sign and Pluto in that sector -this is about the transformational [Pluto] legal aspect [Capricorn-Saturn are indicators of the system and its regulatory role]
Neptune and Chiron in the 3rd in Pisces show the compassionate minds that were to the fore [ the vote was 77 For to 44 Against]

The change in the Marriage Act in New Zealand is a development whose time has come as the chart created for the vote reveals with the positions of Saturn and Uranus. These two planets by themselves represent the old [Saturn] and new [Uranus] orders. You will notice that Saturn in Scorpio is at 9'02 and Uranus in Aries at 9'35 - a tight angle just past exactitude and now producing the sort of  results anticipated when bedrock change is in process. 
With Saturn in Scorpio in the 11th and Uranus in the 4th the link is between a law about unconventional sexuality and the personal changes that creates in the nature of the family.
Scorpio of course has links to sexuality and Aries to one's sense of self - so where does marriage and twosome come in?
One fascinating aspect about the astrological concept of energies is the recognition that no singular energy is one-dimensional - all the 12 signs belong to energy groups [3 groups of 4 signs] that have common themes - this collectivity allows a person born under any sign to flip into their polarity in relevant circumstances [opposite sign] and to show traits of the other polarity pairing in the group of 4.
Aries is paired with Libra [ the sign of partnership, relationship, marriage] and shares traits with Cancer [ nurturing, parenting & domestic focus] and Capricorn [ public life & career oriented, administering, governing]
All four of these signs are about relating -
Aries - to self
Libra - the the other
Cancer - as a nurturing parental figure
Capricorn - as a guiding [rule-setting] parental figure
With Uranus in Aries we are in a lengthy cycle of collective change regarding how we relate on all of those four levels, because for healthy interactions we all need to develop all four inner archetypes in order to be happy as individuals, partners, parents, community members and citizens. Evidence shows we collectively have a long way to go - but with the Uranus in Aries period lasting for another 5 years till mid 2018 - it is useful to have this mass agenda in mind.
This period of change is reinforced by other transformational processes already underway and discussed in detail on this site

NZ churches have been forced to confront the issue of their stance on the new law

This brief analysis covers standout points and is not a complete chart interpretation
Updates may be added or edits made

further Reading:

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Boston Bombing - astrology analysis

Bombs exploded near the finish line 
of the Boston Marathon
Official timing indicates
 2.50pm April 15 2013
Astro-analysis looks at relevant indicators

2014 courtroom sketch of Tsarnaev

[For astro-analysis of both brothers go to Boston Bombing - The Tsarnaev brothers]
Multiple planetary factors are commonly found in respect of high profile, significant events.
The chart of the bombing  shows:
  • Five planets in war-like, hi-testosterone, hi-adrenalin Aries:[Mercury, Uranus, Sun, Mars, Venus]
  • Sun and Mars in tight conjunction 26 Aries in the sector related to sport -the 9th house = sport and aggression. Mars is often a trigger, providing the adrenal & hormonal boost to action.
  • Moon at 26 Gemini also a potent trigger of Sun-Mars 26 Aries
  • Mercury and Uranus positioned in the Scorpio sector of death & transformational experiences, the 8th house
  • Pluto Uranus and Saturn are other likely players in a significant destructive event such as a bombing. Pluto and Uranus were in range of exactitude being in a long phase 90 degree stress pattern: 
  • Pluto 11 Capricorn Uranus 9 Aries with the destructive potential of Saturn at 9 Scorpio linked in
  • Chiron 12 Pisces the wounding of faith & dreams - also linked

click to enlarge all graphics
The midpoint grid below on the explosion chart indicates where any two energy factors meet -by scrolling along and down. This method tends to give even more insight into mathematical factors in events such as this: very close and exact meeting points reinforce the intensity of the energy of high profile events

For example:
  •  the Saturn position at 9 Scorpio links to the Pluto position 11 Capricorn with a midpoint of 10 Sagittarius/10 Gemini  [the two sport/recreation signs]
  • In fact all four polarities are activated at any one meeting point -so the full picture is 10 SAG-GEM-PISC-VIRG
  • There is no planet at those positions but the often unnoticed factor is the powerful role of the semisquare and sesquiquadrate angles - 45 & 135 degrees.
  • When a 45 degree [semisquare] calculation is made from the position of SUN-MARS 26 Aries trigger point we arrive at 11 Gemini

In simple terms, the Sun-Mars activation is directly linked to the destructive Saturn-Pluto combination and both Saturn and Pluto link strongly to the Uranus in Aries position.
As expected a synergy of aggressive and destructive energy found an outlet.
  • A further rather hidden factor may relate to the role of Neptune in Pisces -not at all a prime suspect in bombing or death - this is a very spiritual or religious ingredient which emerges as a prominent issue.  Other relevant Neptune keywords are confusion, chaos, illusion, hidden or deceitful actions.
  • Neptune sitting exact on the horizontal axis raises its profile and clearly the smoke and confusion were prominent at the 'birth' of this event
  •  but Neptune also links strongly by being positioned at:
the Sun-Pluto midpoint
the Mars-Pluto midpoint
Neptune's midpoint with Jupiter is 24 Aries linked closely to Sun-Mars at 26 Aries
  • The potential role of religiously motivated aggression cannot be discounted given these factors

Though deaths and casualties are reported, the capacity of bombs to create much larger scale destruction has clearly been offset on this occasion by the protective role of Jupiter -[ placed in Gemini - a relevant sign in human motion sports] and creating a midpoint at 24 Cancer with the ASC  -this position may well have offset the 24-26 Aries positions noted above - and served as spiritual protection to the vast majority -implying that two extremely different forces were in play.

The Selfish and the Selfless in direct parallel with this Pisces-Aries combination

Boston Globe reporter Billy Baker's April 15 tweets reflect the strong planetary scenarios outlined above

Astrologically there is a September 11 2001 connection:
  • Saturn in Gemini was in close opposition [180 degrees] to Pluto in Sagittarius when 911 occurred -the energy was locked in by the exact opposition in August 2001
  • In 2012-2013  Saturn and Pluto are again in exact relationship -this time by 60 degree angle.

[High profile deaths, particularly in political or CEO categories [Chavez, Thatcher are already noted as individual examples]
  • Essentially, Saturn linked to Pluto in any sign combination has much destructive, transformational potential.  Deaths and extreme life changing events are accentuated when this energy combination prevails, The desire for control & retaliation is pronounced.
  • Individuals born with Saturn-Pluto linked are of great concern, displaying cruel, sadistic and often homicidal tendencies.
  • Three exact positions of Saturn-Pluto around 9-11 degrees, maintain the theme from Dec 26 2012 till October 2013

December 26 2012
March 8 2013
September 2013

  • With the additional factor of Uranus in the equation, itself exact with Pluto by 90 degree angle on May 21 2013, the potentials are accentuated as well around that date.
  • With Gemini energy noted on April 15 and the reporting of Twin Explosions a further link to the Twin Towers is possible.
  • The timeline of September 11 shows the role Boston played as the arrival point and departure point of terrorists who boarded Flights 11 and 175 hijacked for use in the attacks - TIMELINE
p.s Whether coincidence or not [bearing in mind the Islamist focus on lunar events] the Moon was in Gemini on September 11 2001 and on April 15 2013  - see end notes for more refs

The City of Boston Chart
   The question always arises: "why?" Why Boston?
Another fascinating matchup is revealed when the chart of the founding of the city of Boston is referred to. An exact chart layout is not available due to the issue of the time the city was born in its current period. A law creating incorporation as Boston City was passed on Feb 23 1822 and March 4 1822 was the date of the administrative beginning of the incorporation.[dates sourced
A scan of the planets at noon on February 23 1822 shows some very interesting correlations with the bombing chart

                                click to enlarge
Boston:                                             Marathon bombing
Sun 4.33 Pisces                                 Neptune 4.38 Pisces
Saturn 23 Aries                                  Sun 26 Aries                                
Jupiter 27 Aries                                 Mars 26 Aries

  • The marathon day planets in 2013 accentuated potentials inherent in the location of Boston
  • The highest expression of Pisces is spiritual compassion and a humanitarian sense of oneness
  • The highest expression of Aries is fearlessness, bravery, independent strength
  • The corrupted energy of Pisces is dreamy, escapist, addicted, confused, chaotic, deceitful
  • The corrupted energy of Aries is selfish, aggressive, impatient, argumentative
  • Boston has an abundance of Pisces energy [ Sun, Moon, Mercury,Venus, Pluto - Moon position is assumed based on a likely incorporation of the city on the morning of Feb 22] 
The degree positions 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29 dominate the chart meaning any major triggers sets off a chain reaction through at least 9 known elements of the chart - planets and lunar nodes.
This indicates periodic significant "health" crises in the city = spiritual crisis - as it would in the chart of an individual with such a domino effect chart

  • The Aries planets are problematic - with extremes of that energy [hi energy, hi testosterone, hi-adrenalin boosted by Jupiter and yet curtailed by Saturn - acting out vs repression means frustration, retaliation. A lot of balancing out needed
  • Boston crime rates show the higher than state & national rates for violent [Aries] & dishonesty [Pisces] offences
Like all places, Boston has its issues, but they are suspected to be at the core of the resonance energy that manifested in that location on April 15 2013.
Resonance grounds energy to people and places alike.
12 noon chart above for Boston City when legally incorporated as a city
Monday March 4 1822, date of administrative beginning of Boston City -click to enlarge-
This shows the same Pisces-Aries themes and has enough energetic similarity to the earlier selected 'birthdate' for both to be equally valid

The Belfast Telegraph highlights aspects of Boston's history that have strong Aries signatures - 'Hub of the Universe'; the military history related to the American Revolution; the hotbed of Irish Republicanism in America; the war against slavery had its roots there in the abolitionist movement; and 
 'an exaggerated sense of its own importance, not least where its over-achieving sports teams
 are concerned' article

update April 18 2013
With the massive fertilizer factory explosion in West, Texas on April 17, many will be wondering what on earth is going on. 
  • The Sun in tandem with Mars energy [extreme heat, fire] which started building strongly from April 10 has been tightening, intensifying due to extreme proximity - a condition even astrologers call combust - reaching maximum proximity around 0hrs UT on April 18 -then ever so slowly separating in the week past that -when a lot of the heat dissipates as both then shift into Taurus.
  • The added complication remains Saturn-Uranus which has manifested as yet another shocking and deathly explosive event. This pair has been linked mathematically to the Sun-Mars energy, with clear consequences. The worst hopefully is over for this destructive quartet.

                                                    an ephemeris extract from

April 18

This photo [click to enlarge] sent to Anonymous Press appears to show suspect White Cap walking away left by corner and possibly suspect Black Cap, centre under lamp, looking back towards smoke, moments after blast two, only a few metres from the Fairfield St-Boylston St corner.  If the guy in the centre is the Black Cap suspect he seems to have no backpack, nor the heavier jacket seen in prior photos. Neither does White Cap show any backpack from this angle
Footage seen by officials showed the suspect in the white cap putting his backpack down at the site of the second explosion just in front of the Forum restaurant.
April 18
In related world news: Baghdad, Iraq
Suicide bomber attack in a cafe around 9.30pm. Initial reports 27 dead, dozens of injuries. 
This continues a recent spate of violent attacks and rising Sunni-Shia tensions
Violence has been rising during the approach to Saturday's provincial elections for officials in several provinces, including the capital - report
This latest event shows the persistent power of the planetary mix still in effect

April 19 
FBI release two clear identity pics of suspects

                     Tamerlan Tsarnaev - top - & brother Dzhokhar below

A police officer shot dead at MIT in Boston followed by pandemonium, shout outs, explosions in Watertown, Boston... confirmation of one arrest, one suspect still loose, believed to be marathon bombers .
Suspected Bombers identified brothers Dzhokhar [19] and Tamerlan Tsarnaev [26]. The latter is deceased from a gun battle with Police. There has been mixed information about the route they took to get there. The Tsarnaevs are ethnic Chechens from the troubled Caucasus region of southern Russia. Chechnya is a predominantly Muslim area that has fought for full independence from Russia in the past. - BBC
Brothers Profiled via CNN
Dzhokhar remains on the run on Friday April 19

[update April 21 For astro-analysis of both brothers go to Boston Bombing - The Tsarnaev brothers]

update April 19
Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is captured alive, hiding in a boat [Pisces] on a residential property in Franklin Street, Watertown [Pisces]. A blood trail had alerted the resident.
Police closed in around 7pm local time [ET] and he was finally captured around 8.30pm needing hospitalization.
Were these disaffected wannabes who hatched a brutal and ultimately self destructive scheme, or part of a much more organized, larger plan?
A date of birth has been released for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev  -
the planets on his day of birth revealing a young man of many contradictions, frustrations, conflicting needs, low self esteem, feeling disempowered, wanted to be somebody, given to fantasies of being in control by challenging the system, issues with father/authority figure archetypes and The State, sensitive side over-ridden by cold and detached frame of mind, deluded thinking, highly impressionable, clear capacity for cruelty. These are his worst-case scenario potentials -capable of being aggravated or accentuated - in effect, triggered by transitory planetary movements
It is clear that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's worst potentials were activated in the days & weeks prior to April 15

Chart added April 20 UT

The birthdate is likely accurate, no exact location,plus no actual birth-time so this is just a July 22 layout with no relevance placed on the Moon or the positioning around the wheel.
The personal qualities highlighted in the above section are explained by:
  • Sun 29 Cancer -majorly important - nationalistic sense of self - triggered exactly on final shootout day April 19 by Sun-Mars 29 Aries
  • Saturn 29 Aquarius - an exact angle to the birth Sun, periods of extreme difficulty, lost, defeated -  also activated by exact Sun-Mars 29 Aries
  • Uranus & Neptune exact at 20 Capricorn tightly opposite Mercury 19 Cancer. These anarchic, deluded state of mind potentials activated in the 7-10 days prior to April 15
  • Pluto 23 Scorpio in tight stress to Chiron 22 Leo both offset by Saturn 29 Aquarius - frustration, disempowerment leading to destructive mindset - activated on 12-13th April.

In addition
  • The chart analysis of the bombing at the top of this page highlighted the significance of 10-11 degrees Gemini-Sagittarius in relationship to the positions of Saturn-Pluto and Sun-Mars.
  • The lunar nodes in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's chart are at 11 Sagittarius-Gemini - the two signs related to sport and recreational exercise.  The nodes are the signposts of karma, fate, destiny.

This young man, who at this point, pre-trial, is regarded by Police as one of the Boston bombers, took a fateful karmic detour despite the capacity to redeem himself into a highly responsible citizen in his more mature years.  [If he survives his injuries and lives to that point]
The seeds of April 2013 however, go way back:
  •  In June-September 2012 a critical spark was lit in his consciousness  regarding a path of deathly destruction. That spark then reignited in mid-late March 2013.

[With a report that Tamerlan Tsarnaev: left New York's JFK airport on January 12, 2012 for Moscow and returned to the United States on July 17, 2012, this timing is consistent with the perceived change in Dzhokhar [often described as likeable and very sociable, known for smoking dope]

  • In recent years the Tsarnaev family distintegrated, parents divorced, mother charged with shoplifting, Tamerlan charged with assault on his wife and become more devout, Dzhokhar losing his focus on studies from late 2012 - 
  • This was no impulsive act but one based on old pain and a wounded psyche leading to deep-seated anger. Easily capable of presenting as calm [controlled = Saturn] and inoffensive [Cancer, Neptune position] despite the underbelly torment- typical of a passive-aggressive personality. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was himself a pressure cooker, keeping the lid on all kinds of retaliative urges. 
  • His deep-seated issues allowed his impressionable - and cannabis affected - mind to respond to any lead given by the older and clearly disaffected Tamerlan. A nice guy or well adjusted young man would not end up in a situation of this kind.
  • The avatar on his social network page was a snarling tiger.
The period Nov 1983-Nov 1995 is the Pluto in Scorpio generation [ with a few exceptions ] The Tsarnaev brothers were both born in that time frame - along with Oscar Pistorius, [awaiting trial for the shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp] Major life issues regarding death and self transformation are on the agenda for that group of souls.

On a Russian language social networking site Dzhokhar Tsarnaev posted links to videos of fighters in the Syrian civil war and to Islamic web pages with titles like "Salamworld, my religion is Islam" and "There is no God but Allah, let that ring out in our hearts". -NYT report  TVNZ report CNN News blog

A solar system snapshot representative of April 18 8.30am Boston time gives a visual guide to the intense lineup
Follow the diagonal from Mars, through the Sun to Earth and the Moon. 
Mars and the Sun are at 28 Aries. Earth is at 28 Libra and Moon at 28 Cancer this point - which means the Mars threat was felt in an intensely protective way [Cancer] by the public [Moon]
Mars takes around two years to make a loop of the zodiac - but it is strongest in Aries and only in March 1902, April 1934 and April 1981 has it been exactly aligned with the Sun, as in April 2013, while both are in Aries, effectively creating a double whammy - and a symbol of the two brothers believed responsible and the two bombs they are suspected of planting.

The astrology map for 8.30am Boston April 18: - reversed orientation due to earth vs space perspective
  • Sun-Mars exact and both at 90 degrees to Moon. The meeting point of this energy [exact at 13 Gemini] is the huge volume of communications as people woke early on that day. Jupiter [abundance] sits right at the pre-dawn position at 15 degrees in the sign Gemini - all forms of written and oral communications.
  • The enduring big players in this scenario are Saturn, Pluto and Uranus [collectively, the will to destroy or transform], in the range from 9-11 degree positions. Sharing a 10 degree synergy point, they triggered the 25 degree position of Sun and Mars over the weekend of April 13-14. Sun Mars were the timing mechanism, the will to take action. Remaining closely aligned, the Sun-Mars pairing sustained the bravado of the suspects over a 5 day spree of wanton destruction.

update April 22 2013
The full charge sheet and sworn affidavit against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev laid in the US District Court,  MA, on April 21, 2013, for the Boston Bombing of April 15 2013 - Two statutes cited: 
Use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction
Malicious destruction of property resulting in death
Affidavit contains detailed surveillance evidence.

comment April 24 2013
Here's a tip for the FBI since their methodology appears to have been inadequate in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing:
Bearing in mind that the TIDE Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment has more than half a million [over 700,000] names on board, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was  on that list, was still able to become linked to a terrorist act, unimpeded - surely the FBI could have a pro-active plan of action around hi-profile events with potential security risks -even if no prior intelligence indicated a specific threat
  • scan the terrorist database for anyone who lives in that locality -city/region/state
  • prioritise the threat level of those locals
  • put surveillance around how ever many is feasible for a week minimum prior to event

This of course is not a foolproof strategy, but at least it's a strategy

It is bizarre that given the enduring threat level, that the FBI appears to have been caught napping, with no what if plan in place.
Maybe it's a female thing to do the basic housekeeping - especially a sweep through before the visitor's arrive.
Oh and next time, hire an astrologer to scan the suspect list.

update April 25 2013
Tsarnaev tells Police the next plan was to attack NY Times Square - WP report
update April 26 2013
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev moved to prison hospital 40 miles from Boston
Hijacked man's evidence re actions done & planned by Tsarnaev brothers
Mrs Tsarnaev is also on the terrorist database
More news updates via CNN
update May 1 2013
Three alleged collaborators, post bombing, face hefty penalties
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told student friends he knew how to make a bomb.
Tsarnaev remains in custody receiving medical treatment. - via CNN
All 3 accused have admitted removing D. Tsarnaev's backpack & contents from his dormitory room on the evening of April 18 2013, after concluding from news reports that D Tsarnaev was one of the Boston bombers. They confirm that the backpack was disposed of  in the trash, later recovered by Federal Agents, containing dissembled fireworks packages - Criminal Affidavit
Selling for around $5 - this is one of the readily available fireworks aka explosive packages sold freely around the world. An opened package of this Megabanger Color Pearl Flowers was located by Federal Agents after allegedly being removed from the dormitory of Dzhokhar Tzarnaev by dormitory friends. The lethal nature of this product is a sobering warning to all communities who permit open access to such items.. 

This analysis is written for a general readership with little or no astrological experience as well as being a contribution to the astrological body of knowledge. The intention is to highlight significant essential aspects but not provide an exhaustive analysis of all possible factors.

Check back for relevant updates and further analysis as edits and additions are highly likely

Refer to Astroblognz March 2013 and April 2013 forecasts -both implicated as forewarning of destructive energies in play

Further reading:
The WTC Sept 11 astro chart.
Mars is prominent here too being on the south node/opposite north node.
5 factors connect in the 11-15 degree range -including the big players Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter.
A superficial look gives rise to more questions than answers
More dramatic, in your face factors are expected to be found in globally significant events -but  in fact -all the ingredients are there if you know where to look. 
Time and again, midpoints and the so-called minor angles [45, 135, 72, 144 degrees] are a very significant feature. Standout ones are:
  • Sun-Pluto midpoint at 0SCO44 is sesqui Saturn at 14GEM45 -the destruction
  • Moon 28GEM exact on Jupiter Saturn midpoint
  • Moon-Node midpoint 0CAN is exactly on the Saturn-MC midpoint 0CAN - the big, high profile, widespread public impact, with major karmic implications for the nation & families

Betsi Sites WTC analysis with further insights

The Pressure Cooker Bomb  evidence at one crime scene in Boston implicates this widely used  home-made type of weapon, involving use of domestic [Cancer] equipment filled with steel balls, nails, metal shards [Aries], explosive [Pluto-Uranus] and electronic [Uranus] triggering components


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...