Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Hunting of the Cup - An Agony in Countless Fits

Team NZ in San Francisco
America's Cup 2013 has become - An Agony in Countless Fits

Update Thursday Sept 26 NZ time 7.55 am
James Spithill
Now that the timing of a final deciding race has been determined, Spithill's energy is given a major boost as revealed in the chart for Race 19

The extended time frame of the event has definitely shifted energies in favour of Jimmy Spithill.

He was born with Neptune at 18 Sagittarius.
 Neptune = water. Sagittarius = sport
This factor is given prominence for the now determined final race:
Race 19 is to be raced under the strong influence of 18 Sagittarius-18 Gemini - with the amplifying energy of the Moon exact on that point

The full chart:

click to enlarge in new window
zoom into the horizontal axis: [AC-DC]

Race 19 is to be raced under the strong influence of 18 Sagittarius-18 Gemini - with the amplifying energy of the Moon exact on that point.
Karma is very much connected to space-time
Being in a particular location at a specific time is where energy patterns meet

Spithill has not only Neptune in Sagittarius strongly activated but 3 other factors - Venus at 20 Gemini, Uranus at 17 Scorpio, Pluto at 16 Libra.
Venus is lightweight -the pleasure aspect - but Uranus and Pluto are the source of strength when most needed.
In addition, in Race 19 Mars and Jupiter add a boost being at 17-18 Leo and Cancer -adding to the Neptune-Moon energy boost for Spithill.

Dean Barker has just Uranus emphasised under the final race timing - not enough. 
It seems he has been unable to sustain the ascendancy achieved in the first half of the regatta -and what was evident when this analysis was first made.
Like a tidal flow, karma has turned this into a fascinating tale of twists and turns.
Oracle Team USA boats
Original post begins:
As forewarned in my report Full Moon & Karma September 2013 much has unfolded to exemplify the intensity of karma in effect -and on display this month.
For the tiny nation, virtual fish-bowl called New Zealand, the extended drama of the America's Cup yacht race has been a collective lesson in reality -as opposed to mass delusion.
This is sport. There are rules. One team wins. There's always another year. Nature is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Everything is about the changing balance of karma.

Using very basic level analysis comparing the birthday energies of skippers James Spithill (US team) and Dean Barker (NZ team) it seemed likely that Barker & thus Team NZ would take the Cup.
This was not a guarantee of an easy victory despite NZ rampaging spectacularly to 8 points in a 9 points game
On Sept 19 I wrote
Five days later and the balance of power [Uranus square Pluto] has flipped and Team US now have climbed to 6 wins to NZ stuck on 8.
Dean Barker
Under great pressure for Race 17 with his Saturn-Mars-Neptune triggered by the Moon at race time, Barker needs help to beat his doubts & activate his warrior Aries Sun
Races 17-18 update - held Weds 25 NZ time/Tues 24 in San Francisco
Barker & team tried valiantly at times but struck penalties and made faulty decisions, leaving the speedy & skilfull Spithill & team to win both races and place the two teams on an 8-8 even footing.
The cliffhanger is awaited. The logical foregone conclusion now rests in the lap of Oracle Team US since their momentum has seen them produce a staggering succession of wins.
At this point on skill alone, they deserve it.

Does the prediction still hold?
Risky moves based on little data aren't worth betting on because the hidden stuff could hold the biggest clue and despite the bulk of NZ's population swaying from ecstacy to agony over a period of days - and the reverse for US fans it remains to be seen how this longest regatta in the Cup's history - beating the last holder by a week - will come to a completion.
I'll stick to the forecast outcome of a NZ win in the absence of a competing conclusion using the same methodology of energy analysis.
Only days ago logic and mathematics  made the regatta a foregone conclusion for NZ fans but karma is not about logic or mathematics.

The unpredictable is in effect in full sway in the 2013 regatta as well as well as the embedded trials and tribulation that comes attached to great responsibility.

The question is: which collective of skipper-team-backers-sponsors-fans has the karma to win at this time ?
Look to ancient history and think of the 12 Labours of Hercules [courtesy Wikipedia] if you need reminding of a panoply of colossal Big Karma tasks

  1. Slay the Nemean Lion.
  2. Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra.
  3. Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis.
  4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar.
  5. Clean the Augean stables in a single day.
  6. Slay the Stymphalian Birds.
  7. Capture the Cretan Bull.
  8. Steal the Mares of Diomedes.
  9. Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.
  10. Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon.
  11. Steal the apples of the Hesperides (He had the help of Atlas to pick them after Hercules had slain Ladon).
  12. Capture and bring back Cerberus.

The karmic intensity operating this month has given rise to delays, difficulties, disasters, hardship, negativity, depressed moods, blocks, obstructions for many - and this collection of keywords make an easy fit when analysing the 2013 Cup final event and it's effects on the broader mass of people engaged.
This qualifies as a mass or collective karma situation with the potential to affect the mids if not lives of many but the situation demands a mature response:
 There is nothing to be gained from tantrums, anger, frustration, rage or resentment directed towards the problem person or issue - Sept report 

Though the Americans - and the Oracle team -  may have been in agony in the first half of the regatta - it is the New Zealand team and kiwis in general who ultimately suffered the greatest during this unusually extended event with an unbelievable scenario of fortunes being so dramatically reversed. The extended timeline analysis shows this in detail*
The event as a case study in collective karma shows how the prevailing energies related to power and empowerment vs disempowerment were spectacularly highlighted. Astro-analysis has highlighted in my September report how this was a primary issue for the month. [Saturn in Scorpio sitting conjunct north Lunar Node all month adding to Pluto square Uranus extended effects]
NZers began to use the term "gutted" a reference to disembowelment and hence fatal disempowerment long before the final race in the Cup. 
Even the main TVNZ commentator - a beacon of depression - used the term after the final defeat, reinforcing a collective sense of victimhood, negativity and generalised stress impacting a big sector of New Zealand society in response to one sporting loss.
The issue of power vs powerlessness has therefore arisen prominently as a major issue for people who overly invest and identify their worth in the outcome of a sports event. We know this happens all over the world, not just in a tiny island nation at the bottom of the world. The point is that this is clearly unhealthy and uphelpful and so it is worthwhile that people be guided out of this delusion and helped to question their self-imposed mental disempowerment.
The popular notion that money won the Cup is valid enough in a context where money increasingly wins democratic elections across the world. The association of the privileged wealthy class with sailboat sport is yet another reminder of social inequality in an era where this is a hot topic -and will continue to dominate global headlines.
Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has put his hand up to financially support a future Team NZ challenge. This gesture could be viewed as political opportunism, in view of his intention to back a new political party in New Zealand, and positioning him further into the mega-rich bear pit rather than a philanthropist of benefit to the struggling citizenry.

1876 First Edition cover of Carroll's delightful nonsense poem

Please enjoy the talents of Lewis Carroll The Hunting of the Snark -an Agony in 8 Fits - "They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; / They pursued it with forks and hope; / They threatened its life with a railway-share; / They charmed it with smiles and soap."

Refer to
*2013 Cup timeline of the scoring


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