This is a global report observed from the perspective of Deep Space.
Certain people and places resonate most strongly with the vibratory energy pattern that prevails. Follow global news to discover the most high profile where and who is responding - but be assured you will encounter the energy close at hand as well.
October begins in the wake of a big coronal mass ejection from the Sun.
This LASCO3 image shows the enormity of scale -the sun, outlined in white behind the dark blue occulting disc. The event was spawned from a massive filament eruption noted in a Spaceweather report:Certain people and places resonate most strongly with the vibratory energy pattern that prevails. Follow global news to discover the most high profile where and who is responding - but be assured you will encounter the energy close at hand as well.
October begins in the wake of a big coronal mass ejection from the Sun.
The "quiet" is the underwhelming level of x-ray activity & overall magnetic activity at this period of supposed peak in solar cycle 24.
But filaments are another story and they are providing the most action of late.
Using a holistic approach the issues and activity of the sun are factored in as having significant if not dominant connection to conditions on planet earth.
Furthermore, the issues and conditions affecting the rest of the solar system are of considerable significance and cannot be overlooked in a holistic analysis.
The beginnings of the filament eruption occurred close to 9.45pm Universal Time on Sunday September 29, followed by the massive output of charged material into the solar system environment.
Earth and its human technologies being the best currently available laboratory for observing corresponding effects, records very evident flow-on effects from solar and solar system activity, for those who wish to see them and connect the dots beyond the limited focus of the mainstream science community.
The earth's tectonic plates are significantly affected by spaceweather - the consequences of solar processes and other consequences of the galactic bodies enacting their ongoing tumultuous processes of destruction and rebirth.
Increased seismic activity is likely to be observed in response to any big hit from space events - some will be observed as recorded earthquake events - but in other cases the tectonic movement may be more subtle and progressing towards a later event.
The Pacific Ocean in the South Pacific Islands region of Fiji and Tonga has been unstable in this time frame along with activity along the plate boundary north east of New Zealand - a M6.5 there on Mon Sept 30
In the very unstable Christchurch-Canterbury region of New Zealand a strongly shaking M4.6 occurred on Oct 1 after a relatively quiet period
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Quakelive data |
Global quakes - 11 over M4 - from USGS Sept 30-Oct 1 are mapped here
In addition to solar activity with earth effects unfolding -and due to increase once charged sub-atomic material in the solar wind reaches earth's atmosphere around late evening of Oct 2 universal time [NZ morning of October 3] - other solar system players are capable of aggravating the situation.
Pluto at 9 Capricorn and Uranus at 10 Aries arguably set up conditions on September 28 when the Sun in Libra and Moon in Cancer formed a four-way equinoctial maelstrom called a cardinal cross - all four signs of that energy type interacting under stress.
In October, on the 1st & 2nd Pluto alone strengthens its stress angle to the sun, soon joined by Uranus opposing the sun strongly on 2nd-3rd - so these two forces - known for destructive and deathly upheavals are in the time-frame of likely solar-magnetic interaction with earth - the extent of which is dependent on the magnetic coupling of the solar wind's interplanetary magnetic field - it needs to be southwards not north when it reaches earth to have a reactive connection to our planet's magnetic field.
In addition this activity aligns with the build-up phase of the October New Moon in Libra [ 12 Libra on Oct 5]
Many examples arise of events erupting 3 days before the new or full moon - so this reinforces the power of energy as it builds. 3 days before the 5th = the 2nd
Libra corresponds with the vital keyword BALANCE - the source so so much personal, collective, environmental and planetary misery when BALANCE is forsaken in favour of extremism and excess.
- This issue is very tied up with the October New Moon -intensified by the position of Pluto in Capricorn at a 90 degree angle and Uranus in Aries opposite the Sun-Moon at the 180 degree position
- Saturn at 10 Scorpio links into the string of positions already noted at 9,10 and 12 degrees
- Pluto-Uranus-Saturn connected to a new moon are not a pretty picture -despite the sign Libra being highlighted [ Libran issues associated via Venus with art, culture, beauty, partnerships, marriage, economy, balance, fairness, justice] With very stressful conditions configured around this October new moon the associated issues are in an intensely negative mode during the one month time frame of effect.
- Venus, Saturn, north lunar node and Mercury all in Scorpio generate intense expressions of feeling - in addition to that stimulated by Pluto - in response to the Libran issues - with marital, partnership, financial issues most likely to be involved, along with examples of injustice, unfairness and imbalance
- The Pluto-Uranus effect is accentuated in week one of October- due to the long-term situation of these two connected planets - many across the globe will find their life circumstances flipped, upturned, disordered or even annihilated at some point in the period 2012-2016.
- Home/housing, work, life-balance, relationships, financial position are all vulnerable to the Pluto-Uranus Effect - but this is just a mirror of the energies of our environment in turmoil, producing extreme weather effects
- Emotions are likely to be intense as well as very sensitive over the issues that arise - since Scorpio is so highlighted along with amplified Cancer and Pisces effects. This means all three water signs are being emotionally aggravated or at least highly aroused by current situations
- Jupiter affecting Neptune and involving Cancer-Pisces has environmental consequences signified by the keyword phrase BIG WATER - flooding and extreme water events of all types are highlighted from mid September into early weeks of October. Very timely for New Zealand to revise tsunami risk maps.
more to come in part 2 of this report...Meanwhile search any important keywords on the homepage for related reports in my huge archive
Additional information:
Resonant frequencies are the scientific basis of the planetary effects analysed by astrology.
An analogy comes from earthquake science involving structural responses to seismic waves:
While high-rises do rattle and shake from earthquakes, the “gentle” swaying is a result of their resonant response to the low frequency waves unleashed by large earthquakes. -source
Also read: Mechanical resonance
When considering the sun and solar system planets, the frequency of their wave emissions are capable of finding resonance or equivalence in vibratory pattern in vastly distant locations - such as our home planet Earth. Where matching occurs, events arise, matching the descriptive picture assigned by astrological analysis of the combined energetic forces.
news updates:
- October begins with flood problems in UK, Ireland, Thailand, Philippines
- Storms in Thailand & Vietnam typify the Pluto-Uranus effect aggravated further by the last Full moon in Pisces : see September 2013 report on this blog to see why extreme water events were forecast.
- US government shutdown is announced Tuesday October 1st - with its political, economic and social implications is consistent with the Pluto-Uranus Effect
- October 1 M6.7 Sea of Okhotsk offshore Russian territory
- October 2 More quakes across New Zealand: central NZ had a M4.7 in the recently [July] awakened Cook Strait region and a flurry of smaller events in the eastern plate boundary zone of the North Island - total of 30 quakes from 0hrs to 08.19am, with 22 over M2 and 6 over M3
- Geomagnetic storm event impacts Earth's magnetic field on October 1 UT -though initial exposure began Sept 29 UT
- October 4 snowstorm & tornado effects in mid to west US
- October 5 flash flooding Louisville Kentucky US
- October 7 Typhoon Fitow swamps eastern China : BBC reports: Typhoon Fitow - named after a flower - made landfall at 01:15 local time on Monday (17:15 GMT Sunday) in the city of Fuding, Chinese meteorologists said.
- October 13 Cyclone Phailin hits north east India causing one of the biggest evacuations in India's history - this event is very related to the September-October forecast in the September report
The typhoon had affected over three million people in Zhejiang and caused economic damage of over 2bn yuan ($330m; £200m), Xinhua said, citing the provincial flood control office.
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The ACE satellite records data related to the solar wind. Late on Sept 29 [9.45pm UT] all readings show simultaneous perturbation Temp. speed, density are generally in unison in a shallow fluctuating wave These readings occur some 1.5 million kms from Earth in the direction of the Sun |
October 2 -high speed solar wind arrived earlier than expected at earth
October 1st UT
causing this leap in earth's magnetic readings:
this occurred after a recent period of very low solar activity.
A period of 9 hours of elevated readings occurred:
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Sun, Jupiter, Earth size comparison - composite image [In other words these are not actually situated in such proximity] |
Solar scientists focus just on a portion of what happens.
SOLAR ACTIVITY HAS BEEN AT HIGHER LEVELS IN THE RUN-UP TO THE EFFECTIVE ECLIPSE PERIOD -which kicks in around 3 days before exactitude. October has the lunar eclipse in ARIES on the 18th-19th [dependent on time zone]This full moon eclipse pairs a LIBRA Sun with an ARIES Moon - always an issue of relationship issues, me versus us, the individual needs versus shared benefits, peace versus war, issues of balance, harmony, mediation, peace-making versus outright aggression and military standoffs.
LIBRA and ARIES are part of the Cardinal quartet of signs -the others being CANCER and CAPRICORN -all these four signs are highlighted in October - so issues to do with homelife, housing ,families, government and political issues remain very much in the news headlines.
JUPITER linked to NEPTUNE remains a threat for extreme water events is diverse global locations impacting homes and families.
MARS will add fuel to Jupiter's force particular on/around Oct 22. aggravating potentials
of the JUP-NEP mix.
On an inner level the generation of greater spiritual consciousness or at very least more sensitive = empathetic, sympathetic responses to the plight of others who are suffering across the globe - is on offer.
IMBALANCES of all kind in our world -whether they be economic, social or environmental - are in a phase of correction -difficult, slow and extreme as that process may be - it will proceed in terms of the unfoldment of natural forces
SATURN is playing a role that raises an alert: at the eclipse it reaches 12 SCORPIO.
This position is an activator [exact semisquare/ 45degree angle] of the Galactic Centre -referred to in earlier sections.
The Galactic Centre position 27 Sagittarius is an energy point of unimaginable potency -whether described in an astrophysical context or by astro-analysis.
The activation of these energies means Earth gets a tiny but still potent dose of the sort of wild energies that are expressed as elemental turbulence - fire-earth-air-water - all are subject to greater than usual chaotic disruption - so diverse locations on our planet are vulnerable to these effects in the time frame of this eclipse [ eclipses have a 6 month period of potential reactivation - until the next in sequence]
with SATURN in SCORPIO being the energy activator very transformational and ultimately fatal forces are implicated with the chaotic turbulence.
Drama is a keyword that prevails through October 2013 - and beyond - but around this eclipse there is a sense of frenzy and panic - for Ellie Catton that was a frisson preceding the global onslaught.
update October 21 2013 The intensity will flow over into November as we are facing a total solar eclipse in Scorpio - exact on Nov 3 but building from the end of October and of six month's effective time frame
- This eclipse is intensified with Mercury-Nodes and Saturn in a cluster around the main elements -the Sun and Moon
- With Scorpio's current expression channeled through Pluto in Capricorn and that energy modified further by Uranus in Aries, sex and power issues affecting hi-profile people remain very strongly in the public eye
- Death, endings, transformational conditions are also the territory of Scorpio so many will confront very life-changing conditions and situations
- Environmentally, the potentials for destructive natural events remain high
- Mass events impacting large numbers of people are implicated by the inclusion of the lunar nodes
- [late October NSW wildfires & effects already showing many Scorpio traits]
relevant news updates from NZ mid October:
Lorde continues her reign -winning NZ Apra Silver Scroll
Auckland Mayor Len Brown outed over extra-marital affair
Eleanor Catton wins Man Booker Prize for English Language Literature -youngest recipient
Ex Auckland Mayor John Banks resigns as MP after judge says go to trial re fraud
[extended analysis on-site re Lorde, Brown, Catton]
Whanganui flooded
global news of relevance in October
The stampede on an Indian bridge -killing hundreds
The stampedes in central Philippines after the M7.2 quake
Extreme weather events e.g.

US Dakota October blizzard devastates cattle stock = early cold
NSW worst wildfire emergency in a decade leads to hundreds homeless = early heat