The GC -galactic centre -the rotational centre of the Milky Way galaxy - at 27 Sagittarius is an energy point of unimaginable potency
Magnetic structures spreading across vast distances have been observed emanating from the core of our galaxy
Magnetic structures spreading across vast distances have been observed emanating from the core of our galaxy
Significant events on earth expressing the power of natural forces can be seen to cluster in the time frame of a GC activation.
This includes major movements or quantities of fire, earth, air and water and can include floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic activity, tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, torrential rain, tsunami, wildfires, explosive events - as well as including events of this type perpetuated by human activity [ Hiroshima-Nagasaki 1944].
The Double Helix nebula near the galactic centre is mirrored in the shape of double helix DNA -as found in almost all living organisms -human, animal and plant species, even viruses.
The discovery of intense magnetic forces at the galactic centre gives rise to the notion that magnetic torsion twisted the original pair of connected spirals into this shape. So now we have a magnetic resonance component to the idea that what happens at the core of our galaxy reaches us on Earth not only through atmospheric, environmental outcomes but directly through our DNA.
The Double Helix nebula near the galactic centre is mirrored in the shape of double helix DNA -as found in almost all living organisms -human, animal and plant species, even viruses.
The discovery of intense magnetic forces at the galactic centre gives rise to the notion that magnetic torsion twisted the original pair of connected spirals into this shape. So now we have a magnetic resonance component to the idea that what happens at the core of our galaxy reaches us on Earth not only through atmospheric, environmental outcomes but directly through our DNA.
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Typhoon Haiyan has slammed Philippines -an example of GC generated extreme forces update Nov 8 2013 |
In 2013 only Mercury [Jan 17] and Venus [November 2] make the same exact conjunction to 27 SAG. But these alone do not give rise to major activations.
My energy analysis method always includes the GC activations by the remaining signs of the mutable quartet - PISCES VIRGO GEMINI as well as the semi & sesqui squares = 12 degree position of any of the fixed signs SCORPIO TAURUS LEO AQUARIUS.
When the 27 MUTABLE or 12 FIXED sign positions feature in a New, Full Moon or Eclipse the likelihood of extreme forces arising to a significant extent in diverse earth locations is worth considering
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Milky Way Galactic Centre |
September full moon 27 PISCES
October lunar eclipse SATURN at 12 SCORPIO
November solar eclipse at 11 SCORPIO being midpoint of MERC-NODES-SAT
December full moon at 25 GEMINI
January new moon 11 AQUARIUS
March full moon 26 VIRGO
Exact positions at 27 or 12 are strongest but + or - 2 degrees is well within range of effect - giving a range 25-29 Mutable and 10-14 Fixed to consider.
Full and New Moons begin to be effective days before exactitude and until the following new or full state.
Eclipses belong to a six-monthly cycle so the effects can spread ahead that far - as well as being pre-triggered -one of the qualities of space-time that defies the limited linear logic of manufactured earth-time.
The period September 2013 - May 2014
is likely to be notable for many more extreme weather events and major environmental events which reveal the potency of the forces of nature.
is likely to be notable for many more extreme weather events and major environmental events which reveal the potency of the forces of nature.
The role of the paired transformers Pluto & Uranus locked at a 90 degree angle is undeniable in accentuating or aggravating the situation.
These two energies are very representative of Galactic Centre forces so their current activation provides a double-whammy effect whenever our solar system is zapped by a blast from the GC
A torus of super-heated dust surrounding the galactic centre black Hole -artist's conception
Prior historical example:
CYCLONE Yasi formed January 26 2011.
Dissipated Feb 3 2011
GC activation came via URANUS in conjunction with JUPITER = both at 27 Pisces on January 4 2011. The process was set in motion weeks before the cyclone formed.
[ 27 Pisces is at exact 90 degrees to the GC & therefore a very strong trigger - made stronger by the combined mega force of Jupiter blended with Uranus the force of change.]
The etymology of the word typhoon is of interest in terms of the most likely link back to Greek mythology
TYPHOEUS aka TYPHON was a monstrous immortal huge his head was said to brush the stars..
He appeared man-shaped down to the thighs, with two coiled vipers in place of legs. Attached to his hands in place of fingers were a hundred serpent heads, fifty per hand. He was winged, with dirty matted hair and beard, pointed ears, and eyes flashing fire. According to some he had two hundred hands each with fifty serpents for fingers and a hundred heads, one in human form with the rest being heads of bulls, boars, serpents, lions and leopards. As a volcano-daimon, Typhoeus hurled red-hot rocks at the sky and storms of fire
boiled from his mouth.
-from where extensive detail is available
Relevant news October 2013
Britain braces for worst storm of 2013
M7.1 quake off Japan after sun pumps out a swarm of M and X flares
time frame October 23, 24, 25,26 2013 shown though 3 M flares also occurred on Oct 22 -see flare calendar
This amount of sustained output has not been seen for some time & has a relationship to extreme weather and natural events on earth including large quakes.
Summary of late October- early November sustained solar activity -
+ November 5 saw an X3.3 flare [3rd biggest in current solar cycle - and biggest for 2013]
November 2013
The biggest storm of 2013 slams the Philippines from November 6 [Typhoon Haiyan]
Lethal cyclone devastates Somalia
Solar activity remains high with two weeks of sustained M flares & the occasional X flare - while according to standard observations, no geomagnetic effects at storm level as a result of all the CME's sent from the sun up till Nov 12
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M-flares abundant. X flare on Nov 8 |
Around Dec 8
Heavy snowfall across Northern Hemisphere & in unusual places -Egypt, Hawaii, Middle East -all due to a jet stream snaking much further southwards in a meridional pattern rather than zonal
The Full Moon at 25 SAG-GEM was within range of the GC & thus geoeffective in the time frame of a lunar month into January
The Sun reached the Galactic Centre point late on Dec 18 UT at 27 SAG and Mercury too on Dec 22 - allowing for a conjoined activation of the GC forces in the period around Dec 20-22
The important seasonal markers at zero Cardinal [Capricorn-Cancer, Aries-Libra] are also likely to be caught up in the timing of GC activations since 27 SAG is just 3 degrees from 0 Capricorn and the whole spectrum is activated at all other seasonal markers in March, June, September as well as in December
December 2013 is particularly worth observing for the added complexity of the Sun-Pluto-Mercury-Mars-Uranus synergistic activation from even as early as Dec 29 then strengthening in days to New Years Eve, January 1 & 2 2014
Natural forces [i.e. expressed as weather] & biological behaviour -human & other species vulnerable [with variation dependent on individual susceptibility] to disturbed, volatile & stress effects which will be evident in a range of news reports
From Weather Action :
Dec 21
Piers Corbyn from Weather Action says the North Atlantic jet stream reached a record 275 mph on Dec 22 2013 -consistent with the long range prediction of wild jet stream events in the shift to a Mini Ice Age circulation pattern.
Corbyn's methodology is centred around solar activity which impacts Earth.
His analysis also targets the end of Dec 2013 & into January 2014:
"Newly erupting active sunspot regions are coming round to be Earth-facing (below) when we predicted and will drive dangerous weather conditions around end Dec and start Jan in USA, Brit+Ire, Europe and the whole world."
"This 'Mini-Ice-Age increase in wild and extreme events will continue for the next 20 years"
Dec 22 UT In my locale the weather has undergone a sudden change from an unusually warm start of summer to cooler temps due to squally gusts of wind
2014 updates
Extreme flooding UK -January torrential
Massive landslide Washington State - March disaster in Oso
M8.2 quake Chile big offshore event was fortunately low in fatalities
2017 updates
With the Galactic Center 27 SAG being activated by exact alignment from transiting Saturn at 27 Sagittarius, beginning effectiveness from start of March 2017 intense outcomes anticipated soon began to be evident.
One planet alone is usually not significant enough to bring the worst extremes. [severe quakes, colossal tsunamis]
In March 2017 Saturn at 27 degrees links with any other activating factors at 27 and 12 degrees.
The Sun and Neptune match these positions during March: Neptune [water indicator] for most of the month and the Sun at/in range of 12 degrees from March 2-4.
From March 6 [UT] Mars at 27 Aries energises Saturn at 27 Sagittarius - extending over several days
The Sun and Neptune match these positions during March: Neptune [water indicator] for most of the month and the Sun at/in range of 12 degrees from March 2-4.
From March 6 [UT] Mars at 27 Aries energises Saturn at 27 Sagittarius - extending over several days
The probabilities for heavy rain with flooding and destructive conditions creating losses and obstructions will also be very high in this time frame.
Just as March began [3rd] an indicator of extremes was in place -the exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus. This opposition has an effective time frame of just over 2 weeks [until at least March 19] in which to keep generating more systems. This energy combination generates unbalanced energies and would have contributed significantly to extreme atmospheric conditions and the creation of disturbed, destructive weather systems.
The Sun reaching 21-23 degees in the March 11-March 13 period synergises with this potent energy.
Then importantly 17-20th March when firstly the Sun is at 27 degrees, soon joined by the Moon on the 20th of March.
Just as March began [3rd] an indicator of extremes was in place -the exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus. This opposition has an effective time frame of just over 2 weeks [until at least March 19] in which to keep generating more systems. This energy combination generates unbalanced energies and would have contributed significantly to extreme atmospheric conditions and the creation of disturbed, destructive weather systems.
The Sun reaching 21-23 degees in the March 11-March 13 period synergises with this potent energy.
Then importantly 17-20th March when firstly the Sun is at 27 degrees, soon joined by the Moon on the 20th of March.
Regions of New Zealand's North Island beginning 7 March experienced extreme flooding followed by forceful winds -with conditions enduring several days after a brief lull between systems.
Other global locations showed related effects in this time period -as reported March 9 - India, Pakistan, Atlanta US...
Memphis and UK heavy rain newsNZ reports from:
Coromandel region Waiheke Island
Clevedon summary of damage
NZ Metservice forecast 9 March
further extreme rainfall on Sunday has deluged nearly 200 properties across Auckland City
mid-March saw blizzard conditions in north-east US regions
March 14 saw the start of extreme rain, flooding and mudslides in Peru. This follows an intense period of extreme weather since early in 2017
By 28 March 2017 Queensland Australia was subject to Cyclone Debbie. The initial effects were followed by extreme widespread flooding affecting an even larger landscape than initially affected -even by April 2 more flooding was anticipated
Saturn on GC 2017
With Saturn's transiting position in Sagittarius remaining within the 27-28 degree range throughout April and still within the 26-27 degree range for most of May 2017 it is anticipated that activation of Galactic Centre [GC] energies is creating exactly the turbulent forces that generate extreme weather. The higher potential for this looks to be increased in April 2017 with Neptune [the water indicator] also highly activated [Uranus+Sun transits through Aries]
The 3rd factor [and there is always more than one] is that imbalance underlies the generation of these extreme forces. Energy related to extreme unbalanced forces was generated at the end of March [Pluto+Jupiter] and the triggers spawned at that time were given the force to unfold in days ahead...ready to merge increasingly from April 4 with Saturn barely moving from its transiting position, intensifying through the first week of April to lead into the developing Saturn-Venus energy at 28 Sagittarius and the Sun-Jupiter-Pluto energies combining from April 7.
Extreme forces remain locked in for a lengthy period, with many different manifestations - weather or environmentally related as well as human induced - with a likely time frame from April 7-19 2017
So this is a big package of extreme and destructive forces which will be manifested in many global locations
April 2017 - tropical storm Arlene
September 2017 In the contact of the long-range of total solar eclipse in August, with sun, moon and Uranus at 28 degrees, a sequence of hurricanes in the Caribbean was unleashed.
Advancing Jupiter and retrograding Uranus led to the two due to meet in exact opposition at 27 degrees on September 28 -just a week after the 27 degree New Moon - Hurricane Maria reached Cat 5 close to New Moon
December 2017
Historical Example 1: the North Sea Storm and Flood of January 31 1953
When I discover the date of an historic extreme weather event it is totally appropriate to see how closely the energy of that event matches up with the original theory proposed by the author of this blog.
- A lunar eclipse on 29 January was at 10 degrees - also activating the 25th degree
- Venus and Mars conjoined at 26 degrees
- Saturn and Jupiter conjoined at 25.5 degrees
- Jupiter at 12 degrees also activated 27 degrees
- lunar nodes at 12 degrees also activated 27 degrees
Therefore by reference to a planetary ephemeris such extreme events are predictable in advance and researchable back in history.
This example happens to be a very good fit for the theory. Others require more gymnastics but the order of significance is mathematics first, followed by planet/luminary or energy. Of least significance is zodiac signs though these can be seen to reinforce the picture.
Historical Example 2
Over 200 years prior a very similar storm hit the same region:
The storm and massive flood across northern Europe Dec 24-25 1717 featured wind and waves with devastating ferocity.
- Pluto and Neptune joined forces at 14 degrees which activated 29 degrees
- the lunar nodes were at 29 degrees
- Saturn was at 29 degrees
- Moon reached 29 degrees on Dec 24
- Sun and Moon at 3 degrees activated 18 degrees -being the trigger for the Chiron-Uranus synergy
- Jupiter at 2 degrees activate 17 degrees
With Moon being the fast mover and common trigger it had a direct role to play in activating both sets of energy
- Sun-Moon-Chiron-Uranus-Jupiter
- Pluto-Neptune-Nodes-Saturn-Moon
Since these two events were referenced in the one article published Dec 28 2017 - due to the similarities in place and scale one planetary factor often regarded as the one that emphasises karma was virtually in the same position despite the 200+ years separation - Saturn was at 29 degrees in Libra at Christmas 1717 and was at 27 Libra on January 31 1953.
For what its worth:
Libra indicates imbalances needing to be corrected
Further reading:
Galactic Centre activation in the Galveston Hurricane in September 1900
Galactic Centre astronomy