Tuesday, 29 October 2013


The intensity of this phase will involve many experiencing losses on one or more levels
 of materiality
 - be that people, things, resources, finances.

This is a process of rebalancing or reconsidering values and attachments
 with alternate notions arising about
 the underlying essence of things, people & existence in general

Everyday Scorpionic intensity is heightened further in November 2013 :

November 3 Scorpionic Total Solar Eclipse

line-up of Mercury-Nodes-Sun-Moon-Saturn
but also the Mercury-Nodes-Sun-Saturn group retriggered in Scorpio on Nov 6
and the Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon [Nov 17-18] activating Pluto-Uranus effects

The lunar nodes
are significant destiny-karma indicators so what happens in this time 
frame is profoundly meaningful both for individual experiences and 
on a collective or mass destiny level. 

SCORPIO and TAURUS essentially identify the non-physical versus physical

 energy polarity so both are involved in standout events of Nov 2013
 & beyond into 2014

physical concerns are about security & survival - food, shelter, 
money being prominent in contemporary terms. Tactile, earthy, sensory
things are the territory of this sign.
Objects and possessions & the attachment to same.

is the metaphysical = what lies beyond the physical 
-the territory many associate with death or an afterlife. 
It is also the contrast to the physical-sensory
-tactile existence so loved -and needed by Taurus.

connects to the territory of pure energy,where objects cease to exist
 -the realm that pervades our entire existence from the local
 to the universality of deep space. 
The unseen forces that are comprised of vibrating wave patterns.
The human mind  [and likely that of other sentient life] -
when tuned into the Scorpionic wavelength - has the capacity
to transcend and transform material reality
by accessing the energy fields we are embedded in.
The contemporary master [magician] Dynamo -  Steven Frayne
demonstrates this ability in a manner most commonly seen in Eastern
spiritual masters, shamanic practitioners and their equivalents
in diverse cultural communities across the continents of the world.

November 2013
 - and sustained during the eclipse phase till late April 2014
is likely to bring to the fore issues contrasting the Scorpio-Taurus 

The opportunity is given to transcend or at least reduce attachment
to Taurean materiality, physicality,sensuality on account of
its transient and illusory nature.
To understand this issue in depth, a study of Buddhist philosophy
is informative - or the concepts uncovered through quantum mechanics
regarding the hidden nature of reality.

confronts us with endings, often actual physical deaths or decay in our personal or
collective networks - as a reminder of the limited, transient existence of all
material forms.
This leads many to consider the energetic trace left by a person & 
their life of achievements, relationships and actions both positive
and negative.

The energy exchange that occurs in sexual activity
& the apparent 'loss of self' and 'little death' experiences
mean that sexual issues are Scorpio's concern


capacity to access powerful unseen forces and to manipulate or 
transform energy means that power use and abuse in general
arise in discussion under Scorpio periods of influence

Issues arising re collectively held or any shared resources such as trusts 

safeguarding family property are a Scorpio arrangement versus the 
personal property, possessions or cash which is a Taurus matter 

For those wishing to operate more on an energy level as opposed to the 

base level of materiality this is an excellent period for developing 
mastery of metaphysical skills - the practices of accessing and utilising your 
personal energy potential in order to operate effectively and flowingly 
- and claim your place in the world - instead of facing perpetual defeat 
discouragement - the hallmarks of blocked personal energy.

For environmental & extreme weather implications of the 
full eclipse pattern go to this related post

SCORPIO-TAURUS themed news items in November 2013:
NZ -  farmer jailed on multiple charges including sex slavery of wife for 22 yrs
NZ -Air NZ share sell-down seen as "volatile"
NZ- Christchurch policeman on power abuse & sex charges
NZ- early in the month news features a string sexual and violent attacks
      within a few days
NZ- Underage females allege stupefied for sex
NZ- Rape Crisis urges action
World -Sex scandal in India
NZ- Auckland Mayor's mistress talks to media
NZ- Teacher trainee dies after violent assault
World -Computer animation traps 1000 paedophiles
World- Much death and loss associated with typhoon
 Haiyan -Philippines & cyclone in Somalia - detailed in
Extreme Weather post
World: tornadoes related destruction across Midwest US states
World: Apocalyptic storm floods Sardina, Italy
ENERGY - a metaphysical description


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...