Wednesday, 23 October 2013

LIBRA profile: Veteran troubadour Shona Laing

Veteran troubadour Shona Laing is set to enter the New Zealand Music Hall of Fame on November 21 2013
Shona Laing   Henderson 2009

Shona Laing won the APRA Silver Scroll for Mercy of Love in 1992, another highlight in the singer-songwriter's career which had a stellar beginning as a New Zealand teenager winning acclaim for her talent as early as the age of 17, in 1972
In this video viewers will see the symbol of SATURN drawn on Shona's left cheek representing the intensity of painful feelings she has known in intimate relationships

              A sample of her live, unaccompanied talent, 2009, Titirangi Auckland

Shona [October 9 1955 New Zealand] is another female LIBRAN in the news for creative achievement and like Eleanor Catton {The Luminaries Man Booker Prize} this period is a career peak - one in the latter period and one in the beginning time.
Shona's time and place of birth are not known but on her birthday this collection of Libra planets prevailed:
Sun-Venus-Mercury-Neptune all in Libra. These positions are activated every year from October 8 to October 20 so prominence for creative expression -whether that be in the arts or music is highly likely in that time frame.
LIBRA of course is the partnership sign and the people born with that energy are very driven to find themselves through relationships - but in a balanced way - not to be consumed or overwhelmed - but to retain the sense of self - as identified by the polarity sign ARIES which all Librans have to come to terms with.
Peace and war are the Libran-Aries balancing act -how to keep harmony and how to resolve conflict are constant concerns.

Shona Laing is blessed with a powerful creative capacity courtesy of the Jupiter-Pluto-Mars- Venus -Mercury-Neptune connections

Jupiter and Pluto are in Leo at the base of this chart fragment at 24'36 & 27'56
Mars in Virgo at 27'08
Venus-Mercury-Neptune at 24'59, 25'11, 27'29

All of these planets will be working synergistically
Leo is creative but add Jupiter and Pluto and you get a big and powerful dose
Mars provides a strong drive and is in Virgo -a sign of writing and analytical skill
Venus in Libra gives aesthetic creative ability 
Mercury in Libra is the processing of creative information
Neptune in Libra gives imaginative, escapist, dream-like or fantasy elements to the creativity

Shona is a painter as well as a singer-songwriter.
Like most highly creative [ = extremely sensitive] people she has had to deal with many demons based on a profound discontent and discomfort living in a world so ravaged with suffering and evil doers.
Moon is in Cancer - soft centre with protective shell exterior -most likely in range of Saturn in Scorpio - ongoing challenges re feelings of disempowerment
Neptune accentuated means overwhelming sensitivity which is dealt with by choosing options such as drug/alcohol abuse, escapism, fantasy, retreat. Living life based on spiritual foundations is the antidote and creative expression is central in the life
It is excellent to see her star rising again in 2013

November 21 2013
Shona inducted into NZ Music Hall of Fame -Herald report on her career 


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