Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Planet Watch: High Risk Festive Season from Xmas 2014

......Breaking News: massacre in Paris January 7 reflects prevailing stress pattern -astro report here
also December 28: Air Asia aircraft of Indonesian origin, en route to Singapore, with mainly Indonesian passengers, has lost contact for some 5 hours, with onboard statistics as follows:

This event is highly indicative of a worst-case-scenario on the spectrum of adverse conditions affecting overseas air travel - as noted in the recent report below.
So far no conclusion is reached re the outcome of the alert.

Planet Watch: High Risk Festive Season from Xmas 2014
Solar system planetary indicators impacting Earth conditions in the 2014 festive season show a pattern indicative of high risk related to many partaking in the Sagittarian pursuits: overseas travel, sporting and adventure activities.
These safety issues are accentuated in the festive season from Xmas 2014 and into the early New Year

Saturn affects Sagittarius people and activities in the time frame Xmas 2014 through to Xmas 2017 - a three year period  which will express as difficulties, delays, disadvantages -and disasters,restrictions upon freedom, sporting defeat, travel plans disrupted or made very difficult, adventures which prove to be bad choices, travel to foreign counties is at risk of difficult experiences.
One example might be boat people lost at sea while in pursuit of freedom and a new life in another land.

These safety issues are accentuated in the festive season from Xmas 2014 and into the early New Year due to Saturn impacting the lunar nodal axis in Aries-Libra.

This indicates the adverse affect of the difficulties on relationships, partnerships - in some cases death of a partner, otherwise separation or end of partnership to to an event or alienation of feelings related to the Sagittarian context - eg sport, travel, adventure.
Law and legal matters are also involved for many Sagittarians in the 3 year period  -the partner aspect is emphasised in the 2014 period noted. So marital or partnership legal battles involving separation or alienation are indicated

Karma or destiny is highly active in this period so outcomes are highly significant growth experiences.

Many will need to be prepared for life changing experiences
Individuals need to have their own astro profile done to establish how relevant these issues are in the festive season and in the 3yr period of Saturn in Sagittarius.
[those born at or around the start of Sagittarius -22-24 November any year, are most affected by the first entry of Saturn into this sign, then progressively over the 3yrs all Sagittarians will face some effect]

 in the wake of further hi profile tragedies affecting various forms of transport -
Dec 28 2014 also saw a ferry fire on the Greece to Italy route - just one death initially reported but chaos impacting hundreds.
Dec 25 2014 saw the Italian Navy rescue 1300 "boat people" hopeful migrants in boats adrift off Sicily, adding to the rescue of 1000 on Dec 24
in addition to the sort of road crashes that are extra tragic at Xmas, it is important to note that for the 3 year period that Saturn is in Sagittarius:

  • all forms of transport carry higher risk factors for the spectrum of problems ranging from delays to engine breakdown to destruction.
  • Human effects ranging from inconvenience & frustration to injury & death
  • personal encounters with the blocked flows of energy are dependent on personal energy blueprint identified in birth chart
  • targeted activity includes air, sea and land transport
  • personal travel, commercial,& shared journeys all vulnerable to problems
  • persons most affected will have planets impacted by prevailing degree of Saturn in Sagittarius
  • other signs in the mutable class -Gemini, Pisces, Virgo have hi susceptibility too
  • eg when Saturn is a zero SAG, then zero GEM, PIS, VIR all resonate
  • SAG = long distance travel [usually now by air]
  • GEM = short journeys by foot, bike, car, van, train
  • PIS = water transport = breakdown, sinking -& water flows - Saturn destruction can  involve flooding, ice, snow, freezing
  • VIR = system functionality & flow

This simple graphic contains part of the story re transport effects.
The essential point concerns flow & functionality being impaired by Saturn effect.
This effect manifests through diverse channels:
the transport network which is mechanised flow
the bodily transport network involving physical flow
the energetic network involving energy flow
Specific body parts & zones relate to zodiac energy
Gemini = hands
Sag = thigh zone & liver
Virgo = digestive system
Pisces = feet & sensitivity/allergy/toxicity issues

further related news:
New Zealand holiday road toll is almost double 2013 Xmas period

Also read the report for Dec 2014 -January 2015
Also read Uranus on nodal axis environmental effects of disturbed energies

Monday, 1 December 2014

Astrology of December 2014 -global hotspots erupt

To understand the context of events of December 2014, some recent history is relevant:
The revolutionary  pan-Arabic movement called The Arab Spring grained momentum from December 2010
The context was:
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 26 Pisces
Neptune at 26 Aquarius = semisextile Jupiter-Uranus
Pluto conjunct the north lunar node at 3.40 Capricorn
Total lunar eclipse with Mercury in conjunction to the sun = 27-29 Sagittarius
Freedom, equality, social justice, issues of power, empowerment, power abuse, law, legal rights & a spiritually-driven need to redeem humanity are all collectively activated under these influences

That initial spark has been kept alight and planetary indicators show that since June 2012 deep unrest has reigned in numerous global hotspots under the influence of sustained activation by the planets Pluto and Uranus positioned at 90 degrees from each other.
By mid December 2014 there will have been 6 occasions of exact 90 degree square in a period of 2 and a half years.

The exact square of Pluto and Uranus in December 2014 is on the 15th but the effect of these influences being in close proximity will be evident throughout the month, having already begun to arise again in late November 2014.

Under these influences, anarchic rebellion, disorder and chaos surround collective efforts to counteract power abuse -whether system-based or in personal interactions.
Protest and dissent are evident signs of this process being brought into general awareness across the globe, with mass movements of people intent on changing the dynamics of power within all levels of society.

news updates mid December:
The Dec 15 siege in Sydney Australia reflects energy entirely consistent with the power abuse scenarios expected under the Pluto-Uranus effect
SMH report
Hostage drama timeline

The same influence manifested as a shooting in Oregon  report
and mass fatalities in another US shooting incident 
Six dead in shootings near Philadelphia

DEC16 mass shooting of school children by Taliban in Pakistan - mass fatalities

DEC 19 - mass fatalities in Australian shooting - Cairns - 8 children stabbed

Mass fatalities in various global locations show the intensity of energy for extremism that is prevailing in this December time frame -but a high alert situation remains in respect of dangerous situation and unbalanced people into the 2015 New Year....


Events of December 2014 are a foretaste of the intensity likely in January 2015

The whole month has many high impact potentials for disturbed energy amongst people and the natural elements.
In addition particular points stand out:

All four of the cardinal signs -Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn will be activated in the range of 13-16 degrees, with the Sun, Moon, and 2 lunar nodes forming a cardinal cross pattern at the January 5 full moon -peak effects likely to fall in the range of days from 3-7 Jan 2015

Cardinal signs emphasise BALANCE and issues about relating/relationships.
Relationship with yourself
Relationships with others
Capacity to nurture and support others
Capacity to guide and mentor others
Role as a parent.
Where too much or too little effort is being applied

Critical issues are likely to arise around these areas -wherever relevant in your life [even non-parents have a quasi-parenting role in supporting others]

Power dynamics will need be addressed in the context of relating.
Tensions, dissent, conflict and violence are likely side-effects of confrontations arising re relating issues.

Beyond the personal domain of relating are the societal, communal, governmental contexts.
How well is your government providing support for its people?
How much power should governments wield?
Who is in control?

Again these sorts of questions give rise to public unrest.

January 10 is also notable for a rebellious, anarchic thread of energy being sparked with potential for aggression.
[ update January 7 2015 - Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris - astrological relevance ]
Aside from disturbed human energy [ other species are not excluded] the natural forces in our atmosphere and environment are subjected to significant readjustments -also in pursuit of balance - the four cardinal signs link to the four directions, the winds, the movements and flows of natural elements.
Expect significant extreme weather effects as relevant to changes that are already underway in your local climate: think of where the change is shifting [hotter? drier? wetter? colder? windier? etc] and notice if any intensification is forecast during January

Thursday, 20 November 2014

BONO -the danger and protection

Musician Bono was born with significant accident energy –whilst also having the guardian angel effect.

This does not mean he avoids accidents, but that he has lucky escapes, things could have been a lot worse

November 2014 saw Bono facing 2 reported threatening situations in a short time

November 12: Report that Bono cheated death report

November 16
: Bono suffers multiple fractures as a result of a biking incident  report      Accident & Injury report

These events happened in November when risk factors were elevated for him.

The period 9-13 November every year carries risks [along with 3 other months – Feb 5-9, May 6-11, August 8-13 –with even a day extra either end] 

But what made November 2014 even riskier was the activation of a further risk factor in his birth energy template.
 Born May 10 1960

Sun is at 19 Taurus

Uranus is at 17 Leo

The midpoint of these hi-intensity energies is 18 degrees in any fixed sign.

The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Months with the days covering 16-20 degrees in those fixed signs are risky for him.

Protection comes from Jupiter

Bono has Jupiter at 3 Capricorn

3 Capricorn is at exact 45 degree angle to 18 Aquarius

All fixed positions at/close to 18 degrees are therefore protected

Sun and Uranus are protected

With the Sun-Uranus midpoint at 4 Cancer, Jupiter is opposite that position.

The further aggravating factor comes from Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn is at 18 degrees when Bono was born 

The birth chart has Saturn right at the left horizontal axis -pre-birth- position. The ascendant is virtually 23 Capricorn so the range from 16-25 Capricorn is activated by transits.

The mathematical exactitude of the 18 degree theme is very relevant.

All positions at 18 degrees are strongly connected in the birth template of planetary energies affecting Bono

Clearly then there is a Sun-Uranus-Saturn string

Saturn famously features in periods of great adversity as well as challenges, struggles as well as major achievements [which usually involve grinding, difficult periods.]

Saturn in Capricorn is very powerful –capable of providing a person with the type of grit needed to go right to the top in their chosen field.

Usually associated with managerial supremacy, business magnates and top level politicians, Bono is a high achiever using Saturn energy in diverse contexts.
He is a creative with strong political [Saturn] activism [Uranus] as well as business involvements. [WIKI]

Nov 2014 the transiting lunar node positions –north and south - at 18 Libra-Aries delivered the extra-ordinary threatening blow to Bono

Here is 18 degrees again in action the nodes activating his 18 Saturn by a stressful 90 degree angle –as well as activating the Sun-Uranus-Jupiter mix.

Uranus is accident energy

Saturn in stress angle causes disability, restriction, problems

Uranus expresses as the nerve network and electrical functions in the body

Saturn corresponds to the bones of the body in general, as well as the skin, knees, and spine.

The Aries-Libra lunar nodes reflect a karmic encounter – perhaps an old battle score unfolding.

The accident report suggests Bono tried to take defensive action to avoid an oncoming rider who seems to have been travelling at speed.

All these aspects are symbolic of battle-relationship dynamics

After his long slow recovery [Saturn] Bono needs to guard against further challenging influences intensifying during 2015-2019

find Bono's full chart here 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Earth forecast for November 2014

Imbalances in the natural environment
Extremes affecting biological systems
Noting the combining effects of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn adversely angled to Uranus in mid November producing much heat, volatility, pressure and structural strain affecting environmental, terrrestrial and biological systems.
Heat in some areas offset by opposite extreme temperature.
Weaknesses, fractures and undermining effects will in some cases be readily overt, but in others, silent and secretive -so in the context of seismic shifts may become evident with the application of further terrestrial strain with the waxing New Moon of November, from the 19th: the Mars-Pluto combination is adversely angled to the Sun-Moon. 
[update Nov 17 M6.5 earthquake offshore New Zealand]
The added complication is Mars-Pluto at 90 degrees offset to the lunar nodes which is likely to be profound in effects as a result of the contacts made in the period from Nov 19-Nov till the end of the month.
The Mars-Pluto-Nodes situation has Cardinal group energy and therefore is defined by the issue of BALANCE /IMBALANCE.
This issue underlies extreme weather events and is also very relevant in human personal, interpersonal and collective affairs.
Personal relationship dynamics, use/abuse of power in all contexts; political extremism, ruthless ambition

Mars also adversely contacts Neptune which indicates water-related effects -dissolving, flooding, soaking and swelling structures.
Mars-Neptune elevates trickery, deceit, fraud, illusion, magic, dirty tricks

All combined, the second half of November 2014 has much intensity in human affairs as well as the environmental issues noted

The influences of Scorpio and Pluto during November are accentuated by Saturn also in Scorpio, increasing the depth of challenges related to literal death, loss and transformational experiences

Effects can be initiated under a particular energetic influence and remain silent or latent until a secondary influence triggers the manifestation - so dates of exact planetary interactions do not automatically show the event described. It depends what prior building conditions were in effect.

see the full 2014 report here

Monday, 8 September 2014

Critical Issues Full Moon Astrology September 2014

Full Moon in Pisces, Sun Virgo 16 degrees on September 9
This week features the sentencing of Oscar Pistorius [Sept 11], followed soon by Kim Dotcom's great political reveal [Sept 15 in New Zealand] and the run-up to the NZ general elections [Sept 20]

Pisces is a sensitive, humanitarian, compassionate and spiritual energy at best, addictive, escapist,deluded and deceitful at worst.
Paired with its opposite energy Virgo which is the most analytical Earth sign - interested in categorising, critiquing and criticism, teaching, writing - conducted with intentions of perfection, purity, efficiency, organising of elements.

Virgo represents the Protestant Work Ethic - the cog in the wheel contributing to the efficiency of the larger whole
Pisces represents life beyond the System -creativity, freedom, being not doing, fluidity, being in the Now, the Watchers observing the wheels go round - 
Expect under this Full Moon [usual timeframe is 3 days before exact, through to next full moon ] to have work, non-work, and the other Virgo-Pisces territory - health matters to be emphasised. Virgo is bodily efficiency via  diet, nutrition. Pisces is psychological health & physical sensitivities, allergies, addictions

There is a Supermoon aspect in effect as well, strengthening the outcomes expressed -not the closest Moon of 2014 -that was August - but still potent.

The extra punch from this full moon is provided by the collection of planets around 11 degrees.
Pluto 11 Capricorn
Jupiter 12 Leo
Mercury 10 Libra

These interact as follows.
Mercury & Jupiter -  dramatic dynamics in relationships
Mercury & Pluto - political relationships and power dynamics in relationships make for some intense communications/conversations
Pluto and Jupiter - high drama in political contexts

How does this reflect back on the Full-Moon pairing of Virgo-Pisces?
The conditions impacting on Mercury link very strongly back to how Virgo energy is focussed.
The combinations listed above imply that the mental aspect of Virgo will be most prominent - involving much analytical discussion, criticism. 
There will be voices of compassion amidst some torrid political drama and overt criticisms and unflattering analysis of people in personal or political positions of power.

In the Pistorius case this will surround the sentence imposed. Whatever the outcome one side will be highly critical

In the NZ political context the applications are obvious given the current highly controversial circumstances facing the incumbent government over anti-democratic and corrupt practices described as Dirty Politics in Nicky Hager's book & the outraged response if a Right coalition is re-elected. [for more read selected brief Candidate forecasts]

The Scottish Independence vote will be similarly highly debated

Related Reading:
Dirty Politics - How Attack Politics is Poisoning NZ's Political Environment
Kim Dotcom Sept 15 event
Scottish Independence Vote
Oscar Pistorius trial blog

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

No ordinary Full Moon : Supermoon August 2014

Supermoon August 2014
A sector of the solar system showing the layout relating to August's Supermoon. Astrological components are noted after this general rather grim forecast:

The basics of this report were compiled and published on January 6 2014, edited and extended on July 30.

No ordinary Full Moon : Supermoon August 2014
July 2014 was a horror month in many global contexts, but sadly August has the potential to raise the stakes even higher.
August is a life-changing month for many in 2014 and for a significant number that means literally death -transcending physical existence for the metaphysical.
Metaphorical death is also in the picture because major transformations represent endings that are like a death.

The prevailing combination of energies are a significant death and destruction indicator - likely on mass scales in particular situations; high drama, death by fire and weapons, in military contexts and at the hands of ruthless individuals - or at the very least major transformations affecting particular people and places.

Supermoons generally - as noted by Richard Nolle* - place added stress on the earth's crust & seismic movement is aggravated. 
The March 2011 Supermoon was marked by the Sendai quake and tsunami.

[Due to individual differences identified in personal profiles -always there are some primarily & directly affected; others have secondary or tertiary effects. It is all about degrees of separation.
As an example: the person who is violently assaulted has the primary effect; the person who assists them in their injured state gets the secondary effect; the person who watches or reads the news coverage gets the tertiary effect.]

The Sun in Leo in this period, is a heart energy and connects to children, creativity, love. 
Difficult and life threatening energies are affecting those matters.
Very dangerous behaviours are stimulated under the multiple influences.
A lot of the expression will be evident in military contexts, where violence and death are the intention, but individuals outside of war zones are vulnerable to persons who are triggered into defending their ego through violence.
The extensive range of potentials likely to occur in greater than normal frequency during August 2014 include intense experiences re: 
A spike in coronary health crises is likely such as heart attacks. 
Circulation problems
Broken hearts due to love gone cold. 
Grief from death of a loved one. [many news reports highlighting this effect] 
Children are extra vulnerable to threatening effects. 
Artists facing creative blocks.
Gynaecological and hormonal issues affecting fertility 
Arson and destruction by fire and other forms of aggressively destructive conduct.
Military conflict remains a heightened risk.
Uncontrolled ego and narcissism underlie much of the extreme and survivalist behaviour generated under this Supermoon's effects.
Testosterone elevated and expressed in murderous and rapacious acts as an expression of ego or exaggerated pride.
Possession and control via annihilation.
More attacks on feminist ideology.
Forces intensely against social justice for women
Repression of public protests re social change
Conservative forces of control seeking to restrict alternative & progressive social movements.             
[with scores of children already killed in Gaza during July under the military attacks from Israel, it is very concerning that this location could continue to "earth" the destructive force of the Supermoon pattern which will begin to be activated by pre-triggers from early August -well in advance of the exactitude on August 10]

There are also many extreme weather indicators associated with this Supermoon so relevant environmental hazards in your location need to be anticipated.

Where is the individual in all this?
Each of us is affected by the significant period of social, economic,political,environmental disruption we are experiencing 2012-2016
 Read my full future forecast to 2016 here.
Effects are simply a matter of degrees of intensity across different people in different places.
Brutal and draconian Far Right forces are arising in many contexts -not only in unstable regions but also in mainstream first world politics. 
This situation is alarming and must be counteracted by opposite intentions of compassion and humanitarianism.

Politically this is a period of general instability, sudden changes, unusual events.

The August Supermoon effects indicate this potential having particular relevance in London and therefore in UK politics.

The process is about rebalancing energies and each of us is pressured in some way to address this question: where in my life do I need to make changes in order to live my life more harmoniously with others and with the natural world?

Relevant news items reported after this forecast
 are noted in the updates section below

The Astrological positions for the August 2014 Supermoon

The folowing factors underlie the analysis given in the above section for general readers.

Sun,Mercury, Earth & Moon form a tight alignment on August 10-11 with Saturn at a right angle to this collection plus Mars forms a right angle to Jupiter
[ Degree positions at exact Full Moon = Sun-Moon 18 Leo-Aquarius; Mercury 20 Leo; Saturn 17 Scorpio; Earth 18 Aquarius; Mars 8 Scorpio; Jupiter 5 Leo.

The fixed signs [Leo-Aqaurius-Scorpio] being very dominant give a strong survivalist theme and prevalent extremism 

The Neptune issues of water imbalance - too much in places, too little elsewhere - continues into August & feature in the Full Moon pattern of August 10
This is no ordinary Full Moon 
  • it is the closest Moon to earth in 2014 and so has stronger potentials
  • This Full Moon is energetically a severely aggravated one
  • Saturn sits square on to the Sun, Moon, Earth and Mercury
  •  [Saturn Scorpio vs Sun-Mercury in Leo; Moon, Earth in Aquarius]
  • Add to this potency: Mars squared off with Jupiter in another Leo-Scorpio combustion

Complete grid for the Aug 2014  Supermoon

But there is far more complexity & intensity here than a general readership can digest.
Keen observers will note:
  •  the Uranus-node midpoint activating the horizontal axis for the UK
  • Multiple GC - Galactic Centre [27 SAG] - activations including Sun-Moon-Mercury midpoints to Mars; Venus & Jupiter midpoints to the MC; Jupiter-Saturn midpoint; Uranus-Neptune midpoint; Neptune Node midpoint.
  • The more the channels to the Galactic Centre are activated the more extreme events, including weather, arise]

Further Reading
*Richard Nolle is always worth reading for extensive forecasting.
He coined the term "Supermoon" and he uses astro-locality [highlighting zones under specific effects]  -his August report  

News updates relevant to forecast

August 3
Mass deaths in southwest China from M6.3 quake
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck southwestern China on Sunday, killing at least 367 people and leaving 1,881 injured in a remote area of Yunnan province, and causing thousands of buildings, including a school, to collapse. Reuters news

August 7
"You took my heart with you when you were taken from us." - Millie Holmes on the sudden violent death of her partner on August 3 -report

Knife attack kills innocent citizen -report

August 8
Reuters reports on military aggression
Hawaii pummelled by tropical storm Iselle - report
August 9
Multiple fatalities in bus crash Tibet -report

Typhoon Halong hits Japan -report

August 9
An example of death, combined with misuse of power:
St Louis USA: in Ferguson an unarmed black teen Michael Brown is shot by Police.
Several nights of protests ensued. Much outrage on social media - report

August 10
Plane crash in Tehran at least 38 killed report
This event continues to exemplify the risks to aviation noted in the July report -and which are strengthened through the lunar month until Sept 9  

August 11

Islamic State jihadis have killed 'at least 500' Yazidis and buried them in mass grave, it has been claimed.
Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Iraq's human rights minister, said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he added.

Daily Mail graphic with US in top right sector
August 11
Globally famous actor Robin Williams found dead from apparent asphyxiation suicide.report
Williams' wife, Susan Schneider, said she was "utterly heartbroken".
Social media repeated such sentiments en masse

Reports surfaced in recent times of him once again battling severe depression 

No single indicator is indicative of a death.
Multiple factors work in synergy to create the extreme outcome we know as loss of life, whether that is accidental or intended, by self action or from the action of another.
When charts have many tightly connected factors, whether by very close conjunction, opposition, or other angular relationship, then they experience life's ups and downs very intensely.
Cancerian Robin Williams was directly impacted by the Moon as a general condition of being born under that influence.
Recalling that this Leo-Aquarius Supermoon is in effect during the lunar month from August 7-Sept 9: see the top of his birth chart with the LEO sign at the MC point. Pluto and Mercury sit in conjunction to that high profile public position, in the range 18-22 degrees.
These energies reflect both his phenomenal success as a public entertainer
The Supermoon was exact at 18 Leo Aquarius.
These energies were activated on this extra strong Supermoon
In addition his rising sign Scorpio at the AC Ascendant position of 12 degrees - death and transformation are the hallmarks of Scorpio.
This position was impacted by transiting Saturn [the energy of depression] currently at 16 Scorpio. Saturn had been causing problems for him since at least October 2013.
Uranus now at 16 Aries has been adding stress to the Saturn effect -even more since Robin has Jupiter in Aries opposite Neptune in Libra in the range of 14-17 degrees.

With Saturn positioned 60 degrees away from the Sun at birth and Saturn 90 degrees from Chiron, the private Robin was afflicted with very negative psychological issues born from a deeply wounded psyche. He was likely to be his own worst critic.
Noted issues with alcohol and drugs are reflected in the Neptune energies amplified by the excesses of Jupiter energy as well as the Moon in Pisces.
His natal Mars conjunct Uranus positions at 11-12 Cancer [sudden impulsive action in home environment] was under extreme duress from transiting Pluto at 11 Capricorn in opposition.
With multiple transiting factors in challenging relationship to his birth blueprint, the worst case scenario has unfolded.

A very sad outcome, since transiting effects are literally that -they are energies that are temporary,intended to bring change and transformation. 
Death is one option but not the only one offered by the conditions that arise.
Williams had started to disconnect -the downfall period

Hollywood's Golden Era actress Lauren Bacall[89] also died in the same period.

August -beginning in the first week
Mass numbers killed and abducted when ISIS militants attacked Yazidi communities in Iraq.
ISIS entered Iraq from Syria in June
The US began drone strikes against ISIS in mid August

Mass deaths in Syria in first fortnight of August as the Islamic State reported to have
killed some 700 of the al-Sheitaat tribe from the eastern Deir-al-Zor province -report

Mass deaths from Ebola rising in Africa


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...