Monday, 1 December 2014

Astrology of December 2014 -global hotspots erupt

To understand the context of events of December 2014, some recent history is relevant:
The revolutionary  pan-Arabic movement called The Arab Spring grained momentum from December 2010
The context was:
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 26 Pisces
Neptune at 26 Aquarius = semisextile Jupiter-Uranus
Pluto conjunct the north lunar node at 3.40 Capricorn
Total lunar eclipse with Mercury in conjunction to the sun = 27-29 Sagittarius
Freedom, equality, social justice, issues of power, empowerment, power abuse, law, legal rights & a spiritually-driven need to redeem humanity are all collectively activated under these influences

That initial spark has been kept alight and planetary indicators show that since June 2012 deep unrest has reigned in numerous global hotspots under the influence of sustained activation by the planets Pluto and Uranus positioned at 90 degrees from each other.
By mid December 2014 there will have been 6 occasions of exact 90 degree square in a period of 2 and a half years.

The exact square of Pluto and Uranus in December 2014 is on the 15th but the effect of these influences being in close proximity will be evident throughout the month, having already begun to arise again in late November 2014.

Under these influences, anarchic rebellion, disorder and chaos surround collective efforts to counteract power abuse -whether system-based or in personal interactions.
Protest and dissent are evident signs of this process being brought into general awareness across the globe, with mass movements of people intent on changing the dynamics of power within all levels of society.

news updates mid December:
The Dec 15 siege in Sydney Australia reflects energy entirely consistent with the power abuse scenarios expected under the Pluto-Uranus effect
SMH report
Hostage drama timeline

The same influence manifested as a shooting in Oregon  report
and mass fatalities in another US shooting incident 
Six dead in shootings near Philadelphia

DEC16 mass shooting of school children by Taliban in Pakistan - mass fatalities

DEC 19 - mass fatalities in Australian shooting - Cairns - 8 children stabbed

Mass fatalities in various global locations show the intensity of energy for extremism that is prevailing in this December time frame -but a high alert situation remains in respect of dangerous situation and unbalanced people into the 2015 New Year....


Events of December 2014 are a foretaste of the intensity likely in January 2015

The whole month has many high impact potentials for disturbed energy amongst people and the natural elements.
In addition particular points stand out:

All four of the cardinal signs -Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn will be activated in the range of 13-16 degrees, with the Sun, Moon, and 2 lunar nodes forming a cardinal cross pattern at the January 5 full moon -peak effects likely to fall in the range of days from 3-7 Jan 2015

Cardinal signs emphasise BALANCE and issues about relating/relationships.
Relationship with yourself
Relationships with others
Capacity to nurture and support others
Capacity to guide and mentor others
Role as a parent.
Where too much or too little effort is being applied

Critical issues are likely to arise around these areas -wherever relevant in your life [even non-parents have a quasi-parenting role in supporting others]

Power dynamics will need be addressed in the context of relating.
Tensions, dissent, conflict and violence are likely side-effects of confrontations arising re relating issues.

Beyond the personal domain of relating are the societal, communal, governmental contexts.
How well is your government providing support for its people?
How much power should governments wield?
Who is in control?

Again these sorts of questions give rise to public unrest.

January 10 is also notable for a rebellious, anarchic thread of energy being sparked with potential for aggression.
[ update January 7 2015 - Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris - astrological relevance ]
Aside from disturbed human energy [ other species are not excluded] the natural forces in our atmosphere and environment are subjected to significant readjustments -also in pursuit of balance - the four cardinal signs link to the four directions, the winds, the movements and flows of natural elements.
Expect significant extreme weather effects as relevant to changes that are already underway in your local climate: think of where the change is shifting [hotter? drier? wetter? colder? windier? etc] and notice if any intensification is forecast during January


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...