Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Planet Watch: High Risk Festive Season from Xmas 2014

......Breaking News: massacre in Paris January 7 reflects prevailing stress pattern -astro report here
also December 28: Air Asia aircraft of Indonesian origin, en route to Singapore, with mainly Indonesian passengers, has lost contact for some 5 hours, with onboard statistics as follows:

This event is highly indicative of a worst-case-scenario on the spectrum of adverse conditions affecting overseas air travel - as noted in the recent report below.
So far no conclusion is reached re the outcome of the alert.

Planet Watch: High Risk Festive Season from Xmas 2014
Solar system planetary indicators impacting Earth conditions in the 2014 festive season show a pattern indicative of high risk related to many partaking in the Sagittarian pursuits: overseas travel, sporting and adventure activities.
These safety issues are accentuated in the festive season from Xmas 2014 and into the early New Year

Saturn affects Sagittarius people and activities in the time frame Xmas 2014 through to Xmas 2017 - a three year period  which will express as difficulties, delays, disadvantages -and disasters,restrictions upon freedom, sporting defeat, travel plans disrupted or made very difficult, adventures which prove to be bad choices, travel to foreign counties is at risk of difficult experiences.
One example might be boat people lost at sea while in pursuit of freedom and a new life in another land.

These safety issues are accentuated in the festive season from Xmas 2014 and into the early New Year due to Saturn impacting the lunar nodal axis in Aries-Libra.

This indicates the adverse affect of the difficulties on relationships, partnerships - in some cases death of a partner, otherwise separation or end of partnership to to an event or alienation of feelings related to the Sagittarian context - eg sport, travel, adventure.
Law and legal matters are also involved for many Sagittarians in the 3 year period  -the partner aspect is emphasised in the 2014 period noted. So marital or partnership legal battles involving separation or alienation are indicated

Karma or destiny is highly active in this period so outcomes are highly significant growth experiences.

Many will need to be prepared for life changing experiences
Individuals need to have their own astro profile done to establish how relevant these issues are in the festive season and in the 3yr period of Saturn in Sagittarius.
[those born at or around the start of Sagittarius -22-24 November any year, are most affected by the first entry of Saturn into this sign, then progressively over the 3yrs all Sagittarians will face some effect]

 in the wake of further hi profile tragedies affecting various forms of transport -
Dec 28 2014 also saw a ferry fire on the Greece to Italy route - just one death initially reported but chaos impacting hundreds.
Dec 25 2014 saw the Italian Navy rescue 1300 "boat people" hopeful migrants in boats adrift off Sicily, adding to the rescue of 1000 on Dec 24
in addition to the sort of road crashes that are extra tragic at Xmas, it is important to note that for the 3 year period that Saturn is in Sagittarius:

  • all forms of transport carry higher risk factors for the spectrum of problems ranging from delays to engine breakdown to destruction.
  • Human effects ranging from inconvenience & frustration to injury & death
  • personal encounters with the blocked flows of energy are dependent on personal energy blueprint identified in birth chart
  • targeted activity includes air, sea and land transport
  • personal travel, commercial,& shared journeys all vulnerable to problems
  • persons most affected will have planets impacted by prevailing degree of Saturn in Sagittarius
  • other signs in the mutable class -Gemini, Pisces, Virgo have hi susceptibility too
  • eg when Saturn is a zero SAG, then zero GEM, PIS, VIR all resonate
  • SAG = long distance travel [usually now by air]
  • GEM = short journeys by foot, bike, car, van, train
  • PIS = water transport = breakdown, sinking -& water flows - Saturn destruction can  involve flooding, ice, snow, freezing
  • VIR = system functionality & flow

This simple graphic contains part of the story re transport effects.
The essential point concerns flow & functionality being impaired by Saturn effect.
This effect manifests through diverse channels:
the transport network which is mechanised flow
the bodily transport network involving physical flow
the energetic network involving energy flow
Specific body parts & zones relate to zodiac energy
Gemini = hands
Sag = thigh zone & liver
Virgo = digestive system
Pisces = feet & sensitivity/allergy/toxicity issues

further related news:
New Zealand holiday road toll is almost double 2013 Xmas period

Also read the report for Dec 2014 -January 2015
Also read Uranus on nodal axis environmental effects of disturbed energies


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...