Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Uranus conjunct lunar nodal axis Jan 2015

The role of Uranus in storms and earthquakes is one of the solar system factors well worth examining.

With Uranus conjuncting the true position of the south lunar node in January 2015 past examples of Uranus-node alignments may provide forecasting support.*

Uranus in Aries will be in near exact south node conjunction by the 3rd week of January. The Aries-Libra nodal axis implicates issues of balance/imbalance being enacted through natural forces such as seismic movement and the winds.
January 6

Looking at 2007 as a recent example
Uranus in Pisces conjuncted the north lunar node in late March.
Prior to that an array in mid Pisces - Sun-Uranus-north node in the range 15-16 degrees provided the most relevant trigger, coinciding with two destructive quakes in east Sumatra on March 6.
Throughout the past century, Uranus conjunct either the north or south lunar node has had dramatic effects on natural forces, disturbances erupting involving one or more of the quartet fire-earth-air-water - and with a recurrent theme of aviation disasters - often fatal, always destructive  - planes operate in the Uranian territory -the sky - so are very affected by atmospheric and electrical events

Effects would be expected into April 2007 due to the close positioning of Uranus in respect of the nodal axis and the global storms report highlights severe wind-snow-sleet-rain events in that March-April 2007 time frame.

However, the whole of 2007 was affected by a further more intense extreme weather indicator.
As detailed in my extensive post on Galactic Centre activation, any significant resonance with 25-29 Sagittarius provides a funnel effect for deep space weather - the mega forces of annihilation which have high destructive potential for humanity's way of life.
Throughout 2007, Pluto lingered back and forth over late Sagittarius, with intense periods on or within close range of 27 Sagittarius, the current position of the solar system galactic centre
read more on galactic centre weather events activated on Earth
Storms of 2007 [US focussed but useful] provides some examples of events.

January 2015
Is not affected by a galactic centre activation, but after week one, the close proximity of Uranus to the true position of the south lunar node in Aries may again be a timeframe for significant seismic movement and storm intensity.
In addition other forces are in effect:
Jan 4 is earth-sun perihelion -closest orbit for 2015
Jan 5 is Full Moon
Jan 20 is new moon
Jan 21 is lunar perigee -closest earth-moon orbit for the month
January 2015 supermoon is on the 20th
2015 closest supermoon is on Sept 28 Full Moon.
The closest a supermoon can be to Earth is 356,372 kms.
September 2015 will be 356,877
The March 2011 supermoon stands out being 356,577 kms 

Supermoons are also associated with intensified storm activity.
There are 6 supermoons in 2015
3 of the 2015 supermoons are in Pisces - increasing the likelihood of water events -rain, sea surge events in the months affected -mid Feb to mid April and September
refer Supermoon tables

*Refer to Uranus conjunct either north or south lunar node.
Uranus positioned with the nodal axis may intensify prevailing atmospheric & therefore weather conditions. Wind and electrical enhancement are fundamental to Uranian activity. 
Zodiac sign may point to further expressions.
Note: though peak alignment period is given, events with the recognisable signatures can precede and/or follow this timing due to the involvement of other planetary factors activating the mathematical angle or position
Uranus-node connections are not the only disturbing activators affecting prevailing conditions, otherwise all extreme natural forces would be clearly clustered around a cyclic pattern. 
The galactic centre position [all angles affecting 25-29 SAG] is high on the list of sensitive activation indicators.
The position of Uranus in respect to other planets including in particular Jupiter,Saturn, Neptune and Pluto is worth researching - including the current 2015 Uranus still being at a stress angle to Pluto -an ongoing [2012-2016] lengthy 90 degree square of these 2 is strongly indicative of destructive solar system forces. [eg 2012 Hurricane Sandy when Pluto squared Uranus -along with Mars & Mercury on the north node ] 
Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 had Jupiter on the south node.

Here is a very brief & minimally researched list of Uranus-lunar-node conjunctions for the past century -the timing -with adjacent months also relevant - can be used to check out other events.

  • 1915 mid November Uranus in Aquarius conj. north node -reports of storms, blizzard, deluges, lightning. eg Kansas tornado
  • 1923 late May Uranus in Pisces on south node. Reports of flooding
  • 1931 late March Uranus in Aries on North node -earthquake reports and fire [compare 2015]
  • 1938 Sept-Oct Uranus in Taurus on south node - New England hurricane
  • 1946 July-Aug Uranus in Gemini on north node
  • 1954 April Uranus in Cancer on south node. aviation crash
  • 1961 September - Uranus in Leo on north node - storms and air crash
  • 1969 January Uranus in Libra on South node - aviation crash
  • 1976 Sept Uranus in Scorpio on north node - aviation disasters
  • 1984 Sept Uranus in Sagittarius on south node aviation crash, flooding
  • 1991 November Uranus in Capricorn on north node -aviation crash; famous Perfect Storm born from Nor'easter [Uranus-Node-Neptune aligned 10-14 Capricorn]
  • 1999 May Uranus in Aquarius on south node - US tornadoes, air crash report

updates - in the news:
Major fire outbreaks in Australia and New Zealand

January 6 2015 M6.4 quake in central South Island NZ seismically active zone - in a more isolated mountain region.
This could easily be a forewarning of more to come this month.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...