Friday, 30 January 2015

Kevin Hague or James Shaw - NZ Greens consider

With the resignation of Russel Norman on January 30 2015 as NZ Greens co-leader the door is open for a new encumbant, expected to be another male as co-leader.

Comparing what is known of the energy templates for two possible candidates gives a preview of who might be a more successful candidate in the longer term picture.

Kevin Hague's name was mentioned by news media almost in the same breath as the Norman announcement,  followed by James Shaw, both men currently within the ranks and with good profiles as Green Party List MP's.
What can be explored in the energy on the day each man was born.
This is the imprint each received and though not able to be further refined by knowledge of either man's exact time of birth, some standout features will be obvious.
When analysing a person's energy using the planetary patterns at birth, zodiac signs are shown to relate to personal traits as well as to particular fields of experience or personal resonance.
Prominent planets reinforce personal potential and likely life directions

Kevin Hague born 18 March 1960
has two planets in Capricorn -Jupiter and Saturn. With Capricorn and Saturn both indicative of involvement in senior managerial and or political careers and Jupiter being a strong success indicator, Kevin has the capacity to be a strong leader, bringing to the fore the socially responsible and humanitarian principles indicated by his Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces, along with his Mars in Aquarius. 
His background in the health sector indicated by the north lunar node in Virgo.
Green and Gay politics are totally consistent with his energy profile.
Mercury was in retrograde phase at his birth which can be a limiting factor in communicative self expression. Particularly being in Pisces, this is the dream-state, daydreamer, more internal dialogue than outer. Ideas may be hard to communicate. He needs to work on this challenge.

James Shaw born 6 May 1973
Was born with the north lunar node in Capricorn -indicating an attraction in this life for senior management or a political role.
Mars and Jupiter are both in Aquarius giving strong community consciousness and the drive to be involved with social and or environmental issues.
With Saturn in Gemini his prior roles in consulting are relevant -this planet-sign combo makes likely a person is drawn to senior or highly responsible communications roles.
His strength is in this territory of ideas, messages, negotiating, able to interact and communicate with both sides of the political spectrum.

Both of these men have relevant strengths - so a look ahead may distinguish whose fortunes are set to rise.

Kevin Hague's Saturn is the position to watch.
It was at 17 degrees of Capricorn in March 1960
There are two major influences impacting his career ambitions from early 2015 and right through to 2018.
The impact of Uranus at 17 Aries followed by Pluto at 17 Capricorn may well thrust him into the limelight and into political power in the next election time-frame.
It won't all be plain sailing even if the outcome is positive.
Saturn at 27 Sagittarius in 2017 will be hard on his Pisces Sun at 27 degrees. Difficult legal matters are one possibility; a struggle with the lack of freedom, the burdens of office; health issues [liver toxicity]; exhaustion.

James Shaw's best career highlight in the coming years -and arguably his life's main achievement is when Saturn is at 9 Capricorn sitting conjunct his north lunar node. 
This occurs strongly in the first half of 2018 then again in December 2018.

Of these two, on the basis of factors considered, Mr Hague looks more likely to be ready for leadership into the next election cycle heading to 2017

May 30 2015 update
James Shaw elected co-leader. 
Indicators suggest a gradual rise in strengths towards 2018


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...