Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Extreme Weather: cycles & indicators

There are various forms of record keeping and data sets which enable the detection of repeated cycles of relevance to issues of weather, climate & extreme events affecting our planet.

Visually you can go to The Planets Today to see and use an interactive solar system

For data there are online ephemeris such as or Sun to Sedna if you do not have a print version.

When researching significant storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, drought,floods or any extreme natural or weather event,patterns related to cycles are evident.

Be assured though that no one single indicator is involved. It is more common to see several reinforcing factors amplifying the energy into a tipping of the balance.

Balance is the most relevant keyword - when there is too much or too little of a relevant factor - eg temperature, moisture -then the system responds

System is equally important since everything is part of a system -from the smallest quantum environment to the seemingly limitless galactic space. Forgetting that Planet Earth is part of the Solar System is the first big error people make in trying to understand our environment.
February 3 1931 targeted Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
This  solar system graphic shows part of the story, but the alignments of key factors are even more apparent in a simplified graphic - from the top, follow the angle from Pluto which is in conjunction with Jupiter on one side of the central Sun. On the other side, in opposition is Saturn
To the right side, at right angles to both positions is Uranus -said to be squaring the 3 aligned planets.
planets connected by alignment and angles

The data for the 1931 earthquake is:
Pluto 19 Cancer
Jupiter 12 Cancer
Saturn 17 Capricorn
Uranus 12 Aries
All of these positions average out or meet at a midpoint around 15.5 degrees.
The extra factor is the opposing points at which the moon is crossing the ecliptic -termed the lunar nodes
Posiions given are:
16 Aries, 16 Libra

The four zodiac signs involved - Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn comprise a set of signs and when in full alignment form the Cardinal Cross
Historic records show Jupiter and Uranus aligned together in conjunction are enough to activate powerful natural forces.
They also have potent effects when arranged at right angles to each other as in 1931

[ the 2011 February quake in Christchurch NZ & the March 2011 Japan quake/tsunami all occurred in the wake of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces -which was in effect when the sequence started in September 2010.
Feb  21 2011 also saw an exact Mercury-Mars-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius
March 2011 saw Uranus at right angles to the lunar nodes
Jupiter was also at right angle to Pluto
Extra energy is supplied by:
The addition of other planets in the mix [ 1931 has Pluto and Saturn]
A single or multiple planets connected to the lunar nodes [1931 has Uranus in conjunction to the north Node; Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn all at right angles to the nodal axis]
The historic records are full of researchable dates which show ingredients such as these over and over.
Another commonly seen sensitive trigger factor seems to be 25-29 degrees in the Mutable set of signs [Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces,Virgo]
The direct connection here is that our galaxy is positioned at 27 Sagittarius [GC] and when significant planets [Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or the lunar nodes in particular] activate 27 SAG it coincides with galactic forces funneled into earth's atmosphere

A few examples:
 22 May 1927 China quake: Jupiter right angle to lunar nodes; nodes at 28 Gemini
March 7 1927 Japan quake: Uranus at 28 Gemini

January 1928 -River Thames in major flood -Jupiter-Uranus conjunction late Pisces & activating GC
May 2 1983 major quake California - Jupiter conjunct Uranus; Neptune & nodes activate GC
May 1941 Iowa flood - Jupiter conjunct Uranus; Neptune-Mercury-Nodes all activate GC
May 2010 Tennessee flood -Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces; Saturn opposition to JUP-URA

The mutable sign group - Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces,Virgo are more connected to water events
The Cardinal set -  Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn
are associated with atmospheric events involving wind =storms, hurricanes as well as earth structural events
September 1930 Dominican Republic hurricane - Jupiter in Cancer at right angle to Uranus in Aries [repeats March 2014]
August 1900 Galveston Hurricane - Saturn opposite Neptune,28-29 Gemini-Sag both activating the GC . Flooding was immense.

August 2005 -Katrina - Jupiter activates the lunar nodes in Aries-Libra. Jupiter-Uranus positions are centred* at 27 SAG -activating the GC. Extreme wind, extreme flooding.

[ *the term midpoint is commonly used to identify the position at which any set of energies has a combined or amplified effect: in August 2005 Jupiter at 15 Libra and Uranus at 9 Pisces revealed their hidden synergy when the midpoint of their positions was calculated to be exactly at the galactic centre position 27 Sagittarius.

A midpoint is often found to be active where no other obvious combinations are in effect]

    more content may be added to consider past -and future events


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...