Monday, 10 March 2014

Missing plane MH370 compared to AF447 - astro-energy analysis

Latest: The Departure Chart & The Cargo
-for Latest detail scroll to Updates section

In the wake of flight MH370 disappearing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 2014 comparisons are being made with other plane disasters including Air France AF447 which dropped from the sky at high altitude in 2009 after leaving Rio de Janeiro for Paris - and the Lockerbie disaster.
The AF447 catastrophe was seen as a sequence of events leading to an aerodynamic stall, prior to a fall from the sky. -2009 news report
Detailed analysis of this event is found at the end of this post
Quite a different chain of events is proposed for the fate of flight MH370.

 On Saturday March 8 2014 MH370 left Kuala Lumpur Malaysia at 12.41 am local time.

The mystery of its fate is being intensely debated in the days and weeks since.
The official statement from Malaysia Airlines gave a time of 1.30am when last contact was made and 2.40am when the plane disappeared from the military radar

In contrast, the administrator of the online flight tracking site  Flightradar 24 said 1.19am was the last radar contact. - report

This time is used for the chart, midpoint grid and analysis and the energy picture shown below gives strength to the notion of powerful event at that time

Primary analysis suggests this was a very different event to the loss of AF447

The sun sits at 17 degrees Pisces exactly activating all four points of the chart axes which are at 17 degrees in all 4 mutable signs -Sagittarius,Pisces,Gemini, Virgo

Multiple tightly knitted together factors are commonly seen in high profile disaster events involving massive loss of life and or massive destruction
This event is no different
The multitude and nature of the planetary energies involved have the hallmark of a sudden event of great potency: explosive, annihilating mega-force is the signature of Saturn-Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter aided and abetted by the solar position setting off an unstoppable chain of events.

This was no simple mechanical failure or gentle fall from the sky, the signature of the fate of this plane is explosive, sudden, catastrophic and the dominant prevailing energies indicate the likelihood of planned destruction is more probable than not.
Neptune is not prominent enough to indicate that pilot error, confusion, loss of focus, mental chaos were causative factors as in the loss of Air France AF447

Neptune, via its zodiac expression, Pisces is manifesting in the focus on the sea & the mysterious disappearance of the plane & so far, all material shreds of evidence 

The key ingredients visible in the analysis of the chart for 1.19am 
The multitude of activations of hot, combustible Mars in a critical shared destiny position = right on the north lunar node, raises the likelihood of collective tragedy via conflagration and could refer to a fuel-related or explosive event -in terms of the plane - or this energy can describe a volatile, angry or aggressive person or persons
Mars sits in conjunction with the north lunar node 27-29 LibraThis critical violent mass destiny indicator is amplified by midpoints which potentize the effect
The Sun-Moon midpoint at 27 Aries
Moon-MC midpoint at 28 Cancer
Moon-Chiron midpoint at 25 Aries
Neptune-AC midpoint at 26 Capricorn
These are framed in green on the grid below
So the picture is:
Mars+Node conjunction opposite Sun-Moon midpoint
Mars+Node opposite Moon-Chiron midpoint
Mars+Node, Sun-Moon, Moon-Chiron all at right angles to Moon-MC = a T-square
In addition various pairings at early Aquarius & early Scorpio activate the Mars-Node positions: See those framed in blue on the grid below
Sun at 17 Pisces activates the pair of critical axes –vertical and horizontal by very tight angles = all are at 17 degrees
This situation is amplified by:
the Mercury-Uranus midpoint at 16 Pisces
Saturn -Jupiter midpoint at 17 Virgo
Saturn-Pluto midpoint  at 18 Sagittarius
Chiron-MC midpoint at 16 Sagittarius
This represents a powerful synergy of energy occurring at 1.19am local time
The two travel signs Gemini and Sagittarius are both involved
Pisces is doubly emphasised - water, mystery & confusion are key elements of the disaster.
These positions are framed in purple on the grid 

Saturn is a critical planet to observe in disasters

The role of Saturn which is linked to midpoints of Jupiter and Plutowhich all in turn activate the Sun position and the axes

The axes cover all four mutable signs –SAG, GEM, VIRG, PIS

Sun is in Pisces 17 degrees
Mercury & Uranus meet at 16 Pisces
The Saturn-Jupiter point is opposite the Sun = 17 Virgo
Saturn-Pluto plus Chiron-MC midpoints meet at 17 Sagittarius, making an exact T square in 3 mutable signs
Saturn’s next contribution is it’s 23 Scorpio position

Saturn sits exactly at the Mars+Node-ASC midpoint –in other words Saturn 23 Scorpio is exactly on the midway position between the Mars+Node energy point and the Ascendant point, 17 SAG. These midpoints framed in yellow on the grid below
click to enlarge all graphics

In addition:
The prevailing [with global effects] mega-force triad of Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto is implicated by being in very close range of  T square exactitude.
A T-square involves an opposition with both factors at 90 degrees to a third
Currently Jupiter is opposite Pluto and both are at right angle to Uranus.
In the present arrangement of this trio at 10,11,13 degrees of cardinal signs Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, Saturn is activating the trio as stated in connection to Pluto, Jupiter and with the Saturn-Jupiter midpoint at close to exactly opposite the Mercury-Uranus midpoint 16 Pisces
Uranus has the energy of sudden events
Coupled with the destructive power of Pluto these two forces are commonly involved in explosive events including bombs and eruptions.
Alternately,people related actions: anarchic and terrorist acts also have these signatures
Jupiter is the energy of multiplying and expanding effects, elevating an event to a mega scale or to involve a mass of participants

To summarise:
Analysis using astrology clearly shows that energy is capable of manifesting in multiple or alternate forms
The energy involved can manifest in the form of effects and or the state of mind and actions of a person or people.

Scenarios related to MH370 at 1.19am fitting this profile include
  • Cascading system malfunctions leading to a catastrophic outcome
  • Processes in the mind of a person or persons intent on a catastrophic outcome
  • Fire, explosion  - or an enraged volatile person or persons
  • A sudden change of events involving a radically altered outcome
  • A sudden diversion involving an unpredictable course
  • A big event  - or an event involving a big mass
  • Water, fluids, the sea  - but also all types of gases, mist

Updates - and scenarios refined. 

April 2023
A consignment document said to refer to lithium ion batteries carried on MH370 and bound for Beijing has interesting discrepancies in the weight factor and therefore non-identified contents - as well as the product manufacturer-supplier identity being unstated [apparently Motorola]
It took a few years for aviation authorities to ban lithium ion cargo on passenger flights.

Aside from the inherent safety risk around this cargo type being of some potential relevance in the loss of flight MH370 - the toxicity of an onboard fire having to be considered - the other issue is what was literally in the consignment as the document states 200 batteries in 2 sizes: 133 batteries totalling 1990kg gross weight and 67 batteries totalling 463kg gross weight - the consignment stated to be 2,453kg gross weight means packaging including pallets. However this was later corrected to say the batteries were not lithium [22 March 2014] and that they only weighed 212 kgs [3 May 2014] - the remainder being "radio accessories and chargers".
These inconsistencies both in documentation and even details in local news reports and the consignment analysis quoted present a whirlwind of Neptunian misinformation adding to all other confusions around a confusing event. 
It is however very tempting to consider the consignment to be highly suspicious on this occasion - after multiple prior successful dispatches of the same type of product. The parcels were not X-rayed due to exceeding the capacity of the scanner though cargo handlers apparently did an exterior visual inspection. then Customs cleared the packages [p424 official report]
Even if multiple prior consignments of Motorola batteries had previously occurred on the planned route was this one unusual?
The final report unsurprisingly was inconclusive.

 source & analysis of this document

The departure chart for MH370 is very indicative of Neptune in Pisces being in charge of this flight

Neptune exact on the midheaven at departure time 12.41 local time Kuala LumpurNeptune is semisquare the Uranus-South node midpoint 20 Aries. If it was not fire or heat involved as physical factors then aggression is a human factor.
Pluto-Jupiter both stress Uranus.
Moon in the communication sign Gemini is very much square Chiron in Pisces -poor or misleading/deceitful or confusing messages or words.
Pluto is not harmonious with the Moon.
Mars is very close to the Libra north node and these are trine the Mercury-Neptune midpoint.
Mercury is stressed by an unpleasant Saturn in Scorpio

These factors alone could represent someone's hostile intentions - an outbreak of violence. The same factors can represent intense disharmony in energetic forces.
Several years after the first analysis the roles played human factors seem more prominent in the departure chart.

 departure chart grid of midpoints

News update March 11 2014
No developments & a string of false leads make this incident highly mysterious.
Amidst the raft of theories, operational safety spokesperson  Captain John Cox reported in the NZHerald says:
"One of the first indicators of what happened will be the size of the debris field. If it is large and spread out over tens of kilometres, then the plane likely broke apart at a high elevation. That could signal a bomb or airframe failure. If it is a smaller field, the plane probably fell from 10,670m intact, breaking up upon contact with the water."
News update March 12
Latest report via BBC considers a rerouting of the plane west over the Malacca Strait en route back to Kuala Lumpur in support of a military radar report of a diversion west.
The plane's transponder would have been off -intentionally or due to malfunction, explaining the disappearance from radar. 
There is still no understanding of why in that time frame of diversion, no mayday call was sent -unless all electronics failed.
"Malaysia air force chief Rodzali Daud, told a local newspaper that the plane was detected for the last time by military radar at 2:40am on Saturday near the small island of Pulau Perak"
The Malaysian Defence website pinpoints this small island in the middle of the Malacca Strait
Ultimately an event like this is all about the people -not about the plane - in other words it is an event involving collective karma when a large mass of people all die simultaneously. In the modern era this occurs primarily in aviation events. 
The collective karma of those aboard creates the energy for the disaster.

With indicators of the diversion West, the search area might best be expanded across the Malacca Strait to coastal northern Sumatra.
A speculative chart for 3.10am in the sea or land region of Medan puts the karmic element fully under the spotlight:
Looking at the top of the chart, aligned to the vertical axis [28.40 Libra] are the lunar north node [29.15 Libra] and Mars [27.18 Libra] = collectively at 28 Libra - providing a signature angry, aggressive, inflamed event of collective karma.
The Mars-Node-MC axis energies are at right angles to the AC axis and Venus which meet at a midpoint of 27.30 Capricorn which makes an intense stress energy amplified at that time

Comparison to the 1988 Lockerbie plane bombing

Now compare the above chart with the 1988 bombing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie
Even though each mass disaster event has its own unique energy signatures, commonalities are regularly noted.
Similarities noted between Lockerbie & MH370 proposed demise at 3.10 am:
  • Lockerbie & MH370 both have Mars exact at the top of the vertical axis [MC point] = its most aggressive position
  • Mars is in its strongest zodiac sign -Aries -twin/opposite to currently Libra. By reflexive response, opposites can act very similarly
  • Pluto  links tightly to Mars in Lockerbie = the use of annihilating force
  • Pluto-Mars midpoint at 5 Sagittarius is in direct link to Neptune at 5 Pisces for MH370. This factor is very relevant = brutal force enacted by secretive means & a disaster linked to water are implicated
  • Venus exact square lunar nodes in both charts
  • Lunar nodes in tight contact with AC ascendant degree position in both charts
  • Chiron has a very prominent role in both charts
  • Moon in Gemini in both charts
  • Uranus & Saturn as expected play a prominent role in both examples  
These sort of similarities lend a greater emphasis on a stealthy activity involving destructive intent in the fate of MH370. 
The catastrophic outcome aspects embedded in that earlier chart for 1.19 am remained in effect during the later proposition of 3.10am as the key time frame for the final demise.
1.19 am is clearly a crisis chart
3.10am is the proposed finale

Update March 13
Aboard the oil rig Songa Mercur, off  Vung Tau Vietnam, employee Mike McKay a kiwi, has stated that he saw a burning plane in the sky above. 
[update: No weight was given to this sighting]

The aftermath of this incident has been plagued by confusion [Sun and Neptune in Pisces] coming from Malaysian authorities, leading to considerable frustration as voiced by the Vietnam contingent who have withdrawn awaiting better guidance.

Update March 14
The Neptunian raft of confusion and misinformation, false leads, red herrings and erroneous sightings seems to increase by the day, rather than a sense of clarify and confirmation for all those awaiting news of the outcome of flight MH370
US sources are considering a deliberate act and the possibility of an extended flight westwards over the Indian Ocean. 
Extracts from CNN report
"Multiple bursts of data were received indicating the plane was flying over the Indian Ocean, the senior U.S. official told CNN"
"This new information has now led to a decision to move the USS Kidd into the Indian Ocean to begin searching that area, the official said"
"two separate communications systems on the missing aircraft were shut down separately, 14 minutes apart. The officials told ABC they believe the plane's data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m. Saturday, while the transponder transmitting location and altitude was shut down at 1:21 a.m."
"This is beginning to come together to say that ...this had to have been some sort of deliberate act," ABC aviation analyst John Nance told CNN's Erin Burnett."

With this proposition, a hypothetical location west of Banda Aceh, Northern Sumatra gives a different though equally feasible template

Here at 2.45 am the full force of destructive Pluto is exact on the ascendant point of the horizontal axis, with Jupiter in opposition and Uranus at right angles. This scenario amplifies the act of destruction while in transit.
Mars and the lunar node are on their way moving to the chart's highest position so their value is high in terms of involvement in the event as postulated earlier.
[Since later information suggests an intact plane still flying hours later, the destructive aspects are likely to refer not to the plane itself wholly breaking up, but a set of actions which set in train the unavoidable but later destruction]  

Update March 15
Officials are zoning in on a theory that the aircraft was deliberately flown in stealth mode in a direction towards the Andaman Island group
"What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards," - Malaysian official
"investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints" - REUTERS
This Reuters graphic shows waypoints

The ping signal sent automatically from planes to satellites [even when other tracking systems seem to have been manually and intentionally deactivated] was last detected when MH370 was at cruising altitude over the Indian Ocean - 
Combined with growing theories surrounding a hijack situation, the termination of the final signaling, while still at cruising altitude may indicate a catastrophic event occurred in the air - rather than the theory of a descent into the sea due to fuel running out.
On the basis of the sequence of ping signals,the plane may have flown for 5 hours after the last radar contact at 1.21am -equivalent to some 1600kms - BBC report

Significant changes in altitude and course alterations occurred after the last radar contact -NYTimes report
Investigative focus now shifts to aircraft personnel and a renewed look at passengers.
A final satellite ping of 8.10am Malay time is now established after multiple alternative versions in prior reports. This allows for the plane to reach as far as 
"A northern corridor stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand, or a southern corridor from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean,” -Malay PM Najib

updates March 16 
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a known pro-democracy activist, has now come under scrutiny due to his expected distress, that on March 7, only hours before the flight departed, the former political leader Anwar Ibrahim, whom he ardently supported was jailed under controversial circumstances -
detailed DailyMail report

With two options now proposed by authorities in terms of a northern vs a southern aviation corridor, the north route is overland and the southern over sea.
The Malysians prefer the northern option
US sources point still to the Southern route
The astrology analysis would give much more weight to a descent into water
  • Being the only sure timing for the sequence of unfolding events, the 1.19am chart [in an earlier section] shows the critical juncture at which the plane was rerouted and is therefore likely to capture all the essential ingredients of what was to come.
  • Even though the plane did not suffer catastrophic disintegration from an annihilating force at that time of 1.19 a.m. a sudden event, actions or events at that time set in place the sequence that would inevitably lead to catastrophic disintegration.
  • The role of a fiery or explosive element -spontaneous or planned - is still proposed as a possible precursor to later known events -although an aggressive act stemming from a "brain explosion" would also qualify -the subsequent highly irregular rerouting, the sudden climb to 45,00 ft then descent to 23,000 before resuming cruising altitude of 35,00 ft.

With the Sun, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces in the most significant location in the 1.19am chart the water theme is pronounced.
The southern direction would have been preferable to avoid radar, but the ultimate fate of a crash into the ocean may well have been the intention of the person or people in control

Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's extensive flying experience, his extreme interest in aviation including a home flight deck simulator, providing him with the skills, experience and even capacity to have run through any number of in-flight scenarios if he had the intention of performing an act of sabotage.
Having located his date of birth and examined the blueprint prevailing on that day, in comparison with prevailing energies on March 8 2014, there is a very high likelihood that an uncharacteristic and extreme psychological crisis erupted in the mind of the pilot,leading him to make a series of fateful decisions. 
Until evidence to the contrary arises this scenario is proposed involving the Captain taking control of the plane by force, with intent to make a statement or to express his internal crisis of mind through an act of annihilation.

Charts constructed for analysis of the time-frame related to the final 8.11am Malay Time ping to satellite and the likely depletion of onboard fuel close after that time gives likelihood of a crash in the sea in the region depicted by the green spot in the graphic below

This is extremely imprecise in terms of positioning but the timeframe fits with this zone & extending towards to western edge of the Australian offshore area.

Update March 18 

The pilots of MH370 Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah & co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid both come under focus
on the basis of either pilot suicide/or deliberate hijacking.
The birthdate energy of both pilots shows strong connection to the 1.19 am chart - but under any circumstances that factor would be evident - since they had original control of the plane - and responsibility for the lives of over 200 people aboard.
If they were not jointly involved in sabotage, then they faced intense stress due to issues arising and Captain Zaharie, in the primary position of responsibility for the plane, shows the most stress in his energy.
[updated March 25: Various scenarios including suicide have swirled around Capt Zaharie Shah along with his regular use of a home-based flight simulator, his outrage at the jailing of politician Anwar Ibrahim and a supposed marital breakdown. A possible suicide scenario
Full analysis by investigators has not been completed regarding the simulator and enquiries re the captain's state of mind are ongoing]
No matter what scenario prevailed, at 1.19am the pressure was on these two men to solve a big problem
update March 18
New York Times reports that the westward rerouting of the plane was deliberately entered by code into the plane's computer, reinforcing theories related to a deliberate act of sabotage.
update March 19
Reuters report A sense of "deadlock" in the investigation as the task of locating the plane and the question of motive both seem to become harder.
It seems the search and investigation are still looking in the wrong places and asking the wrong questions
update March 23
Latest developments are placing great emphasis on the southern Indian Ocean as a crash site - coordinates are 90E 45S on this Chinese satellite image taken March 18

Debris of interest located by satellites is yet to be recovered by searchers for analysis. Time lags and continual drift due to sea currents mean that reverse positioning projections are being made to determine an original crash site.

If no culpability is determined for either pilot, then scenarios might be considered;

  •  involving either other human agents taking electronic control [this could include the cyberwar theory of a remote hacker hijack] or a spontaneous critical electronic malfunction effectively resulting in the onboard computer taking control itself after a chaotic breakdown of key functions. [Saturn square Mercury in Aquarius; Pluto square Uranus in Aries] - also read Cyberwar era
  • A remote criminally-minded cyber-hacker testing out a scenario would certainly want to ditch the plane in an unrecoverable location.
  • A major computer malfunction would also explain the random chaotic re-routing activity and a highly improbable flight path over a huge expanse of ocean.
  • Such bizarre functioning of the plane could equally arise if a play-hacker managed to gain control.

Whether these cyber scenarios are beyond the realm of possibility is open for debate.
The momentum towards deliberate attacks of this kind looms large in our near future, if not now in 2014.
If either self-induced or remote-derived malfunction is an as yet unshielded vulnerability, effectively a weakness in the electronic brain of the aircraft, the impact on global aviation would itself be catastrophic.
update March 24
Tantalizing clues in the form of several satellite images of floating debris are yet to materialize. 
An area of debris sightings is beginning to provide indications of a crash into the surrounding ocean, as determined by sea currents.
Surely these indicators will result in a focus on the seafloor north/west of the debris zone

CNN reports that "something bad happened to that plane shortly after they said good night." [1.19am]

The plane is now said to have dropped to 12,00 feet after the sharp re-routing to the west.
Aviation analyst Miles O'Brien says this is consistent with intentionally attempting to fly at a safe altitude to overcome an onboard crisis, in particular a rapid decompression risking the lives of all on board.
When decompression occurs it can be explosive with hazardous effects -and basically the same energetic signature to a bomb
Flying at much lower altitudes in an emergency provides a safe level of natural oxygen.

The nature of such a proposed catastrophic event related to explosive decompression is well within the realm of possibilities considering the prevailing energies at 1.19am March 8

Update March 25
British firm Inmarsat, who have led the charge to analyse satellite data used a more advanced mathematical analysis to pinpoint the expected final demise of MH370 -deep in the southern Indian Ocean, some 2300kms distance south west from the nearest land point of Perth Australia.
This announcement and a declaration of no survivors by the Malaysian Government comes in the wake of multiple sightings of debris in the targeted zone.
Washington Post graphics
Approximate positions given most recent information
The primary energy and prevailing dominant patterns remain the same as in earlier charts like 1.19am, but different flavours or emphases arise at different times in different locations

Using coordinates proposed as close to the crash site = debris zone 90E 45S and taking into account a 1 hour difference in the Indian Ocean timezone compared to Malaysia time 8.11 when the last satellite ping occurred, the energy here is dominated by water: Pisces as the ascendant sign with Neptune, Chiron, Sun all in Pisces - and these are in the related zone, the 12th house. Pisces is primarily the energy of water
The impact on relationships is indicated by Mars and the north lunar node conjunct in the sign of Libra and in the 8th house of endings, transformation and death
Jupiter in Cancer is loaded with potential for blessings and joy related to family matters -but when under the strain of the combined destructive forces of Pluto in opposition and Uranus at 90 degrees, joy has been morphed into extreme painful emotion.
This same slow-moving pattern remains in effect through March and April 2014 and is presently also reflected in the massive landslide disaster in Oso, Seattle US, occurring on the morning of Saturday March 22, local time, engulfing homes and possibly over 100 victims, devastating families and lifestyles. 
Water, in the form of extreme rainfall is said to have precipitated the landslide.

Update March 27

A massive debris field has been located by Thai satellite "Thaichote" on March 24, covering the area of 89 longitude East and 46 latitude South -view extensive gallery
AMSA -Australian Maritime Safety Authory says:

continuing analysis of radar data between the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca before radar contact was lost... indicated that the aircraft was travelling faster than previously estimated, resulting in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance the aircraft travelled south into the Indian Ocean.

A large amount of debris has moved progressively south of where a US satellite originally located debris almost two weeks ago
Then crash site is more likely to be WEST of Australia
This  section of graphic below shows sites of debris sightings by satellite with a clear north to south drift versus the expected west to east due to fundamental ocean currents

Spot 9 = Thai satellite March 24  Spot 7 = French satellite March 23 Spot 5US satellite March 16  [8 = search areas]
A ballpark figure of 100kms per day drift means that by spot 5 16 March, the debris may have drifted up to 800kms south
Positions true west of Perth ought to be considered, particularly this red-hot zone marked

Three additional areas with sightings in the period March 16-23
MRSA = Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency

update March 28

Latest search zone just announced  LOL just where my amateur calculations with a ruler, basic maths & common sense expected based on analysis of the succession of satellite sightings and the drift of debris over time.
The new search area is around 1680kms west of Perth and much further north/east than recent searches:

Update March 29
Debris has been sighted in the new search zone by several planes and will be followed up by a Chinese ship today - report
A lithium ion battery induced fire cannot be discounted: the plane's cargo manifest contained 440 pounds weight of these batteries [the rechargeable type used in phones and laptops]
... lithium ion batteries were the main suspect in the crash of a UPS Boeing 747 in Dubai in 2010, killing both pilots as they tried to make an emergency landing. Investigators in the United Arab Emirates studied the cargo records and found that shipments of lithium ion batteries that should have been declared hazardous cargo were not. The reinforced cargo liner was no match for the fire that quickly destroyed the aircraft's control systems and filled the cockpit with smoke, incapacitating the pilots -CNN report

update April 6
As the hours countdown to the point of silence, Chinese authorities announce new potential evidence of MH370 on the seafloor - 
The new search zones planned for April 6 are some 660 miles off the coast of Australia, the nearest town being Exmouth.
Chinese searchers appear to be taking their own initiative to solve the mystery.
Latitude 25S, longitude 101 E is quoted as a potential location for the signals sent at 37.5 kHz - the exact frequency used by cockpit voice recorders and flight data recorders
update April 7
The closest landpoint reference is the Learmonth RAF base near Exmouth township. This locality can be used for any astro-analysis chart reference if the wreck is located in the region suggested above.
With so many false leads & reversals of information plaguing this incident, full analysis cannot proceed until firm evidence is recovered.

Update April 9

A 100sq mile zone now becomes the focus as searchers narrow down the likely crash site.
An array related to ping signals is expected to be the most credible evidence yet of the underwater location of MH370

Update April 17
Australian authorities report that acoustic analysis " has allowed the definition of a reduced and more focused underwater search area. This represents the best lead we have in relation to missing flight MH370 and where the current underwater search efforts are being pursued to their completion so we can either confirm or discount the area as the final resting place of MH370."

update April 25
Underwater searching has failed to locate any evidence of MH370 - leaving the recovery mission at a sustained state of deadlock -Reuters report

 update June 4 2014
Weeks have past with no new developments.
Progress remains excruciatingly slow, with even the undersea ping signals now in doubt.

update June 24 2014
News report has Captain Zaharie again under focus now that retrieved data erased from his simulator indicates Indian Ocean flightpaths 
update June 28 2014
A new search area and further theories attention shifts to another location off the west coast of Australia

update August 2017
August 2017 new search zone based on re-analysis

              further updates to come


Further material of relevance:
Air France AF447 May 2009

Detailed analysis of the astro-energies in play when both events occurred shows distinct differences.

Wikipedia entry on AF447 states:
The final report, released at a news conference on 5 July 2012, stated that the aircraft crashed after temporary inconsistencies between the airspeed measurements—likely due to the aircraft's pitot tubes being obstructed by ice crystals—caused the autopilot to disconnect, after which the crew reacted incorrectly and ultimately led the aircraft to an aerodynamic stall from which they did not recover

It took 5 days for the first bits of wreckage from AF447 to be located - with the bulk of the recovery process extending a further 2 years -via Stuff

The analysis of AF447
May 31 2009: the plane left Rio at 19.29 local time [22.29 UT]
May 31 2009: the plane hit water at 2.14 UT = 23.14 local time.
The following charts show comparative times using Natal, Brazil land location, representative of the regional energy conditions:
The charts look at 11pm, 11.02pm, 11.14 pm.
The key positions to view initially are the trio grouped at the left horizon:
Chiron, Neptune, Jupiter all in Aquarius 26.14 to 26.42
The horizontal axis is ascending at 26.02 Aquarius.
In addition:
Uranus is at 26 Pisces an exact semi-sextile angle to the above positions.
Uranus is the planetary energy associated with Aquarius & those aviation as well as all things electronic.
Aquarius is the energy associated with all forms of aviation
Jupiter is the energy of travel over large distances
Neptune is the energy of chaos and confusion
Chiron is associated with wounding or damaging experiences
Uranus in Pisces in tight connection adds in confusing electronic factors
The location of these factors all in extreme conjunction at the rising point of the chart is majorly significant in confirming the overwhelming confusion that affected the pilots.
Between 11.00 and11.14 this group rises up over the ascendant point, but remain just 3 degrees from that position.

The karma/destiny signifier is the north lunar node at 1 Aquarius
It sits at the start of the 12th House of the wheel
It's position is also critical:
By 11.14pm the lunar node at 1.35 Aquarius is virtually exact at the midpoint of Pluto -2.32 Capricorn - and the AC -ascendant point which had then reached 29.38 in Aquarius
The exact midpoint at the supposed time of submersion was 1.05 Aquarius
Scan along from the Pluto gylph top left to 1.05 AQU which is the midpoint to the ASC.
MIDPOINTS analysis often reveals the hidden energies at work
Witte's theory of cosmobiology is indispensable in showing how combined energies are potentized at the middle position where they meet
This midpoint grid for 11:00 pm May 31 2009 has relevant examples in the loss of AF447
Other pairings meet = have midpoints - in the range 26-29 Aquarius:
Mercury-MC, Venus-Pluto, Uranus-North Node - adding power to the grouping already identified.

The north node at 1 Aquarius is in range of positions from late Capricorn to early Aquarius which will reinforce the significance of the destiny issue
Pairings in late Aries, Cancer activate late Capricorn as well by angular opposition or 90 degree square so these are included:
Sun-Saturn, Venus-Mars, Jupiter-Pluto, Uranus-MC, Neptune-Pluto, Pluto-Chiron
Another interesting factor:
Uranus the aviation planet was in the water sign Pisces associated with the planet Neptune
Neptune the water planet was in the aviation sign Aquarius which is associated with the planet Uranus
This is termed mutual reception
Both planets were at 26 degrees reinforcing the fact that the two forces were contaminating each other with incompatible energies - mutually cancelling out their essential functions. 

Four key ingredients signify a major event as seen in the AF447 disaster:
  • Tightly grouped and multiple linked planets occupying or meeting at particular repeated positions eg several situated at 26 degrees or pairs with midpoint at 26 degrees
  •  The lunar nodes [an axis identified by the north node position] have multiple factors in connection
  • Significant involvement of outer planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  • Angular connections are the primary signifier, ahead of location and zodiac signs, though positions on or close to the horizontal and vertical axes have major relevance to their potency


Crash analyst's assessment:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...