Thursday 29 May 2014

GEMINI New Moon - May 2014

May 2014 ends with a New Moon in Gemini -but Neptune has a big influence over the time-frame of this lunar effect from May 25-June 25.

GEMINI accentuates and brings into common awareness the following:

  • all forms of messaging and communications from, the hand-written note to the phone or digital message
  • oral communications, anything spoken
  • all books, texts, documents, language produced in print
  • language, signs, symbolic text in any format
  • personal travel on foot, by bike, scooter, segway
  • collective travel in buses, trains
Since the range is extensive,the above covers the majority of contexts.
Gemini is of course Twin Energy [see profile of the Topp Twins] or even dopplegangers - people who look alike but are in heredity terms unrelated [but not in energy profile]
A Gemini Moon was in effect when the Twin Towers were struck.

With the May 2014 New Moon
Neptune is powerfully influential -since its position at 7'30 Pisces  is at exact right angle to the Sun-Moon paired at 7'20 Gemini

Neptune's influence causes the following energies to arise

  • trickery, deception, fraud, scams, confusion, fogginess of mind, forgetfullness, escapism, distraction dreaminess, meditation state, sleep
  • Water is the natural element related to Neptune
  • maritime environments & associated vessels
  • compassion & spiritual wisdom are very positive options
  • all film, video, TV, movie and photographic media
  • addictive states of mind;  chemical substances, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes
Again, this is a representative but far from absolute depiction of the Neptunian associations.

Under the Neptune-New Moon influence the Gemini-Neptune combinations arise:
More people in the daytime will be like people asleep -unfocussed, distracted -and dangerous
Typical scenarios include:

  • inattention due to using a phone or texting while driving
  • walking into traffic while distracted by a comms device
  • being deceived, scammed, defrauded by means of a document received
  • receiving a confusing message
  • mistakes made in recording information
  • transport operators, their vehicles or vessels affected by fog, water, confusion, drugs, alcohol
  • getting lost while driving or on foot 
  • a preference for escapist or fantasy reading, movies or TV
  • more interest in meditation, emptying the mind
  • easier to lie, fabricate, trick, deceive people
  • creative imagination is enhanced
  • general sensitivity increased, allergic reactions aroused
  • easily conned, feeling sympathy, compassion, too trusting
  • mind-altering substances have strong appeal
So there are various warnings and advisaries that can be gleaned from this tricky and risky combination.

Documents you sign, data you input may need to be checked more than once to avoid locking in errors.
[I had to edit the section on the vote in Parliament after seeing the key aspect was reversed]

The other related effect via a linkage between Uranus-Pluto-Mercury-Venus involves:

  •  the potential for people with extremely selfish motivations to abuse their power and take advantage of the more vulnerable.
Neptunian energy makes people more vulnerable, child-like, idealistic and therefore ready to believe sob stories, scams, excuses

As a result people's physical well-being and material security are at some risk due to either one's own errors of judgement or the actions of others in this monthly period

Already in the NZ political news:
May 28 evening sitting of Parliament saw votes from the Maori Party incorrectly cast as Against a Bill rather than For

May 30 in darkness,a driver enters the Auckland motorway through the exit lane , travels kilometres in the wrong direction and a head-on crash occurs with a vehicle travelling legitimately.
This is one in a series of vehicle crashes across NZ overnight in the build-up to high density Queen's Birthday vacation traffic -report
Multiple road crashes and more fatalities soon ensued across NZ

The spiritual side of Neptune blended with the walking theme in a remembrance ceremony for murdered Auckland woman Blessie Gotingco. Thousands walked to honour her and provide support to her bereaved family, in a candle-lit event on May 31 evening

Sunday 18 May 2014

TAURUS profile The Topp Twins

Jools and Linda 2009
New Zealand’s beloved Topp Twins have just celebrated their 56th birthday in May 2014 and brought a further extension of their talents into the public arena, courtesy of a made-to-fit series called Topp Country

Combining food, travel, singing, fun & socialising in rural settings is a dream job for these enduring Kiwi favourites.

Born and raised in a rural farming environment these talented gals soon catered to their itchy feet and began a lifestyle of great fun and adventure, both within New Zealand and in various offshore gigs.
A major event affected them in 2006 which threatened to rewrite the script, but eight years later the Topps keep stretching the boundaries of their personalities.

What makes them tick?
Twins are a fascination to many: the close bond, the similarities, the simultaneous thoughts, actions or responses.
Astrology provides an in-depth analysis system based on the type of energy prevailing when a person is born.
Though a birthdate and place are known for the twins, their actual birth-times are not. 
This prevents a complete analysis but many of their qualities are evident on the day they were born in May 1958.
This graphic shows where the planets were in relationship to Huntly, New Zealand on the twins' birthday. 
Birthday planets are placed on a standard chart beginning 0 Aries when times are unknown.
This view shows where everything was at Noon
The Moon being fastest moving is the least precise in a non-specific chart.
Moon in Aries is assumed for the Topps
click to enlarge
Jools and Linda are Taureans – the zodiac sign of the Bull
Taurus relates to the neck and throat as potential vulnerable zones. The important thyroid gland is found there
Singing is a skill often associated with Taureans
Taurus energy is earthy, so the land and natural environments like rural settings are the most suitable home territory for people of this sign
[Of course not all rural dwellers have Taurus as their Sun sign – the range of other possibilities include Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn in Taurus]
Food is high on the list of life’s priorities for Taureans since they are the sign most attuned to the 5 senses. 
Hedonism or pleasure-seeking through sight, sound, taste, touch and smell is their daily mission.
By virtue of their opposite zodiac sign Scorpio, they also gain entry to the 6th Sense Club: being more “exra-sensory” or psychic than most of the population.

The natural twin sign is Gemini but not all twins are Gemini born. 
Gemini is the sign expression of the communications planet Mercury and it would be expected that all twins have a strongly activated Mercury [ giving them a lot of mental energy]
The Topps have Mercury in the volatile, energetic fire sign, Aries, bolstered by Mercury-Pluto and Mercury-Jupiter connections as well as a modifying Mercury-Saturn link.
This translates as strong activity on the mental plane; enhanced insightful perceptions , wide-ranging interests, lots of communicating and people connections.
The Aries factor can rear its head in impatience, irritability, friction, arguments.
Jupiter is the humour planet and so features in their comedic talent
Saturn is the opposite state of mind. This is a serious, even negative or serious state of mind which contrasts the buoyancy and optimism of Jupiter’s influence.
In addition, Saturn here allows for - behind the scenes - a much deeper level of thought, study, philosophical questioning and spiritual enquiry than might be expected of the jovial pair.
So here the typical bright chatty Gemini/ twin mental energy is combined with much more depth at their disposal when/if they choose to use it.
Not surprising then that the duo attracted honorary degrees from two institutions [2010,2011] making them both Masters and Doctors.

This depth of mind of course has some connection to the extent of social activism the Topps are known for –traversing social justice issues for women, lesbians, Maori, health and environmental causes including breast cancer and ecological issues.

Uranus and Aquarius are the indicators of being associated with unconventionality, alternative lifestyles, support of issues relegated to the fringes by the mainstream machine. The Topps have been "out" as lesbians and in publicly gay partnerships through their adult life.
Jools and Linda 1981

The Topps have:
Venus [the planet of Taurus] connected closely to Uranus =relating in a quirky or unconventional way 
Chiron [a healing energy] in Aquarius –connected closely to Jupiter in Libra = healing the masses via both music and comedy. 
This is the hallmark of the widespread popularity of the Topp Twins. They are good for your health.
Jupiter in Libra – in addition, endows them with extensive positive social interactions, growth through partnerships; growth & success through music

The Topp Twins’ capacity for continual reinvention [Farm girls, territorial army recruits, singers, comedians, social activists, actors, honorary degree holders, food-travel hosts] comes from  Scorpio – the polarity sign energy positioned directly opposite Taurus - via its planetary force Pluto - enabling ongoing [evolutionary] transformations within one lifetime
We all have an opposite zodiac sign and energy from both polarities flows back and forth. Other birth planets or their influences in transit can shift the balance so we may seem at times more like our opposite sign. This is common, natural and totally consistent with polarized energies.
Jools with Anne early 1980's
This factor leads to the issue of why twins are either very similar or quite different. 
Differences in birth time will provide subtle differences but the overall twin effect comes from two processes: the twins share the available energy so that they may both use some aspects and also divide up the rest –according to writer Liz Greene.
She also refers to the polarising -where a need can arise to be different or opposite in order to create a separate identity. This is a dynamic process over the lifetime with further reversals and changes occurring. 
The other process involving polarity means each twin can use either the sign the planet was in at birth or its opposite sign – just like a magnet having a positive and a negative pole, astrology signs operate in a polar manner, with the two opposites both attracting and being intrinsically connected.
The “personal planets” Sun to Mars are particularly considered in this polarity process
Eg with the twins the options are
Sun expressed through Taurus  -or Scorpio
Moon in Aries-  or Libra
Mercury through Aries -  or Libra
Venus through Aries -  or Libra
Mars through Pisces -  or Virgo

Sun: We know both twins sing, love food and country life. [Taurus] One or both may also be quite jealous/possessive, controlling & intense in their private realm [Scorpio]

Moon-Mercury-Venus [in Aries] create passionate emotions, ideas and ways of relating. Fiery exchanges are not unusual.
One or both may tend to be less warlike and more the peacemaker, preferring balance, harmony, mediation and compromise [Libra] over selfish demands.[Aries]

Mars [ in Pisces] will express as playful involving fantasy, escapist fun –such as the dress-ups and characters; tolerance, sensitivity & spiritual acts are positive choices versus the escapist substances and addictive habits Pisces is at risk of succumbing to; disorganised, messy.
Or with the Virgo polarity: one or both will also show a flair for detailed craftwork; be prone to niggling criticism, nit-picking, be rather modest even shy; clean neat & tidy.

Due to the special nature of twin psychology, during their development they work out issues such as dominance or leadership and it seems that they divide up the spoils of their personality potentials.
It seems possible that people with very similar energy look alike – so if twins are very closely identical they may be more likely to use the polarity form of energy sharing, compared to less alike-looking twins who could be taking parts of the chart each as well as sharing.

In 2006 Jools Topp was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy. 
Subsequent chemotherapy was also part of a radical transformation [Pluto effect]
Linda Topp did not suffer the same medical crisis but was undeniably changed and deeply affected mentally and emotionally.

This event and the fact that the Topp Twins look quite different and have different physiques suggests that they are utilising and being affected by different aspects of their shared energy.

One example of this is the contrasting use of Saturn and Jupiter both linked to the Sun in their chart

Jupiter-Sun = weight gain = Linda is more prone
Saturn-Sun = weight loss  = Jools is more prone
Jupiter personality = Jools generally more manic
Saturn personality = Linda  shares the Jupiter, but also shows Saturn = more serious stage personas, bossy Camp Mother, deadpan style of comedy

The twins have the type of quality in their birth pattern which indicates the potential for intense periods of crisis as a necessary point of change and growth
This pattern of growth –sudden and intense –versus slow and gradual- is created when several birth planets are closely connected.
The twins have 6 planets ranged between 22 and 30 degrees, meaning that the middle position 26 degrees is a powerful trigger in both directions –back to 22 and forward to 30
This trigger is released when a planet currently orbiting in the solar system passes over the sensitive degree position[s]
In addition if  several planets are passing through the larger territory of 22-30 degrees in any sector of the 12 sectioned zodiac, they will simultaneously be activating the multiple connected planets.
This is when major life changes occur

October 2006 after Jools mastectomy several transiting planets activated the array of birth planets for both twins.
In transit:
Pluto was at 24 SAG
Saturn at 23 LEO
Jupiter 23 SCO
Moon’s Nodes 25 PISCES-VIRGO
Sun & Mars – 27 LIB

These positions triggered the birth positions of 

The healing ability they have [Chiron] is based on their own inner wounds [which few would know of] and this wounding-healing dimension was implicated critically in the health crisis of 2006

By 2014 the Topp Twins have well and truly rebounded, delighted to be promoting the joys of rural New Zealand life while having the opportunity to be totally their Taurean selves.

All the best from a former flatmate

Oscar winner Cate Blanchett is also a May 14 Taurus - 11 years younger than the Topps
Her charisma comes from Neptune opposite the Sun; Jupiter trine the Sun, Pluto trine the Sun - providing a heady, appealing mix of bewitching characteristics.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Scorpio Full Moon has Nasties

Some nasty aspects are attached to the full moon pattern for mid May-mid June 2014
Taurus-Scorpio energies combine issues of safety, security, assets, income, finances, power, empowerment and their antithesis
The body and its other non-physical existence are reflected in the two opposing energies.
           scroll down for relevant news items

At the time of writing, news is airing re a mine explosion in Turkey with mass fatalities
This event typifies the potency of a full Moon in Scorpio [the death indicator] with associated nasties.
Scorpio's planetary force, Pluto is in exact 90 degree square to Venus+Uranus. = a sudden massive force [Pluto-Uranus] impacting on relationships [Venus]

Mars [in Venus' sign Libra] is in a stress angle to the sun-moon. 
Mars is troublesome in Libra -anger, aggression and arguments affect relationships.

Pluto-Venus-Uranus is also problematical for human interactions since the potential is high with this combo for major power abuse, violence and sex attacks.

Neptune closely linked to Mars brings in drug and alcohol fuelled aggression and drug demand fuelling violent acts of dishonesty

The full moon coincides with the New Zealand national Budget, just a day after that delivered controversially in Australia.
Monetary matters in all aspects are emphasised by Taurus-Scorpio -the personal and the collective pool of wealth and assets are under discussion.
The stress factors added into this lunar period will result in some fiery feedback, debates and arguments both public and domestic.
Scorpio under stress has the sting, the revenge, the abusive tendencies and vindictiveness you want to avoid.
Especially avoid people with this sort of profile.

A local bank was held up today in Auckland by a man with a builder's tool - a nail gun - this is another event very consistent with the energies aroused.
Banks ought to up security this mid May-mid June and people take more domestic precautions against burglary & home invasions.

[update May19: via NZ Herald
& May 18  South of Auckland:  36 yr old man stabbed in home invasion
Both these examples reflect the vicious & lethal energies activated in particular people under the prevailing influences
Both incidents involved stabbing [Mars], and both occurred in domestic situations [Moon, Cancer]

Full Moon in May 2014 is at 19.17 Universal Time on the 14th.
The layout therefore varies with location.
Auckland New Zealand has the solar-lunar energies exact across the horizontal axis and therefore strongly accented.

Full Moon happens every month and full moon in Scorpio once a year, when the Sun is in Taurus.
A standard full moon without the nasties places the issues under the spotlight in a neutral to positive manner.
When other planetary positions occur at the full moon that indicate stress and conflict, the issues will be under the spotlight in a negative way.

May 14 report UK Cambridge uni students filmed on march glorifying rape
May 23-24
Two incidents in global news reflect the ongoing "nasty" potency of this full moon
US: British-born Californian man goes on a self-described "retribution" rampage ending in muliple deaths, injuries  Profile of killer

Multiple fatalities at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium

One NZ item from May 24:
Auckland mother feared abducted - this news was soon followed by the discovery of a woman's body in a cemetery and a swift arrest.
The victim, Blessie Gotingco had been walking home in the early evening after exiting a bus in her local suburb -report

Tuesday 6 May 2014

You are The Change

Since February 2010 I have written an astrology blog under the professional name Tamzin Kay. The audience is global, with all-time visitors from the US outnumbering any other nation by 4:1.
New Zealand is second in visitor stats
The content includes topical events, high profile people, what's happening environmentally, local & global political issues, our place in the larger solar system -along with a beginner 101 guide to the nuts and bolts of astrology.

What is strikingly evident is that few people who visit the site want to leave their footprints. Bizarrely, ancient knowledge and practices have become the most taboo of subjects in a world awash with many flavours of degradation

Astrology remains in the stranglehold of suffocation that began with the rise of power in the Christian church and was then perpetuated by the rise in power of the scientific community.
late paleolithic cave art: a shaman in stag antlers and hide

But people have an unbroken link to the ancient world, when star-gazing developed into an art: indicators and consequences were noted and aggregated into a significant body of knowledge that remains in development over the 2 million years to the current time.

The seers, mystics, shamans and healers still walk amongst us and arguably are the repositories of more wisdom, knowledge and transformational abilities than the cultures of repression that remain dominant in the Western mind.

From a Buddhist perspective, it is the karma of humans to be so lost in ignorance, so our evolution beyond the degenerate condition to a more enlightened state will take a very long time.

What is real is that the mindstream of the ancients lives on in many guises.
The West is in the process of being subverted by Eastern dominance.
The minds of differing cultures are being altered
Change is constant.

The West Declines -Niall Ferguson
Paleolithic Cosmology

Thursday 1 May 2014

Zombie Apocalypse March of the Pisces

A kind of zombie apocalypse is happening in New Zealand
The zombies are 3 right wing politicians all born under the zodiac sign Pisces and they all seem to be asleep at the wheel or more importantly, reconfigured.

Which is of concern if they are Members of Parliament running the country and looking for re-election in September 2014
                   Peter Dunne                             Judith Collins               Maurice Williamson

Pisces are known to be sleepy, dreamy, impractical and escapist and not at all suitable for politics -so it takes a bit of grunt amongst their other planetary line-up to steer them away from mysticism, addiction and the Peter Pan syndrome
This year:
Peter Dunne [17 March 1954] is out of favour over a rather Piscean drugs issue: for failing to act decisively regarding the ravages resulting from the sale of legal high chemical cocktails. The fact that his lawyer son acts as for the synthetic cannabis sector raised a conflict of interest query. OUCH

Judith Collins [24 Feb 1959]came close to being sacked for failing to disclose and forgetting and telling possible porkies whilst cosying up a little too closely for many, with the Chinese company Oravida -which happens to have her husband as a director.
Oravida had made significant donations to the National Party of New Zealand in which Collins is a member and an MP
Claims of conflict of interest arose loudly. AAHH
Full Profile

Maurice Williamson [ 6 March 1951] has lost his portfolios on May 1 after phoning police to request a review of charges against a wealthy businessman from China who is facing domestic assault charges in NZ. Mr Donghua Liu has made a significant donation to the National Party. OH DEAR

Pisceans [Feb 19-March 20 ] are very prone to having "loose boundaries" which in psychobabble means "not knowing where to draw the line"..where one thing stops and another starts, when this becomes that.
It all gets a bit blurry in their minds when the issue arises of what is appropriate? what are the clear relationship restraints ?
This achilles heel is exactly one of the main weaknesses that trips up the Pisces who risks being under the political spotlight.
Being creative with the truth is also another vulnerability waiting to arise.

If these three are anything to go by the influence of Neptune in Pisces [2011-2025] is already having a narcotic effect on its offspring.

LAST GASP: Pluto in Capricorn

  PLUTO’S WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY We are currently in a brief window of opportunity to clear old toxic imprints from our consciousness Plu...