Monday, 2 June 2014

Laila Harre in her Most Ascendant Phase

In late May 2014 Laila Harre come into renewed prominence in the political landscape of New Zealand –surprising many by being revealed as the new leader of the Internet Party [founded March 2014 ]
A considerable amount of positive support for Harre ensued, in recognition of her track record in social justice politics, in party political roles and in organisational positions with political relevance

Forging a pre-election alliance with the Mana Party, founded and led by Hone Harawira, in May 2014, the pair share some degree of astrological twinship –they are both early January Capricorns. 
Slow and steady ascent with ambition to reach heights is the hallmark of the Capricorn modus operandi.
They tend to be late developers and they possess the energy most related to authoritative roles in political, management and CEO positions – in other words leading the team is their natural preference.
Reassuring for both of them then that their present lives reflect the Capricorn potential to provide leadership.

To have a stronger profile and more sustained display of potentials however requires more ingredients in the personal energy than just one basic factor.
The imprint from planetary effects on the day of her birth means Laila Harre is driven by a deep-seated humanitarianism, a protective support of the disenfranchised, which fuels her need to advance various social justice causes.

Her birth energy profile also indicates:

  •  intense determination, superior analytical skills
  •  a strong instinct for practical and pragmatic solutions
  •  charismatic likeability, the ability to deal with big quantities of information
  •  able to balance the traditional with the innovative, conventional plus the unconventional, a capacity for continual reinvention

With the immediate goal to re-enter Parliament in 2014, the outlook for Harre in the September 20 NZ General election is worth appraising

Multiple influences are supportive and energising for her on Election Day 2014.
Success is highly likely here as Harre in mid 2014 is in the early stage of a multi-zone roller-coaster ride which will extend through to the peak she will truly be seeking –in her early 50's
Getting elected in 2014 will place Laila Harre in the viper-pit of politics in an era much more extreme than her prior experiences on account of the necessary polarising of forces in the throes of revolutionary change across the globe.
The pressures she will face include whether she can remain true to her philosophies, values and agendas for change in the context of entrenched forces hell-bent on retaining the Old Order.

Make no mistake: Laila Harre is a critical voice for the future of New Zealand politics  - to the extent that the top job is not an unreasonable goal - but her pathway there will not be a stroll in the park: ups, downs, twists, turns, surprises are set to mark the way from mid 2014-mid 2016 as a preparational prelude to 2016 when the most empowering and transformational influences start to have a 3 year reign.
2017 –no matter what date is selected for the vote, is exceptionally relevant in this context of  Laila Harre’s empowerment being emphasised
Further ascendancy is on offer by the time of her 54th birthday -which happens to coincide with election year 2020 should the 3 year cycle be retained.
If it is her sights to take the reins as Prime Minister of New Zealand then this period of her life starting in 2014 would be the time to plan to manifest that destiny.

Astrology notes
Born 8 January 1966
Birth time and place unknown
Partial analysis only offered.
Sun Capricorn
Moon Cancer
Saturn & Chiron in Pisces
Neptune sextile Sun
Uranus-Pluto in Virgo trine Sun
Venus-Mars in Aquarius
Jupiter in Gemini square Uranus-Pluto
Election Notes:
Transit Saturn sextile natal
 Sun, Uranus, Pluto
Transit Jupiter opposite natal Venus
Transit Mercury trine natal Jupiter
Transit Venus conjunct natal Uranus-Pluto

2014-2020 the following sequence
Uranus square natal sun
Pluto conjunct natal Sun
Pluto trine natal Uranus-Pluto
Progressed lunar declination peak North


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...