Saturday, 28 June 2014

July 2014 in New Zealand Politics

Before everyone on the Right starts ordering the booze and the Left sink into a deeper state of frustration.... a more in depth profile for John Key is being compiled with his  53rd birthday approaching and since he is currently being promoted in a  biography it is topical to add further perspectives on the person who plans to have an extended impact on the state of our nation.
Recent analysis reveals that in this pre-election period significant challenges and opposing forces will arise for him starting in July and extending into the run-up to September 20.
I have chosen Key as the Leo profile -with reference to his almost-astrological-twin Barack Obama as well.

live now on this blog
What lies beneath the surface?
What challenges are confronting him in 2014? 

JULY 2014 is globally a time of surprises and sudden events in politics across a spectrum of intensity with terrorist and military conflict at the extreme end and varying degrees of violence and aggression across the remaining context.
Structural and hierarchical change in many forms and circumstances is very strongly indicated.
(Already the Wimbledon "system" is being derailed) 
Environmental contexts are within the picture - earth changes and movements with significant seismic activity are likely in vulnerable zones.

National politician in the news and under fire for bungling a criminal matter involving a foreign diplomat:
Murray McCully deserves mention here since his known planetary profile from Feb 19 1953 shows he has multiple planets ( Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus) in the firing line of current influences (Saturn, Uranus)
The National government may well be skating on thin ice over the sex charge involving a Malaysian diplomat - background + update here. Minister McCully and PM John Key are both at risk -particularly Key of offending the female vote and males who want justice for women.

More revelations re the government's handling of Kim Dotcom have arisen in a challenging way for the government -report

Police under fire for "recoding" statistics -seen as a corrupt practice of benefit to government -report

All these issues are stewing away while John Key is vacationing in Maui
He is likely to return to a firestorm of pent up political challenges.

August 2014 did in fact become a firestorm for John Key and National due to the release of the book Dirty Politics by Nicky Hager.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...