Tuesday, 1 July 2014

LEO Profile: John Key New Zealand politician

Latest: December 2016 John Key resigns -scroll to end for details

LEO = Lion. Sun God. King. Ruler. Boss. Show-Off. Entertainer. Warm and loving. Quirky and playful when relaxed.
But cats have claws and a nasty bite.
Territorial and possessive of their domain, they will brawl in order to keep control.
The lion is an apex predator, always searching for weakness to eliminate and challengers to defeat.
A beast such as this has a wild unpredictability.
Underestimate them at your peril

John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand since 2008 shares his birth month and year - August 1961 with US President Barack Obama and so they have much in common.
Both highly successful in their respective career paths, they came to political prominence in the same time frame
 Both lost paternal support as a young child, Key's father died in 1967. Obama's parents separated then divorced in his infancy. His father died when Obama was 21.

Key is right-handed and Obama is left-handed. This constitutes a fundamental difference in brain processing between the two, despite their other similarities

Right-handers have greater sports orientation & likely more competitive.
Left-handers are more attuned to creative & cultural aspects of society

Solar power is hard to beat. Basking in the warm glow of a Leo's sunny disposition creates a definite feel good. But the sun is powered by thermonuclear fusion and so its radiations can be harmful to the point of lethal.

And just as the Sun rules our solar system, so too, Leos are only comfortable when they are in charge. The age of Kings and Queens is only left in remnants - so these Leo symbols [known for Lion motifs] are replaced in the modern world by Presidents and Prime Ministers.

A birth time is not available for John Key. He was born in Auckland on August 9 1961 so the majority of information is available - but not a 100% profile because the complete birth chart cannot be readily constructed.

Other than the generic Leo qualities detailed in the intro, accrued by being born on August 9, what other significant traits does Key exhibit?

Like Obama, Key was born with a destiny of executive authority [Saturn in Capricorn] They both share a practice of hard work in pursuit of their goals –to the point of overwork [Mars –Saturn] which is a hallmark of stable enduring dedication to the mission at hand –but the apple-cart is at risk of being overturned.
A complex of energies involving Mars-Saturn-Uranus-Node places both Obama and Key in jeopardy of sudden turn of events experiences –seemingly coming from unexpected sources or unusual circumstances, but in reality this is of course an internal unresolved conflict breaching the surface of their everyday functioning.
More on this later as this factor is highly relevant 2013-2014

Key possesses significant contradictions: on the one hand putting a lot of effort into detail, facts and figures [Mars in Virgo] whilst also being prone to presenting a state of vagueness, even confusion  [Neptune square Mercury]–which can lead to accusations of being deceitful, lying or being evasive.
He has the capacity to be very quick-thinking and astute, fully confident of his mental abilities [Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Uranus] and yet often presents an alternate persona.
There is a disjunct here and the problematical aspect is not insignificant since it is viewed as a deliberate deflection of accountability as well as a challenge to his entitlement to trust .

Key has a Cancerian Moon and Venus which confirm his attachment to mother, happy marriage and apparent social appeal, particularly to women. An ability to appeal to males as well as females is also indicated [Venus-Mars-Sun]

With Sun, Mercury, Uranus and north lunar Node all in Leo a starring role is another dimension to the motivation of people like Key and Obama.  Being under the spotlight in a manner usually reserved for celebrities, the attention and adulation, are all necessary fuel for the centre of the universe ego drives of those with a big dose of Leo. This also enables them to put on great or at least theatrical performances in the style of speech or delivery which suggests deep sincerity and gravitas [Obama] or jokey likeability [Key]. Obama does it via his formal addresses and visionary goals. Key does it more in the buffoon style of either camping it up, looking silly or as stand-up comedian in Parliament. Either way it is all highly crafted for political gain.
In contrast, both have a serious, self-doubting and negative side that is less often captured in public.

For Key, his prior domain of high performance was currency trading in top level international roles. Effectively he was a superstar trader awash with cash and managing big bucks.  So how does this lifestyle choice reconcile with the relatively staid and often dreary world of national politics?

Ego definitely links the two. Privileges, a big fan club, media attention - but currency trading is more wild-child territory –adrenalin pumping, risky, glamorous [Uranus in Leo]  and politics more grind [Saturn-Mars] despite the perks, status and power.
The problem for Key is that there is no rest from the gnawing inner tension that the other world was/could be better. [Saturn-Uranus]
Clearly he left finance for politics because of an unmet need [ for more power]–but the constraints faced by a Prime Minister can never match the thrills and risks, the ‘living life on the edge’ of trading in a global arena [Uranus in Leo]

The closest PM Key can come to thrills is the excitable environment of the House where he employs a smart-arse entertainer role full of quips, sarcasm, belittling attacks of the Opposition, all buoyed by the group energy of Party members’ applause and laughter. 
Public speaking events and Party conferences also provide some of that kind of satisfaction but nowhere near enough.

Being able to deflect the spotlight is equally part of the act -so the failures and weakness of others within the team and in opposition get exaggerated.
The essence of being a leader is being contracted to be responsible and accountable. Here Key has a huge conflict.
He desires the power and authority of office but does not deeply embrace the accountability part of the deal [Saturn-Uranus]
What provides this critical flaw is a power drive that is infused with ruthlessness as well as recklessness [ Sun-Pluto-Uranus-Saturn] A known risk-taker and "smiling assassin" his style is marked by knowing when to cull and when to bail.

Fundamentally Key thrives on excitement and control and the aura this generates is such that he has created a cult of adoration amongst his caucus, larger Party and a huge swathe of the voting public. In simple terms this is called 'winning people over". And many are susceptible to the force of charismatic leaders -but it is what lies beneath the outer persona that has the longterm impact.
Whilst preparing this report, the National Party held their pre-election conference, launching a #TeamKey cyber initiative, intending to bring cool and youth into a party known for neither.
Many commentators are now referencing the "cult leader" persona Key is cultivating.

The question of whether John Key's behaviour places him on the spectrum of antisocial personality disorder arises in The Secret of John Key's Success.

Because they have several significant energy factors in common, it is useful to note that Obama –being born 5 days before Key in the same month, same year, will experience significant life events prior to Key experiencing events which have a similar signature.

Challenging energies confronted Obama at the end of 2013, commencing October [Saturn square Sun] His disapproval rating rose from 51% to its highest point 55.9% by Dec 3 2013
In the context of Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Iran and Obamacare -& there must be more i.e. international and domestic challenges - his disapproval is rising again -53.9% on June 26 with Saturn’s reputation for manifesting significant difficulties, constraints and opposition strong for him in May-June, lingering to have another assault in September 2014.

Where Obama goes Key follows in terms of major events in the 2013-2014 time frame since both experience Saturn exactly at 90 degree angle to their birth Sun position then the same to their birth Sun-Uranus-Node.
These two influences represent the strongest political & personal pressure since they attained office.

For Key the pressure began in November 2013, [Saturn square Sun] resuming in the end of year-New Year break, returned in May 2014 and is exceptionally strong through July 2014 into August, relaunching in September, into October and intense again in November 2014. [Saturn-Uranus-Node]
Some but not all of this has been and will be played out prominently in the public arena. Some will be experienced, wrangled with and addressed behind closed doors.

In contrast to Obama, Key’s approval ratings are giving media focus -rather than disapproval - and are framed as highly positive -despite the slew of challenges to his management and governance.
It may be a different picture if NZ used the disapproval method of rating.
The potential for Key's comfort level to change is high - since the sustained opposition he faces in July 2014 will be a different category altogether to the fast moving Saturn period in November 2013 [asset sales & Sri Lankan human rights contoversy]
In July it is like the big H high pressure stuck on maximum, seen on weather maps, that bring heat waves and exhaustion.

Health issues, at the very least tiredness, exhaustion are common when the hard taskmaster periods of life arise [Saturn effect]
More than normally the flow goes to opposing forces, more adversity, challenges, general restraints and difficulties.

The ultimate Leo weakness is coronary & specifically for Obama & Key both have risk indicators for weakness in the electrical management of the heartbeat and/or general circulation The question is whether both have the physical stamina to withstand 2014. The energy has to manifest either bodily or in the mind -it depends which level of functioning is set to tip.

September 2014 is Election 2014 in New Zealand. 
The stress on his heart may have relevant health consequences for Key around and after September 20. The effect may silently initiate or outwardly manifest a problem on the bodily level and/or create difficulties on an ego level due to surprising or upsetting circumstances with political implications. [Saturn-Uranus-Node]
Some strengthening and positive influences exist for Key surrounding election day but another significant undermining effect is also very prominent and strongly reinforcing of the other opposing, disruptive potential.

It is tempting to conclude that the new challenges arising for Key from July 2014 will significantly impact the 2014 election – in a manner that comes as a shock to him and the collective of people in his camp politically and publicly.

However, the most measured position is that without full birth data a total picture is not available for analysis of the election outcome and Key’s state at that juncture. Unknown elements exist -and a single one could tip the balance into more positive territory.
All that is evident is that Key will face more pressure than he expects within the period July-December, a Winter of Discontent with no relief before Summer.

For Key, watch the month of July 2014 first for any indicators of what is to come. At the very least, in July he will not be enjoying being Prime Minister and during November the green grass of anywhere else will be on his mind.

Leo begins this year on July 23 and extends until August 24

Early July while gale force winds buffet much of the North Island, John Key is refreshing himself in Hawaii -and avoiding a lot of heat in NZ.
The spanner in the works in the first part of July is his government's handling of the Malaysian diplomat charged with offences in the home of a 21 year old Wellington woman.The charge is that he followed her home, committed burglary and assaulted her sexually.

The complainant feels offended by John Key's response to the case.
This matter is not insignificant: the difficult energy surrounding Key this month, as stated, is there and waiting for a problem to arise. 
It is now clear that the main pressure Key faces in July [Saturn in Scorpio square natal Sun] is highly likely to cluster around his management of problems related to sex.
This latest issue comes closely on the heels of the closure of a Rape Crisis Centre in Christchurch through lack of government funding -despite a worsening situation for women in that city, post-quakes.

Key is positioning himself as unsympathetic to women who have been victimised by men -the hallmark of a misogynist or at the very least, sexist.
Whether this is genuine or not, perception counts.

Contrast opposing leader David Cunliffe's recent heartfelt apology as a man, for the violence men enact upon women.

John Key attacked Cunliffe for taking that position. 

July 18
Further analysis indicates that Key is in the throes of an intense personal crisis during July.
[Neptune activates birth potentials]
The crux of this surrounds his manner of relating - specifically any potential he may have for denial or deception regarding factual matters or situations. 
The pressure is on him to shed such habits or temptations, should they arise.
It is apparent that at the period in mid September 2014 when Kim Dotcom intends to disclose his evidence related to Key's conduct that this issue will be strongly re-activated by prevailing energies.
Though still vacationing in Hawaii during this period of July, Key will be fully informed of what awaits him in September.

Key's somewhat secretive use of controversial Australian PR firm Crosby Textor is backgrounded here
In this extract, author Nicky Hagar says:
The techniques dig out feelings of prejudice, fear, selfishness and hostility and spread these ideas throughout society. The idea is that both the positive image building and attack lines will be repeated and repeated until they're echoed by talkback hosts and political columnists and start to sound like truth.

July 23
Key remains under the spotlight for evasive and contradictory responses leading to implications of unethical behaviour.
Having been quoted and on audio record as saying he would apologise re government mishandling of the matter involving Tania Billingsley, who identified herself as the person behind the charges pending against the Malaysian diplomat -Key has [as shown in previous sticky situations] clearly taken advice to squash this issue by virtually pretending it doesn't exist. He has stated he will not be apologising.
This raises two aspects of character: his degree of honesty and morality.

Key attracts a lot of adverse commentary on Twitter

PM under pressure over credit card spending of party MP

August 11
John Key is a Fire Sign
Video of a burning effigy of John Key by dissenting citizens has raised the ire of the establishment -despite such forms of protest having a lengthy historical precedent - and being reflective of the contemporary Burning Man festival in Nevada USA -"an experiment in community, art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance".

August 13 2014
Nicky Hager releases an investigative work titled Dirty Politics - an expose of power abuse and corrupt practices aimed at the undermining of democracy in NZ
Many players cited link back to right wing politics and the John Key government in particular.
A sustained pressure is applied on Key from the date of this release.  
September 1 2014
Fallout from the book Dirty Politics continues to dog John Key - though he himself has not been personally cited in wrongdoing, his association with the blogger Cameron Slater and his style of loose management of staff as well as failing to swiftly curtail senior minister Judith Collins have attracted condemnation. Whether this ultimately interferes with his party's ability to form the next government in 3 weeks remains as yet undetermined, since his personal popularity ratings remain high.

April 2015
A statement has surfaced from a female waitress in Auckland, New Zealand, alleging sustained harrassment from the Prime Minister .
The nature of the claims and reference to a prior related action recorded on video give rise to the issue of whether the PM has an out-of-control sexual fetish -summary and full links here

April 23 2015
John Key has created worldwide attention for all the wrong reasons, for himself and for New Zealand as a result of the sustained harassment of a Parnell waitress.
Having given her autographed bottles of wine & apologised he hoped this would silence the stressed out young woman but the behaviour being of a long duration and unwanted is patently illegal and a breach of human rights legislation.
There is huge support for the waitress, and that is likely to increase given her second account published today

The astrology of April 2015 for John Key
John Key born on August 9 1961 when the Sun was at 16 degrees Leo
The most glaring influence affecting him in April 2015 is the transit of two linked planets -Uranus and Pluto.
The 90 degree connection between these planets has been tracked historically to coincide with significant themes related to the misuse/abuse of power.
 A contemporary account is on this blog
When potentials in a person's birth template are activated by significant transiting energies, major life changes occur.
Without a birth time for John Key, a 100% analysis of effects on him is not possible, but a significant amount of information is available re the energy on the day of his birth being compared to the energy at any point in his life.
March 2015 saw the final exact 90 degree angle between transiting Uranus and Pluto  -this was at 15.17.7 degrees Aries and 15.17.7 Capricorn

The process of change for John Key definitely began in March on account of the close proximity in angular degree of Key's 16 degree sun and these 2 planets just past 15 degrees
By the end of March, Uranus reached 16 degrees.
During April Pluto reached a maximum of 15.32.6 -sat at stationary retrograde, then slowly moved back to 15.32.3 by April 22 when this issue blared around the globe.  The sustained energy of stationary Pluto is probably the most relevant signifier as to the timing.

 The global exposure aspect is consistent with the high profile effect of Key having the sun in Leo, the sign that adores attention.
The issues of "loose hands" "childish pranks" are relevant to a personality of reduced maturity -Leos are big kids and Key has frequently been known for acting like an adolescent.
If there is more to this than outright immaturity it is likely to be the connection between his Pluto at 7 Virgo, Neptune at 8 Scorpio and Venus at 6 Cancer.
So 3 positions at birth, tightly connected in the range 6-8 degrees.
Venus is how we relate to others, what our pleasures are
When linked to Neptune:  alcohol and or drugs, fantasy, addictive behaviour can all be linked to the manner of relating.
When linked to Pluto: issues of dominance, need to control others

The potential for there to be a hair fetish is high if a person with the above energies is found to show repeated attraction to hair.
John Key arguably fits this profile, with other documented images surfacing of him handling the ponytails of juvenile girls.
This alone sounds quite bizarre, but a pattern of behaviour if established is what underlies a confirmed predisposition.
Most people have little awareness of oddities of behaviour -and especially don't want to acknowledge such in the person they support to govern their country.

This Kim Dotcom compilation covers some of the images doing the rounds on NZ social media -two directly involve the Prime Minister touching the ponytails of young schoolgirls, one shows his regular tendency to get into the personal space of young females  - and the final generic image  leads into the aspect of this behaviour that would relate to childhood development.
We know Key lost his father when he was aged 6.
It is conceivable that the family separation plus this loss resulted in an anxiety condition surrounding loss of control which morphed into a need to control others.
Sitting at a desk in school behind a girl with what he describes in adulthood as a "tantalising" ponytail, may have been the perfect opportunity to experience power over another person.
In adulthood however this ponytail effect may also have become not just a simple thrill, but also a sexual fetish.
No surprise either that his achilles heel, a childish hair pulling habit has persisted, despite the risk to his reputation.
No surprise then that Key has been "the boss" for most of his working life with a lot of power over others.

April 23 A news summary re Key scandal
A young girl in the foreground of this 2014 image is probably oblivious to the fondling of her hair

December 2016
2016 and the dissolution of power for Key and Obama
05/12/16 John Key announces his resignation as PM of New Zealand 
The timing is fascinating considering his "twinning" with Barack Obama - born just 5 days apart, same month, same year, they share multiple biographical similarities
Obama effectively began his transition out of his state figurehead role on November 8 2016 with the success of Donald Trump in winning the national election. Trump is President-elect until  January 20 2017, swearing in day for the Presidency.
Key's resignation continues his similarity of life patterns with Obama's.

The astrological picture for Key [and Obama entered a dissolution of power phase when the end of October 2016 New Moon hit 8 Scorpio.
8 Scorpio triggers both men's Neptune at 8 Scorpio with the phrase dissolution of power being highly relevant.
Also very relevant on Dec 5 for Key: transiting Pluto at 16 Capricorn is deconstructing his 16 Leo Sun.
Leo the centre of attention, boss, show off aspects of Key's personality have been confronted with an aspect of life bringing an enforced seriousness or mature response = the hallmarks of Capricorn -with the intense imperative driven by relentless Pluto

It would not be a surprise if a potentially chronic health issue is at the latent or overt stage - with Neptune undermining vitality = fatigue, weakness, exhaustion and Pluto capable of activating transformational conditions - the most threatening of which for a Leo is coronary.

If health issues are actually the reason Key say's on December 5 "I gave it everything I had. I left nothing in the tank"  then he is acting on sound advice to pull out.

Pluto reached the degree critically effective for John Key =16 degrees  - in January 2016 - effectively holding close to this position all year [ progressing to just past 17 degrees then retrograding by a small margin for some months ]
This ties in with his disclosure on Dec 5 that he and his wife had mulled over his long-term prospects as PM throughout 2016


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...