Friday, 18 July 2014

MH17 - victim of war?

A video purporting to contain dialogue amongst pro-Russian militia re the destruction of flight MH17 over East Ukraine on July 17 2014

Wall St Journal graphics explain MH17 debris
full details

Floral tributes for MH17 victims -at Amsterdam Airport

This event has occurred in the context of significant aggravating energies impacting the Earth environment.
Certain people and places "earth " the prevailing energy.
Throughout July one very dangerous pattern prevails -bolstered by several others
A recent post on the July Crisis highlights the complex collection of cosmic radiations generated by planetary waveforms - essentially harmonics we are affected by  - which are intensely effective during July 2014 - creating multiple signatures of militaristic aggression.
The highly controversial issue of "collateral damage" being an accepted part of war is already strongly highlighted in events of this month.
The impact upon innocents in war zones is horrendous and the world must make it unacceptable.
The aspect of why commercial airlines flew over the region is explained as "the quickest and cheapest" route
So here is an issue of profit in the mix as well
NYTimes report from Ukraine describes the fatalities from MH17.

Prior to the plane disaster, the suppression of Palestine and intrusion of Israel into Gaza has been the grounding point for this extreme energy.

Further Reading
News summary of developments around July 22
MH17 Wiki page has extensive material


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