Wednesday, 30 July 2014

No ordinary Full Moon : Supermoon August 2014

Supermoon August 2014
A sector of the solar system showing the layout relating to August's Supermoon. Astrological components are noted after this general rather grim forecast:

The basics of this report were compiled and published on January 6 2014, edited and extended on July 30.

No ordinary Full Moon : Supermoon August 2014
July 2014 was a horror month in many global contexts, but sadly August has the potential to raise the stakes even higher.
August is a life-changing month for many in 2014 and for a significant number that means literally death -transcending physical existence for the metaphysical.
Metaphorical death is also in the picture because major transformations represent endings that are like a death.

The prevailing combination of energies are a significant death and destruction indicator - likely on mass scales in particular situations; high drama, death by fire and weapons, in military contexts and at the hands of ruthless individuals - or at the very least major transformations affecting particular people and places.

Supermoons generally - as noted by Richard Nolle* - place added stress on the earth's crust & seismic movement is aggravated. 
The March 2011 Supermoon was marked by the Sendai quake and tsunami.

[Due to individual differences identified in personal profiles -always there are some primarily & directly affected; others have secondary or tertiary effects. It is all about degrees of separation.
As an example: the person who is violently assaulted has the primary effect; the person who assists them in their injured state gets the secondary effect; the person who watches or reads the news coverage gets the tertiary effect.]

The Sun in Leo in this period, is a heart energy and connects to children, creativity, love. 
Difficult and life threatening energies are affecting those matters.
Very dangerous behaviours are stimulated under the multiple influences.
A lot of the expression will be evident in military contexts, where violence and death are the intention, but individuals outside of war zones are vulnerable to persons who are triggered into defending their ego through violence.
The extensive range of potentials likely to occur in greater than normal frequency during August 2014 include intense experiences re: 
A spike in coronary health crises is likely such as heart attacks. 
Circulation problems
Broken hearts due to love gone cold. 
Grief from death of a loved one. [many news reports highlighting this effect] 
Children are extra vulnerable to threatening effects. 
Artists facing creative blocks.
Gynaecological and hormonal issues affecting fertility 
Arson and destruction by fire and other forms of aggressively destructive conduct.
Military conflict remains a heightened risk.
Uncontrolled ego and narcissism underlie much of the extreme and survivalist behaviour generated under this Supermoon's effects.
Testosterone elevated and expressed in murderous and rapacious acts as an expression of ego or exaggerated pride.
Possession and control via annihilation.
More attacks on feminist ideology.
Forces intensely against social justice for women
Repression of public protests re social change
Conservative forces of control seeking to restrict alternative & progressive social movements.             
[with scores of children already killed in Gaza during July under the military attacks from Israel, it is very concerning that this location could continue to "earth" the destructive force of the Supermoon pattern which will begin to be activated by pre-triggers from early August -well in advance of the exactitude on August 10]

There are also many extreme weather indicators associated with this Supermoon so relevant environmental hazards in your location need to be anticipated.

Where is the individual in all this?
Each of us is affected by the significant period of social, economic,political,environmental disruption we are experiencing 2012-2016
 Read my full future forecast to 2016 here.
Effects are simply a matter of degrees of intensity across different people in different places.
Brutal and draconian Far Right forces are arising in many contexts -not only in unstable regions but also in mainstream first world politics. 
This situation is alarming and must be counteracted by opposite intentions of compassion and humanitarianism.

Politically this is a period of general instability, sudden changes, unusual events.

The August Supermoon effects indicate this potential having particular relevance in London and therefore in UK politics.

The process is about rebalancing energies and each of us is pressured in some way to address this question: where in my life do I need to make changes in order to live my life more harmoniously with others and with the natural world?

Relevant news items reported after this forecast
 are noted in the updates section below

The Astrological positions for the August 2014 Supermoon

The folowing factors underlie the analysis given in the above section for general readers.

Sun,Mercury, Earth & Moon form a tight alignment on August 10-11 with Saturn at a right angle to this collection plus Mars forms a right angle to Jupiter
[ Degree positions at exact Full Moon = Sun-Moon 18 Leo-Aquarius; Mercury 20 Leo; Saturn 17 Scorpio; Earth 18 Aquarius; Mars 8 Scorpio; Jupiter 5 Leo.

The fixed signs [Leo-Aqaurius-Scorpio] being very dominant give a strong survivalist theme and prevalent extremism 

The Neptune issues of water imbalance - too much in places, too little elsewhere - continues into August & feature in the Full Moon pattern of August 10
This is no ordinary Full Moon 
  • it is the closest Moon to earth in 2014 and so has stronger potentials
  • This Full Moon is energetically a severely aggravated one
  • Saturn sits square on to the Sun, Moon, Earth and Mercury
  •  [Saturn Scorpio vs Sun-Mercury in Leo; Moon, Earth in Aquarius]
  • Add to this potency: Mars squared off with Jupiter in another Leo-Scorpio combustion

Complete grid for the Aug 2014  Supermoon

But there is far more complexity & intensity here than a general readership can digest.
Keen observers will note:
  •  the Uranus-node midpoint activating the horizontal axis for the UK
  • Multiple GC - Galactic Centre [27 SAG] - activations including Sun-Moon-Mercury midpoints to Mars; Venus & Jupiter midpoints to the MC; Jupiter-Saturn midpoint; Uranus-Neptune midpoint; Neptune Node midpoint.
  • The more the channels to the Galactic Centre are activated the more extreme events, including weather, arise]

Further Reading
*Richard Nolle is always worth reading for extensive forecasting.
He coined the term "Supermoon" and he uses astro-locality [highlighting zones under specific effects]  -his August report  

News updates relevant to forecast

August 3
Mass deaths in southwest China from M6.3 quake
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck southwestern China on Sunday, killing at least 367 people and leaving 1,881 injured in a remote area of Yunnan province, and causing thousands of buildings, including a school, to collapse. Reuters news

August 7
"You took my heart with you when you were taken from us." - Millie Holmes on the sudden violent death of her partner on August 3 -report

Knife attack kills innocent citizen -report

August 8
Reuters reports on military aggression
Hawaii pummelled by tropical storm Iselle - report
August 9
Multiple fatalities in bus crash Tibet -report

Typhoon Halong hits Japan -report

August 9
An example of death, combined with misuse of power:
St Louis USA: in Ferguson an unarmed black teen Michael Brown is shot by Police.
Several nights of protests ensued. Much outrage on social media - report

August 10
Plane crash in Tehran at least 38 killed report
This event continues to exemplify the risks to aviation noted in the July report -and which are strengthened through the lunar month until Sept 9  

August 11

Islamic State jihadis have killed 'at least 500' Yazidis and buried them in mass grave, it has been claimed.
Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Iraq's human rights minister, said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he added.

Daily Mail graphic with US in top right sector
August 11
Globally famous actor Robin Williams found dead from apparent asphyxiation
Williams' wife, Susan Schneider, said she was "utterly heartbroken".
Social media repeated such sentiments en masse

Reports surfaced in recent times of him once again battling severe depression 

No single indicator is indicative of a death.
Multiple factors work in synergy to create the extreme outcome we know as loss of life, whether that is accidental or intended, by self action or from the action of another.
When charts have many tightly connected factors, whether by very close conjunction, opposition, or other angular relationship, then they experience life's ups and downs very intensely.
Cancerian Robin Williams was directly impacted by the Moon as a general condition of being born under that influence.
Recalling that this Leo-Aquarius Supermoon is in effect during the lunar month from August 7-Sept 9: see the top of his birth chart with the LEO sign at the MC point. Pluto and Mercury sit in conjunction to that high profile public position, in the range 18-22 degrees.
These energies reflect both his phenomenal success as a public entertainer
The Supermoon was exact at 18 Leo Aquarius.
These energies were activated on this extra strong Supermoon
In addition his rising sign Scorpio at the AC Ascendant position of 12 degrees - death and transformation are the hallmarks of Scorpio.
This position was impacted by transiting Saturn [the energy of depression] currently at 16 Scorpio. Saturn had been causing problems for him since at least October 2013.
Uranus now at 16 Aries has been adding stress to the Saturn effect -even more since Robin has Jupiter in Aries opposite Neptune in Libra in the range of 14-17 degrees.

With Saturn positioned 60 degrees away from the Sun at birth and Saturn 90 degrees from Chiron, the private Robin was afflicted with very negative psychological issues born from a deeply wounded psyche. He was likely to be his own worst critic.
Noted issues with alcohol and drugs are reflected in the Neptune energies amplified by the excesses of Jupiter energy as well as the Moon in Pisces.
His natal Mars conjunct Uranus positions at 11-12 Cancer [sudden impulsive action in home environment] was under extreme duress from transiting Pluto at 11 Capricorn in opposition.
With multiple transiting factors in challenging relationship to his birth blueprint, the worst case scenario has unfolded.

A very sad outcome, since transiting effects are literally that -they are energies that are temporary,intended to bring change and transformation. 
Death is one option but not the only one offered by the conditions that arise.
Williams had started to disconnect -the downfall period

Hollywood's Golden Era actress Lauren Bacall[89] also died in the same period.

August -beginning in the first week
Mass numbers killed and abducted when ISIS militants attacked Yazidi communities in Iraq.
ISIS entered Iraq from Syria in June
The US began drone strikes against ISIS in mid August

Mass deaths in Syria in first fortnight of August as the Islamic State reported to have
killed some 700 of the al-Sheitaat tribe from the eastern Deir-al-Zor province -report

Mass deaths from Ebola rising in Africa

Friday, 18 July 2014

MH17 - victim of war?

A video purporting to contain dialogue amongst pro-Russian militia re the destruction of flight MH17 over East Ukraine on July 17 2014

Wall St Journal graphics explain MH17 debris
full details

Floral tributes for MH17 victims -at Amsterdam Airport

This event has occurred in the context of significant aggravating energies impacting the Earth environment.
Certain people and places "earth " the prevailing energy.
Throughout July one very dangerous pattern prevails -bolstered by several others
A recent post on the July Crisis highlights the complex collection of cosmic radiations generated by planetary waveforms - essentially harmonics we are affected by  - which are intensely effective during July 2014 - creating multiple signatures of militaristic aggression.
The highly controversial issue of "collateral damage" being an accepted part of war is already strongly highlighted in events of this month.
The impact upon innocents in war zones is horrendous and the world must make it unacceptable.
The aspect of why commercial airlines flew over the region is explained as "the quickest and cheapest" route
So here is an issue of profit in the mix as well
NYTimes report from Ukraine describes the fatalities from MH17.

Prior to the plane disaster, the suppression of Palestine and intrusion of Israel into Gaza has been the grounding point for this extreme energy.

Further Reading
News summary of developments around July 22
MH17 Wiki page has extensive material

Thursday, 3 July 2014

JULY 2014 Crisis, Change & Rebalancing

JULY 2014 

is globally a time of surprises and sudden events in politics across a spectrum of intensity with terrorist and military conflict at the extreme end and varying degrees of violence and aggression across the remaining context.
Structural and hierarchical change in many forms and circumstances is very strongly indicated.
(Already the Wimbledon "system" is being derailed by a swarm of top seeds being unexpectedly eliminated early in the tournament) 
  • Environmental contexts are within the picture - weather-related earth changes and movements along with significant seismic activity are likely in vulnerable zones.
  • Aviation is at risk due to fire-death scenarios
  • Rebellion versus the status quo = protests likely
The astrology of July 2014

The first standout
is the dynamic between Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries -here shown for the whole of July in a tight relationship ranging from 16 degrees 20 to 16'58

Saturn in Scorpio can be intensely destructive, Uranus in Aries willfully aggressive.
When the two are offset the tension is magnified.
This energy affects dynamics between people, the natural environment and its conditions; systems, organisations and networks; politics and society are particularly involved; Technologies at risk of failure; aviation problems with disaster potentials.
Accident risks are enhanced.

Though the energy is in effect all July, trigger points include:

  • July 5-6 Moon 15-17 Libra
  • July 7-8-9 when the Sun is 14-17 degrees Cancer. Moon  15-17 Scorpio
  • July 12 Full Moon waxing phase - Moon at 15-17 Capricorn
Full Moon -Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn has destructive energies affecting homes and families -due to the associated Saturn-Uranus influence. The extreme potential of homes destroyed by fire, explosion; families annihilated is clearly being played out in the Israeli-Palestine military conflict raging again since July 8. Away from this zone, people vulnerable to the energies prevailing need to take greater precaution against domestic threats, home invasion, predatory intruders. Accidents in general also impacting homes, families.
The energy of aggression is even more amplified heading to and around July 13:
  • From July 13 + July 14 0hr[UT] when Mars is exact on the north lunar node in Libra. Moon 15-17 Aquarius
  • July 18 Moon 15-17 Aries
  • July 20 Moon 15-17 Taurus
  • July 20 Saturn direct
  • July 21-22-23 Uranus stationary retrograde
  • July 25-26 Moon 15-17 Cancer
  • July 27-28 Moon 15-17 Leo

The second standout is the angle between Neptune and the lunar nodes
The combination speaks of water balance and imbalance issues
The period of effect is likely to be most intense in the period July 24-August 10.
In combination with the Saturn-Uranus environmental and elemental influences [Saturn in Scorpio structural transformation of earthy matter = affect on soil; Uranus in Aries = hot wind. Together is a drought signature.

So this points to extremes.
Drought in places. Deluge in places.
Much imbalance.

updates via relevant news

July 4 Bridge collapse in Brazil -Saturn structure subjected to change force of Uranus

July 3 -Aviation security increased in UK re Al Qaida threat
             aviation =Uranus,  security =Saturn

July 3 Electrical explosions; Bed in flames from lightning strike Uranus = lightning & all electrical, electronic systems. Aries =fire. Uranus currently in Aries under pressure from destructive effects of Saturn in Scorpio

July 8 M6.9 quake rocks southern Mexico

Many challenges [Uranus] to the Old Order of power [Saturn] have arisen in past week: public apologies for violence, sex abuse and accountabilities such as the conviction of Rolf Harris for sex offences

  • July 8 severe storm bears down on northern New Zealand
  • super-typhoon heads for Japan
  • A big upset in the football hierarchy -as Germany hammers Brazil in a shock and awe attack at the FIFA World Cup quarter final - scoring 7-1.The social-political consequences of this in Brazil could be of some concern.
  • Solar flare M6.5 at 16.20 UT - contributes to atmospheric & behavioural unrest. Ionizing radiation from the flare was directed to the dayside of Earth. It was 1.20pm in Brazil when the flare occurred.
July 10 is the 3rd day of increased military activity on the Gaza strip -with Israel launching lethal air strikes

July 10 multiple fatality shooting in Houston USA
July 12  M6.5 quake offshore Japan  in the region near Fukushima -BBC report
July 12  Richard Nolle calls this Full Moon a Supermoon due to it's closer than normal orbit to earth -read his July report

July 13 It is consistent with prevailing energies that relevant matters from the past arise: New Zealand TVOne screens  Erebus:Operation Overdue an extremely moving drama-doco of the 1979 worst aviation tragedy in NZ history -involving a passenger jet crashing into Mt Erebus, Antarctica

July 15  Multiple fatalities and injuries in Moscow subway crash This event has the hallmarks of an extreme event under the influence of  destructive Saturn blended with accident-producing Uranus along with the potent Cancer-Capricorn Supermoon with significant impacts upon families.
Mars in tight conjunction to the north lunar node on this date also contributes to violent force events. [also evidenced in ongoing military conflict in Gaza]
On an individual level, the prevailing energies especially in the week stating July 14 are not very pleasant -inducing combative, argumentative ways of interacting.

July 17 Major aviation disaster around 13:21hrs universal time a Boeing 777 commercial airline MH17 shot down over over Eastern Ukraine en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. A ground to air missile involved. Plane destroyed. All aboard [295] presumed dead. 
Astonishingly, the flight path was directly over the conflict zone held by anti-Kiev militants.
US satellite imagery is capable of identifying ultra-violet plumes if a long-range surface-to-air missile was fired.
Terrorism is being raised by Ukranians.
Flight Radar 24  @flightradar24 posts data to Twitter
Majority of passengers [154] cited as of Dutch nationality.

July 21 2014
It is evident by now that July has become a horror point in contemporary global politics -primarily displayed by the crises in Gaza and in the Ukraine.
The plight of flight MH17 and the desecration of the crash site are subjects of global conversation - read more in this extra post
July 24 2014
Two more aviation tragedies
A passenger jet crashes with fatalities, Taiwan
and in Niger, Africa:
2014 called worst year in aviation since 2005 -report

July 28

Massive explosive decompression is the verdict on the fate of MH17 whilst flying over eastern Ukraine

                    Now read the AUGUST 2014 report


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...