Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Feb 18 2015 New Moon Supermoon

I'm giving the energetic push of Feb 18th cuspal Aquarius-Pisces New Moon to Pisces -which will be in full Neptunian mode when the Sun at 3.5 Pisces gives a midpoint activation of Sun-Moon-Neptune. That's on Feb 22 - so expect maritime events, issues around drugs/alcohol, religion/faith, the stimulation of compassion -these being some of the likely Neptunian expressions in multiple global contexts.

More clues come from the New Moon's activation of the ghastly side of Uranus-Pluto currently rampaging in the wars of faith, brutalism.
On Feb 21/22 the Moon at 14-15 Aries activates Uranus-Pluto.
Time-zones affect when the Moon gets to 15 Aries
eg UK on 21st close to midnight
Australasia = middle of the day on 22nd
LA [US West coast] around 4pm on 21st
Add in Venus & Mars being just into Aries so the current lunar nodes in Libra-Aries both respond.
This promotes the energy into a high profile and mass impact expression.

Jupiter in Leo enhances the capacity for drama and the spotlight must turn on the Academy Awards held on Feb 22.
Pisces and Leo both relate strongly to the entertainment industry - "stars", the famous who shine like the Sun [Leo] and fantasy/escapism [Pisces] combined.
By the time the awards ceremony begins the Moon is beyond Aries and into hedonist Taurus -but still bearing some animosity/feisty expressions and even hi testosterone due to Venus being still paired with Mars in Aries and these latter 2 in Scorpio's sex/death zone

The Oscars are more likely to avoid the worst potentials of the aggressive thrust tagging along with this New Moon but
it is a Supermoon with higher tides and that includes human fluid levels, including pressure on the brain & some people act out extremely under those conditions.

More likely that UK-Europe-Middle East from late on 21st into the early hours of Feb 22 will bear the brunt of the extremes activated -in water events due to Neptune and in political/religious extremism due to the combined and aggravated rage of Uranus-Pluto


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...