Friday, 13 March 2015

March 2015 primal forces released: astrology analysis

Latest updates:
Powerful effects continue into April due to eclipse having a six month extent 
April 1 Fatal storm impacts much of north-western Europe
Super-Typhoon Maysek in Micronesia
"political earthquakes" occurring -Nigeria's adoption of a democratic choice; NZ political balance upset on March 28 by minor party win in Northland by-election
March 31 extreme weather reports in Kashmir , Peru & Chile.   All these events involve torrents of water
March 30:  M6+ quakes in the Pacific island regions of Samoa and Tonga; M7.5 quake off PNG -earth's primal forces at work
March 24: Airbus Crash
Airbus crash kills 150 in French Alps. On March 24 just four days from the eclipse exactitude, Germanwings 4U9525 appears to have hit a mountain range near Digne. Due to the involvement of mega-forces, aviation disasters are high risk in this period -the resonant pattern of Pluto square Uranus is seeking earthing points. 
Here, the extreme annihilating force of Pluto is at odds with the aviation signature of Uranus.
read in depth astrological analysis of Lubitz on this blog
 read related aviation material here re flight MH17

March 17-18

March 17-18 extreme readings for Earth geomagnetic conditions
-------------------------------------------------------------- MARCH 2015 PISCES NEW MOON TOTAL
A complicated and extreme eclipse occurs in March 2015.
  • The Sun and Moon conjoin at 29 degrees Pisces for a total eclipse of the Sun.
  • This degree point is in the equinoctial zone marked by 0 degrees Aries – the traditional marker of Spring or Autumn/Fall depending on your hemisphere and commonly known to feature energised winds.
  • So the strengthening effects of a New Moon, plus the amplifying eclipse effect added to the equinoctal energies is a triple whammy in itself.
The consequences are primarily related to potentising natural forces -storms with strong winds are the usual signature at the equinox, so the forces are taken up a few extra notches in the mid March period by the extra influences prevailing.

It comes as no surprise then that multiple tropical cyclones are circling Australia even 10 days before the exact eclipse on the 20th. 

Cyclone Pam reached Category 5 by March 12. Its trajectory runs closely east of Vanuatu, leaving the tiny nation in trepidation of the over 200km/hr winds anticipated Landfall on Friday 13th is forecast.
Note that only particular people and places experience the strongest effects of any global energy effect.
Energy is "earthed" wherever it finds resonance.
Places or people with a matching vibrational pattern will be activated 

Eclipses as well as ordinary monthly lunar events have the effect of capturing the energy signatures of other planetary patterns in effect.
The dominant planetary pattern in the period 2012-2016 is the repeated 90 degree angle between Uranus and Pluto as they orbit in and out of range of that connection in the extended time frame.

In March 2015, for the 7th time, Uranus and Pluto are exactly forming a right angle relationship -this time it is 15 Aries to 15 Capricorn – to be exact they both reach 15 degrees 17.8 minutes on the same day, March 17 [UT] at the same time.
Extensive writings are available both online and various posts on this site explain the full effects of Uranus-Pluto:

Extreme is a suitable keyword for the natural forces unleashed.

This is primal energy

The forces of nature include all energies our planet and solar system are capable of generating -wind is the primary expression in this context, but all forms of circulation, currents, waves are implicated.
Wind and water are both subject to circulation patterns.
 This means water is involved as well and large bodies of water undergo amplification of their usual flows and levels. In other words normal patterns are scaled up.

This same effect is inescapable for humans and all other species and so the risk is high for certain people to manifest extreme behaviour.

The primal effect on humans is a brutalising impetus
which the world has become all too familiar with in this timeframe when countless terrorist acts and hotspots of military aggression have become globally alarming.

Everyday citizens are at risk of channeling the primal rage and antisocial impulses triggered by the energy waves in effect under Uranus-Pluto.

Animals of course are not immune, so violent dogs are the situation most commonly encountered unless you live amongst other wildlife.

Uranus-Pluto on a societal level emphasises imbalances in power
– and in this era historic and contemporary examples of how primal energy is used to abuse, control, overpower others are in the public mind. 

Power abuse is a very sensitive issue in this time frame resulting in people, organisations and governments being held to account
[update March 15 2015 - X Factor NZ judge Natalia Kills is widely criticised for her treatment of a contestant, subjecting him to a sustained and over-the-top personal attack .
                                                  Natalia Kills 15 August 1986 - Leo
This incident exemplifies clearly the power abuse theme currently emphasised. 
The perpetrator's backstory gives rise to the notion of abusers having been abused & then repeating the pattern.]

Natural forces though are outside of human control and moderation. 

Their primal signatures are embedded in the fabric of the space environment, our solar system and our planet. 
Without them we would not exist. 
We are drenched in primal energy but we are obliged to moderate ourselves in order to co-exist with others. 
Failure to do so brings death and destruction in the same way as fire, earth, air and water can move and shake us beyond our ability to resist.

The March 2015 eclipse has this destructive capacity, expressed both through natural forces and through people.

Water is the primary element of Pisces but associated energy includes chemical, pharmaceutical and drug products, poisons, intoxicants, addictive substances, recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gas, oil. 

Any of these others can come into prominent awareness in the eclipse time frame -which builds before exactitude and flows until the next eclipse in 6 months.
[New Zealand has faced a threat in early March to use 1080 pest control poison to contaminate baby milk formula products. This example combines the major themes of the eclipse & includes perceived terrorist action to instil fear and to control, using a toxic chemical – also raising awareness of the subtext that the National government uses this poison heavily against perceived pest animals. This can be also framed as an abuse of power by a dominant species, deciding how nature should be to conform to human expectations or plans. The categorisation of certain species as pests is a subjective one made by a dominant species in the habitat.]

 Further news items related to eclipse effects
  • a mass attack by terrorists has been unleashed in Tunisia: it comes as no surprise in the context of the prevailing planetary pattern which triggers extreme forces, that on March 18 a globally significant attack was made on innocent foreign nationals - tourists visiting the Tunisia Museum -report

  • March 24 Airbus crash in the French Alps is very indicative of the mega-force stress impacting Earth's environment.
With March 2015 representing the 6th primary stress period in the 2012-2016 timeframe of the 90 degree angle between transiting Uranus and Pluto - Uranus is in Aries and Pluto is in Capricorn -both currently at 15 degrees.
The astrological keywords applicable here indicating a mountain [Capricorn], a destructive force [Pluto], the aviation environment and plane itself [Uranus] the crash event [Uranus in Aries]


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...