Friday, 27 March 2015

Andreas Lubitz & Airbus crash astrology profile

Latest on Lubitz: Online search terms in March 2015 reveal Lubitz's plans
March 25 2015: Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of Airbus A320, flown under Lufthansa's Germanwings flight 4U 9525 is being regarded as the prime cause of the crash on March 24 in the French Alps, killing all 150 persons aboard.
Andreas Lubitz

Statements from family, friends, associates give no clue to the personal traits that would implicate him in such an act.

NY Times writer Alison Smale provides birth data for Lubitz
Astro-profiling provides the energy on the day of Lubitz's birth -click to enlarge

Looking along the line of December 18 1987 provides a raft of energy information for those born on that day. Starting with Sun and Moon, the standard planets considered, the lunar nodes and Chiron.
Without an exact birth time, further refinements are not possible.

Standout features are immediately obvious re the Dec 18 energy.
The lunar nodes were at 28 Pisces-Virgo
This destiny/karma indicator was triggered by the 20 March 2015 total lunar eclipse at 29 Pisces
Even if Lubitz had not until March 2015 shown his pathway to obliteration -in effect to dissolution and mergence with totality - the Pisces imperative - the eclipse intensity of March as outlined in this report, was the surge he was ready for.

With Lubitz, born in 1987 having Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Saturn all in Sagittarius in the range 22-27 degrees a passion for planes and travel was inevitable, but the involvement of the energy of Saturn is always of concern when mixed with Sagittarius as it is again in the timeframe 2015-2018.
Sagittarius is not only the travel, adventure and exploration indicator - involving long distance movement - but it also connects to philosophy and beliefs.
With Saturn associated with Sagittarius, problems, difficulties, failures, impediments, obstacles, delays or obstructive blocked energy is associated with the movement energy.
The mental state is also affected and a report indicating a depressive episode is highly consistent with the serious, negative, self critical, inadequacy associated with the Saturn state of mind.
Uranus in Sagittarius is associated with unusual or unconventional ideas, beliefs -so there is a strong conflict there between the conventionality and responsibly constraint given by Saturn, contrasting with the erratic and rule breaking urges of Uranus.
An investigation into Lubitz's ideas, and preoccupations -if they were manifest, would be very revealing.
Sagittarius can be preachy and fanatical energy and thus prone to extreme or fundamentalist ideas.
Uranus is the planetary energy most associated with the air environment and therefore aviation in general.
Saturn and Uranus in combination have a track record of being an accident signature - though the term accident is a misnomer as all things occur due to causes

 Mars, Pluto and the Moon are in Scorpio.
Scorpio is the energy most associated with death
The Pluto in Scorpio generation from the mid 1980's-mid 1990's has more than the usual association with death -a fascination that may express as self destruction and or the destruction of others in homicidal or mass murder events.
Scorpio and Pluto are the energies also fascinated with power -the ability to control, dominate and destroy if used negatively -or the power to heal and transform - if used positively.
Any person with this Scorpio combination feeling unjustly disempowered is likely to have a passive-aggressive type personality, keeping the lid on the frightening dimensions of their personality until the tipping point occurs in -a massive explosion - of the emotions or of the mental safeguards that rein in the primal rage.

Jupiter in Aries talks of either abundant courage or abundant rage - and it is likely again that this was usually a trait or traits given little exposure or release.
In the context of linking to the Sagittarian planets [20Aries is in close range to permeate the full grouping at 20-27 SAG]

Chiron at 26 Gemini is near exactly opposite Lubitz's 25 Sagittarius Sun  and so activates as well the whole Sagittarius collection as well.
This indicator can lurk in the mind as another underminer: concerns of intellectual inadequacy, feeling stupid or unable to communicate. This adds to other negative self esteem issues covered.

This focus on standout elements on the birthdate of Andreas Lubitz suggests a young man with significant personal issues which for the most part were kept under control.
The degree of imperative to release those aspects of self was so intense, that he represented a ticking time bomb, with the capacity to commit an horrendous act in a large scale.
The timing of the crash, in March 2015 when primal urges were strongly triggered in the global environment, being earthed by those with equivalent resonance, is highly relevant as detailed in the March 2015 report on Astroblog.
Even in the absence of full data for Lubitz, his standout potentials are evident on the day of his birth, as is to be expected with a person whose destiny achieves global attention or who has an effect on the lives of many and goes undetected.

This chart for 10.40am local time in the French Alps region
is most revealing when the midpoints of planets are examined
Not only do multiple energies meet at midpoints in the range 20-27degrees Pisces, which activate Lubitz's 20-27 Sagittarian combo, but the highly destructive Saturn-Pluto midpoint at 25 Sagittarius on March 24 is in exact conjunction, maximum pressure -on his 25 Sagittarius Sun.
Also Neptune-Node is at 24 SAG - adding further to the potential for a deluded state of mind involving a mission or spiritual destiny.
The mathematics, angles and pressures are always evident.

As this is a developing story, further updates may be added:
March 27 news report

 Sagittarians are known for their love of sport and fitness.
If Lubitz was "fanatical" in his health regime, consuming health/fitness supplements without professional supervision, he may have created or aggravated an inherent chemical imbalance, especially if any hormonal or steroid material was in the mix.

Evidence of the ferocity of the impact [at around 700kph]: No single intact body has been located at the crash site.
Personal issues continue to arise in Lubitz's recent history -report 
Ominous prediction
"The ex-girlfriend said Lubitz made an ominous reference a year ago to the tragic act he carried out this week.

“When I heard about the crash, there was just a tape playing in my head of what he said, ‘One day I will do something that will change the system and everyone will then know my name and remember me’,” she said. 

“I did not know what he meant by that at the time, but now it’s clear.” 
The woman said she left Lubitz because of his volatile behaviour and the break-up reportedly devastated the co-pilot." -source reported on March 28 that various medications for psychological illness found at Lubitz's residence.
Many reports exist re adverse reactions to substances in this category, so this aspect needs investigation - particularly as drugs, pharmaceuticals are one of the energies associated with Pisces  - and as noted earlier this is a very critical astrological energy expression built into the tragic scenario. starting with the March lunar eclipse in Pisces.
Comment reported that a vision problem had emerged recently for Lubitz and that this issue threatened to destroy his flying career.
Saturn has the potential to cause an impediment related to Sagittarian activity.
As noted earlier Lubitz was born when Saturn was in Sagittarius, with multiple conjunctions to other planets. The Saturn-Mercury conjunction is very relevant re this defect.

March 29 2015
As multiple news reports emerge -summarised here with extensive photo gallery -  re Lubitz's personality and the transcript is released re the cockpit recording, numerous aspects highlighted in this report are confirmed, showing a much more disturbed personality, that the "quiet", "friendly" "happy" person initially described by some of his contacts.

The Saturn-Uranus combo conjunct his Sun and Mercury, all in Sagittarius enabled a detached, cold state of mind and unfeeling emotional condition based on firm belief in the righteousness of his intention.

Lufthansa admission re knowing of Lubitz's psychological condition leaves a huge opening for class action seeking compensation for victims -report

Early report:
More details compiled re Lubitz's biography


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...