Tuesday, 31 March 2015

UK Election 2015 astrology: Cameron, Miliband, Farage

Three Charts. Three Cardinal Fortunes
UK Election 2015
Latest: Election outcomes -scroll to May 7
 What a fascination. Three UK political figures all vying for a surge in power in 2015.
All were born in one of the Cardinal group of signs [Aries,
Libra, Cancer, Capricorn] so they inherently have traits in common
On the left is Cameron the Libran
In the centre is Miliband the Capricorn
On the right is Farrage the Aries

Capricorn is the classic political sign though its group associates Aries, Libra, Cancer can operate like Capricorns
Saturn is the classic political planet.
The chart wheel has a midheaven location [MC] which is imbued with noon-time solar force -so this location is capable of indicating the apex of a person's professional or publicly known life
Cameron the Libran has Cancer at the MC position and the Moon in the career zone [10th]
His Saturn sits in the work-for-work's-sake position -the 6th house.
His Saturn is powerfuly activated by tight opposition to Uranus and Pluto -meaning a political drive bent on change, reform, tight controls and yes austerity. 
To do this he has to clamp down on the empathy, compassion, sensitivity he perceives as horrid, mushy weaknesses: his Saturn is in Pisces conjunct Chiron*.
*The Chiron glyph is not shown but sits at 23 Pisces

Miliband the Capricorn has the foremost political animal sign.
The Goat is prepared to climb slowly, but the mountain peak is always the goal.
He has Capricorn on the MC as well.
His 6th house of work activities has a lot of energy -including Jupiter in opposition to his Saturn -which sits in the unhelpful 12th house -a sleeper position, dormant, hibernating energy which is slow to waken -but is in range of the birth moment - 9 Taurus -and so is rising in strength.
Farage the Aries has a very virile energy, a fiery battler with very forceful energy, obsessed with reform
His Saturn is also in the work activity house and like Cameron it is in Pisces. 
Saturn's position in early Pisces is in conflict with the public career axis denoted by the MC at 5 Gemini.
With the destiny-indicating nodes in Cancer-Capricorn Farage has to find the right balance between home & career - or how to be a very paternal and supportive figure in his political role

What does 2015 offer them?
The standout energy impacting the UK General Election, still potent though past its final exact angle is the Uranus-Pluto square - by May they are in the territory of 18Aries-15Capricorn.
This planetary combo since 2012 has shaken global politics considerably and overturned the lives of many individuals in a "world upside-down" fashion, with both constructive and destructive revolutionary forces in effect, as detailed at length in various posts on this site.
A primary theme of Uranus-Pluto is the use and abuse of power in any context or channel of expression - whether brute or physical force, intellectual, economic, emotional, sexual, collective and so on - whether contemporary or historic - is on the table for our universal contemplation and deliberation.
Being strongly associated with the theme of power, national politics have been impacted majorly across the world in the period from 2012 and up to 2016.
By viewing the charts of the 3 Cardinals above it can be immediately seen that:
Miliband's MC at 16 Capricorn is set to experience a surge of power coincident with the May 2015 UK elections as Pluto is lingering at 15 degrees Capricorn at that time.
Due to retrograding from April 2015, Pluto will not be fully on his MC and into his public career zone until February 2016, so May 2015 is not the strongest timing, but better is on offer.

Being an Aries, Farage has had some big 1,000 megawatt, zaps from Uranus in 2013-2015, but there's nothing else more exciting on the horizon than slogging away.
He was born with the charismatic pairing of Uranus & Pluto affecting his literal prebirth & birth experiences [AC point] so he will resonate with the zeitgeist of Uranus-square-Pluto [2012-2016] which is actually about pulling back from power abuse, domination & control at all levels of social interaction.
But as we have witnessed, the worst excesses of this energy have arisen in the form of collective terrorist acts as well as in everyday dynamics. 
Farage is essentially a reactionary who appeals to those of that persuasion.

Cameron has his career zone reflexly activated with Pluto in Capricorn in the opposing zone -the 4th.
Pluto at 15 Capricorn is in a high pressure position for him - his birth Sun position is 15 Libra.
This will be the fight of his life.
Extreme energies are placing him under great internal strain from March 2015 -and he will attract extreme opposing forces, aggravating instinctual drives due to threatening his sense of possession and control. 
This is a primal battle for Cameron.
The forces are more against him while they are simultaneously more for Miliband

Very little has been considered here but sometimes it's worth a punt to get to the essence & see what the stars are indicating in any standout way.
I know next to nothing about UK politics and the personalities involved but we are living in unusual times of increasing global connectedness and the tides of change are very intriguing, even from afar

*Chiron is used by many for additional analysis

May 7 2015

Election 2015 result:

Cameron's Conservative's romp home 
- the extreme adverse pressure he was under from the exact 15 degree Pluto effect appears to have spurred Cameron onto greater heights than ever. He rose to the challenge and tasted a sweet victory.

Miliband won his seat, increased his majority and was in sniffing distance of a transformational career period -but not close enough it turned out to snatch away even a weak victory. 
He subsequently resigned as party leader.
As stated in the main report, "May 2015 is not the strongest timing" his best surge on offer is from February 2016; his energy regathering itself from late September 2015 when Pluto resumes direct movement towards 16 degrees, reinvigorating Miliband's professional life in 2016

Farage failed to win his seat and also resigned, leaving the door open though to stand again. UKIP got 0% of the vote

The result severely wiped out the Liberal Democrat Party [1%] whilst the Scottish National Party went stratospheric [9%]
These two oddities in the result seem to have rejigged the whole outcome, since pollsters found the final result a shock and surprise after consistent indicators of an extremely tight two horse race between the largest parties

The outcome shows an upset was on offer, but reality beat all odds.

The fact that Cameron, under adverse conditions, through force of will, spurred the country on to return his party in an even stronger position, while Miliband was simultaneously unable to draw on the depths of his power and bring forth something that was waiting in the wings shows how much destiny or karma is involved.
Logic has no place in the workings of karma.


Friday, 27 March 2015

Andreas Lubitz & Airbus crash astrology profile

Latest on Lubitz: Online search terms in March 2015 reveal Lubitz's plans
March 25 2015: Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of Airbus A320, flown under Lufthansa's Germanwings flight 4U 9525 is being regarded as the prime cause of the crash on March 24 in the French Alps, killing all 150 persons aboard.
Andreas Lubitz

Statements from family, friends, associates give no clue to the personal traits that would implicate him in such an act.

NY Times writer Alison Smale provides birth data for Lubitz
Astro-profiling provides the energy on the day of Lubitz's birth -click to enlarge

Looking along the line of December 18 1987 provides a raft of energy information for those born on that day. Starting with Sun and Moon, the standard planets considered, the lunar nodes and Chiron.
Without an exact birth time, further refinements are not possible.

Standout features are immediately obvious re the Dec 18 energy.
The lunar nodes were at 28 Pisces-Virgo
This destiny/karma indicator was triggered by the 20 March 2015 total lunar eclipse at 29 Pisces
Even if Lubitz had not until March 2015 shown his pathway to obliteration -in effect to dissolution and mergence with totality - the Pisces imperative - the eclipse intensity of March as outlined in this report, was the surge he was ready for.

With Lubitz, born in 1987 having Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Saturn all in Sagittarius in the range 22-27 degrees a passion for planes and travel was inevitable, but the involvement of the energy of Saturn is always of concern when mixed with Sagittarius as it is again in the timeframe 2015-2018.
Sagittarius is not only the travel, adventure and exploration indicator - involving long distance movement - but it also connects to philosophy and beliefs.
With Saturn associated with Sagittarius, problems, difficulties, failures, impediments, obstacles, delays or obstructive blocked energy is associated with the movement energy.
The mental state is also affected and a report indicating a depressive episode is highly consistent with the serious, negative, self critical, inadequacy associated with the Saturn state of mind.
Uranus in Sagittarius is associated with unusual or unconventional ideas, beliefs -so there is a strong conflict there between the conventionality and responsibly constraint given by Saturn, contrasting with the erratic and rule breaking urges of Uranus.
An investigation into Lubitz's ideas, and preoccupations -if they were manifest, would be very revealing.
Sagittarius can be preachy and fanatical energy and thus prone to extreme or fundamentalist ideas.
Uranus is the planetary energy most associated with the air environment and therefore aviation in general.
Saturn and Uranus in combination have a track record of being an accident signature - though the term accident is a misnomer as all things occur due to causes

 Mars, Pluto and the Moon are in Scorpio.
Scorpio is the energy most associated with death
The Pluto in Scorpio generation from the mid 1980's-mid 1990's has more than the usual association with death -a fascination that may express as self destruction and or the destruction of others in homicidal or mass murder events.
Scorpio and Pluto are the energies also fascinated with power -the ability to control, dominate and destroy if used negatively -or the power to heal and transform - if used positively.
Any person with this Scorpio combination feeling unjustly disempowered is likely to have a passive-aggressive type personality, keeping the lid on the frightening dimensions of their personality until the tipping point occurs in -a massive explosion - of the emotions or of the mental safeguards that rein in the primal rage.

Jupiter in Aries talks of either abundant courage or abundant rage - and it is likely again that this was usually a trait or traits given little exposure or release.
In the context of linking to the Sagittarian planets [20Aries is in close range to permeate the full grouping at 20-27 SAG]

Chiron at 26 Gemini is near exactly opposite Lubitz's 25 Sagittarius Sun  and so activates as well the whole Sagittarius collection as well.
This indicator can lurk in the mind as another underminer: concerns of intellectual inadequacy, feeling stupid or unable to communicate. This adds to other negative self esteem issues covered.

This focus on standout elements on the birthdate of Andreas Lubitz suggests a young man with significant personal issues which for the most part were kept under control.
The degree of imperative to release those aspects of self was so intense, that he represented a ticking time bomb, with the capacity to commit an horrendous act in a large scale.
The timing of the crash, in March 2015 when primal urges were strongly triggered in the global environment, being earthed by those with equivalent resonance, is highly relevant as detailed in the March 2015 report on Astroblog.
Even in the absence of full data for Lubitz, his standout potentials are evident on the day of his birth, as is to be expected with a person whose destiny achieves global attention or who has an effect on the lives of many and goes undetected.

This chart for 10.40am local time in the French Alps region
is most revealing when the midpoints of planets are examined
Not only do multiple energies meet at midpoints in the range 20-27degrees Pisces, which activate Lubitz's 20-27 Sagittarian combo, but the highly destructive Saturn-Pluto midpoint at 25 Sagittarius on March 24 is in exact conjunction, maximum pressure -on his 25 Sagittarius Sun.
Also Neptune-Node is at 24 SAG - adding further to the potential for a deluded state of mind involving a mission or spiritual destiny.
The mathematics, angles and pressures are always evident.

As this is a developing story, further updates may be added:
March 27 news report

 Sagittarians are known for their love of sport and fitness.
If Lubitz was "fanatical" in his health regime, consuming health/fitness supplements without professional supervision, he may have created or aggravated an inherent chemical imbalance, especially if any hormonal or steroid material was in the mix.

Evidence of the ferocity of the impact [at around 700kph]: No single intact body has been located at the crash site.
Personal issues continue to arise in Lubitz's recent history -report 
Ominous prediction
"The ex-girlfriend said Lubitz made an ominous reference a year ago to the tragic act he carried out this week.

“When I heard about the crash, there was just a tape playing in my head of what he said, ‘One day I will do something that will change the system and everyone will then know my name and remember me’,” she said. 

“I did not know what he meant by that at the time, but now it’s clear.” 
The woman said she left Lubitz because of his volatile behaviour and the break-up reportedly devastated the co-pilot." -source

France24.com reported on March 28 that various medications for psychological illness found at Lubitz's residence.
Many reports exist re adverse reactions to substances in this category, so this aspect needs investigation - particularly as drugs, pharmaceuticals are one of the energies associated with Pisces  - and as noted earlier this is a very critical astrological energy expression built into the tragic scenario. starting with the March lunar eclipse in Pisces.
Comment reported that a vision problem had emerged recently for Lubitz and that this issue threatened to destroy his flying career.
Saturn has the potential to cause an impediment related to Sagittarian activity.
As noted earlier Lubitz was born when Saturn was in Sagittarius, with multiple conjunctions to other planets. The Saturn-Mercury conjunction is very relevant re this defect.

March 29 2015
As multiple news reports emerge -summarised here with extensive photo gallery -  re Lubitz's personality and the transcript is released re the cockpit recording, numerous aspects highlighted in this report are confirmed, showing a much more disturbed personality, that the "quiet", "friendly" "happy" person initially described by some of his contacts.

The Saturn-Uranus combo conjunct his Sun and Mercury, all in Sagittarius enabled a detached, cold state of mind and unfeeling emotional condition based on firm belief in the righteousness of his intention.

Lufthansa admission re knowing of Lubitz's psychological condition leaves a huge opening for class action seeking compensation for victims -report

Early report:
More details compiled re Lubitz's biography

Friday, 13 March 2015

Jeremy Clarkson: Aries pinup 2015

Aries Profile for 2015 pinup Jeremy Clarkson, courtesy of his performance in a leading role in Where's My Steak??!!*
scroll to end for latest updates including full text 
of the incident report
The popular and despised co-host of globally broadcast show Top Gear has risked his career over a fracas** reportedly over not being provided a steak meal at 10pm after filming

Astrological indicators reveal the following:
Clarkson's date of birth April 11 1960 gives an Aries Sun -personalities under this sign are known for rough edges, anger, aggression, risk-taking, caustic attitudes, along with courage, impulsive behaviour and having a short fuse. Fools are not suffered.
Clarkson presents an archetype of Aries in his Top Gear persona

A full moon on April 11 1960 means the polar opposite energy
Libra is also emphasised. 
A balance has to be found between the Aries me myself I kind of selfish worldview and the need to be socially acceptable.
Clearly Mr Clarkson is yet to find that equilibrium.
A big dose of rebellious Uranian energy is in the picture making Mr C a rule-breaker and even more prone to I'll do it my way.

Saturn is also prominent which is his saving grace. Without the restraining voice of guilt, some smidgen of a sense of responsibility and the capacity to flip into senior management mode, Clarkson would be so far off the rails he would not be employable.

Venus in Aries adds to the firecracker personality but Mars and Mercury in Pisces along with Neptune colluding with Mars mean that alcohol and drugs are a big no-no. He will be attracted to both, as well as harbouring fantasies of being someone that he isn't.
At his worst when under any intoxicating influence, Pluto will operate nastily through his Mars
making him a high risk mis-behaver. Pluto gives the sense of invincibility and the enjoyment of complete control to the point of grossly over-stepping the mark.
Saturn too is a control freak influence but on account of seeking micro-management - not purely to make others submit.
The Saturn and Pisces-Neptune effects can both work to undermine and dissolve the bolshy, gutsy persona Clarkson tries to cultivate. His soft and mushy wuss factors are quite evident though beneath the surface.
Fears, insecurities though are best kept off the script when you're a danger-man.

So there's a lot of baggage churning away beneath for persons born on this day, and Jeremy Clarkson happens to be one of them. No surprises then that he regularly gets into trouble.

[*Red meat is the preferred diet of the Aries]

Without a specific birth time and place for Mr Clarkson, any further refinements of this profile are not possible

Falling from Grace: UK has seen many stumbles

A contemporary astrological theme impacting the human condition since 2012 involves high profile people falling from grace. [Uranus square Pluto]
The underlying issue is how humanity uses its power -physical, intellectual, emotional, financial etc.
When a high profile person is called to account for a significant transgression, a collective learning experience is on offer. 
Rolf Harris, Jimmy Saville, allegations against William Roache & Michael Le Vell are just some in the entertainment industry whose reputations have been impacted by allegations or proven abuse of power. For these 4 the public focus was on their use of personal power -including their male power, their position or fame, to cross sexual boundaries. Harris was convicted. Saville escaped via death. Roache & Le Vell were found not guilty.
Clarkson's situation, involving an extensive back catalogue of behaviour which fits the definition of abuse of power
For this reason this event involving Clarkson is raised in significance to a major point of consideration.
The BBC has done the right thing by not condoning power abuse.
Humanity has to make a clear stand regarding what is acceptable human conduct in a civilized environment.
Without such guidelines and boundaries we are collectively at risk of degenerating to a climate of widespread brutality.
The civilizing codes are just a thin veneer over our ancient heritage: it takes little to breach that barrier.

March 25 2015 - The BBC has fired Clarkson after an incident report reveals a sustained physical & verbal attack on a Top Gear producer on March 4 at the crew's accommodation.
Full incident report

**March 2015 news re original incident

Read other profiles and posts re power abuse on this site via keyword search function 
Uranus and Pluto are locked into a 90 degree square angle 2012-2016

March 2015 primal forces released: astrology analysis

Latest updates:
Powerful effects continue into April due to eclipse having a six month extent 
April 1 Fatal storm impacts much of north-western Europe
Super-Typhoon Maysek in Micronesia
"political earthquakes" occurring -Nigeria's adoption of a democratic choice; NZ political balance upset on March 28 by minor party win in Northland by-election
March 31 extreme weather reports in Kashmir , Peru & Chile.   All these events involve torrents of water
March 30:  M6+ quakes in the Pacific island regions of Samoa and Tonga; M7.5 quake off PNG -earth's primal forces at work
March 24: Airbus Crash
Airbus crash kills 150 in French Alps. On March 24 just four days from the eclipse exactitude, Germanwings 4U9525 appears to have hit a mountain range near Digne. Due to the involvement of mega-forces, aviation disasters are high risk in this period -the resonant pattern of Pluto square Uranus is seeking earthing points. 
Here, the extreme annihilating force of Pluto is at odds with the aviation signature of Uranus.
read in depth astrological analysis of Lubitz on this blog
 read related aviation material here re flight MH17

March 17-18

March 17-18 extreme readings for Earth geomagnetic conditions
-------------------------------------------------------------- MARCH 2015 PISCES NEW MOON TOTAL
A complicated and extreme eclipse occurs in March 2015.
  • The Sun and Moon conjoin at 29 degrees Pisces for a total eclipse of the Sun.
  • This degree point is in the equinoctial zone marked by 0 degrees Aries – the traditional marker of Spring or Autumn/Fall depending on your hemisphere and commonly known to feature energised winds.
  • So the strengthening effects of a New Moon, plus the amplifying eclipse effect added to the equinoctal energies is a triple whammy in itself.
The consequences are primarily related to potentising natural forces -storms with strong winds are the usual signature at the equinox, so the forces are taken up a few extra notches in the mid March period by the extra influences prevailing.

It comes as no surprise then that multiple tropical cyclones are circling Australia even 10 days before the exact eclipse on the 20th. 

Cyclone Pam reached Category 5 by March 12. Its trajectory runs closely east of Vanuatu, leaving the tiny nation in trepidation of the over 200km/hr winds anticipated Landfall on Friday 13th is forecast.
Note that only particular people and places experience the strongest effects of any global energy effect.
Energy is "earthed" wherever it finds resonance.
Places or people with a matching vibrational pattern will be activated 

Eclipses as well as ordinary monthly lunar events have the effect of capturing the energy signatures of other planetary patterns in effect.
The dominant planetary pattern in the period 2012-2016 is the repeated 90 degree angle between Uranus and Pluto as they orbit in and out of range of that connection in the extended time frame.

In March 2015, for the 7th time, Uranus and Pluto are exactly forming a right angle relationship -this time it is 15 Aries to 15 Capricorn – to be exact they both reach 15 degrees 17.8 minutes on the same day, March 17 [UT] at the same time.
Extensive writings are available both online and various posts on this site explain the full effects of Uranus-Pluto:

Extreme is a suitable keyword for the natural forces unleashed.

This is primal energy

The forces of nature include all energies our planet and solar system are capable of generating -wind is the primary expression in this context, but all forms of circulation, currents, waves are implicated.
Wind and water are both subject to circulation patterns.
 This means water is involved as well and large bodies of water undergo amplification of their usual flows and levels. In other words normal patterns are scaled up.

This same effect is inescapable for humans and all other species and so the risk is high for certain people to manifest extreme behaviour.

The primal effect on humans is a brutalising impetus
which the world has become all too familiar with in this timeframe when countless terrorist acts and hotspots of military aggression have become globally alarming.

Everyday citizens are at risk of channeling the primal rage and antisocial impulses triggered by the energy waves in effect under Uranus-Pluto.

Animals of course are not immune, so violent dogs are the situation most commonly encountered unless you live amongst other wildlife.

Uranus-Pluto on a societal level emphasises imbalances in power
– and in this era historic and contemporary examples of how primal energy is used to abuse, control, overpower others are in the public mind. 

Power abuse is a very sensitive issue in this time frame resulting in people, organisations and governments being held to account
[update March 15 2015 - X Factor NZ judge Natalia Kills is widely criticised for her treatment of a contestant, subjecting him to a sustained and over-the-top personal attack .
                                                  Natalia Kills 15 August 1986 - Leo
This incident exemplifies clearly the power abuse theme currently emphasised. 
The perpetrator's backstory gives rise to the notion of abusers having been abused & then repeating the pattern.]

Natural forces though are outside of human control and moderation. 

Their primal signatures are embedded in the fabric of the space environment, our solar system and our planet. 
Without them we would not exist. 
We are drenched in primal energy but we are obliged to moderate ourselves in order to co-exist with others. 
Failure to do so brings death and destruction in the same way as fire, earth, air and water can move and shake us beyond our ability to resist.

The March 2015 eclipse has this destructive capacity, expressed both through natural forces and through people.

Water is the primary element of Pisces but associated energy includes chemical, pharmaceutical and drug products, poisons, intoxicants, addictive substances, recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gas, oil. 

Any of these others can come into prominent awareness in the eclipse time frame -which builds before exactitude and flows until the next eclipse in 6 months.
[New Zealand has faced a threat in early March to use 1080 pest control poison to contaminate baby milk formula products. This example combines the major themes of the eclipse & includes perceived terrorist action to instil fear and to control, using a toxic chemical – also raising awareness of the subtext that the National government uses this poison heavily against perceived pest animals. This can be also framed as an abuse of power by a dominant species, deciding how nature should be to conform to human expectations or plans. The categorisation of certain species as pests is a subjective one made by a dominant species in the habitat.]

 Further news items related to eclipse effects
  • a mass attack by terrorists has been unleashed in Tunisia: it comes as no surprise in the context of the prevailing planetary pattern which triggers extreme forces, that on March 18 a globally significant attack was made on innocent foreign nationals - tourists visiting the Tunisia Museum -report

  • March 24 Airbus crash in the French Alps is very indicative of the mega-force stress impacting Earth's environment.
With March 2015 representing the 6th primary stress period in the 2012-2016 timeframe of the 90 degree angle between transiting Uranus and Pluto - Uranus is in Aries and Pluto is in Capricorn -both currently at 15 degrees.
The astrological keywords applicable here indicating a mountain [Capricorn], a destructive force [Pluto], the aviation environment and plane itself [Uranus] the crash event [Uranus in Aries]


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...