Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Bombing in Brussels - and the eclipses of March 2016

Terror in Brussels in the context of two heavy-hitting eclipses.
The astrological forecast for March 2016 -and with a period of influence over the coming 6 month period - identified significant risk factors related to terrorism activity -a combination of energy activation involving extreme dogma, aggressive forces and transport networks.
It comes as no surprise that attacks in multiple global locations in known hotspots have occurred during this month, the most significant so far in the Belgian capital Brussels on the eve of the March 23 Aries-Libra lunar eclipse.
Suicide bombers activated bombs at the international airport and a central metro station, with multiple deaths and injuries.
Brussels has literally earthed the force of the prevailing combination of eclipse energies
 - just as some people earth a lightning strike -the location of Brussels contains an energy that matches the current planetary picture. The process of resonance is how this occurs. Brussels has become a known hive of extremist Islam.

The Astrological Factors
Aside from the forecast published for March 2016, the actual prevailing energy for the city of Brussels is displayed in this chart calculated for 8am -the reported timing of the initial twin blasts on March 22
Standout energy factors are evident.

The eclipse was building so the Moon is still in Virgo -but this places the Moon within one of the extreme patterns -it sits at the midpoint of Jupiter and the north lunar node- all in Virgo in the range 16-22 degrees. These positions are tightly opposed by Venus, Chiron and the south lunar node from 12-22 Pisces. 
The danger factor from all this opposed energy comes from Saturn in Sagittarius -angled at 90 degrees to Jupiter and capturing the Moon and other factors in the opposed alignment.
With the 3 mutable signs [Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces] -related to movement and flow - all forms of transport -and related hubs are the focus of destructive energy.
Saturn sits in the death and transformation zone [8th] bringing losses and separations.

But more than this is the bigger picture of the anarchic, annihilating force delivered by Pluto at right angle to Uranus - a combination of energies that has been on the rampage in volatile zones across the globe since 2011.
This energy has delivered a swathe of political upheavals, death, destruction and intense struggles for supremacy between different idealogies.

In the Brussels chart for March 22
Pluto sits exact on the MC point of a key chart axis.

This alone indicates the occurrence of an annihilating, catastrophic event.
Pluto is always prominent in bombings, explosions.
Typically there is an array of closely connected energies, identified by their mathematical tight range. 
Pluto 17 Capricorn connects by right angle to Uranus 19 Aries - positions which then mathematically link to the Saturn-Jupiter-Moon-Chiron-Nodes-Venus - combination - the largest and tightest grouping in the range 16-22 degrees -giving an effective midpoint at 19 degrees - positions which are held by both Uranus and the Moon - both known trigger energies - the Moon in terms of timing and Uranus always set for sudden, unexpected activity.

These sort of events can be foreseen. The challenge is to know where. Though there are methods to consider the locations for the earthing of an energy pattern, the amount of mathematical analysis required is likely to be only possible using specially programmed computer software - or to work backwards assessing most likely location targets and see what time the energies are most intense - but again this is hours of work.   

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Cate Blanchett Rooney Mara Timeline 1969-2016

Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara have been documented together extensively since they met in 2014.
A timeline of key dates shows how their destinies have become entwined, their life paths intersecting.
Their collaboration in the 2014 filming of Carol only heightened the amount of media coverage -from fashionistas, to movie watchers and the swooning fanbase.
The pairing of Cate and Rooney has multiple indicators of a fated occurrence, where events since 1998 seem to conspire to bring these two together.

When destiny is evoked the stars must be consulted -and even a quick appraisal shows that Cate and Rooney are two people who truly complement and complete each other  -the yin and yang, the light and dark.
It is a story not only of love, but also of admiration, fascination and attraction. 
With a story so powerful the connections are equally so, an entwinement that neither can ignore.

Timeline of Cate and Rooney
Significant events and Encounters

May 14 1969 Cate Blanchett is born as Catherine Elise Blanchett in Melbourne Australia

April 17 1985 Rooney Mara is born Patricia Rooney Mara in Bedford, New York

Screenwriter Phyllis Nagy completes first draft of Carol adaptation from Patricia Highsmith’s novel.

The movie Elizabeth starring Cate Blanchett as the 16th century British monarch is released late in the year.

Late in 1998 or early 1999 Rooney Mara, then aged 13 sees the movie Elizabeth and is captivated by Cate Blanchett - her grace, magnetism and her performance.
In subsequent years Rooney follows Cate's career with some determination

Cate reads Patricia Highsmith’s [aka Claire Morgan] novel The Price of Salt [original title of Carol] while filming movie of Highsmith’s The Talented Mr Ripley in Italy

Rooney Mara takes on the role of Lisbeth Salander in the David Fincher US version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Late in the year, Elizabeth Karlsen buys the book rights to Carol, with Cate attached to project soon after

Rooney's Dragon Tattoo film is released December 2011
This movie - and her performance - achieved enough critical praise to take Rooney's career onto a new level.
In 1998 the world saw Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth
In 2011 the world encountered Rooney Mara as Lisbeth.
Two vastly different roles but more importantly two characters hellbent on self determination

Rooney is offered Therese role in Carol. Rejects it due to exhaustion.

Rooney accepts second offer of Therese role.

February: Cate and Rooney meet for the first time at the Santa Barbara Film Festival when Rooney delivers a lengthy tribute speech to Cate, recipient of Outstanding performer of the Year -for her role in Blue Jasmine.
15 years have passed by since Rooney first saw Cate onscreen.

March: rehearsals and film shoot for Carol.
16 years have passed since Phyllis Nagy first set in train the process leading to the Carol movie production.

April: film shoot runs till 25th

May: Cannes Film Festival where both Cate and Rooney attend for Carol nominations -photo shoot, screening and after party & inbetween times

October: Cate and Rooney attend several promotional events for Carol [NYFF, BFI, NYT]

November: Cate and Rooney attend several promotional events for Carol [SAG-AFTRA , NYC Premiere,etc]

January 2: Cate and Rooney attend Palm Springs Film Festival

Cate & Rooney attend Q&A for Carol including Variety Screening Series Jan 6, American Cinematheque Jan 7

Jan 8 AFI Awards

Jan 9 BAFTA Tea

February 12 Rooney receives Cinema Vanguard Award at Santa Barbara SBIFF. Cate provides a tribute to Rooney via video from London.
This occurs two years after Rooney delivered her very emotional tribute to Cate at Santa Barbara.

February 27: Cate and Rooney attend and co-present the Carol feature at the Independent Spirit Awards

February 28 Cate and Rooney attend the OSCARS for Carol nominations
global cinema releases continue for Carol along with DVD & BlueRay releases

The future?
Being able to work together again is in the realm of possibilities.
Both Cate and Rooney, because of significant similarities in their life paths are experiencing very connected life changes especially very intensely in the current period 2016-2018 that involve for both of them their personal relationships, feelings, connections -read more 

March 23 2016
She is often seen in suits and enjoyed wearing male clothing as a teen - showing a resistance to being stereotyped as a classic glamour queen. Cate can reflect the whole spectrum from the ultra feminine to the  outright androgynous

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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Maria Sharapova aced by Pisces eclipse

A potent total solar eclipse
 in early March 2016 
has aced tennis star Maria Sharapova

Sharapova, an Aries born 19 April 1987, like the majority of people born in the 1986-1988 timeframe has a major life experience indicator related to the sign Sagittarius.

March 8  Tennis royalty Maria Sharapova responds to failed drug test, loses major sponsors. provisionally suspended pending investigation - this event signifies a person very challenged by the Pisces eclipse energies exact on March 9 2016. 
Pisces is connected to all drugs and medications.
read:  The March 2016 solar eclipse in depth 

Sharapova chart material via

Due to uncertainty re Sharapova's exact birth time, this suggested layout has several planets bunched at the Sagittarius-Capricorn crossover point, in the period around the dawn of her birthday.

Given the current crisis for her this rectified chart has a lot of value in highlighting the aspects of her life now under extreme pressure.

The March 2016 eclipse in Pisces has activated a major factor in Sharapova's birth energies -exposing weakness in her personal development and threatening to topple her career.

Like Oscar Pistorius, born November 1986 -whose well known fate is analysed in a prior astro report - Sharapova also was born with the planet Saturn in Sagittarius. 
Like Pistorius, Sharapova also has Uranus in Sagittarius - this pair of planets sits in the range 20-26 degrees of Sagittarius in her chart - much closer than for Pistorius.
2013 Pistorius in court charged with the murder of his lover Reeva Steenkamp
Saturn in Sagittarius has the potential to bring mastery in the fields of sport or recreational adventuring but there is usually a challenging physical weakness along with challenges regarding right conduct.
The price paid for the high karma blessings of success, fame, fortune is that there are major responsibilities to bear -commitments, self control, discipline, restraint, self management. It is a tightrope crossing that a person born under these influences must handle with extreme care.

Pistorius rose to high status as a disabled athlete. 
Sharapova first rose to the top of women's tennis in 2005 but has been plagued by repeated collarbone injuries.
Pistorius became reckless with firearms and motor vehicles, ultimately ending in the death of his lover -shot - and he says unidentified, through a bathroom door.
Sharapova has now self-disclosed a reckless attitude towards the drugs-in-sport controversy.

Pistorius failed the test of high responsibility and now so has Sharapova.

Uranus in Sagittarius brings about sudden changes of circumstance in respect of the sporting or recreational activities the person is involved with. 
Both Pistorius and Sharapova have this planet-sign pairing.
Pistorius has effectively lost his sporting career. 
He remains on electronic bail awaiting a second sentencing in April 2016 with a muder conviction in place.

In Sharapova's chart Saturn is in close conjunction with Uranus  [20-26 degrees] -so the two effects will occur in closer timing -the crisis and the changes. In addition, having Venus at 25 Pisces indicates the impact on her income regarding loss of sponsorships -though she won't be poor - and severed relationships.

In 2017 Sharapova experiences a life stage termed by astrologers the Saturn Return - when Saturn completes a full orbit of the birth chart and returns to the same position it was in at birth. This occurs for all of us -some at age 29, some at age 30 due to varying lengths of cycle.
When Saturn returns to its birth position a person is confronted with the sort of responsibilities, commitments and right conduct that is relevant to their position in life or prevailing circumstances.
The personal birth chart identifies what arena of life the challenges will arise in.
The four main contexts are 
  • personal development
  • relationship commitment -such as marriage
  • commitment to family -the decision to be a parent
  • career development
At least one of these is likely to arise as an opportunity for making mature life choices.

If a person fails to meet the level of maturity at the first Saturn Return, life progress can be stalled until the next opportunity - in another 30 years

For Sharapova, 2017 is her opportunity to recognise the commitments and responsibilities required to turn her life around.
This may mean she can resuscitate her tennis career -or she may take on one of the other cornerstone aspects of life as a chance to develop new responsibilities.

This report may be extended, updated
 as further material arises

March 10 Report says Sharapova warned many times re ban on meldonium.
Facing the press and accepting responsibility [Saturn] are indicators that auger well for Sharapova's redemption - so long as this is not simply a public relations exercise. If personal changes are not made now at this advance warning stage, the outcomes in 2017 are likely to be far more negative for her.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Analysis: March 2016 Potent Pisces Eclipse

A potent total solar eclipse in Pisces in March 2016 comes bundled with multiple heavy hitters on board.
March 9 2016 total solar eclipse via NASA

Pisces events involving the sun, moon or other planets generate much more sensitivity and compassion in people but also the extremes of feeling that lead to escapism, addiction, seclusion.
Illusion, delusion, confusion are also strongly activated by the combination of Pisces and it’s paired planet Neptune.
Both the planet Neptune and the related sign Pisces are prominent is March 2016.

Piscean and Neptunian influenced people can be among the most religious, in extreme cases the devotion leads to a cult of adoration centred around a charismatic figure onto whom godlike qualities are projected. Religious fundamentalism is another path – one followed by those who emphasise the notions of purity and purification to a level that requires punishment, repression, even annihilation of those who fail to adhere.
Pisces people are the most likely to be deceived – or to deceive others and many will either fall prey to being conned or to defraud others -so watch out for cheats, frauds & thieves when Pisces is strong.

Pisces is in polarity with Virgo and recent months have seen many unable to zone out into Pisces mode because of too much work -a situation triggered by Jupiter in Virgo. The effect is again very strong this month.
The Pisces state of mind is the opposite of the Virgo state - Pisces sees the bigger picture, the interconnectedness and the spiritual flow between all beings, all things. Virgo is the analytical mind that sorts into categories, classifications, systems and functions. This is intended to attain efficiency and perfection, neatness, tidiness, orderliness -but Virgo can get so caught up in fine, hair-splitting detail that the meaning is lost. Pisces needs a bit more balance in order to step out of the chaos of the Whole picture. 
Balance is always a theme when two polar signs arise together.

In this new millennium there are many indicators of the return of religious fundamentalism and this energy is emphasised in the time frame of the March 2016 total solar eclipse New Moon in Pisces.

Eclipse energy has a much wider window of effect than the usual monthly Moon events. 
Building energy can be triggered even weeks in advance of the exact conjunction of the eclipse Sun & Moon and the themes exist in their potential activation state during at least the 6 month period until the next eclipse period.

Why is this eclipse so potent?

Multiple energies will leapfrog and synergise in a chain reaction effect. This eclipse carries along with it many other planetary forces in a tight range of connectivity.
Powerfully built eclipse formations such as this occur in the context of world events with mass impact.

March 2016 has two eclipses
March 9 total solar in Pisces
March 23 lunar at the full moon in Aries-Libra
The month overall has energies likely to manifest through the following themes -some but not all will occur in your location, some will have global implications.
People born March, June, September, December of any year are most likely to experience effects carrying one or more of the Pisces-Virgo, Aries Libra themes :
  • Extreme, fluctuating, volatile and contrasting conditions
  • Big winners, big losers in financial/economic/business contexts
  • Environmental/climate/weather extremes
  • Structural earth stresses – seismic and volcanic
  • Structural collapse – in any context
  • Economic consequences as a result of stalled growth
  • Global markets, economic indicators show extremes
  • Restrictions, mass layoffs and slumps in the job market
  • Destructive, anarchic human extremism driven by repressive ideologies, fundamentalist or purist religious dogma
  • Further hardening of political response to migrants, foreign nationals.
  • Further indicators of unpredictable unprecedented political events
  • Travel advisories or alerts, travel restrictions, problems or cancellations
The Aries-Libra eclipse late in March 2016 has more financial/economic effects –with big losses in some sectors, big gains in others, consequences for employment, mass job losses
War and Peace =Mars and Venus energies are also on the table. More aggressive activity, more efforts at peacemaking, co-operation, building rather than destroying relationships.

March 26  follows the March 23 eclipse with a quartet of energies in the 16-17 degree range:
This means Venus is the target of 3 planets that are determined to engage
Venus is money, love/relationships, peace.
Jupiter is an expanding and beneficial bringer of abundance
Saturn is a contracting and restrictive bringer of losses
Pluto is a challenging, sometimes cruel force that can destroy so that the new can be born

So overall there are more difficulties, more people encountering the suffering aspects re relationships, money and harmonious balance –versus maybe the 1% who always gain when the majority fall over – as is well known in the stock and share markets of the world and when housing values collapse – so this late March eclipse may be a significant crisis indicator for the world economy.

In addition starting from this late March period the Saturn-Jupiter stress could be a risky than usual time for overseas or foreign travel - the eclipse influence can extend this risk period for 6 months from March - and April-May 2016 could see a major aviation tragedy.

Eclipses - how do they work?
The fundamental significance of eclipses is that they have the power to amplify whatever forces are operating in the time frame, in addition to the basic consequences of the sun and moon working in tandem.
The result is that eclipses are known as signposts or markers of significant global events

How are patterns identified?

The mathematics are always the first clue.
The geometric mathematics of astrology range from simple angles such as 90 or 180 degrees through to much more unusual divisions of the 360 degree circle. All these different angles have signature effects.
But what makes a pattern easier to spot is when multiple planets occupy a narrow range of degree positions.

The eclipse for March 9 2016 has a tight grouping in the range 16-22 degrees.

Saturn-Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter-Sun-Moon at 16-17-18-19 degrees are all tightly connected to each other
Chiron at 20 degrees closely conjuncts Sun+Moon
The lunar nodal axis at 22 degrees links Sun-Moon-Jupiter-Chiron.

updates & relevant news

March 4 Balcony collapse injures students - an example of structural collapse that is a current theme
March 8 Historic ferry sinks -all maritime vessels are connected to Pisces energy
March 8  Tennis royalty Maria Sharapova responds to failed drug test, loses major sponsors. provisionally suspended pending investigation - this event signifies a person very challenged by the eclipse energies. Pisces is connected to all drugs/medications.
March 8 Migrant crisis deepens in Europe -BBC report
March 11 strong quake shudders central New Zealand
Eclipse time frames regularly associate with increased seismic or volcanic unrest
March 11 global economy increasingly sombre
March 11 Trump rally erupts in violence - the extreme ideology element in the eclipse forecast is captured in this heated political contest

March 13 Terrorist bomb attack in Turkey's capital

Many significant fires also clustered around the eclipse. This was not due to Pisces energy but due to the connected planets Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter - with Uranus being in the fire sign Aries -all forms of aggression were amplified by Pluto combining with Jupiter channelled through Uranus= sudden fire in elemental form, sudden aggression in people.

March 20 in the building period of the Aries-Libra lunar eclipse multiple deaths from a bus accident in Spain -all were female students. This event reflects the travel warning due to Saturn square Jupiter. All forms of transport are vulnerable in this period - land, sea, air
March 20 - car goes off pier into sea -Northern Ireland multiple deaths
March 20 Egg sized hail in China -reflects the extreme weather indicator in the astrology forecast

March 22 terror attacks in central Brussels, capital of Belgium. Two main transport hubs affected -the international airport and a central metro train station.
Multiple deaths and injuries. Twin blasts were activated around 8am local time, with a third around an hour later. Islamic state claimed responsibility. Suspects on camera wheeling trolleys into the airport. Updates
Lunar events are known to coincide with extreme behaviour and the March 23 eclipse, as forecast in report, stimulated aggressive activity, while the ideological extremism stimulated under the early March eclipse remains in effect. No surprise that transport networks -as warned here - were targeted.
March 26 Multiple examples of job cuts

March 27 Al Jazeera announces 500 jobs to be cut
March 27 Easter bombing in Pakistan targets Christians
March 29 NZPost announces 500 job cuts


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...